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October 24, 1980
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Elizabeth S. Haeseker, Assistant City Manager
Cecil Henderson, Assistant Public Works Director
David Healey, Planning Director
Joe Mandy, Assistant Utilities Director
John Peddy, Energy Officer
Joseph Molnar, Fire Inspector
Ream Wilson, Parks and Recreation Director
Karen Wilson, Water Resources Specialist (representing
, Environmental Management)
Don Meerians, Assistant Traffic Engineer
Roy Ayres, Building Director
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Others Present:
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Ed Mazur; Post, Buckley, Schuh and Jernigan
RaY,Kutz; U.S.' Home
Keith Appenyeller; Post, Buckley, Schuh and Jernigan
Lee Dorian, Dorian Housing
By Brans, Champion Development
Clint Stevens; Lloveras, Baur & Stevens
Jim,Kreivacs, Dynamic Inv~stments
Frank Morris' '
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The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m. in the Assistant
City Manager's Conference' Room in City Hall Annex.
The ROC Minutes of the Special Meeting of September 23 and the Regular
,Meeting of October 10, 1980, were approved as submitted.
ITEM #1 - (Continued) SUNTREE APARTMENTS (former1v Mall Apartments), Champion
. ,Development Corporation; located on the east side of South Greenwood Avenue.
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Joe Mandy - concerned regarding the water lines which were installed some
time ago. ~Iay need information regarding tests, hook-up, etc.. Determined
that he would require the developer to bring the lines up to current code.
Some lines would be too small for the fire hydrants.
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Roy Ayres - No comment.
John Peddy - requested information on amount of work that has been done and
found that the primary plumbing, slabs, footings and water and sewer lines
have been installed. Thinks estimate of $16.50 per square foot is low. Mr.
Brans said based on the work that has been completed and paid for, $16.50 is
an accurate figure.
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Don Meerians - no comment.
Joe Mandy - no comment.
Ka.ren Wilson. Cecil Rendet'son. Dave Uealey'. Ream Wilson and Joe Molnar had
no comments.
Roy Ayres - advised that permits would be based on $22.00 per square foot.
David Healey moved that the ROC accept the developer's documentation relative
to the waiver of the CIS requirement. Ream Wilson seconded the motion which
carried unanimously.
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Roy Ayres - wants sidewalks and.handicapped spaces drawn and labeled as such
on the plan. Developer will comply.
John Peddy - no further comments.
Don Mcerians - no additional oomments.
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Joe Mandy - reported that he, has no record of what was done when water lines
were installed. Pressure tests and possibly chlorination. Mr. Brans responded
that this is already in the works.
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Karen Wilson - no retention information is given on the site plan; she would
require this in the form of a cross-section of the retention area and outfall
structure at the building permit stage. The developer reported that the
percolation tests ane being done and they will follow up with the cross-section
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Cecil Henderson - written comments (attached). Said that at the last ROC
meeting for SUntree Apartments. they were given minimum turn around dimensions
for 'garbage tt'ucks. Cul-de-sac should meet the minimum dimensions. Developer
has designed based on this.
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David Healey - most comments he had at the previous meeting were still pertinent;
two exceptions - they added the legal description and designed the cul-de-sac in
an acceptable arrangement. Still need: description of net land area in terms
of land area minus drive area divided by 32 uni.t~ tq yield .net densi,tYi, there tl~e 2
variances involved. one for more than 6 units in a row and one for the proximity of the
1st group of units to S.GreeIWXrl.:\ve.. Somewhere on plan building hgt. !ihould be noted
so that spacing provided can be confirmed as'being adequate. Suggestion: describe
what the unit types CA. B & C) are. Thinks skewed parking places should be
oriented differently (1,2) 29. 30 and 31).
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Don Meet'ians - have to maintain a nine-foot width at the mouth of the apace.
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, David Healey - regarding the road extension--they changed the cul-dc-sac arrange-
ment to meet City standards regarding the turn-around. Would like to have right-
of-way easement extend to the property line into Phase 11 regardless of who will
develop so both phases would be inter-connected--wants Phase II to connect back
to Eugenia Street the.,end of which street has been vacated.
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- 2 -
Oct. 24, 1980
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Lee Dorian would prefer not to because Eugenia Street is unattractive.
David Healey - easement over the internal street & extend~ng to the property line
should be shown on the s~te plan. He confirmed that the developer has the
Phase II property under contract and that they would build apartments. The
area between the internal sidewalk and the parking appears to be a difficult
area to maintain unless special provisions are made.
Ream Wilson - no comments.
Joe Molnar - will require three, instead of two, fire hydrants.
Joe Mandy - concerned as to whether the developer could give assurance that
they would have access to the six-inch water lines on the adjacent property.
The developer stated that they have an option.
David Healey - moved to continue the preliminary site plan for SUNTREE
APARTMENTS to allow the applicant to submit additional informatiqn as requested,
.1) sidewalks to be shown;
2) his requests for clarification; and
3) the Fire Marshal's determination as to where the additional fire
hydrant should be located.
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Roy Ayres seconded the motion. Dave Healey amended We motion to add that the water
system is to' be verified functional and acceptable according to City standards.
