08/27/1981 ,.', " '. ' ", . '... I ~ '. \, '.".. '<:,.".i~,:.'."".f:: .'.... '" -<,.\:::",:",:;.,:'~"""...,.:.I~:' :'... :'.'...::::,:::....,l ',,'''.I:'':\'.';;''::':~:':::~>\\'..'.',,~.\:.~..:,~:,:.:.:.:::.,:,.:,~..:.~':.:::: " ' . " , " ' '\ ' E,.' "'" E:\' , ':", :'.'Ii' ::? . ',' " ' , I.'. . -L{:',' I,. , ,. f~ MINUTES RESOURCE Dh~ELOPMENT COMMITTEE Augunt-27, 1981 Official r' Members Preaonts / /". V David Healey, Planning Director Paul Rettig, Utilitio8 Director George Buhmeyor, Fire Marshal Ream Wileon, Director of Parka and Rocreatj,on Don Meerians, Assistant Traffic Engineer John Rooks, Civil Engineer, Public Works John Peddy, Energy Officer Roy.Ay~ea, Building Department Director / // '.~,/ Members Not Present Elizabeth S. Haeseker, Assistant Oi ty Manager, Chairman " others Present: . Paula Harvey, Planning Department Claude Howell, utilities Department Patricia Stough, Building Department Sandy Lloverao, L10veraa, Baur & Stevens (Druid Oquare) Ron Riley, King'Enginee~ing Association (Braeeide Place) ,Paul Wendling, HDR (Adler Building) Roy C ~ Wood', Morton Plant Hospital ;'James A.Connell (Bay Oaks Place) ,. . ~, .,' . ~'~ 'I';:;":.., " ", Ken Swable (Bay Oaks !llace) , ~/:,-':.\lY,",' 'Edlfll,rd Mazur, Jr., Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. (Village) 'h\::" ' ,NickZarra, ,Poat , Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. :;j'~(,' ; , ,'Joe Lane, The, :Lane Company 'i;;':'~"< " Douglas McMillen, JamesW. Roberts, Jr., Inc. (!r:' ': De,nnfs Kirby" The Lana' Company ,C\,:' '. ','- ,'Karoi Targal, ,C.A. Peterson, Inc. (Rodaway Inn Restaurant) it::::, : ',:, A ~ Menna (Rodeway Inn) l;.'~":( ';c'c':..' . ;,~.;.~,!.L,',...'..',:',~,,:, \ ". ' ,The meeting was called to ord er at 10: 15 a.m. in the Opera tiona _' : Center, Conference Room by Ream Wilson, 'who was Acting Cha.irman in the' [;:>~:t:: ,. absence of Mrs'.' Haeseker. .~~:\.~::.. t. c ,~~r;~::: :," '. , ,: ITEM ,#1 - Druid Square,:" Professional Office Com lex. Dynamic )~'".:: " Inc. Cont. from 7 9 81 , located on Druid Road East of South ;-':", \. " Harrison A venue. g//,:..', "!\~" ,:~, ~tJ~~::;q V::"~0, r,;;"i-J ,t(',,", . " ~f~?<:' "', ,~ ' .- :J";' ',~ " '..', t~{':':: . , ?::.;.\~,~.':~:.:- ,: ,,.,:,: " , " Minutes'of the previous meeting were not available for review. Industries, Fort ,PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN John Peddy - No comment. ~Paul Rettig - Each meter to a ,building has been shown but no sizes of 'water mains are indicated. The line should not be less than a 2", possibly 4 "depending an the load. ,,{.'Ir. Llovera.s said they would submit . the, revised site plan for his review"with water mains shown. Mr. Rettig did not likeloaation of the dumpster pad on the East end, as the garbage truck'would ha.ve to pull in and back clear out. ,The dumpsters should be located with the approval of the Sanitation Superintendent. ,I , \ -1- RDO 8-27-81 .d" ~ 11 Mr. Buhmeyer - No comment. ".-., Mr. Moorians - No comment. Mr. Rooks - Distributed and discussed written comments. (attached) There was discussion about item 2-Eaaements and Mr. Lloveras asked if thore wan a problem in their having a 6" water lino within the 10' easement. MI'. Rooks said the purpose was for the City to have a water line to serve the property to the Southeast if it was noeded. The North 10' of the property needs to be dedicated ROW easement but could be uoed for overflow parking. Mr. Rooks also gave comments for the Environmental Section. (ahown with Engineering written comments) Approximately seven additional greenspacea would be needed, or 4% of the interior haa to ,be green per ordinance. Mr. Lloveras asked if they would be losing a few more parlcing spacea and making them open spaces? Mr. Rooks said that basically was right. Mr. Lloveras asked if he could use the parking spaces as grass parking spaces. Mr. Rooks said yes. Also, developer was advised to oontact Chris Co~les, Land Resources Specialist. on tree replacement and landscaping. Mr. Buhmeyer - Suggested the developer put a T instead of an elbow at the hydrant for future growth. There was some discussion about this. Mr. 