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City of Clearwater, Florida
Decomber 4, 1980
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~lizabeth S. Haeseker, Chairman
Oon Meerians, Assistant Traffic En9in~er
, David Healey, Planning Director
Cecil Henderson, Assistant Public Works Director
Roy Ayres, Building Director
George Buhmeyer, Fire Marshal
Karen Wilson, Water Resources Specialist (Representing
Paul Rettig, utilities Director
Ream Wilson, Parks and Recreation Director
John Peddy, Energy Officer
Environmental Management)
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Clinton Pet.tit
Allyn Pettit
Terry K. Dunlap
Alan Bomstein
Victor Henger
John Reitnauer
Clearwater Village Condominium
Clearwater Village Condominium
Mudano Associates
Creative Contractors, Inc.
Market Locations
C. Fred Deuel
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The meeting was called to order Py the Chairman at 10:25 a.m. in the Assistant
City Manager's Conference Room in the City Hall Annex.
ITEM #1 - (Continued) Parcel 48, East of Virginia Lane (Apartments), Pettit
Property; located east of Virginia Lane just south of GUlf-to-Bay Boulevard
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Don Meerians - Stated that the site plan was a good one. He had no other comments.
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David Healey,- Presented the applicant with the site plan on which he had noted
~dditional information that must be placed on the plan in order for it to go for-
ward. These notations include identification of the gross land area, building
height, atc. He also recommended that the home that is on the property be
removed before a building permit is issued. Applicant stated he would like to
use this as a live-in watchman residence during construction. Mr. Healey saw no
objection to this as long as the building code provides for it. However, he
s~ated it would have to'be removed before the new units are occupied.
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Cecil Henderson - Stated that his comments are essentially the same as they were,
.in.the last meeting. He again presented a copy of his written comments and
included one addition regarding the drainage retention. This drainage retention
as shown on the current plan is not quite adequate. This will be reviewed in
applicant's final construction plan to make sure it complies completely with the
City's design standards. Mr. Henderson said he does not see this as a major
problem inasmuch as applicant has sufficient property.
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ROy Ayres - Inquired whether this property is platted, and if it is, wantod to
know if it is platted as a condominium. Applicant replied that it would be
platted. Mr. Ayres stated that it would be necessary to do this before building
~ permits can be issued.
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George Buhmeyer - No comment.
! '
Karen Wilson - Requested that applicant design the retention pond for a fifty (50)
year storm rather than the usual twenty-five (25) year storm inasmuch as they do
not have a positive outfall. She also recommended that applicant obtain a copy
of the drainage criteria as they need to avoid going any deeper than approximately
2-feet on the retention areas.
Paul Rettig - Stated that he has no problems with the water line as shown. The
water main must be within a iO-foot easement dedicated to the city and accepted
by the City. After it is installed and approved, then it will be maintained by
the city. Then applicant can set his meters and meter the building. Mr. Rettig
went on to say that the 2-inch water line must be PVC inasmuch as the City does
not allow galvanized water mains.
Ream Wilson - No comment.
John Peddy - Had to leave the meeting at this time but returned in time to vote
on the motion.
:. .
MOTION: Cecil Henderson moved for approval subject to the following conditions:
1. Requirement of placing on the plan information relating to zoning,
land area and density.
2. Easements appearing on the site plan and subsequently being
dedicated to the City.
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David Healey seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
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ITEM #2 - (Continued) Courtyard Office Complex, Marsalan Properties; located
between Court Street and Santa Rosa
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Oem Meerians
No comment.
David Healey - Commented on the low cost figure submitted by Mr. Alan Bornstein
of Creative Contractors, Inc. in his letter of November 24, 1980.
'Cecil Henderson - No comment.
. "
Roy Ayres - Also expressed surprise at the low cost estimate. Mr. Terry Dunlap
of Mudano Associates said his firm had reviewed the estimate submitted and
concurred with Mr. Bornstein's figures.
George Buhmeyer, Karen Wilson, Ream Wilson" and Paul Rettig had no comments. '
John , Peddy - He felt th~ estimate was close but that it could be done for the
quoted figure because it is an owner-builder operation.
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December 4, 1980 - ROC
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MOTION: David Healey roved that the Corranittoo accept the letter from Mr. Uomt1toin
as documentation that th.ey are exempt from the COll1llunity Impnct Statoment.
John P~ddy seconded the motion, which passod unanimously.
