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City of Clearwater, Florida
October 22, 1981
, /"
Elizabeth S. Haeseker, Assistant City Manager, Chairman
David Healey, Planning Director
Paula Harvey, Planner II, Planning Department
Cecil Henderson, Assistant Public Works Director
, Claude Howell, Civil Engineer, Utilities Department
Art ,Kader, Assistant Director, Parks and Recreation
George Bunmeyer, Fire Marshal
'ROY Ayres, Building Inspection Director
Walt Hilton, Chief of Permits and Inspections, Building Department
John Russell, Energy Office
Don Meerians, Assistant Traffic Engineer
Mik-e- -eampbei oJ. -,- -:tam -Re'SOUrct:!S" -S p~"t!.:t a 111!t:
Emerson'Atkinson,Atkinson-Van Horn Associates
Michael English, Land Associates
,:Do'uglasRoach, Land Associates
, 'John Mancini.
,Richard Pritts, Pritts/Peattie Architects
, Richard' peattie, pritts/Peattie Architects
'Curtis J. DeYOung, DeYoung & Associates
Harry'S. Cline, McCullen/Everett, Attorneys
Jesse Brinkley, Druhill Professional Center
'" Hank St. Jean, Williams & t'lalker'
Dennis A. Plumley, Carter/Evans & Associates
Stan Nester, Chateaux DeVille
Tony Davis, Chateaux DeVille
C" Stevens, Chateaux DeVille
,The, meeting was called to order by Chairman Elizabeth Haesaker
at 10:10 a.m. in the Assistant City Manager's Conference Room
in the City Hall Annex.
Item #1 - Minutes of October 8, 1981 ROC Meeting
Corrections noted on pages 1,3,4,6, and 7 of original copy. Motion
to' approve as amended carried unanimously.
.: ,t
ITEM #2 - SUNSET COACHMAN CENTER (Atkinson Van Horn Associates in
pinellas County)
Preliminary Subdivision Plat
Paula Harvey: Indicate on the plat that it is a Preliminary
Subdivision Plat.
Art Kader: No comments.
Cecil Henderson: Presented written comments prepared by City
Engineer, J.W. Rooks. Comments are attached as Item #2
Don Meerians: No comments.
~~1t Hilton: No comments.
George Buhmeyer: No comments.
John Russell: No comments.
Claude Howell: Would like them to document that ingress and
egress should be over duly constituted roadways.
.\ MOTION: Cecil Henderson made a motion to approve the preliminary
subdivision plat for the Sunset Coachman Center. The motion was
seconded by George Buhmeyer and carried unanimously.
r-::.', ITEM #3 - 48.93 ACRE TRACT: Located East side of u.S. 19 North
''"-'" '
Community Impact statement
Paula Harvey:
Noted the following areas that needed clarification:
1. Show that the new classification will generate similar traffic.
.2. Planning is aware of the request of parkland waiver. through
annexation. Owner should not assume he will receive the waiver.
Would like a statement that owner recognizes that the waiver
may not be granted, and that in such a case owner will agree
to negotiate with the City.
3. It is implied under Housing that there will be no residential
use. PS zoning will permit multiple family dwellings at
twelve units per acre. Would like a statement showing that
the potential for multiple family housing will be recognized.
Art Kader: Cannot support a waiver of parkland dedication because of
'the loss of open space to the City.
Cecil Henderson: Presented written comments prepared by City
Engineers R.J. Maran and Terry Jennings. Would like to see a
master plan for utilities and drainage in this area so that "
. Committee will know what will be needed to serve the development.
Don Meerians: No .comments.
Walt Hilton: Advised developer that any work started prior to
.annexation will be followed through by the County. Architectural
~: . - .
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ITEM #3 (Continued)
Walt Hilton: section states that the energy code and handicapped requirerrents
will be met. Wanted to make the developer aware that there have been recent
changes in these requirements.
George Bu11n'e~: No CCltlllents.
John Russell: Highly reccmrended the use of natural gas which is available
on u.s. 19.
Claude Howell: Mentioned that the extension of the gas maIn will be paid
for by the City. Also, t.he site to be developed is in an area in which
the City is looking for well sites.