'Ayres - Did not see any handicapped parking spaces shown. They needed to locate the spaces so that when using the ramps to get into the building the handicapped people would not have to' wheel behind any parked cars. Mr. Lloveras said they would indicate two handicapped parking spaces as required. ,\ Paula Harvey - Gave Planning Department comments. She understood that the zoning was to be changed to P.S. She asked that the applications be filled out prior to them taking it to the Commission, which would probably bo September 17 if they did not have to go to the Planning and Zoning Board. She would get clarification ae to whether or not they needed to go before the Planning and Zoning Board. Within the P.S. zone there is a requirement that 70% of the area is the maximum for impermeable lot coverage. To come closer to that requirement ahe suggested that some of the parking spaces be delated. Minimum requirement would be 78 parking spaces so there would be leeway. If the zoning was to P.S., the setback requirements would be 10'x 10'x 10' and not l5'x 15' x 10' they were : using. According to ordinance requirements they would need to locate two loading spaces on the site. Inquired as to the height of the building. The'deve1oper indicated that the maximum would be under 20' and it would be shown on plan. Alao, the notes indicated that the County Land Use Plan haa the area as'Industrial, but actually it was Commercial/Tourist Facilities, Light Manufacturing, and Residential/Office. The site crosses several zoning districts and land use classifications. This was just a note correction. Don Meeriane - When they give the 10' easement fifteen parking spaces in front could not count toward the 78 space requirement although they can be there. They would ~~ed to, add three spaces. There was,some discussion about how the developer could provide the requir~d park1ng. ." MOTION -Paula Harvey made a motion to approve the Preliminar,y Site Plan 'subjeot to the following conditions. 1. 2. 3. property. be provided along water lines. easements be provided. easement be provided along the East side of the That easements T~rainage AWJutili ty /t7 1';1. -2- RDC 8-27-81 ,':'.. , " , " .' .,~ . ' 4. A 10' ROW essr-)nt be provided along 5. That tho parking area be adjusted to easement and interior landscape requirements. 6. That handicapped parking and loading spncea be provided. ~, Applicant to submit proper applications for rezoning and ohanging the Land Use Plan to P.S. and Residential/Office respectively. 8. Dumpster locations to be approved by the Sanitation Superintendent. ' ,-... Druid nos' . provide for the ROW Motion was seconded by Mr. Buhmeyer. Paula Harvey said that if they were going to get this item on the September 17 meeting of the Commission, the Planning Department would appreciate it if before the revised plans were submitted they were reviewed and approved by members of the Committee who had concerns. Mr. Lloverss said he would see that all members got copies of the revised plan. Me. Harvey said she would follow up. " " Motion was voted on and passed unanimously. 1. ' '" ,II. "'0 ,!':, "c.', ':.' .' , " J . '~.' l' " 1:.', ' ',' ' i~~.'c f:: .- " t.1\" \':I'~ ' ." , ,f.', , {: ,,' ~:: f, .. "" ";\'. :. ~. J. '. " , .~. .. , . " :('. " ;:;:-:. " .~~,: , : " ~:., .. fc:", i... ,. :!:.'. ~:';..... , , . ;'~;., . I, ;:~ ~". ~ ~,c .' ' ..' ~ . ''!I' ,;:: ,.', , '~;""'8 ':L.: T \ " ....,. . ~.":.'. i " t' ~:" ' : ~ \ .t,' f:?.:',,' '. ;.',':. ' \Lt, , . .. ~r;;~<'::,;::,> (Representatives for Item #2 were delayed-Item #3 was called) ITEM'#3 - Braeside Place (Last Phase of Sunfish Bay), Raymond E. Murray, located on Bayehore Boulevard opposite Arlie Place. 'COMMUNITY 'IMPACT STATEMENT-WAIVER REQUESTED Mr.~on Reilly of King Engineering Association was present. MOTION: P~ula Harvey moved that the C.I.S. be waived. Motion was voted on and p~ssed.' REVISED MASTER SITE PLAN AND PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAT John Peddy - (Master Site Plan) Requested that the street lighting be of the high intensity type, preferably high pressure sodium. If the developer leased the lights from the power oompany they would be high pressure 'sodium; if he purchases them outright t1r. Peddy recommended high pressure sodium type lighting. Mr. Reilly said they probably would be . leas'ing the lights. , Paul Rettig - (Site Plan) There were problema because they were tying into a water line that the Utilities Department had never received an easement ..:for, and it would be necesBary for the developer to get an easement from ,. the'Sunfieh Day condos for that water line. Wanted to know why the water main was looped instead of going straight throu~l. The line should be ,tied in,with the 6" line indicated and another 6" line on the other side of the street. A 2" water line could he run in to serve the seven lots and 4" ,liQuId not be necessary. There should be a 2" permanent blow off on the .