Don Meerians - In reply to Mr. Meerians question as to whon tho applicant pro-
poses to put in future parking, Mr. Dunlap said that this may occur immodiately.
It depends on whether they have to provido a larger water retontion systom. If
they do, they may have to utilize two or three parking apaces on the south-
easterly corner of the site or lower elevation of the site, and relocate them to
where future parking is indicated.
David Heale~ - Measurement on Building 500 to cstablish tho setback has to be
perpendicular to the right-oi-way at that point. Mr. lIealey questioned whethor
the B6 spaces required for parking included the four they have shown as future
parking. Mr. Dunlap said it did not. Mr. Healey stated they would prefer it
be eliminated from the site plan because it would confuse the issue. Also, the
zoning districts need to be noted on the site plan. He further stated that in
all likelihood both the land use plan and zoning ordinance would be amended
since this is 'being developed for office use consistent with the Residentiall
Office Plan classification and the PS Zoning District.
cecil Henderson - Distributed and discussed written comments which are attached
as Item #2. He pointed out that the narrow type retention areas, especially
where pedestrians have to cross, have been unsuccessful and eventually had to be
filled in. Therefore, he recommended not doing this if there is any way to
avoid it.
{ ,
Roy Ayres - Pointed out that along the south side on Court Street an existing
sidewalk is shown, and on the north side along Santa Rosa a 5-foot sidewalk is
indicated and it has a meandering configuration, which he assumes is to miss the
trees. .He wondered if either Engineering or Traffic Engineering foresaw any
problems with it not being located where it normally should be. Mr. Dunlap said
he had discussed this with the Traffic Engineer, who said they should indicate
a meandering sidewalk clear of the trees. Neither Engineering or Traffic
Engineering has any objection to this sidewalk.
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George Buhmeyer - Stated that the hydrant location is no problem but had a
question on-the water main. Mr. Dunlap said they propose to connect to the fire
hydrant off of the main and to run a second line. Regarding parking spaces, the
Fire Marshal said the plan should be corrected to show 87 spaces.
\. ~ . ,
Karen Wilson - She is concerned about the overall retention capabilities of the
site and believes that certain areas shOUld not be considered part of the total
retention area. The five parking spaces in the southeast corner of the
'property should be relocated to a proposed future parking area, and then these
five vacant spaces would become part of the water retention area. The two
3D-inch trees that are on the property should be protected from retention areas;
i.e., retention area should not be any closer than the tree drip line.
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December 4, 1980 - ROC
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Paul Rettig - Inasmuch as thoso building8 will have an exterior e.ntrance, thoy
will have to havo a separate moter for ench business. The dovolopur nceda to
get with the Utility Departmont to determine meter requirements. Tho meters
must be in a right-of-way or casement. 1\lso, he nceda to coordinate with the
Sanitation Superintendent the dumpster location, nnd tho Sanitation Pivision
will need ingross and ogroBu to the dumpster.
Ream Wilson - No comment.
John Peddy - Stated that all of the oxterior lighting should be of a high
efficiency type.
Mr. Healey expressed concern about approving a plan wherein the Water Resources
Specialist has reservations regarding the adequacy of retention. Also, the
adjoining property owner to the east has recorded his concern about this
retention problem. Karen Wilson stated that this particUlar plan will not work.
Considerable alte~ations need to be made on this site plan before it is
MOTION: David Healey moved to continue consideration of the plan in order to
provide an opportunity for the applicant to address the Committee's concerns
with respect to the adequacy of on-site retention and the corresponding adjust-
ment in parking spaces, to situate the dumpster locationa, the water litle on-
site and easements over those lines, and to note on the plan the water meter
Karen Wilson seconded the motion.
There was considerable discussion on the motion. Mr. Alan Bomstein arrived at
11:15 a.m. (after the motion had been made) and the concerns of the Committee
were expressed to him. He stated that his primary aim was to maintain the
wooded atmosphere of this piece of land. The more on-site retention done, the
more trees it will be necessary to take down. The motion was repeated for
Mr. Bomstein. Cecil Henderson called for the question. Motion carried with
two dissenting votes.
ITEM #3 - Jennifer Office Complex, Tract II-a, C. Fred Deuel & Associates, Inc. -
Engineers; located on the east side of U.S. 19 north of Sunset Point Road
John Peddy - No comment.