Elizabeth Haesaker: CCJl1l'eI1ted to the developer that Environrrental was
very pleased with that portion of the CIS that pertained to Environrrental
tCI'IOO: Paula Harvey reccmrended approval of the CIS with the following
That infol::Itation be sulxnitted to the Planning DepartIrent to be included
in the CIS addressing the follCMing subjects:
1. Parkland dedication.
2. Probability. of residential use of the property.
3. Master plan for drainage and utilities.
4. Energy conservation.
cecil Henderson seconded the m:Jtion for the purpose of discussion. A state-
ment that a rraster plan for drainage and utilities will be provided. is
sufficient. for Engineering's purposes at this t:i.rce.
Art" Kader also stated that the parkland dedication issue of the rrotion
is, jUst that the developer will work with Parks and Recreation to rreet the
parkland dedication of 10%. The rrotion carried. unanirrously.
CCmmmity Impact Statement
Roy Ayres replacing Walt Hilton at this time.
. Paula Harvey: Statanents express dependency for project develor;rrw:mt upon
::the City's making improvarents along Druid Road. Planning cannot speak on
. this, Public Works needs to address this issue.
Art Kader No ccmnents.
, :r:
Cecil Henderson: Presented written ccnments prepared by City Engineer
. J .W. Rooks. . Was concerned. if'.the developer had. discussed the raising of
Dnii.d,Rciid with Max Battle. Developer stated that it was proposed that
the. center of Droid Road be raised two foot and Mr. Battle said he would
have no prOblem with that if the adjoining property owners would not object.
Each p~y <:MIler was verbally contacted and all stated they would have
." no,: piOb1em with the raising of the road. Mr. Battle also stated the City
. WJUld pay costS because it would solve a drainage problem.
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cecu Henderson: cann.ittee can't speak to timing and financing of the raising
of Druid Road. Construction easarents will be required and Ccmnittee will
look to the developer for help in acquiriJ'lg these easarents.
Don Meerians: No canrents.
Ft?Y A~es: If an addendum is suhnitted he would like a staterent that energy
and handicapped requirarents will be lOOt.
George Buhrneyer: No c:atmmts on CIS.
John Russell: Shadow effects and energy conservation are gcx:x1. Natural gas is
available and he ~d strongly recarmend it, especially in the racquetball
building. Consider the possibility of solar on the south roof. Security
lighting reccmrendation of high-pressure sodium lighting.
Claude HO\~ll: CIS should read one individual rreter per~. uni t .
MJrICN: Paula Harvey made a notion to approve the CIS. MJtion was seconded by
Art Kader and carried unanim:>usly.
Preliminary Site Plan
Paula IJaryey: Planning DeparbTent ccmnents are as follows:
'1. Plan does not always apr:ear to be Icrta. scale.
.2. Indicate square footage on each building and an additional note that
all buildings with 5,000 square feet will require loading spaces.
3. Sidewalks along Druid Road to be in right-of-way easem:nt.
4. Request right-of-way easerrent be dedicated right-of-way.
5. ' Indicate.on site plan what is located on West side of property.
6. Request zoning and land use plan change for entire site to PS for area
Shown as ML.
.7. Indicate height and distance between buildings, and floor area of
,8. Architecture along Druid Road should not have a solid wall effect.
9. : Vegetation, along the right-of-way is required.
10. Problem with traffic flCM within the site. Seems to be confusing in
~ areas, particularly in the Southeast area.
. Art Kader: No CCl111'eI\ts.
Don Me&-ians: Would like a 30' entrance with the elimination of the traffic
"island. The parking lot North of one of the office rrodules, South of Druid
Road, looks like it is less than a 10' radius. Would like a note on <the size
of the parking spaces. Sidewalks are required; the sidewalks along Druid Road
should be 5' and the one along Magnolia Avenue can be 4' .
Cecil Henderson: With regards to drainage - the \'.Urk will not be done by the
, City. Ditch as shoon is not acceptable to the Public Works Depart:rrEnt because
of the depth and side slopes that are too steep. .
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ITEM *4 (Continued)
cecil Henderson: Request the following changes:
, \
f} 1. Use of railroad right-of-way with their permission.
'..... 2. Developrent of a reasonable side slope using the 10' setback.
3. Engineering calculations shCMing canpliance with City stann water policy.
Roy Ayres: Supports Paula Harvey's request for di.m:msions and \'.Ould like
handicapped spaces to be identified.
, ~.
.- .
George Buhrre~: Wsting water main is 10" not 8".