\ ' end. He wanted an easement over the water line and an ingress and egress easement for the garbage trucks. Mr. Reilly.said the intent was to provide this easement and on the plat they provide it. The turnaround 'should,be a minimum of 78 feet for a garbage truck to turn around in. There was some discussion about the radius needed. No problem with the " Subdivision Plat. -3- RDC 8-27-81 . , 'I, '~ . . ~ ..... ~ ' ir, I . 1 .; , '. , . ' . . , , ~ ,', J F o , ,......., ,r-., Mr. BUhmeyer - Firo Do~ ,;mont. t'Olluirod nn IJdd.lUonal hy .lnt at the occese rond comins in nnd lho onn to ho l'OlOOlltoc1 ohould be taken off the lot line Dnd 10ft by tho wntor I1no junt off of lot 7. There was some diocuooi.on nbout locntion 01' tho hydrllnln. Don Meoriano - City ntnndurd 10 UloL tho pltving width be 24 feet, not including curb and Ruttorn. John Rooko .. Diott'ibulod nnd uommontod on tho Hneinoerine and Environmental itoml1. (flttnchod) Thorn wnu llomo diaauooion about the Clearwater Bnct plnnt unt1 tho mnrlf\ROriul moratorium. The devoloper would be required to niSo tho nttnohod om'oomont rogarding same. Developer was advised to chock with Chr10 Cowlon (lJurul Reoourcoo Specialist) for final site plan approval. Roy Ayras - Some diooulloi.on nbout oito plnn. Mr. Ayres said that the plat muot be recorded befol'!! tho Building Permi t would be issued. Add note that sidewalko woul~ bo inutAllod along all public rights-of-way per City code. ' Paula Haryey - Tho Bubdivloion plat and Master aite plan will have to go before the Planning nnd Zoning Board before it can go to the City Commission. Zoning on the oite ia now R.P.D. Two of the initial deed restrictions affect the projeot; one was the statement that the 80 ft. drainage and utility easoment shown on the South side of the property is designated olear apace and could not have a wall or hedge that would block, the view from Bayahore Blvd. to the bay. There was some discussion about a railroad tie wall Dhown on the plan. Ms. Harvey said in a designated clear space area there ahould not be anything constructed or planted within the aite that would be over 30" in height. The plan showed that there is an 80 ft. drainage and utility easement and it should be designated on the mBster site plan BS clear apace. Part of the clear space policy is that nothing could be constructed over :;0" in height above existing grade. The other deed restriction concerns a statement that says no apartment building should be closer than 90 feet to the center line of Bayehore Blvd. If the developer would have a problem with that then she suggested there needs to be an amendment to the restriction. There was discuesion relative to the developer's attorney getting together with the City Attorney to discuas to what extent the deed restrictions would apply. Alao, one other other point in the restrictions is that single family dwellings to the North and South of the Sunfish Bay area are to be buffered by p1antinge. There was some discussion about landscaping the area. Thore should be an indication that the security gates can be opened for emergency vehicles without the assistance of a resident property owner. III addition, there are two requirements for lot coverage; maximum building coverage is 40% and maximum impermeable lot coverage is 65% for R.P.D. zona. Developer's notes need to be changed to indicate this instead of 45% maximum which is shown on the plan. Ream Wilson - No comment. MOTION - (ReVised Master Site Plan) - Roy Ayres made a motion that the Site Plan be continued. Paula Harvey seconded the motion. Motion was voted on and 'passed unanimously. (Preliminary Subdivision Plat) Paula Harvey made a motion that the Subdivision Plat be ,continued. Roy Ayres seconded the motion, which passed. -4- Rre 8-27-81 ." f': ,.-. ~ #2 - Adler BUildinL l Morton Plant Hosj>i tal - locll t. . South of Went Jeffords street and Eaut of Bay Avenue. COMMUNITY IMPACT STATE~rnNT c John Peddy - Paul Rettig - George Duhmoyor- .!!.