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APRIL 23, 1981
Members Present,
. Elizabeth S. Haeseker, Assistant City Manager,Chairman
David Healey, Planning Director
Ream Wilson, Parks and Recreation Director
Paul Rettig, Utilities Director
Don Meerians, Assistant Traffic Engineer
.,' George Buhmeyer, Fire Marshal
,John Rooks, civi~ Engineer, Public Works
William E. Tripp, Assistant Building Director
Karen Wilson, Water Resources Specialist, Environmental Management
Members not Present:
~l " '
John Peddy, Energy Officer
, Others Present:
Pankaj Shah, Cumbey & Fair, Inc.
, John P.O. crist, Crist Realty, Inc.
v: Walter H. Melody, Architect
\ " George'Buttery, Jack Eckerd corporation
.\ ':
. : , . . Jeffery Bass, . Real Estate Manager, Jack Eckerd corporation
;~'~: .....QBobHollon, ABC, Inc.
, "
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: The meeting was called to .order by Chairman Haeseker at 1:15 p.m. in the Operations Center
.Conference Room.
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. The Miriutes.of April 9, :1981 to be reviewed at the meeting of May 14, 1981.
i t' ~ .
:ITEM #1 - (Continued) Palmetto Townhomes,. Crist Realty, Inc., located on the South side
of Palmetto street, East of North Hercules Avenue.
; . .. ~
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William Tripp ~ No comments.
~ i :
, John Rooks - . Distributed and discussed Engineering Department conunents, which are attached.
The proposed package plant would need to be approved, by the O.E.R.,with the City Manager's
approval. At such a tfme as the area could be served, the City would want a letter stating
that the ,system would he connected to the existing sanitary in the area and have gravity to
a se~age treatment plant.
~' . ".'
I '
i:'.:- ... Dave Healey -. Most of the changes that had been made were consistent with those reviewed and
".' .'.. addressed at the December meeting. Building height needs to be shown. t'lhen the review of
.... the site .plan is completed, they needed to discuss the C. I.S~ which had been continued from
':: ,-:",,,""\the February meeting and an addendum submitted. This development was designed to have an
!~', '.jinte.rim, sanitary sewage treatment arrangement and that had all been discussed and apparently
:i:~>:... found consistent,with the provision for a "Limited Administrative Moratoriumll, but he was
." 'opp~sed to that type of arrangement and would vote in opposition to both the C. I. S. and the
. site plan..
April 23, 1981
Paul Retti~ - The 6-inch W/~ main is looped out to HercUli~as originally rocommonded.
They showed a 4-inch water l~ne going from the main, East. To serve just the two buildings
shown in that location, he recommended making it a 2-inch line, putting in a permanont blow-
off, and then have the meters for those two buildings close to tho main. Thoro was a problom
I) with locating the dumpsters on the site where sanitation trucks could got to thorn without
j ia lot of backing up and turning around. There was some discussion about locatlons for the
.,~ dumpsters and the developer was advised to work with the Sanitation Division. M~. Rettig
had a question about the temporary sand filter system and a decision about payment of Bower
tap fees. Mr. Rooks advised that the City Manager sent a letter to the developers stating
there was no objection to the temporary operation of the sand filter system, nppr.oved by the
D.E.R., but when capacity was available from the City collection system, the units must bo
connected to it and the temporary system abandoned. Use of the temporary facility would not
eliminate the requirement to pay the usual tap fees.
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Don Meerians - No problems.
George Buhmeyer - No comment.
Karen Wilson - Said that the City Forester wanted to state his appreciation for the developer
attempting to design around the existing trees on the site. She recommended that the approp-
riate individual who would.be in charge of routing the underground utility lines and n~vin9
and/or replacing trees on the site contact the Forester and talk to him about proper procedures
for avoidinq damage to as many trees as possible.
Ream Wilson - No comment except that on the Agenda the project was listed as being on the
North side of Palmetto street rather than on the South side. Mr. Wilson also presented
John'Peddy's comments to the committee.
John Pedd~ - Energy Officer'
1. This project has the potential of having a peak electrical demand of
0.7 megawatts. This is high, based on the available electric energy per
unit area of undeveloped land within the City. This peak could be reduced
by 50% if gas were used for water and space heating. The use of air to
water heat pumps could alse be used in lieu of gas space heating. Gas
should be'planned for user option.
2. Recommend high intensity lighting for all outdoor uses.
Paul Rettig - Inquired as to whether each building or each unit would have a separate meter.
The developer said that each condominium unit would have a separate meter.
Dave Heale-y - Wanted clarification about the carport or garage shown in front of each unit.
The developer said that carports would be used.