John Russell: No further carments.
Claude HCMell: Water system ITUst be looped and tied to 10" line in two places.
Before going to the Camtission, water systan rrnlst be overlayed on the site plan.
MJrICN: paula Harvey noved to approve the site plan with the following conditions:
1. Plans be drawn to scale.
2. All loading space requirements be net.
3. Sidewalks according to our ordinances be shown on plan.
4. Application for change to PS zoning for entire parcel be su1:mitted to
the Planning Departrrent.
5. Dimensions be shCMn to indicate distance between buildings, floor area and
height of blildings.
6. Internal traffic pattern be revised and approved by the Traffic Engineering
Departrrent to provide for safe internal traffic flOW'.
7. That access. to Druid Road be a minimum of 30' and the island shown on
plan be deleted.
8. That any reference to City impJ:OVel:Iel1t of drainage ditch be deleted.
9. Drainage ditch and all stann water systan design be approved by the
City Engineer. looped
10. Water systan be,41Oiad: through the project with connection as approved by
. 11. Plans going to the camrl.ssion show all infonna.tion as provided and requested
in the caments, and that all water syste:ns be overlayed on the site plan.
Cecil Henderson seconded the rrotion.
.... l ".\
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There was discussion by Paula Harvey, Mr. DeYoung, Elizabeth Haesaker and
cecil Henderson with the fOllowing p:>ints stressed; Traffic Engineering will
not design the internal traffic pattern. Mr. Henderson would like a revision
to show 'What the access area along Magnolia Avenue is to be.
The rrotion carried una.nirrous1y.
~:. .
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David Healey replaced Paula Harvey at this t.i..ne.
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Community Impact Statement
?,.:..<~). " David Healey:
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Planning Department comments are as follows:
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David Healey:
~and accepts responsibility for
1. Needs a letter 0 compliance that indicates that Williams & Walker,
Architects, prepare the Community Impact Statement and the Preliminary
Site. Plan.
2. In regard to the sanitary sewage, something more needs to be
said relative to its being in the East treatment plant.
3. Section on finance omits the second half of the formula as to
anticipated annual cost to the City.
4. Expand on the rent section so as to explain basis of determination.
Art Kader: No comments.
cecil Henderson: Presented written comments prepared by City
Engineer, John W. Rooks. Informed developer that steps must be
taken .to get an easement across the City property.
,', . Don Meerians: No comments.
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Roy.Ayres: No comments.
George Buhmeyer: No comments on CIS.
John Russell: Strongly suggests the use of natural gas which is
. available. '. Gas would be run to the property at the City's expense.
Also suggests.the'use of high-sodium lighting as security lighting.
Claude Howell: Statement on water supply is dependent upon
. easements.
MOTION: David Healey moved to approve the CIS subject to the pre-
paration of an addendum to include:
1. The required letter of compliance.
2. The cost section of the financial analysis wi~h identification
of the basis for computing rents. '
3". An explanation of the arrangements, for accommodating sewage
'effluent in the East treatment plant.
Qeorge'Buhmeyer seconded the motion.
. Cecil Henderson amended the motion to require the developer to put
in a statemen~ in the CIS that easement must be provided by the
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An\endment to the Motion (Continued~
~ City for the installation of the sanitary sewer across City
, ,..'~ property.
~.~. '- ' . . -
Motion was seconded by George Buhmeyer. Motion and amendment carried
Preliminary Site Plan
David Heale~:
1. Need something to document that this is an existing lot of
record so that the minimum lot width of 200' does not cause you
to have to get a variance.
2. Need calculation to show the density based on net instead of
gross area.
3. There needs to be a 3' landscape strip along the East property
4. Show building heights.
5. Need to put sidewalks along S.R. 590.
Would like to make a general comment that the design layout of the
,"',0',. the project with respect to the parking =:t:Qt. leaves a lot to be
.:' ".:...':;..) 'desired. aesthetically. arrangement
Art Kader: Would like to see an 8' chain link fence along the
'South boundary of Moccasin Lake Park. There was some discussion
as to whether the developer would provide the City with funds to
.put.up the fence on City property, or whether the developer would
put the fence'up on his site. The issue will be addressed at a
later .time. ·
Cecil Henderson: Presented written comments prepared by City
Engineer, John W. Rooks. Comments are attached as Item #5.