~MoorionD - E.EJ Ayrea - John Raolce - No comments. ~ Harvey - In the C.I.S. under item IIktl mention io mndo of increasing the height ~f the Adler Building to 96' in the future. Under the present zoning ordinance requiremente thoy would probably bo po~nitted to do thia, but there is the pOBsibili ty tha t thoBO l'oquiromonto may be changed in the near future because of the proposod land devolopmont code. There wao a little discussion on possible changea in tho code. Ream Wilson - No comment. r MOTION - Paula Harvey made a motion to approve the C.I.S. Roy Ayres seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. .'1, . PRELHITNARY SITE PLAN - ,', John Peddy - Suggested 'that all outdoor and seourity lighting that will be installed in this addition should be the high intensity type, preferably high pressure sodium, or metal halide. Paul Rettig - No problem with Site Plan. .,: 'L~ ' George Buhmeyer - No problems. Some discussion about changing the North Chinese connection from the 53 Building out beyond any construction so they could maintain access. Don Meerians - Aisle widths at the ends of the roads would have to be 24 , feet because they were going to have two-way traffic. No other comments. John Rooks - Distributed and discussed written Engineering Department comments.(attached) There was BomB discussion about the stonn sewer and the location of the building. Roy Ayres - No comments. Paula Harvey - Any hospital use in the I.S.P. zone has to be approved for special exception use by the Board of Adjustment and Appeal. Some discussion about the existing parking lot and possibly redesigning or restriping same. Also, the sidewalk continuation should be shown on the plan. Additional utility loading spaces may be needed. As the hospital 'expands they will be limited to 45% maximum building coverage on the site. '> Ream Wilson - No comment. Don Maerians - Suggested that they eliminate the center aisle of the ,parking lot and change the stalls so there is a circular movement all the way around. MOTION - Paula Harvey moved that the Site Plan be approved with the , following conditions. (1) Special exception use be approved by the ~oard of Adjustment and Appeal for the hospital addition in the I.S.P. zone. (2)' The parking area at the corner of Pinellss street and Bay Avenue be redesigned to provide for circular movement in aocordance with the Traffic Engineering Department. George Buhmeyer seoonded the motion, which passed. -5- ROC - 8-27-81 , r~ After the lunch brenk f. I 12100 was in attendance, Claude Howoll of the meeting, and Patti Stough Ayres. ........... trO 1100, T>nvo IInnluy, P lninfl Diroctor, uut in fat' puul nolUg for lho romnindor from lht.l1d tnH tomJlortll'lly nn l tn for ~tr. () ITEM 114 Bay Oake Condominum, Bay Oaks PInoo UO,volojlmnn t CQJ'.{lo,r.n tion, located on the West side of Oocoolo streot Lotwonn Godar and Pnlm Blurf. {James Connell and Ken Swoblo) , .r REVISED PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN - I, Claude Howell - No problem. Got with tho Son! to tion Deportmont for the placement of the dumpster. When tho timo comt)O t'or tho water main to go in, go straight aoross the rondo Aloo, provido oaflomonto. Devoloper said that was covered in the notes. ," , , John Rooks - Distributod and diocusaed r~nginaoring lJrld Land Ucoourca comments. (Attached) Make sure that thoro io 0 Dwalo that stays dry and runoff does not so onto adjacent propertien. Thoy could une Borne sort of piping to the bottom of the hill to ,avoid eroaion of the bluff. There was some discussion about the swala. The developer waD ndvloed to see Chris Cowles to discuss the Land Resource comments. :/ : ,I.: .' " Don Maerians - Some discuBsion about the dumpster being located to be Bure there was enough room to maneuver. The driveway should be 24 feet in width and should be probably about 10 foot radiuses, 2 radiuses out to the curb. There was discussion about the width of the driveway. "George Buhmeyer - Prefer that the hydrant be closer to the access than is , .shown on the plan. Dave Healey - Commented that a certified survey would be required. Dock shown would need approval by the Board of Adjustment and Appeal and would not be approved as part of the aite plan approval process. Some discussion about the building height and that it should be indicated on the site plan. The Board of Appeale has granted a 5 foot setback variance on the North and South property linea lJnd for a wrought iran fence. Nates should indicate type of fence approved. Garages that are parallel to Osceola Avenue are a poor arrangement and detracts from the view through to the buildings. Would encourage the developer to either give everyone 'a single garage parallel to the South property line or go to carports, or some other arrangement. Aleo, he objected to the treatment of the bluff. The