11/13/1980 ~ \..... ' , ", ,,' _ 'L ,.', ~"', ~ I l' '~', J', ", J' " .'1'" ";, '"\ ,:-'.,,';',',.,. '..~!". + " , :}" ',~ ' , ", . 1 ',;.... .. 'C, ), ' ~~ '., " ""> fJ "," , .:lc ) , .~' ',>. ..' , . .~:' . ' -I"'.' ~\.:: . ,:'" 1 " " , t;< .':J" :'. "~;', I: ;;",..,~ ;t:;: ~ ,~~l I~?~ " ' ' : .' '. ., (', l~ "\ j r "'_ :" . '. ('} ",-,-....., l. APPROVED .,.. \. RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE City of Clearwater, Florida November 13, 1980 ~ MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Campbell, Chairman Karen Wilson, Water Resources Specialist (Representing Mike Kenton) David, Healey, Planning Director William Tripp, Building Department Don Meeriana, Assistant Traffic Engineer George'Buhmeyer. Fire Harshal Cecil Henderson. Jr., Assistant Director of Public Works Ream Wilson, Parka and Recreation Department Director , John Peddy, Energy Officer Paul Rettig, Utilities Director ,/ OTHERS PRESENT: Lee Dorian - Dorian Housing Corporation Hy Branfman - Champion Development Corporation , Frank MOrris - Architect 'Clinton Pettit - Pettit Property aBnk Trimm -Architect ,Jam~s ,A.- Connell ~ OWner/Developer Doug Everlove - Consulting'Eng~neer tom Bcnnett- Owner/Developer :"" Frank ,Bosworth '- F. Boswo1:'th Arc.hitects ,Hansell'P. Enloe- Mackinnon & Associates Architects , ,'Ronald, Rowand - Cont-raeto'l:' Howard'Knapp - Contractor 'Art Wallace - National Safe Corporation . .Lars DOhm"~ Mather Group Incorporated Engineers Boward c.. natt, Attorney '" , I The meeting ~as called to order by Mike Campbell at 10:05 A.M. in the Operations Conference Room. 'Minutes of the'October 24, 1980, meeting were approved with a motion by Mr. Henderson and second by Mr. Peddy. ',ITEM 1 - (Continued) SUNTREE APIIRTMENTS (formerly Mall Apartments) , Champion Development Corporation; located on the east side of South Greenwood Avenue. REVISED PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN ~~hn Peddy - no comments other than original ones with regard to lighting. ". I' ;<"':'~'.", " :, Ream Wilson - no connnents. F~:,:G 'Cecli H~mderson - No additional comments beyond written COnu:lents previously given to r.~r':' :::,',:.' .devel~per. !~~l:"'{~": '...',. '.",.. '. - 1 - "Cll'" "~:"""" 'I',' ,~, ' ' I., 1, . ~l,1!r' f' ,',"',,, ,'.' '~, "":.0,':,,.';1,,> ,_,' ',' ',..",", ' '",~.."lP'II:.,'",":~'. " ',' :":"':', /"'" .J""--' ,..- t . I . GeOrRe Bubmeyer - no comments. ,~ Don Meerians - no comments. 'c,'::' \' w. Tripp - no comments. Dave Heale~ - Two suggestions - looking for access easement over private drive. Developer responded letter with plans was submitted regarding this. Second suggestion by Mr. Healey concerned the two variances requested for later today. Our action here would be contingent upon the authorization of those variances for number of units in a row 4n4, building set- back with respect to Building 11. Whatever motion there would be today 8ho~ld be condi- tioned upon a specific landscape plan for the area between Building 01 and the Greenwood Avenue Right-of-Way. where it would be closer to the street than ordinarily permitted. Karen Wilson - requested the developer to change east access drive as shown to avoid tree. Any retention capacity based on percolation not acceptable per City standards. Please change to assume worst case (no perCOlation). 1, Paul Rettig - vater lines missing for Building OS. Asked if there vould be one meter to each building and developer anS'Wered "yesn. Easement will include up to meter line. This turn around for purpose of garbage truck may have to be eliminated.. \, Dave Healey - made a motion that ve move to approve the Preliminary Site Plan subject to the following conditions: .; . ,. , ,. . "._~ Relocation of drive to miss the 2411, oak tree as proposed by Ms. Wilson; Landscape plan for the area be.tween Building 01 and G-cee.nwood Avenue be submitted prior to the issuance of a Building Permit for that building; Retention areas be re-eonfigured prior to issuance of any building permit consistent with the recommendations by the Engineering Department: and, Drainage and 'utility easements requested by the, ,Engineering DepartlJl.ent( and 'access easement over the drive be granted to the City. Hr. Rettig seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 1) 2) ! ~ , " " 3) i " ' 4) ~ I , . ITEM 2'- (Continued) Parcel 48, East of Virginia Lane (Apartments), Pettit Property: located east of Virginia Lane just south of Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard. REVISED PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN 30hn Peddy .and Ream Wilson - no comments. Cecil Henderson - summarized his written comments - see attached. Item 7 is in support of Ut~1ity Department. I~' \ " George Buhmeyer - no comments. Don Meerians - Site'Plan parking spaces should be marked handicapped. "':) > .' " , . '.