Don.Meerians: The Southern-most parking lot could be redesigned
to save 2500 square feet of asphalt with considerable cost savings
to the developer if it wouldn't hurt the trees in that area.
Roy Ayres: Sidewalks would be required along S.R. 590. Handi.capped
requirements have recently been changed. The developer replied
that HUD requirements have been met and these are even more restrictive.
George Buhmeyer: No comments.
John Russell: No comments.
Claude Howell: Water system shows a dead-end line. This is not
acceptable and he can't address it the way it 'is drawn. Dumpster
locations need to be modified.
There was some discussion with the developer questioning the ease-
ment requirements of the city. David Healey spoke to the developer
about the 3' landscape strip as a buffer area between the off-
street parking area, and the single family homes adjoining. He
also questioned if the development would be individually addressed.
The developer replied that the addressing would be off S.R. 590.
It was suggested that the developer contact the Post Office to be
MOTION: Cecil Henderson moved to approve the site plan subject
to the following conditions:
1. That sidewalks be shown along S.R. 590 as required.
2. That easements be provided for the water system up to and
including the meters, and that ingress and egress easement for
sanitation vehicles be provided.
3. That a fence be installed along the South property line as
required by the City.
4. That an acceptable storm water system be designed by the
developer and approved by the City Engineering Department.
5. Provide the ,status of the lot that has to do with the width
within this particular zoning.
, 'v 6. That the density ind::i:eat::ed:::on::t:be=:ne.1:.=z.t:1:ea be shown on the
plan, in ne t area.
7. That the building height be shown on the plan.
'8. That the required landscaping be indicated on the plan.
Motion was seconded by Claude Howell. There was some discussion
between the developer, David Healey, Cecil Henderson, and Art Kader
about storm water detention, landscaping, and the fence. Regarding
the fence, the developer proposed that he will either provide the
City with a fence totally on the development site, or else he will
provide 'the City the funds to construct the fence totally on City
AMENDMENT TO THE MOTION: Cecil Henderson wanted to amend the motion
to'include that all easements that are to be provided to the City
be agreed to in writing prior to the issuance of the building permit.
Also, that the agreement for the chain link fence be consummated
by payment or by agreement in writing prior to the issuance of the
building permit. Amendment seconded by Claude Howell.
Motion and amendment carried unanimously.
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Community Impact Statement
David Healey: Planning Department comments are as follows:
1. Will need a letter of compliance stating that the information
is prepared accurately, and tha t el!l~ri - -Bvan'S" -&' - A"S'S'Oci'8'i:es; --I-nc,: L lov craB,
accepts responsibility for the information therein. Bauer & Stevens
2. Under the utilities section - Need a statement about the
temporary moratorium and/provisions for circumventing it have
been made. that
3. Parkland dedication/is erroneous, it is exempt because of the
size of the project rather than the fact that there is no requirement.
Art Kader: Dave Healey took care of Parks and Recreation comments.
Cecil Henderson: Presented written comments prepared by J.W. Rooks,
City Engineer. Comments are attached as Item #6. Commented that
calculation of water impact fees is not shown. Please recheck these
calculations and also those for sewer impact fees.
Don Meerians: No comments on CIS.
Ro~'Ayres: Asked whether lots would be platted separately. Need to
determine whether project is townhouses or condominiums.
, George Buhmeyer: No comments on CIS.
John Russell: Natural gas is available and will be extended into the
development at the Cityts expense. Recommend the use of high-pressure
sodium security lighting.
Claude Howell: No 'comments.
MOTION: ,David Healey moved to approve the CIS subject to the prepara-
tion of an addendum that addresses the items that have been identified
as follows:
'1. Letter 9f compliance.
2. Expanded description of provision for a sanitary sewage effluent.
3. Parkland dedication requirements.
4. Schedule of fees in the financial section.
Motion was seconded by Cecil Henderson and carried unanimously.
Preliminary Site plan
Preliminary Subdivision plat
David Healey: Planning Department comments are as follows:
1. Refer to net computations in notes. Specifically, #6 which
computes density and open space. Want computations to bo without
the area of the lake. so llS to reflect net density.
2. Check addressing with Bill Sheppard in Public works. Cecil
Henderson stated that addressing would probably be off Nursery
Road since this is a private street system.