Ream Wilson - Confirmed with the applicant that in the first phase of this
project there was parkland dedication which covered the entire project.
Applic~nt stated that this had'already been given to the City.
Paul Rettig - Stated he has no problems with the revision.
Karen Wilson., George Buhmeyer, Roy A'(res and Cecil Henderson had no conunents.
oavid Healey - Questioned the applicant regarding which buildings they propose
replacing in Unit II. He was advised that it involves the two office buildings,
which are 15,000 square feet, plus 2,400 square feet for the bank. Applicant
stated that this is less square footage, less parking area, etc. than was
originally contemplated.
December 4, 1980 - ~
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MOTION: Cocil Hendorson moved to approvo tho addendum to the CIS. Motion was
secondod by Ream Wilson and carried unanimously.
~ PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN - Jennifer Office Complex
. ,. ~
Don Meednns - 110 pointed out that the arrows between the bank and the building
on tho southwest corner are backwards.
David Bon ley - liD stated that tho square footage does not seorn to be correct.
The applicant said that Building #1 is 60' x lOa' and Building #2 is 60' x 150'.
Tho Planning Diroctor was concerned about platting, but the applicant stated it
would not be over two parcels, and therefore, would not require platting. The
bank would be ono parcel and all the balance would be condominium ownerShip.
Mr. Healey said if that were the case, platting would not be required, but for
the purposes of meeting zoning setback requirements, they would need 20-feet
at the division line. Consequently, applicant would have to extend the division
line B-feet to the east. He also stated they.~ould need landscaping by the
south parking lot.
Cecil Henderson - Distributed and discussed written comments which are attached
as Item #3. With reference to comment #2, Mr. Henderson asked the deyeloper if
he could enlighten the Committee regarding plans for retention area. He stated
that they want the retention area in the front re-engineered and reworked. The
developer said they have a bond for the sodding on the other side of the pond.
. The developer stated their engineers have been instructed to find out from
various experts all their options, and ~eport back. Cecil Henderson said he
would strongly recommend a dry retention area. However, the developer stated
that because of the extremely high water level, he does not believe it can be
dried up.
Roy Ayres - Questioned where the handicapped parking spaces would be located and
stated they would have to pe located near ramps.
George Bunmeyer - Mentioned that on the final drawing they will need to show the
correct location of the hydrants.
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Karen Wilson - Stated that the City Forester requested the applicant to look for
some means to preserve the cluster of trees behind Building #1, and to do this
prior to the Building Permit stage. Considerable time will be saved if it is
handled before obtaining the Building Permit.
David Healey pointed out to the developer that the number of parking spaces is
considerably over the number ,:-equired by code. The drawing should be revised in
such a way that every tree pOssible will be preserved. Because of the Commission's
'connern to preserve trees, Mr. Healey feels it would be inappropriate to take the
'plan to the City Commission iodts present form. The developer replied that he has
leased the building to doctors who feel they must have this number of parking spaces
to function properly.
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Ream Wilson - No comment.
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Paul Rettig Inasmuch as all the offices have exterior entrances I they must
each be separately water metered. Also, each meter must be on either a right-
of-\~ay or easement. Another problem is getting the water to these buildings.
Mr. Rettig suggested the developer contact him further on these matters.
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December 4, 1980 - ROC
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John Paddy - Ho recommended that all outside lighting be of the high officioncy
type. It was pointed out that this would reduce operating cost, give more light,
and save on energy.
MOTIONr David Healey moved that we approve the site plan subject to the follow-
ing conditions:
1. That the Engineering Department's concern with the on-site reton-
tion be addressed to their satisfaction prior to plan approval.
2. That the dimensions on the plan be corrected as noted in comments.
3. That there be provided a 5-foot separation distance between
internal access easement and the parking.
4. That the internal water lines be located, and appropriate easements
5. That the parking and drive locations south of Building #1 be
adjusted to preserve the cluster of trees shown. This must be to
the satisfaction of the City Forester and Traffic Engineer.
6. That the property identification line at the eastern end be
adjusted to provide a 20-foot separation distance between the build-
ing and the identification line.
The motion was seconded by Cecil Henderson and it carried unanimously.
" .
ITEM #4 - School District Staff - Request for Input - Proposed bus storage
maintenance facility adjacent to Sandy Lane Elementar,y School
The Chairman submitted two concerns of the City Forester. The first was regard-
ing tree removal. Secondly, he wondered if the resulting paved surface would be
. buffered from the surrounding property and shaded per the City Ordinance.
