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February 12, 1981
city of Clearwater, Florida
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Elizabeth s. Haeseker, Assistant City Manager, Chairman
David Healey, Planning Director
Cecil Henderson, Assistant Public Works Director
Paul Rettig, utilities Director
~eam Wilson, Parks and Recreation Director
George Buhmeyer, Fire Marshal
Bill Tripp, Assistant Building Inspection Director
Karen Wilson, Water Resource Specialist
John Peddy, Energy Officer
Don Meerians, Assistant Traffic Engineer
William R. Griffith, Caudell-Gaylor
Reese Harvey; Reese Harvey, Architect
John Sapp
Shep Sheppard
Kenneth King; King Engineering Assoc. Inc.
T.J. Hennessy; ,Diocese of St. Petersburg
Douglas ,V. Zelman; Johnson & Zelman
Axel Johnson; Johnson & Zelman
Glenn M. ,Fish; FW Architects
Edward Mazur, Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan
Andrew Beath
Rose Beath
"'Michael S. Harris;., Sound Builders, Inc.
The ~eeting was called to order by Chairman Haeseker at 10:14 A.M. in
the'Aesistant City Manager's Conference Room in the City Hall Annex.
(Re resentatives William R. Griffith, Reese Harvey, John Sap & ,Shep
Cecil Henderson - Presented and discussed written comments. Item #1,
noted that this proposal need~ the approval of the Director of Publ~c
Works. Mr. Griffith stated that they had received a letter from the
Director dated,Jan. 29, saying approval should be attached to the
C.I.S. Item #2 should be mentioned, but discussed more thoroughly in
the Preliminary Site Plan. Everything else as far as Engineering is
. '.:
February 12, 1981
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David Healey - Comments he'd made previously, most had been addressed
in the addendum to the Impact statement, which was appreciated. On page
2, needs to be clarified as to which zoning district they plan to
utilize. Should be corrected on page 2 in the C.I.S., should simply
end the sentence,the land is presently zoned as RPD8 and not mention
the RM8.
Paul Rettig - Under refuse collection, they claim 3 dumpsters, would
like to add location as approved by sanitation superintendent. Was
noted that this was on the site plan.
MOTION: Cecil Henderson moved to approve the C.l.S.
Motion seconded by Bill Tripp and carried unanimously.
Cecil Henderson - Referred to Item 2 on his written comments.
David Healey - Noted that the zoning district, building heights, and
floor p1an need to be on the plan for information items only. Also
the requirement in the RPD, a classification that 15% of the site area
be devoted to recreation area, this needs to be defined on the plan.
And based on the layout plan, not certain it is in a continous area
that will serve that purpose, may require some redesign to carry it
out. Also a question of utilization of a private street, a specific
effort was made in the adjoining Beckett Lake subdivision, to provide
or reserve one of the lots for connecting to this property, realizing
at some point it would be developed and need an interconnection to
serve at best advantage. In his opinion, this street ought to be a
public street and interconnect with the adjoining public street in
Beckett Lake as opposed to another private street connected to that
public street. And is opposed to the location of the parking directly
off the street, is organized well for the'most part, but in several
locations insignificant number of spaces back out into the street, not
well located in relation to the building and could easily be provided
for other than backing into the private street.
Bill Tkipp - Sidewalks should go the full length of the project, the
plan shows a disconnection, it should go all the way through. The
developer adknowledged that there would be no problem connecting it.
Don Meerians - Comments he made last time have been corrected, no
additional comments.
Karen Wilson - This structure needs to be replaced with a dry deten-
tion area outfall structure that the city has in their specifications
and the detention' areas need to be subdrained per city specifications.
This design is shown in their drainage criteria, copy of this may be
picked up in the engineering department. Also pointed out that re-
quirements for replacement trees will be undertaken at the tree
removal permit stage.
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Paul Rettig - Connection of water lines in Beckett Estate have been
changed as recommended by the city. Would like the placement of the
meters to be near the water main, so that the long service to the
building is theirs for maintenance and not the city's. Also need
to have a valve installed at Sunset Point Road in their water main.
They already have the dumpster locations.
George Buhmeyer - The additional hydrant that was requested out at the
entry road into the project was not put on the site plan as requested
at the last meeting.
Paul Rettig - An easement will be requested or needed over this water
line for tnem to maintain up to the meters and the hydrants.