\ . '~ ' . William Trip~ - no comments. Da~e Healey - Name needed for the Site Plan, contours or spot elevation (topographic information on plan), need to know what the building height is in feet because the - 2 - J.,":,>. ,ii" November ,,-.... ~ ,; \ h , '.0 ,,'.~-" .. . ., , ,~,: ' ' r- /"" " '"'"" ' , , " . , 'minimum setback of 20' applies only as long as your building height dOGS not exceed 20 feet. If you were to SO above that, there would be a problem. Developor interjected they are all two story bUildings. Also, the existing zoning must be noted on the plan-.. aK 8. Since you added two units instead of the one we suggested, you must now eliminate one and have ten which is acceptable. We prefer that you bave fifteen parking spaces plus the two for handicapped making a total of seventeen - there is no need for twenty-two. Landscape islands could be added which would be a positive addition to your project. Also, thirty foot parking aiole not necessary -twenty-four foot would be better. In South End it would be helpful to have a turning aTea to help baCK-out turning movement. We need an additional five feet of ROW for Virginia Lane which gives us twenty-five feet plus the five additional feet frOM the right-of-way centerline. Ka~en Wilson - No positive outfall on your retention pond. You are going to have to over- size the retention pond, and we recommend fifty year storm instead of the twenty-five year storm for design purposes. No elevations shown - drainage is in opposite direction. ,Corner is a natural for retention. Sugges~ engineer come in to see Karen Wilson before you submit a Site Plan to the Building Department for City requirements. Paul Rettig - Delete water line on the west side of the property and put a blow-off or valve there. Also, stressed one meter for each building...perhaps you would like S" pipe rather than 6n...another fire hydrant for Virginia Lane...SII main on South side of street. I Cecil Henderson - moved that Parcel 48 be continued until the next ROC meeting. George Buhmeyer seconded it and the vote vas unanimous. ITEM 3 - St. Petersbur Bank & Trust Com an Clearwater Branch Bank. Trimm/Clark a e p, Inc., located at 1499 Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard. (Under construction.) CIS ADDENDuM Dave Healey - moved to accept CIS Addendum. Don Meerians seconded it, and it was passed with a unanimous vote. REVISED' PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN ReamWiloon - no comments. Cecil Henderson - summarized written comments - see attached. GeorKe Buhme~er - no comments. Dou Meerians - commented on new access to San Juan Court - Developer respon~ed they had decided to make that two ways. William Tripp - no comments. Dave Healey - one question regarding reflective glas~. We are concerned about the use at an intersection. Developer said it is only in the tower and sixteen to eighteen feet above the street level - angle would not interfere with passing traffic. Mr. Healey questioned proposed removal of oak trees and Mr. Trimm said they are dying. Parking located in the Rm 12 zone will require a Special Exception by the Board of Adjustment and Appeals on Zoning. . - - 3 - I~ .~ '(1 I ,.\'/ Karen Wilson - When you re-do your plans be sure you have right invert elevations on your outfall structures. Paul Rettig - Owner must provide back-flow as necessary. John Peddy - Concerned with regard to reflective glass. Provide us with a statement or letter that if the reflection provides a hn%ard or direct glare to the street, you will use some method to stop this reflection. Mr. Peddy moved that we accept the Site Plan with the provision that the Traffic Engineer- ing Department be provided with a latter that if the reflective glass pr~ve be a safety hazard to the public that you will address it by some screening 0 dimmin the glass at such expense of the owner and that some water detention calculat ons be re- calculated to assure the Engineering Department that adequate storage is provided with the new parking lot and also that the changes with the original Site Plan he included on this Site Plan. Paul Rettig seconded the motion which passed with a unanimous vote. ITEM 4 - Bay Place Condominium Townhomest James Connell (developer); located on North Osceola Avenue. REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF COMMUNITY lMPACT STATEMENT Dave Healey - Questioned additional cost per unit above the $26.00 per square foot for 8 total of $35.00. Developer answered that he had based original cost on previous project. '...