.:Don Meerians - His understanding is that the only access to the property is in
the southwest corner.. He would rather the buses exit on either Kings Highway or
B~tty Lane. Sunset Point Road is another possibility; however, Mr. Meerians
would not suggest this access because of the large number of buses involved.
The Chairman asked Mr. Meerians if he liked the proposal. He stated that he has
no: objection to the site.
David Healey - Stated that Dr. Joseph Carwise had requested informal advice from
. the City regarding this proposed location prior to their recommendation to the
School Board. Mr. Healey said his major concern is the specific location of the
structure and the manner in which that number of buses could be stored and
maintained relative to the surrounding land uses.
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Cecil Henderson - Said he had a professional opinion as well as a personal
comment to present. If the site is developed for this purpose, the School Board
will need to negotiate with the City relative to easements, utilities, drainage,
sidewalks, etc. From a traffic standpoint, Sunset Point Road already exceeds
the capacity for a roadway of its type, and Kings Highway is not a good routing
system. Mr. Henderson stated he would be very concerned about the water quality.
With that many buses to service, it would be necessary to make. good provision
for disposal of the waste materials. Inasmuch as Mr. Henderson lives just off
Kings Highway, personally, he would not look forward to additional traffic in the
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Roy Ayres :- No Cormnent.
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December 4, 1980 - ROC
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George Buhmeyer - Expressed the opinion that the location is a very poor one
because of the children who live in the area as well as those who ride the
school bUSBS. From a traffic standpoint, the SWlset Point area' is already over-
loaded. Additional fire hydrants would be needed. Also, the School Bo'ard would
need input on fire protection.
Karen Wilson - stated that if there are any trees on the site they would be
planning to develOp, the Forester would certainly want to comment. From a water
quality standpoint, she would want a storage and disposal system set up on the
premises for waste, oil, etc., which would meet the City's requirements. Also,
the drainage must be very carefully designed, not only from normal dripping
that would run off from the vehicles but from a spillaqe standpoint.
Paul Rettig - He recommended that they locate in the County inasmuch as there
seems to be little likelihood the City can give them any input. He felt if
there were an opportunity to give input, we could suggest a buffer which would
permit housing for 100 to 150 buses. This would take care of the drainage,
pollution, etc.
Ream Wilson - He feels that 150 buses would be too many in a residential area.
Traffic is very heavy now, and he feels these buses are not compatible to a
residential neighborhood.
John Peddy - With traffic as heavy as it is in this area, it seems to him this
proposal would be a violation of sare driving conditions. The roads are not
designed to handle that many vehicles. Also, he feels the facility itself is
a potential hazard from a fire standpoint, as well as from a noise standpoint.
, He fucther stated if the facility is to be centrally located to handle the
northern half of the 'COWlty, then it should be about five to seven miles north
of this proposed location. Additionally, putting a structure of this type near
an elementary school is not the better part of wisdom.
Mr. Rettig offered a .further comment to his above-mentioned statements, suggest-
ing that we might be able to effect a trade in properties. Marshal Buhmeyer
said that not only is storage a problem but maintenance as well.
These thoughts are to be conveyed to the City Manager for his use in responding
. to', the Staff of the School Board.
Meeting adjourned at 12:20 p.m.
ROC: deb
December 4, 1980 - ROC
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Meeting Date ~'Iecember 4, 1980
THE COURTYARD OFFICE COMP'LEX (.located between Court Street
and Santa Rosal
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Cost Information
Revised Preliminary Site Plan
Architects - Mudano Associates~Inc~
Comments by J~ W~ Rooks and W, J~ Shepard
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1. Site is served by Marshall Street Sanitary Service Area,
2~ Construction in the right-of.way of Court Street is
subject to permitting' by State D~O~T~
3.. Final storm design is not submitted at this time",
Minor'site changes will be required for compliance
to City standards ~ The, site has substantial trees
existing that the 'developer wishes to protect, This
plan will be reviewed with minor changes by Traffic
and Public Works Department.
4. A 10' . water main easement will be required for the
water line and hydrant in island ,off of Court Street~
Hydrant on Santa Rosa should be located within the
5. "Ingress and egress easements will be required for
City utility vehicles over the proposed internal
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6. Width of drives at back of curb on Santa Rosa exceeds
,the City maximum dimension of 40 feet~
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