John Pedd~ - Would like to request that all of the street lighting and
outdoor 11ghting,security lighting be of the high intensity type, pre-
ferably high pressure sodium or where they wanted good color rendition,
metal halite.
Don Merrians - Gutter section on the 24' cross section should not be
included in the 24' drive in service, should be in addition too.
Bavid Healey - Asked the applicant to respond to the question to the
point concerning private streets, is there a reason for private street
opposed to a public street to interconnect with the adjoining public
street system? A discussion ensued on the public street versus the
private street. Suggestion was made, that by going public would be
a better w~y of handling it. The deverlopers stated that they would
like to leave it like it is for now, they have already lost 3 units,
and it would not be feasible to lose anymore.
Karen Wilson - The grade inlet, no longer used drainage pipe should be
taken out. Not acceptib1e according to current city standards, but
will approve, if they will agree to change it.
MOTION: Cecil Henderson moved to approve this site ,plan subject to the
following provisos: (1) Show required zoning information as outlined
by Mr. Healey. (2) Subject to a revir,ion showing a dry detention
structure and the necessary subdrains per city specifications. (3) Sub-
ject to their dedication of the necessary easements as outlined by Mr.
Rettig. (4) Subject to their revision showing a minimum 24' travel
surface on the roadway.
Motion seconded by Paul Rettig.
George Buhmeyer proposed an amendment to the motion to include additional
fire hydrants, which was inadvertently excluded, plus the sidewalks.
Amendment seconded by David Healey. Amendment carried unanimously.
Paul Rettig moved to amend the motion to include the required 15% re-
creation area.
Karen Wilson seconded the Amendment. One dissenting vote, Mr. Henderson,
on the amendment to the motion. Amendment carried.
Vote ~n the motion as amended twice, one dissenting, David Healey, on
motion as amended. Motion carried.
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(Representatives Kenneth King, T. J. Hennessy)
Ream Wilson - Would like to hear other discussion on the statement.
David Healey - Received letter from Monsignor Scully, that requests
waiver of the impact statement, that sets out the background to the
reclassification of the property after purchased from u.S. Homes.
Was zoned RN-20 designated high density residential and reclassified
institutionalized semi-public, consistent with the church use and
based on reclassification would be eligible for a waiver.
Cecil Henderson - He assumed that because of the statement, it is bare,
there would be no severe effects the developer would have that they
should know about in advance, believes that most of the u.s. Homes'
property already has been studied, wouldn't have any objections to
waiver the C.I.S.
MOTION: David Healey moved to accept the request for waiver of the
Community Impact statement.
Motion seconded by Bill Tripp. Motion carried unanimously.
It will be recommended to the Manager that their request for a waiver
be accepted.
Cecil Henderson - Presented and read written comments.
David Healey - A couple of minor points, under the parking calculation,
it is calculated that the required number of spaces is 320 based on the
usable floor area, then goes on to note the seating capacity, and the
way requirement reads whichever requires more parking, and if it's
based on the seating capacity, it will actually be required to have
375 spaces. Should be noted, that they have that many, so is not a
problem with the plans, it's just the calculations aren't complete.
Recommendation that they look ,to the paved parking area just south of
State Road 580 and attempt to create another one or two landscape is-
lands in the length of the parking area, would make it less offensive
in the vast amount/of asphalt, is not critical to the number of parking
spaces. By way of information, the grass surface parking area is sub-
ject to the approval of the City Engineer, in terms of the actual
specifications for carrying that out. Also need to note on the site
plan, what the building heights are, and the garage attached to the
rectory needs to be a minimum of 25' from the property line.
Bill TripE - Sidewalks on the 580 Road side of property are required
for the full length of the property, also on the corner of Belcher
Road the sidewalk would be required in there.
Chairman Haeseker - Recommended that the sidewalk be put on the whole site
Don Meerians - Stated that the state will allow only two access points
to 580. He suggested that the easterly one be located as far down
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the property as possible to allow them to stack cars internally. State
allows wider access than the city. Some of the internal circulation
~ could be,better laid out. Opposed to cutting out a piece of median
, ~ for turn~ng purposes on Belcher Road. Access to the west, is a
lengthy left turn lane at Belcher Road, if they intend to have a median
break at this point, should go through the state. Also internal road-
ways are all required to be adequate for two way traffic or a minimum
24' .