-....... \ . " J Mr. Henderson made a motion that we accept the applicant's documentation that the project is exempt from the CIS requirement. Hr. Peddy seconded the motion which passed unanimously. PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN " , ~ John Peddy - Requested developer consider the use of high intensity lighting for outdoor security and illumination such as high pressure sodium or metal halite; also not to build building with present calculations - there is an error. Ream Wilson - no ~omments. .'\. ," " Paul Retti~ - We do need an easement for that ;~- water line before you go to file plat and each unit must have a meter or a total of two meters. Also reduce size of water main. - minimum of 2" with a blow-off on end. Cecil Henderson - Summarized his written comments - see attached. GeorRe Bubmeyer - Reco~ended the west fire hydrant be moved. ,Don Meertans - Stressed City requirements for width of drive...radius trimmed to 15 feet and opposed to dumpster location back-out onto street. .' William Tripp - no comments. '" Dave Heale~ - Suggested developer needs to arrive at a net density calculation and locate same on the Site-Plan. Questioned moving the p~oject as far forward beyond the top of the bank and whether it needed to be filled all the way to retaining wall. Sugges~iJtA1nt1- leve~e~O{iered step down, approach in lieu of filling. Setbacks on waterfronSd~rl nor met. Approva will require a variance to move the setback from the sides of propetity to middle of pro ect..and as to the clear space requirement. , - 4 - " ,', ,~ 8~~ " , " , . .'. ,~. . 'i::c ". ,':. . Nov~ber ;1.980 " .I .J ::':) ',,' l'. . ':., ': . ltc' . ~ ,,--..,, /"" , . . . Karen Wilson - Discussed trees, namely, 20u oak to be removed - would like to have 36" tree saved. Developer said he plans to make a circular entrance and will not upset that tree. Suggested run-off... .15 a little low because of slope. Detention'calculationa show potential !o~ a very severe erosion problem so perhaps we can work out a better location before you submit plan to Building Department. Hike Campbell - questioned the grade change around that 36u oak tree and developer said nothing - natural grade will hold. Suggested paving brick will allow some percolation rather than asphalt . . . allow brick to slope to the tree on the back side. 'I Cecil Henderson - made a motion to continue Bay Place Condominium Townhomeo" Mr. Healey seconded motion and motion passed unanimously. ITEM 5 - Villas at Lake Arbor, Orion Development; located on the northwest corner of Montclair and Belcher Roads (A~reement to Annex - located in Pinellas County. PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN Ream Wilson - asked about park dedication . . . ingress and egress with access to the lake. Recommended> that we not accept recreation easement on lake as part of meeting this requirement. Problems occur with maintenance and liability. John Peddy - requested that there be high pressure sodium lighting - Developer answered that is exactly what they plan to install. .,'-....... Paul RettiR - discussed water easement over water'main - north to it. City provides the pipe to extend to property line. Blanket easement okay if okay with City. Each cluster will have a meter. Dumpster location'as approved by Sanitation. Questioned which sewer plant - developer answered East plant. Cecil Henderson - summarized his written comments - see attached. Don Meerians - Questioned parking space size - answer - 10 x 20, carports . . . Also, questioned driveway on Montclair Road - 35' - radius will overlap adjacent frontage... island at entrance at Belcher Road needs to be removed as it is a hazard. Also questioned purpose of cul de sac. William Tripp - no comments. Dave Healey - The