earlier plan pulled the buildings up on top of the bluff and left the natural vegetation intact. In connection with the garages, he did not , understand how the drive and paved area would work. There was no parking area delineated in the courtyard. Developer was advised to get with Chris Cowles reference oaving the trees in the courtyard. They could reconfigure the courtyard and have less paving and a neater parking arrangement, inoluding provision for undercover car storage. Osceola Avenue ia a'aubatandard right-of-way and they would require another 7-1/2 or 8 feet to make it a standard 30 foot half right-of-way. It could be dedioated as right-of-way easement and would not change the setbacks. John Peddi - Comment that any exterior lighting should be high intensity 80 watt or better. They might consider landscaping the North and Northwest corner to keep the wind off the pool and that would help the temperature losa . ...., Ream Wilson - No comment. .. -6- RDC 8-27-81 <, ' "I :.. . ',.... .', ," .,'....: .:,::'':' ,'. ..... ,,:1. .,'". '. :':/' '. I'. '." :.... .., '" ',' '.'::',' .:,,:~,:...~~, ::,:' ,. I . I '.~,::'.-i,,"""I<~. ":' , <~ " ~ r'~ i' . ~ r-. Patti Stough - In reape I to the dock, ovon if thoy were .~king improvements to the dock, Andy Nicholson (Oceanographer, Public Works) would like to Bea the configuration the dock would be taking. Also, to expedi te the Duilding review once thoy are finished with tho Commisoion review, tho following documents would bo needed: 3 complete sets of drawings, 5 sete of engineered oite plana (to include the treo Burvey), the Building Application forme, an impermeable lot coverage work aheet which you can obtain from the Building Department, and state of Florida energy forms. If all of the documents are oubmittod in full, the Building Department will coordinate their review, to include the Fire Marshal, and it will expedite their review. MarIOll: Dave Healey made a motion that the Preliminary Site Plan be recommended for approval subject to reconsideration of the garage units and interior parking circulation area and, subject to the approval of the Planning Department, the Environmental Section, Qnd the Traffic Engineer. Motion to include the other comments made of a routine nature to be included on the plan. Patti Stough seconded the motion. Motion was voted on and passed unanimously. ITEM #5 - The Village at Countryside, Lane Com an , Ltd., Northwest corner of U.S. 19 and Enterprise Road. Countryside Tracts 45, 72, 73 and 74 REVISED MASTER SITE PLAN ,Claude'Howell - Suggested that natural gas be used as it is available in the area. Patti Stough - No comments. John Rooks - Distributed and discussed written comments. (attached) Bob Maran, engineer who prepared comments, had question about detention ponds for the area. Developer said it had been changed to four retention areas on the plat as drainage easements. They had also shown utility easements on both sides of the water line and revised copies would be forthcoming. , Mr. Rooks also stated that they would need the 20 foot easement to be designated as a utility easement. Don Maerians - There was a little discussion of the parking spnces and adjustment of parking on the West side. George BUhmeyer - No comments. Dave Healey - The original plan was approved almost two years ago and oince that time there had been a major and a minor plan change. The,plan does not coincide with the plat. There was some discussion about the number of square feet proposed to be provided for through the restaurant, which originally showed as 4,000 square feet. This would be 11,000 anil if approved along with the remainder of the plan would put them over the number of commercial square feet which was imposed on the overall plan initially, being 100,000 square feet. Apart from other considerations, the increase in the number of square feet is an item that would have to go back to the City Commission for approval in that they imposed the original limitation'of 100,000 square feet. A particular concern was that the parking s~ces were shown as the same number as prior to the plan amendment, whereas something greater than that would be required, There was 80me discussion about parking spaces and that the ones in the right-of-way easement would not count as required spaces. They would need a supplement that showa the developer's calculations and that on the site they have the required number. The developer was to send a letter that could be attached to the plan change. -7~ RDC 8-27-81 r\'~ ,I ,f, ,",./ , , ~~~'.' :/~~~~ ~:,~:,:'. 