3. Will be looking for a drainage easement over the lake. The
decks behind some of the structures may interfere with the required
" ,
4. Several set-back adjustments - for the second cluster of buildings
on the left you need a 15' set-back rather than 10', and from
Nursery Road a 25' set-back is required rather than the 20' shown.
5. Parking requirements cannot be calculated until the determination
is made as to which category the development is going to come under~ i. e.,
single family or multi-family.
6. Consider if at all possible rearranging the parking rather than
having it in front of all the individual units.
, "
Preliminary Plat comment - Something will need to be done to make
the individual lots conform to the townhouse section of the code
w~i9b-.i-s 1800 square feet. The 1800 sq. ft. can include part of
~e__~?cess easement.
requires a minimum lot size of d
Art Kader:' Suggest connecting the/jogging path to the sidewalk
to complete a circle. EloridaHPDWer_bdke_~tb_~ll_abut_Zhe
pi:'Oper-cy..- - zrh;.:r~ -'i-s- -jn:s-C' -f or--.:i::nfonnatiunai- purposes- and -pOS"S'.tbiy
-w~-l-J:.-kel:p~wi:t:h-!Sa-l-es-or-the-"Units-. The City will be constructing a bike path ',' ; ,
on. FL Power right-of-way west of the project. Residents of this project will have easy
Cecil Henderson: Presented written comments which are attached
as Item #6. In addition, note #10 is incorrect. Sanitary lines
are the developers up to the point of connection to our system.
In, regard to land resources - the developer is working with the
owner, of the adjoining area on the East, and they have been working
together to make the area look like a small park by planting trees.
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Plat Comments: Common ,areas must not be left so that they could
be dedicated to the City at a future time. Would like to see the
common areas platted with common use easements to the other owners.
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Don Meerians: There are several things not in compliance with the
code. 1. Access can be 24 .foot to 30 foot in width. Scale shows
an access of 40'. 2. City is trying to eliminate all islands
within roadways because they are the site of frequent accidents.
3. The driving surface of roadways should be 24' in width.
Roy Ayres: Sidewalks along Nursery Road need to be shown, and they
must be 5' in width. Plan seems to be a combination of townhouses
and condominiums. This makes parking as well as other requirements
,,",:,"'1 confusing. Feels that it will take a lot of internal discussion
',~ to determin~ what the development is going' to be classified.
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ITEM #6 - CHATEAUX de VILLE (Continued)
Roy Ayres (Continued): Cannot vote for approval until the deterrilination
of classification is made.
~, , 1
Geor~e Buhmeyer: There are also different regulations for condo-
miniums and townhouses with respect to fire walls and fire
John Russell: Approve of the note that states that high-pressure
sodium lighting will be used. Also, natural gas lines would be
supplied up to the meter.
Claude Howell: Utilities has the following comments:
1. Need a note that the water connection will be made by the City.
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2. Each unit must have its own meter and service. Meter size is
actually 5/8" instead of the 3/4" as stated in notes.
3. Dumpster pads need to be reworked.
, '~,'
4. Would like a note added that water system will be to City
Just a general comment that access to some of the parking spaces
appears to be poor.
MOTION: Roy Ayres made a motion that the site plan be continued
until. the determination of type of housing to be built is made
by the applicant. Motion was seconded by Cecil Henderson.
There was some discussion at which time Dave Healey suggested
starting with the Building Department as a contact point to work
out the 1;GwJltl:ou'se:~s;=:ot;r;Q~.tg~ issue.
multi-family vs. single-family
MOTION: Roy Ayres made a motion to continue the preliminary
subdivision plat until the site plan is approved. Seconded by
Ceci1Henderson. Motions on site plan and preliminary plat
both carried unanimously.
David Healey brought to the Committee's attention what he feels
is a need to amend the procedure for submitting minor and major
site plan changes. He offered the following two suggestions:
1. Set up a more standard procedure for handling changes which
would require the applicant to provide a letter outlining what
is being changed and then'the Planning Department will coordinate
it. with the affected Departments.
2. Would like the Committee to consider and make a recommendation
to the Commission to establish a fee that goes along with the above.
.;... ;....;... Elizabeth Haesaker asked the Conuuittee to give some thought to
: <:) L. -. these suggestions and it will be put on the agenda for November 12
:-:' ,. for. discussion at that time. .. .,.-
'.Meeting adjourned at 2:10 p.m.