internal roadway dead ends between buildings 16 and 18 and in several other locations. Asked if developer really needed that much parking. Applicant responded that the County 'code requires two to one. Also questioned proximity of pool to lake. Developer said that area represented on plan is high water line of lake. Mr. Realey discussed park dedication and recommended it go forward to the City Manager subject to his approval of the provisions for park dedication. Suggested a staged payment process could perhaps be considered. Karen Wilson - concerned about storm drainage system. Several erosion problems because of volume of water. Water could be retained before it discharges so it could flow slo~er. Need to work on entire retention system. Will need a layout of citrus trees and estimated average diameters. Questioned if approved by the County for drainage - developer 'answered flyes - preliminary". - 5 - '1 '., r . . ~ " . " <) r" ,- ,~ ; " . Geor~e Buhmeyer - Three comments. 1) Disagree with the County about dead end streets; 2) Disagree with the City's position on parking spaces - believe two parking spaces for one unit ia good; 3) Reserve comments on water layout until final plan. Paul Rettig - Mentioned natural gas on both sides of street for their project. Dave Heale~ - made a motion that ve recommend approval of the Site Plan to the City Manager in conjunction with the request for agreement to annex subject to his determina- tion as to the appropriate amount of money to be contributed in lieu of tbe paTk dedica- tion requirement; subject to the dedication of the easements requested by the EngineeTing Department and revision of an approved water main and hydrant layout and identification of a berm on West side of the property and East side of the lake. Cecil Henderson - seconded the motion which passed with a unanimous vote. ITEM 6 - National Safe Corporation, Mather Group, Inc.; located on the north side of Grand Avenue West of Hercules Avenue. REQUEST FOR A WAIVER OF COMMUNITY IMPACT STATEMENT Geor~e Buhmeyer - no comments. John Peddy - Questioned office space figures - developer answered 10.000 square feet - 5,000 each floor. Also. questioned $10 per square foot. . . answer., this is the figure quoted. Don Meerians - no comments. Cecil Henderson - not opposed to waiver. Paul Rettig - questioned water line - to the best of hig knowledge it would be ae owner's expense. There is a two inch water line existing, however. will that be enough? Developer ,stated there is a contract stating the City is bringing in an 8" water line to fifty feet , ,beyond their property. Dave Healey - made a motion that we accept the letter from Mr. Jones in support of their request ,that they be exempt from the CIS requirement with the,understandi~g that the costs attTibutable to the extension of the utility system are to be borne by the City as per the Contract for purchase of the property. Mr. Henderson seconded' the motion which passed unanimously. PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN George Buluneyer - mentioned fire hydrants and 8" no problem . . . widening of access road. Cecil Henderson - summarizDd his written comments - see attached. Ream Wilson - no comments. Paul Rettig - questioned if 8" water line and sprinkler system are going to be wired directly to the Fire Department. - 6 - ,"'-"" .- . . ,...-....., . . . . , . \ t1 John Peddy - requested parking lighting be high pressure sodium or high intensity light system costs no more. Karen Wilson - detention area a little deep. Questioned if they were using any more spaee inside of berm area - could be shallowed up and made larger. Please conoider for looks and easier maintenance. Watch bad soil - sub drain covered by 411 soil plus 2" sod. Tree survey needed - developer answered - that is being done. Dave Healey - Questioned parking calculations as they pertained to the office portion. Suggested parking be reloeated in part away from front of building. William Tri~~ - no comments. Don Meeriaus - Questioned size of parking spaceo - developer answered gc x lOc, ex- cept for handicapped which are 12' wide. Truck spaces are 12~' wide. Radius on access - west isn't needed at all. Also asked if sidewalks were being installed? Developer answered no. He was then told a sidewalk waiver would be needed. Karen Wilson - made a motion to approve the Site Plan contingent upon satisfying the Engineering Department with regard to the proper design of the detention area, the addition of sidewalk on the South side of the propertYJ provision of a satisfactory tree survey to the City Forester, a twenty foot drainage and utility easement on the East and a portion of the North side, adjustment of parking formula to reflect office use, and water line and hydrants 'on ROWand site, and resolution of confusion over water line on South side of property to the satisfaction of the developer and the City. Dave Healey seconded motion. Motion passed with a unanimous vote. ,~.