There was general discussion about wording of a motion. Mr. Rooks said the approval of the
site plan should be subject to D.E.R. approval of a temporary sand filter, with a letter
forthcoming from the developer stating that the system will be connected to the City
sanitary system at such time as it is available. Mr. Shah said that this had been addressed
in the amendment to the C.l.S. in that they had attached the City Manager's request letter
and they were agreeing to the City Manager's condition which does state they would connect
with.the City's sanitary system. Chairman Haeseker said that the letter took care of the
hook-up with the City system but did not take care of the condition of the approved D.E.R.
per.mit to provide this kind of system temporarily.
,.#I<,,}. Paul Rettig - Noted that on the bottom of the letter from the city Manager a sentence stating
'~that the use of the temporary facility would not eliminate the requirement to pay tap fees,
, ' etc.
-2- ROC - April 23, 1981
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There was some discussion ac:Jt when Bowar tap fceB ~ vi John Raoko said ho
believed it would be at tho time the development was c, ~ City system.
Chairman Haeseker said that payment of feen would be re<t 'Uc of tho building
permit. Mr. Rooks asked if the developer would pay a mon. ~ng thin time and
r-jMrs. Haeseker said that was how it had been done in tho pab oOKs ntatcd that in
,.n' the past the city had a pipe going through tho area that wou. ....-d e any OXC080. Chairman
Haeeeker said that she did not think it would make any diffarehce at this point.
Don Meerians moved that the revised preliminary site plan be approved subjoct to location
of the dumpsters being approved by the Sanitation Division, the changing of tho 4-inch water
main to a 2-inch and installing a permanent blow-off, and the approval of 'the tomporary
treatment facility by the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Buhmeyer. The motion carried, with Dave Healy dissenting.
,William Trip~ - No comment.
John Rooks - No comment
Dave Healey - The addendum addresses all of the items they had identified and corrections
they had asked the applicant to make, and on that basis he found it satisfactory. The very
purpose of the impact statement is to point out impacts and our ability to serve those
i~mpacts, and what they have said is that we can't and are not able to and therefore I cannot
recommend approval although they have done what we asked them to.
. ,~Paul Retti~ - No problem, although changing to electric from natural gas was a mistake on
~~',":J their part. he believed. Mr. Shah said that the plan at present was not to use gas but that
:.,: .'it could 'be modified in the future. Mr. Rettig said that gas could be used for water heating
.", . or pools as it was available and much cheaper than electric. Mr. Crist stated that they would .
~~: . not be precluded from using gas at this point. Chairman Haeseker said that they could change'
to use gas and were encouraged to do so.
~~ r ;'
Don Meerians - No comment.
!.' .
, George Buhmeyer - No comment.
I<.. ;
.~ ;, .
Karen Wilson - No comment.
4, ;
Ream Wilson
No comment. Mr. Wilson said that John Peddy had no' comments on the C.l.S.
.~ : ~,
": I
Ream Wilson moved that the amendments to the C.I.S. be approved as submitted.
. .
Mr. Buhmeyer seconded the motion. The motion was voted on and carried, wi.th Dave Healey
" dissenting.
" .
. ~: :
ITEM *2 - Eckerd Drug Store #2218. Walter H. Melody - Architect; located West of McMu11en-
.Booth Road and North of Daniel Street (County).
" .
'.' .
\~, .' '
::,'. . William Tripp - No cormnent.
~. "
John Rooks - Distributed and discussed Engineering Department comments, which are
. attached. No. 2 of the written comments asked for a lO-foot sanitary sewer easement along
the East Property line. ~here was some discussion of where this line would be.
-3- ROC - April 23, 1981
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Mr. Me lody said thoro wore ,":ae Ens t proper ty 1 ines J an ex! r' n9 property line as the lots
ware platted, a comprehonsivu rond plan right-of-way line whicn takes off 100 feot from the
center line, and tho final property 1ino would be tho lino that shows on the drawing as the
County Engineering right-of-way line, which is in between the two. Mr. Rooks said they would
~ like a 10 foot easemont ~cst of that line. Mr. Melody said ther~ would be no problem except
r ,lit would be in the paving. Mr. Rooks said that if they needed ~he area to put in a sewer
line or for any other purpose, anything that was torn up woulQ be replaced by the City.
Dave Healey - Further discussion about property linos. ML. Hcaley said that in one case the
sidewalk would end up on their property instead of the public ~ight-of-way and in another case,
along 580, it would be considerably North of the right-of-way. Mr. Melody said that he
thought the sidewalk should be shown where it would end up but the County told him to put it
adjacent to the comprehensive road plan line. Mr. Healey said that they would like to make
sure that the required minimum setback of any parking area from that projected future right-
of-way be 3 feet. There was some discussion about parking. Mr. Healey also suggested that
they take another look at points of access off of Daniels Street. He realized that it was
an awkward arrangement as the road comes in and bonds, but he did not see that they needed
two separate points of entry if one could be situated to get into the property and still
allow access along the side for the service area where it was needed on the South end. Mr.
