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May 28, 1981
CIty of Clearwater, FlorIda
Ellzebeth S. Haeseker, AssIstant CIty Manager, Chelrman
Ka~n Wllson,Woter Resources Specialist, Envlronmentel M8nagement
CecIl Henderson, AssIstant Director, PublIc Works
Ream W~lson, Perks end RecreatIon DIrector
Oon Meerlans, Asslstant,OJrector, TraffIc Englneerrng
George 8uhmeyer, Fire Marshal
Paul RettIg, UtIlitIes DIrector ,
John Peddy, Energy Off leer '
'Roy'Ayres, BuildIng InspectIon Director
: DavId Healey, PlannIng DIrector
Roland P. Rowand, Rowand, Inc.
Normand.A. Brunet, PrecIsion ManufacturIng & Sales Co.
Ike Klndlnger, Project Manager, Rowand, Inc.
Phil DavIdson, Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, tnc.
MIchael HarrIs, Sound BuIlders
'. 'Joseph R. Rodriguez, Sound BuIlders
Michael Adams, Architect
. B 1'11' ,8 I rcht leI d, Harbormaster
,The meet. I ng was 'ca II ed . to order by Cha I rman Haeseker at 10: 15 A. M. I n the
:As~istant CIty ~an"gerfs Conference Room In the CIty Hall Annex.
Minutes' of " ROC Meet J ng - March 26, I 98 I
, ,
. AmotIon was made to approve the minutes as amended by Cecl I Henderson,'
~econded by George Buhmeyer. MotIon carried unanImously.
MInutes of April 9, 1981
A' mot,lon was made by George Buhmeyer and seconded by Ream WI I son to approve
,the minutes as submitted.
Minutes of April 23J 19B!.
A motIon was made by George Buhmeyer and seconded by John Peddy to approve
the mInutes as submItted.
Minutes ,of May 20, 1981
. Cac r I Henderson wanted to comp I t ment the sec reta ry on an outstand I og set
of.. ml,nutes. .A'motIon was','!1ade by Paul RettIg and seconded by Karen WIlson
. to approve the mInutes as submItted.
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(Representatives Ronald P. Rowend A Ike Klndlnger, Row~nd Inc. ond
Norm~n A. Brunet. PrecisIon MenufacturlnQ and Sales Com~any)
. ~........ ,
Keren Wilson - Distributed wrItten comments outlining the City Forester's
requirements. QuestIoned what the company Is plannIng to manufecture, to
whIch Mr. Rowand responded thet they would manufacture tools to be used In
vocational tochnlcal schools and for the repaIr of outboard motors and
motorcycles~ Ms~ WIlson also expressed concern about their plan to put
the retentIon requirement Into an oxlstlng swale that Is currently carryIng
water from somewhere else. She has difficulty wIth using that swale for
detention because It doesn't eppear that the developer Is actu~lly creatIng
a detention facility. Would lIke to see a dry detention area wIth percolatIon
through the soIl. Also, the plen shows two to one side slopes on the swale
to the north of the buildIng end the CIty requires 3 to I side slopes.
Cecil Henderson - Distributed and discussed written cOJTYnents prepared by
John Rooks, cIty Engineer. Stated that the CommIttee needs to know what
number of units the buildings wIll calculate as In order to determIne If
they ara covered under the adminIstrative morltorlum. The site plan Is
not clear as to the method the developer will use to retaIn the difference
between the current run-off and the proposed run-off that the Clty requires.
Expressed the opinion that he can't vote for approval of thIs plan under Its
current configuratIon.
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Ream Wilson - Asked Mr. Rowand tf the property Is an ~nnexatlon or If It Is
already In the CIty limIts. Mr. Rowand responded that 176' of the property
Is already In the CIty, and the additIonal 17' of east property lIne Is In
the process of annexation. Mr. WIlson wanted to make Mr. Rowand aware of
the requIrements of park land dedIcatIon on an annexatIon of 10% of property
dedicated to park land. Mr. Wilson was Informed that the CIty has already
approved a waIver on the 17' to be annexed.
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Don Meerlans - QuestIoned how many parking spaces would be requIred. Informed
developer that the site plan needed to show a sidewalk along the frontage
of the prope~ty. Also, the set-back requirement should ~e 5' from the
right-of-way and they wll I need a buffer zone on the frontage along Range
Road. On the entrance to the west, the code requIrement Is 5' fram the
property lIne.
Betty Haesek~r - Informed the Committee that Information Is avaIlable to
show that PrecIsion ManufacturIng did fulfIll the requIrements for waiver
of Community Impact statement.