'IJ~~>~ ;.~ "O'~' ',' i" ,~~: " - John Peddl - Would rocnnd metal halide lighting whicli-:mld Bive tho high effioiency lighting. Ream Wilson - No oomment \ Roy Ayres - Some discussion about sidewalk roquirement~. It was decided to discuss the SUBDIVISION PLAT before making n motion Claude Howell - No comment. Roy Ayres - Plat must be filed before perroito can be issued. John Rooks - No oomments other than those previously discussed. Don Meerians - No comment. George Buhmeyer - No comment. Dave Healey - There was some discussion about the plat. Mr. Healey asked if the three individual lots and Building Permits that have been issued 'for them meet the requirements as free-standing, independent buildings with setbacks, parking, etc. The developer said they did. They were revising the plat. \ John Peddy - No comment. Ream Wilson - No comment. ,'MOTION - (Revised Subdivision Plat) Dave Healey made a motion recommending that the Revised Subdivision Plat be approved as applicant ,has described they propose to modify it, with the comments that have been made with respect to the easements that are necessary. John Peddy seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. MOTION - (Revised Master Site Plan) - Dave Healey moved that the Site Plan be continued until two 'things have occurred. ,1. Determination by the State'in respect to the applicability of the D.R.I. process. 2. The other revisions that are now contemplated to the Site Plan so that a single major plan amendment csn go forward to the Commission reflecting the final layout on the site. John Peddy seconded the motion. There'was some discussion by the developer about the 30 acres of land involved' and there might possibly be further revisions to the plan. Mr. Healey, aaid he did not want to give the impression that it would not be open to further revision. When they approve a preliminary site plan they realize that ae contracts are firmed up and the individual developer goes ahead'with hie project there may well be changes. Mr. Healey said what he was saying was that the developers should show the RDC Committee the plan as they propose now to develop it and let them take that to the Commission, along with the resolution by the State, and at that point in time they would be current. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. Mr. Mazur inquired BS to what additional information they would need. Dave Healey aaid his department would be looking for a rather , comprehensive amendment to the C.I.S. that points out the additional ramifications of the added commercial area with respect to traffic, market analysis, any additional loading of the utility systems, etc. -8- RDC 8-27-81 ,~ :\'c' ~ , '''; ",t, I:'. I j "\.~ I", < f ., '~. : ~i~", )::: '<': ',' .. . ...,. i I," ,'. . ~ ;:, .,f... ,.'t. ~~'.:i' ,', "I' ~ "1' ,>:~,\ ;;:/" };i \~ I .. ~ <'::.~' ;~< /,;;; ,t;:. I.." .~. . :':'..:1, . ~ ~ :t :':,: '\; , , \-\ ::'j: :!!' ,:",,' ;'~,l ~ ~ J .... , I: ~~ ",'/ I~""'" :1,.-- :, ~ i " ~' ~:: ','1, r ,~ , .'~, " : l ~ ::~, } :'~ :....:':;' ~ J "":~'; \ -. t .:.~. I . .~,~ ~ . .. .... . ": :.', . ~.. , . . .~ " : "," 'E','\ \ : .... '<~ o , ~ ,"'-', ITEM 116 - Rodewai! Inn R uJUrant - Monna, North aide of' .{. 60. East of Bnyview Avenue. (Kami Targal, A. Menno) Ream Wileon - The Parkland Dedication requirement uddreonod in the original C.I.8. of cash in lieu of 10% land needa to be aatisfied before the second reading of annexation. Mr. Wilson suggested that the developer get an M.A.I. appraisal of the 20.46 acrea involved and then remit 10% of that amount to the City as tho Parkland Dodication l'oquirment for that parcel prior to the second reading of the ordinance. M~. Targa1 inquired if the dedicated ROW should be subtracted from the total acreage. Mr. Wilson said it was his understanding that the amount would be baaed on the gross acreage being annexed. There waD considerable discussion about this and Mr. Wilson snid he would ask the City Attorney to review the ordinance, but the M.A.!. appraisal would be necessa17. Mr. Wilson also said that the way the ordinance reada, the 10% is baaed on the property being annexr.d, and that would be 20.46 acres. PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN-REVISED LOCATION Roy Ayres - Question about handicapped parking. Developer said they would provide at least two spaces for handicapped parking. Mr. Ayres advised