Healey also requested a revision or simplification of the drawings so that all information
was not on one sheet--one sheet could have just the basic information on it, building, parking,
landscaping, rights-of-way, without the utility infor,mation, etc. This would be much easier
to read and to present to the commission.
Paul Rettig - This area is in the County and the City would not be able to provide a water
meter. Also, there was a high pressure gas main on the other side of 580 if they had a use
for natural gas. If they planned for a rOll-off type large dumpster, they were allowed but
special permission from the Sanitation Division was necessary. Location of regular type
dumpsters also should be arranged with the Sanitation Division.
/'"'\Don Meerians - Inquired about the annexation. Mr. Melody said the plans have received
'~ prel~inary site approval from the County Planning Department and also are under final site
plan and building permit review.
John Rooks - Noted that the City required a registered engineer to design the stormwater
drainage, parking lot, etc.
Don Meerians - The City Codes states the entrance should be 24 to 30 feet in width.
. Traffic Engineering prefers that the radius tie into the curb line and not have a flare.
Also, where two of the parking spaces form a letter V at the North end, one car would block
the other space, so one of the spaces should be eliminated. The clear distance of a park-
ing space should be a minimum of 9 by 19 feet. Mr. Melody said they showed them 10 by 20
;. feet if they were in the open and 10 by 18 if they were against the curb so that they could
double stripe them. They would be 10 feet wide in any case. He would change the striping
to 19 feet with a 24 foot aisle. Mr. Meerians said that it had to be clear paved distance
which would not include the overhang. He suggested making the sidewalks 4 feet wide. Mr.
Melody said that they could make the sidewalks 4 feet wide and put bumper curbs out beyond
. I that. Mr. Meerians also wanted a better type of access than was shown on Daniels Street.
He suggested combining the ~wo entrances and making them into one entrance just beyond the
curve and a semi truck could pull in and back right into the loading area without much
. problem.
George Buhmeyer - No comments.
Karen Wilson - The City Forester said there was no tree survey and that one should be
submitted with the site plan. The architect said the trees were shown on the tracings and
trees were surveyed and are indicated on sheet Sp 3. Mrs. Wilson said that the Forester
would like to see a tree survey. According to the landscape site design, they needed an
additional 400 square feet to meet the interior green space requirements of the City.
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ROC - 4-23-81
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Karon Wilson - (continued) , cause they showed excess parkit., she wondered if any thought
had boon given to tho use of turf block around the periphory of the site for overflow parking
since she doubted if all tho spaces would be occupied at the same time except at times like
Christmas, atc. That would help some of their green space requirements, decrease their
~ retontion requirements, and provide less pavement.' She inquired if the plans indicated two
r1dotontion aroas and a tank. The architect said this was correct. Mrs. Wilson stated that
. ,,' the City would not accept a tank for rotention from a wator quality standpoint. They required
that a sodded area be used for 011 the detention on the site so they would get percolation
through Bodded land. They like to see a shallow, depressed, sodded area with underdrain below
the sod according to City specifications, with an outfall structure so that when the storm-
water exceeded the design it goes over the top of that. The rest of the water percolates
through the Bod and out the subdrain. There was some discussion \~ith the architect about
the drainage and Mrs. Wilson said she and the Engineering Department would be happy to work
with him on meeting the City's requirements.
Ream Wilson- As an annexation were they aware of the 10% requirement on dedication of
parkland? The architect said there was a letter filed with the application for annexation
requesting relief from this section of the ordinance. Mr. Wilson understood that they
had about 52,000 square feet,' or 1.2 acres there and unless they obtained a waiver from the
City Commission there would be a requirement for about 12/100 of an acre dedication which
would be money in lieu of land. They would have to apply for the waiver and it would have
to be approved prior to the annexation being finalized.
Betty Haeseker - Asked if they had requested a waiver from the Commission. The architect said
that the letter of request had been filed with the papers. Mrs. Haeseker said that Dave
Healey would have that on file and the Commission would make that determination.
John Peddy - Ream Wilson presented Mr. Peddy's comments.
1. Parking lot lighting should be high-pressure sodium type and be designed
(~ to deliver a maximum of 2 footcandles at ground level.
2. If this is to be a 24 hour operation, all necessary measures should be taken to
reduca energy consumption after midnight.
Mr~ Melody said they were using high pressure sodium lighting.
John Rooks - AS far as the site being built in the County and being annexed into the City,
we should have some sort of'engineering drawing of the stormwater retention on the site.
He foresaw prOblems with converting the retention tank to a grassed area and an engineer
could design it by the City criteria. There was some discussion. Chairman Haeseker said
she believed the problems could be worked out if they got with the Environmental Section.
The architect said he would do this.