George Buhmeyer - Questioned whether the use of fire walls was for the purpose
of elIminating a sprinkler system. The developer replIed that It was.
Also noted that CIty wIll require a hydrant on sIte when the second building
Is constructed. Suggested that the developer make provisions for a Itne
before paving or pavement wll I have to be torn up again adding to developer's
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May 28, 198t - ROC
~ Peul RettIg - The maIn runnIng Into the hydr8nt wI' I heve to be In an
easement for maintenance purposes. The dumpster locatIon Is dffflcult for
the truck to maneuver. Dumpster location wIll have to be eoproved by the
SanitatIon SupervIsor. The CIty wI II requIre meters for each unit In the
rfght-ot-way or ea~ement.
~ohn PeddV - The total asphalt coverage seems to be ~,OOO teet In error.
P I ease reca I cu I ete t I gu res and corroct 5 I te, p I an . A I so noted that the C' ty
recommends hIgh-pressure sodium JJghtlng for exterIor lIghtIng.
DavId Heelet - Stated that If there would be access to the railroad spur
at some tfme In the future, the developer would need to take that Into
account now In terms of getting to the raIlroad and the ramIfIcations that
would have on sIte retentIon design. Would like developer to provIde for
an addItIonal landscape Island In the NW corner of building "; and some
sort of separatIon between parkIng spaces on the north end of bulldtng #1.
Would lIke to have loadIng ramps and heIghts of buildIngs IdentIfIed on
the site plan. Lot coverage appears to be at 80%. As the City Is anxious
to maintaIn as much open area as possIble, Mr. Healey asked the developer
to reconsIder the ghape of the butldtng to a more standard shape in order
to give addItional opportunltJes tor on-site retentIon and possIbly less
ground coverage. The Internal 4% landscaping requIrements do not appear
to have been met. Plan needs to specffy the use of both bufldtn~s In
order +0 verify parking requirements.
Mr. Rowand stated that the first 8,000 teet at the south end of the ffrst
bur Idfng wIll be used for manufacturfng and storage. The remaining 10,000
feet wlll be leased.
Mr. Healey told Mr. Rowand that he wi II have to make some determination
as to what the space for lease wII I be used for fn order to set parking
requ I rements . .
Roy Ayres - No further comments.
MQ"rION: CecIl Henderson made a motIon to contInue consideration of the site
plan fn order to give the developer time to work out the problems discussed.
Motfonwas seconded by Paul RettIg and carried unantmously.
ITEM #2 - (Continued) COACHMAN CREEK CONDOMINIUM; Located Just West off US /9
on NE Coachman Road. Approved on June 22 with condJtlons.
(RepresentatIves Phil Davidson, Post, Buckley, MIchael HarrIs & J. Rodriguez,
Sound BuIlders, MIchael Adams. Architect.
Mr. DavIdson Introduced the changes In the revIsed site plan whIch Involved
mainly recreatJonal and open areas. It also shows the relocatIon of two
fIre hydrants, one between buJldIngs 67 and HID and one north of BuJldJng #7.
He brought attention to the general notes whlch say that sldewatks shalt be
constructed adjacent to the sIte along NE Coachman Road. Mr. DavIdson also
noted that a 3,'tandscaped buffer shalt be maintained beTween Coachman Road and
the proposed driveways on the sIte; and an addrtlon of a storm water pipe In
the dry detent ton area.
May 28, \981 - ROC
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O~vld Heale~ - Requested that the devetoper clnrlfy 18belJng In some areas.
Under generel notes, perh~ps show the proposed RPD 14. AdJust note on the
acreage fIgure to reflect D pre-dedlcetlon, post-dedication arrangement so
that when plan Is taken to the CommissIon, It wll I be clear that we ~re not
esklng for different zonIng. BuIlding heights should be defIned on the plan.
One change Mr. Heeley noticed from the previous plan 15 that you are proposing
an addttlonal entrance on the property at the extreme western boundary of
the property. He questIoned If It would cre~te a problem on the storage
lane workIng at cross purposes to the deceleration lane. The change that
bothers Mr. Healey the most Is the grade of property which seems to requIre
a lot of fill In some areas.
MIke Adams responded that the reason they went from two stories to three
stories was because It allowed 30% less land coverage and less grading
problems than with the two story units.
Dave Healey asked for an expression of Intent that there would be a staggered
elevatton and an attempt to use the natural contour of the land as much as
John Peddy - No Comments
Paul Rettig - Would lIke developer to get an eas~ment from the Royal Racquet
~ub to allow them to tie Into the Racquet Club's water maIn.
?eOrB8 Buhmeyer - No comments.