Karen Wilson - Not certain if sufficient space on property to handle
the run off once the entire project is finished and fairly certain there's
not enough space to handle a dry detention area. Detention is not
adequate or designed in accordance with City specifications. Cannot
be resolved at this point, not knowing what the future development will
look like. Too!much question involved to approve at this time.
Paul Rettig - 2" water line at Belcher to Laurel and 1 1/2" line serving
the whole project is inadequate. Property was to be looped with an 8U
existing water line at the shopping center. County has water mains, but
is in the city and should be served by the city. If the fire department
would require a hydrant or fire protection in the church, would demand
a minimum of 8" line.
' "
'.' ,"
George Buhmeyer - with the buildings proposed, on sight hydrant would
be required. Enterprise Road would be likely place to bring in water
main. Easement for the sewer conceivably could be used for the water.
John Peddy - Requested~'.they"consider,!high intensity lighting on all park-
ing lot and security lights to conform with the overall plan of the city
to have all outdoor lighting of the high intensity type.
Paul Rettig - Noted that there is natural gas available out in the road
they would have access to.
MOTION: Karen Wilson moved to continue the Site Plan.
Motion seconded by Bill Tripp. Motion was passed unanimously.
(Representatives Douglas V. ,Zelman, Axel R. Johnson, Glen M. Fish)
Discussion ensued by the members before entrance of the representatives,
concerning a moratorium on development in the East Sewerage Treatment
Plant Service Area.
MOTION: David Healey moved that it be the expressed policy of the
Resource Development Committee that applications for C.I.S. or Site
Plan approval which are inconsistent with the City Manager's limited
administrative moratorium on the East Wastewater Treatment Plant will
not be recommended for approval by this Committee.
Paul Rettig was not in favor of the motion, but after further dis-
cussion coincided.
Motion seconded by Cecil Henderson. Motion carried unanimously.
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cecil Henderson - Presented and discussed written comments. Item #1
was not in the C.I.S~, and should have been, should have stated how
they plan to deal with it. It is not so that units are reserved for
this "piece of propertyll, every project in the City goes through the
building permit review committee process and units at that time are
committed by the City. At this time, there are no more than 4 units per
development per month, this certainly will be effected by that and the
C.I.S. should have said so.
David Healey - Complete and well done.
Don MSerians - Page 7, says he stated that the intersection at Belcher
& Druid is not suffering from capacity problem, didnlt really mean it
that way. Does not feel this will directly effect this project.
Paul Rettig - Page 8, size of water meter mentioned, one 3 unit building
served witn a 5/8" water meter, would need a larger meter. And on page
16, have not taken into account water impact fees, should look into,
will be an additional expense to them.
David Healey - Before moving on this wanted a response from the devel-
oper to the engineer departmentls observations with respect to the
Sewer Moratorium, and whether they think they could accomodate their
project within those guidelines.
Applicant - Stated that they would be happy to comply with this and with-
in the C.I.S. was a copy of a letter addressed to Mr. Shoemaker, where-
in it says they acknowledge that the city insists that the sewer taps
be on an average rate not to exceed 4 per month from the time that
their Site ?lan is approved. Their commitment to the City would be,
that if the Site Plan is approved, they would be willing to live with
the schedule that permits 4 sewer taps per month. They have acknow-
ledged within here that they plan on a 13 month schedule from the time
that they begin their project, taking into consideration that there
will be some building of 8 units and some of 3, 4 or 5 units. They
will comply to an average connection of 4 a month. ~ I I I' ,
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CHairman Haeseker - Had real concern on the statement/42 taps have'been
allocated, this is allocated only if for~ubstandardize~housing. Also,
should be understood that it may not work,-"cannot gIve 'them any assur-
ance that it will be approved or that the criteria would be amended.
David Healey - The Committee canlt guarantee them that by recommending
to approve it that they can give them the first 4 or will ever be able
to get the next 4. Itls more than agreeing to the process, whereby, to
receive it, that they canlt give any assurance any of them will be re-
ceived or that after half have been received, the other half will be
Applicant - Stated so long as the Managerial Moratorium stays the way
It is and so long as they can comply with that, they will be able to
have and ongoing situation, and that if there is an accross the board
change to the Moratorium where for example, there is an absolute Mora-
torium put into effect because of the serious sewer problem, if it
effects everyone it will have to effect them.
February 12, 1981