MOTION Dave Healey moved that the site plan be continued in order that the applicant could
address several things of concern to the Committee, principally the layout and dimension of
the .parking area, the access of Daniel Street, provision and engineering design of the on-
site retention consistent with City standards.
Motion seconded by Ream Wilson.
Dave Healey asked the architect if the rights-of-way that they had been asked to honor by
the County been dedicated to the County. There was some discussion.
AMENDMENT TO MOTION Pave Healey moved to establish a further condition of approval on
the basis of the right-af-way being dedicated as established by the County for both
. :(:j5tate Road 580 and McMullen-Booth Road.
, Ream Wilson seconded the amendment. Amendment carried unanimOUSly. Motion voted on and
.carried unanimously. Chairman Haeseker said that the list of items in the motion were not
inclusive and that Karen Wilson would like to have tree survey for the Forester, etc.
Site Plan Continued.
-5- ROC - April 23, 19B1
ITEM #3 - ABC Li~uor Store #~ ABC, INC.: located at 1755 U.~"19, North
Representative Mr. Bob Holloh~ General Supervisor of ABC. Inc. on the West Coast
...~William Tripp - No convnent.
John Rooks - Presented and discussed written Engineering Department comments which are
attached. There was discussion about easement requirements. Mr. Rooks wantod to know if
the off site retention was going to stay retention and if there was an easement dedicating
that area. He wanted to be sure that the detention pond stays a detention pond and was a
dedicated easement.
Dave Healey - No comment.
Paul Rettig - This is in our area to serve with water but we have no water mains there.
Since it is surrounded on two sides by County water mains he recommended that the city advise
the County they could sell ABC Liquor a water meter. Also, the dumpster location would have
to be with the approval of the Sanitation superintendent.
Don Meerians - Inquired as to why the sidewalk was shown inside the property line. The
sidewalk would be required but should be on public property when the final right-of-way
line is determined. Mr. Hollon said he would bring it up with the engineers. Mr. Meerians
also said that some adjustment needed to be made on the design of the parking spaces and a
few minor changes on required dimensions and aisle widths. There was some discussion with
Mr. Rooks about maintaining the streets. Mr. Rooks said that if the City got an easement
they could maintain the sewer and that it was to the developer's advantage to put in a sewer
line. If at a later date the city wanted to serve other people in the area they would then
take over full maintenance. After further discussion, Mr. Hollon said he would have the
engineers see Mr. Rooks about the easement.
, .~~George Buhmeyer - No con~ent.
~ .
Karen Wilson - No comment.
, ,
Ream Wilson - As an annexation, the City requires a 10% parkland dedication of land or
money in lieu of land. The total acreage is 1.58 acres and 10% of that, or 15/100 of an acre,
.wou1d be' required to be donated to the City as parkland, or instead of the land, money to be
paid at the time of annexation. Mr. Wilson explained the parkland,dedication requirement
. . to Mr. Hollon and also informed him that he could seek a waiver from the City commission.
" >
John peddy - Ream Wilson presented Mr. Peddy's comments.
:'. ~ .
1. Recommend high-pressure sodium outdoor lighting.
2. Recommend that all electric signs promoting package sales be turned off at midnight.
Paul Rettig - There is a natural gas line on two sides of the property that they could use
for water heating, etc. as it is much more efficient than electric.
Dave Healey - Inquired about the percentage of construction completed. Mr. Hollon said he
believed about 50% was complete.
.~, .
MOTION: Dave Healey moved that the site plan be approved subject to the following items.
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1. Submission of
Highway 19.
2. corresponding
3. Adjustment of
Traffic Engineer.
a revised plan showing 25 foot additional right-of-way easement for
relocation of the sidewalk.
the parking aisle and spaces to the requirements of the
-6- ROC - April 23, 1981
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4. provision of the re~red sanitary and storm sower e~ments to the existing
.,., manhole, some 300 feet to the East, and removal of the infonlation related to the septic
. ,
Karen Wilson seconded the motion. There was considerable discussion nbout easements and
". (JOhn Rooks moved that the motion be amended as follows:
. r
Eliminate an easement granted to the City for the storm sewer and retention area as
long as the developer shows proof that he has access for his own private syatem to the
City manhole 300 feet to the East and also access to the stormwater retention area off site.
. '
.. .
Mr. Rettig seconded the amendment. The Chai~an asked for a substitute amendment since the
amendment by Mr. Rooks did not mention the sanitary. Mr. Rettig moved that the amendment
to the original motion should read:
~.. .' c '
Delete the requirement that the developer provide an easement for sanitary and
sto:rm sewer.
Mr~ Buhmeyer seconded the amendment. The amendment carried unanimously.
The motion as amended was voted on and carried unanimously.
.There b~ing no further business before the Committee, the meeting was adjourned at 3:00 p.m.
'Respectfully Submitted,
. ..patricia Phillips
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-7- ROC - April 23, 1981