Mr. Targal to place the spaces so that wheelchairs did not have to wheel behind parked cars. John Rooks - Distributed and discussed written Engineering and Land Resource comments. (Attached) Mr. Targal wanted to know why they would not be permitted to tie into the sewer system when all the other restaurants on Gulf-to-Bay were able to. There was some discussion about the addition being part of the complete complex and Ream Wilson advised developer to contact Max Battle reference the sewer problem. Mr. Rooks went on to discuss other items from written comments. Developer needed to add more green space within the parking areas to make a total of 4% internal green space. Mr. Targa1 asked if the retenti~ ~rea would be considered as ~^~r~H!~ea and Mr. Rooks said no, it waW~1~ the area of the parking lot itself. He was advised to see Chris Cowles, Land Resources Specialist. Don Meerians - The parking, was three spaces short for the Rodeway Inn. In the area in the back they would need a 3 foot buffer between the parcels. There was some discussion about easements across property lines. George Buhmeyer - Inquired about provisions for water in the back area in the future. Developer said they would have to run a main to provide water to that area. Mr. Howell said that main would have to be at least an 8lf main and have an easement over it. Developer should get with the Water Superintendent before paving the parking area. There was some discussion about the water line and requirements. . Dave Healey - Said he understood that what was being proposed was a restaurant that would be ancillary to the Rodeway Inn and in fact that there was a contractual obligation with the Rodeway Inn people to provide a restaurant facility. They are telling us that it is an independent, free standing use and this changes the plat, which would not be the case if it remained in Menna ownership and was developed all as one complex. At the time thoy submitted the C.I.S. and the overall I~ster Plan in November of last year, ,they showed a layout that indicated the entrance with no utilization of the frontage between the two motels but rather an open expanse with a boulevard into the 20 acre tract behind. The Committee had supported a request for annexation and commercial zoningftin part on the overall conceptual plan. SI/st;n -9- RDC 8-27-81 'l'l .. ,'f" .,-~.'" :i" '. . :' "':~;.: ")' ~::: ~ . , '.. ,', .. 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The developer is now coming back with tho annexation nearly executed and haa oompletely revised the concept for the treatment of the frontage. The plan no longer provides for ample apace to get to the baok 20 acrea, however, that was to be used. The Committee needed to protoot that opening and the frontage to provide access to this tract. From n conceptual standpoint he had n lot of problems with what they were propoRing. John Peddy - No oomment. Ream Wilson - In looking through the previous Minutes when the C.I.S. was submitted for review at the January meeting, it waD oontinued and he did not believe the original C.I.S. had been approved. Mr. Healey said that would not cause 8 problem but he did not think the aite plan should go forward until the annexation has been concluded, including the payment of the Parkland Dodication fee. \ ' Claude Howell - Gas main should be coordinated with the City Gas Department before the parking lot is paved. There was Bome discussion prior to the motion. ",1', Dave Healey i- It was his thought that the most they could do was to recommend that the Site Plan be continued until such time 8S the annexation'is concluded 80 that they would not be approving a site plan for property that is not in the City. To be annexed the recreation monies 'have to be resolved and paid. There was Borne discussion about the problems involved. IofC1l'ION:- George Buhm9yer moved that the item 'be continued until the ,developers got together with the various departments that have concerns. Claude Howell seconded the motion. Roy A-:/res moved to amend the motion to include that the plan not be brought back to the Committee until the annexation process i8 completed. ",Dave 'Healey seconded the motion. Amendment to motion passed unanimously.. " There being'no further business before the Committee, the meeting was' adjourned at approximately 3:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Patricia Phillips Seoretary " II .' -10- ]"''J 8-27-81 . ' . " i);;/~ ~.:<,,:",: :--; ,""':,:~:;~,