Roy Ayres seconded the amendment. Motion carrried with John Peddy and Cecil
Henderson voting in opposition.
.Suntree Apartments will return to the ROC on November the 13th.
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ITEM #2 - (Continued) TRACT 54, COUNTRYSIDE, U.S. Home; located on the east
aide and adjacent to Landmark Drive.
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Roy Ayres - the sidewalk along Landmark Drive is satisfactory now.
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John Pedd~ - his original comments stand.
Don Meerians - 'no comme~ts.
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Joe Mandy - confirmed that water lines would be eight inches.
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Karen Wilson - had no commencs.
Cecil Henderson - written comments (attached). U.S. Home dedicated an ease-
ment to the City where they plan to build a recreation building. Cecil Henderson
requested the developer apply for a vacation and not include that easement in
their legal description. Developer will provide.
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- 3 -
Oct. 24, 1980
David Healey - note #7 needs to be revised indicate that there are eight units
..~ow and note #9 be changed to indicate that they will comply with RM-16 zoning.
He.complemented the applicant on making adjustments to the site plan in
accordance with staff suggestions.
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Ray Kutz - gave Dave Healey a description of the clubhouBc--it \17ill have decking
Bnd green space. Mr. Healey requested that there be no cDrports because parking
is so close to the building. Appreciates their cooperation in making changes.
Ream Wilson - is pleased with the eagle's nest note on the plan.
C. Henderson asked R. Wilson if n split rail fence (if it is determined that
a fence is necessary) around the eagles's nest would be acceptable--Mr. Wilson
replied that the main purpose of the fence would be to keep vehicles out and
the split rail would be satisfactory.
MOTION: David Healey moved to approve the preliminary site plan for TRACT 54,
COUNTRYSIDE, subject to corrections of notes #7 and 9. Cecil Henderson
seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
ITEM #3 - (Continued) LAKEVIEW OAKS, Dynamic Investments; located on a portion
of the north side of Lakeview Road between Myrtle and Fort Harrison Avenues.
Roy Ayres - sidewalk comments still hold. Mentioned variance on right of way
of First Avenue. Clint Stevens said they have shown sidewalks on Lakeview
Road. Mr. Ayres stated he was satisfied.
John Pedd~
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,Don Meerians - requested the status of the First Avenue right of way in regard
"to leaving the City free and harmless. Mr. Stevens agreed to enter into an
agreement. Mr. Ayres suggested the City Attorney draft it.
Don Meerians requires a IO-foot right of way easement along Lakeview Avenue.
Parking space immediately in front of Building 2 would not function because of
the angle. Mr. Stevens will change and relocate the parking spaces. Mr. Meerians
informed the developer that one of the driveways should be set back farther
from the center--a minimum of five feet from the property line. Mr. Stevens
said they would attempt to maintain the five-foot setback and also, will keep
, in mind 'the protection of, a 20-inch tree. There are ten extra spaces and some
could be eliminated.
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Joe Mandy and Karen Wilson had no comments.
Cecil Henderson - submitted written comments (attached).
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David Healey - noted that parking formula needed clarification, quest~oned
right of way easement versus right of way, small separation distances between
parking areas and buildings, and provisions for use of West First Avenue right
of way.
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Mr. Stevens, at Mr. Healey's request, reported that in his meeting with Keith
Crawford, Traffic Engineer, and Max Battle, Director of Public Works, that the
ten-foot right of way easement was designed to try and save trees (10 and 1211)
on the north side of the bui1ding--would result in moving Building #2 to the
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Mr. Healey suggested they move Building #3 where they have 15 feet from the
retention area to compensate for where they are short one foot at the setback
'line.' There is only four feet adjacent to Building 01 and four feet at
Building 03 between their parking and the building, which does not provide
much separation space.
- 4 -
Oct. 24, 1980
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He noted we still needed an agreement with respect to the use of the West
First Avenue rightcf way. In particular, a hold harmless provision and
agreement to vacate right of way and re-orient parking aisles access to the
right 'of way are necessary.
Mr. Healey pointed out there were five parking spaces for the staff doctor
and two spaces for each employee, and this is in accordance with the Code.
However, there is one space for each additional doctor and if there will be
only one doctor ,some spaces may need to be eliminated--if there will be
four doctors, a total of twenty spaces will be needed. Jim Krevacs informed
Mr., Healey that there would be at least two doctors and the building would
house other offices.
Ream Wilson and Joe Molnar had no comments.
MOTION: David 'Healey moved to approve the preliminary site plan for LAKEVIEW
OAKS subject to the adjustment to the parking so as to achieve the minimum
five ,foot separation distance at the right of way; to recompute the necessary
parking for Building #1 based on the number of staff doctors; and the prepara-
tion of an agreemen.t regarding the use and hold harmless provision for the
West First Avenue public right of way. Karen Wilson seconded the motion.
Chairman Haeseker clarified that the developer's attorney would present the
draft ~f the agreement to the City. It was agreed that the City Attorney
would contact the developer's attorney.
Motion carried unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 11:15 a.m..
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