Don Maertans - Noted an error on the culdesac, should be 40' radIus to the
edge of the-pavement, end 60' to the edge of the parklng area. QuestIoned
If the developer stili felt the need for the additional entrance. Would
t ike to see It el Imtnated as he does not feel It 15 necessary and will
create traffic problems along NE Coachman Road.
Ream Wilson - Park land dedication has already been agreed upon. Also,
the condos are to maintain 20' out Into the lake which has been dedicated
as part of the park land. Mr. WIlson Is concerned wIth the Ilablllty of
a private dock In a publlcally owned lake. Chainman Haeseker responded
that the CommIttee would have our Legal Department look at the situation.
Cecil Henderson - Presented wrItten comments prepared by City Engineer
John Rooks. He would like a letter from the developer stating that they
would connec't Into CIty sewer as soon as capacItIes are avatlable. Mr.
RodrIquez questIoned whether It would be posslble to eliminate waste from
the InitIal two buildIngs by putting It Into the m~nhole on U.S. 19 untIl
the morltorlum Js lifted. Mr. Henderson responded that the procedure to
follow on this Is to forward a request through the CommIttee to the City
Manager's Office. The other option is to walt until the morltorlum Is
Ilfted to bu I I d.
Karan WJlson - DIstributed wrItten comments by the City Forester. Her
only comment concerned the pipe from the proposed dry detention area
meeting City requIrements.
'M3TGh 28, '981 -ROC
B9JL,Ayres - No comments.
MOTION: David Healey made a motion to approve the plen with the following
I. Thet the'notes be corrected as per the discussion with
respect to the RPD density and p!lrk lend dedication.
2. Th!lt the entrance way at the west end of the property
bo eliminated. '
3. That the proposed left turn I!lna and road widening for
the acceteratlon and dece~eratlon lanes wltl be the
responsibility of the appl Jcant, subject to the approval
of the TraffIc Engineer In terms of design.
4. That the sU9gestlons of the Environmental Section, wIth
respect to the outfall, be addressed.
5. That the park land dedication, or money In lieu thereof,
be set out In the approval accompanyIng the plan.
6. That appropriate arrangements in the agreement be made
wIth respect to the private f(shtng pIer In the public lake.
The motIon was seconded by CecIl Henderson.
DiscussIon by Oon Maerlans, Phil Davidson, Mr. Rodriguez and Paul Rettig was
followed by the additIon of another conditIon In the form of an amendment
to the motIon ,by DavId Healey.
AMENDMENT: That the recommendation go forward to the CIty CommissIon on
the basis that the project be permitted as otherwise allowed for when the
, moratorl urn Is IIf"ted, or on the bas I s of a temporary treatment system
'permItted by the DER.
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. The motion was seconded by Cecl I Henderson and amendment to the motion
carrIed unanimously.
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DISCUSSION: Oon MeerJans stated that he Ys stYli not satlsfred wIth the
addltlonaT entrance way at the west end of the property.
Ce.cl1 Henderson proposed a second amendment to the orlgtnal motton that
Section #2 of the orIginal motion be deleted, or substitute that the
west entrance way eIther be elfmlneted or redesigned to meet the requIrements
of the Traffic Engineering Department. DavId Healey seconded the motIon,
second amendment carried unanlmo~sly.
Orfglnal motIon carried unanImously as amended.
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M~y 28, 1981 - ROC
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Ms. Haeseker r~8d a letter from the Falzone's ettorney requestIng that
the Cltv consIder assumIng responsIbIlIty for the malntonance end eventual
replecement of the gasolIne storage tanks on the Felzone property. After
consIderable dIscussion the CommIttee agreed that:
I. Every CIty property that Is leased should stend on Its
own wIthout being subsIdIzed by the CIty.
2. Mrs. Falzone should be notIfIed ImmedIately that upon
expIratIon of the lease, the fuel tanks must be replaced
and the property brought up to present codes It the
lease Is to be renewed.
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3. The Committee should examIne to see If there Is a need by
any other CIty Department for the property. Order of
priorIty to be marIna facilItIes, g8S statIon, usage by
other CIty Departments, and finally, If property Is surplus
to the CIty's needs, then It wll I be put up for bid.
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Ms. Haeseker read a questIonnaIre requIrIng notifIcatIon of the EPA
of hazardous waste sItes wIthin the C,ty of Clearwater. After d'scusslon
by the CommIttee, It was decided that the CIty has no hazardous waste
'There being no further busIness before the Commrttee~ the meetIng was
aSJourned at 12:15 p.m.
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May 28, 1981 ROC