~ ,~. Rettig asked to be excused after Item 6. :~J ITEM 7 - Lifetime of Vacations, Peter Marich, Architect and Planners, Inc.; located on Clearwater Beach between Gulf View Boulevard and Bay Way Drive. MAJOR S'ITE PLAN CHANGE Dave Healey - Noted the essence of the change proposed with respect to the number of units now proposed to be counted as motel units at 42 units per acre instead of dwelling units at 28 units per acre. City attorney reeommended that we ask for some additional information that will help in determination as to the appropriate classifi- cation of this proposal. Until he has this information and makes a ruling, Mr. Healey cannot pass on the plan with respect to denisty. Also questioned parking spaces as to number to ultimately be provided and location of dumpsters - be better if they could be ,located away from the street frontage. , ~ Karen Wilson - questioned how sto~ water was to be handled on the site. Will it be retained and percolated under the boardwalks. This is not acceptable from a water quality standpoint. Prefer to scatter grass depressions around the property." l' John Peddy 'and Ream Wilson - no comments. Cecil Henderson - summarized his written comments - see attached. '~',:,:) . , .', Roward Batt stated this is not a condominium. We are not conveying fee simple ownership to anyone. This is a motel. Main purpose of this revision is the unit count which is now 84 units changed from the original 62 units. , , i.' , '~,., ., ' - 7 - November 13, 1980 . : I . . l/at t ;~ " ., , .,~~ I' W. Tripp - no comments. \1 I ' Dave Healey moved that we continue consideration of the requooted plan amendment to allow for the following; 1) An interpretation by the City Attorney based on information to be supplied by the applicant as to the appropriate classification of units as that classification relates to density; I l 2) That the requisite information be forthcoming and changes governing site retention be made and the provisions for connections to the sewer and water lines be identified. - 3) Parking tabulation be verified and consideration be given to the relocation of the dumpster site s . W. Tripp seconded the motion. Discussion following stated sidewalks must be included. Motion passed unanimously. Item continued. ITEM 8 was removed from the agenda, as it was previously postponed. ,)'. , ITEM 9, - Revised Annexation Ordinance was discussed. . ~ . , i, ,. Mr. Healey briefly summarized what tbe Ordinance will contain and said it has become apparent that we need such an Ordinance. This is a first draft for review by the Committee. ',' ~ t ~ 1 " ~ , I . r. .. ;;;:'~<~J' " "', '..' ", 1 ' ,., .. ~ Don Meerians - said he feels that a developer should be made to go by City standards 'rather'than County standards when building, if he plans to annex. Mr. Healey said Paragraph (b), under 7 C...6, addressed this. Mr. Campbell - stated a tree survey should be specifically stated in the Ordinance a8 a ,requirement. " ,c , ,'" Ream Wilson - discussed parkland dedications, etc. ',C,., " '0\-' I ... .., " ' H',', ,...., ~!~'.: .', ~', ", - ' E~:~~~;"', ",.' n ~~ ..l. ': <" Karen Wilson - discussed specific conflicts regarding parking spaces and trees. Dave Healey - suggested any additional comments that Resource Development Committee 'members have regarding this Ordinance, be forwarded to him or Mr. Bustin. Mr. Peddy moved the meeting be adjourned and Karen Wilson seconded the motion. :f" Meeting adjourned at 2:50 P.M. ~;' . ' ' ,t(c, " , \~":' , ('~:, ": ..' . , ~,~.. ' .','e. ., ' ~ '~i\": " "~.. h. ~, , ~" ~~~ .~'-- Chair'\'n , I". ' ~, " 1.\ ..1, ,.".. :::"U' " :1':' ': " ' , . ~ . H . , :~' : . ' 11, '\, l~;:';" ':.. .r.,(. " '. ' ~~~:.... ~..." . , ,..,,', , i Ic" 'T. < '.>. ',' y:,/:.',:;~.T'-,'/.:','l'~' :,:: ,,::.~ ,~;c',:.~ - 8 -