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City of Clearwater, Florida
June 27, 1980
Elizabeth s. Haeseker, O1ai:rman
Cecil M. Henderson, Jr., Assistant Director of Public W:lrks
Roy J~ Ayres, Building Director
David Healey, Planning Director
Donald A. ~rians, Assistant Traffic Engineer
George Buhrreyer, Fire Marshal
Faren wilson, Water Resources Specialist
Ream Wilson, Parks & Recreation Director
Paul F.ettig, Utilities Director
William Lines, SWire Develq:m:nt, Project Manager
'lhanas Harmer, Project Architect, RoNe Hol1res Associates
Wayne Wyatt, Project Engineer, Anderson Paris Associates
'!be rreeting was called to order by Chairperson Haeseker at 10 :15 A.M.
PrOposeid ConOOm.i.ni.um DevelO};m311t - Island Estates, A & S Pro:tnershtp, located
on the west side of Island Way at Haroor Passage.
Cecil Henderson presented written conments which are attached as Item 1.
~ ~ Ayres asked how far will it be fran the pool to the farthest building? The
ProJect Manager, Mr. Lines, responded 350 feet to the farthest end of the building.
Mr. Ayres then asked if they were aware that the Health Deparbrent ~uld require
restroan facilities at the pool? Mr. Han"rrer responded yes, they were aware and
they ~u1d be located on the grolUld floor in one of the units which they will
convert for this Pw:Pose. 'lhis site is . above flood elevation. Mr. Ayres made
reference to sidewalks, which has been considered - five foot ooncrete sidewalks.
David Healey gave a brief stlI'CtTaIy stating the project was originally started by
the Field COrporation and SWire Properties has picked up the property and wants to
develop the rerrainc1er of the property. There is a court stipulated agreerrent as to
. the 'perinitted nurrber of units and builcling height on the property. No Camnmity
Inpact StateIrent:is required In that the nunber of mrits and other basic pararreters
of the developrrent were established. '!he public right-of-way opposite Harbor
'. Passage was dedicated as part of that original project with a reverter clause that
says if we ever build another causeway or bridge other than to cormect to Island
Estates in this location that this right-of-way will revert to the property a.-mer.
June 27, 1980
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The deed, conveying the public right-of-way reserves right of access to the
property owner. There are four narrow parcels ~ the large parcel was divided
into tw:> nart'CM ones with the advantage to the developer of allCMing an extra
ten pexcent of building height. Also, at'} intel:pretation, concurred in by the
city Attomey, was It'ade that the maxirmJm two hundred fifty foot building length
applies in this instance to the d.irrension parallel to the roadway and waterway
rather than pezpendicu1ar to it.
Mr. Healey suggested the following:
. carport tmits should be cut back to coincide with the closest point
of the building to the street. 'Ibis would create a neater appearance.
. Parking spaces east of the drive be eliminated, providing greater
foreground for all buildings.
. Pool will be too close to the sea wall and should be relocated.
!'~ .
Mr. Lines said they have a plan that corresponds and IlEets rrost of the requirements
that Mr. Healey suggested. No prd:>lern with ca:rports, sidewaJks, re-orienting the
swi.nrning pools, and adjusting the parking situation. Mr. Hanner said c:pen space
between Building D and wate.rnay "",uld be twenty foot setback along Island Way.
Building to be shifted to within fifteen feet of cul-de-sac.
Dave Healey questioned building height on Building D - hCM many floors? The
answer was six stories - fifty-five feet.
D:m M::erians asked if Traffic Engineering's request to close the median access
had been accarplished. He also questioned the c:overEid parking and whether it
would be cantilevered or would it have posts twenty feet out? Answer was that
typically it would have columns along the entry side. Next question was what
size will the parking stalls be? Answer was 9' x 19 I . . .Mr. Meerians recamended
9~ r x 19'.
George ~er stated he was also opposed to driveway median as it will present
problems WJ. th fire equipnent.
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Karen Wilson requested that drainage be designed so it drains into grass and
depress the grass ever so slightly and have it drain into the retention pond. Pet
walks are good.. .heM deep are your detention ponds--answer was b..u feet. Ms. Wilson
said she preferred two feet as any deeper caused weeds to grow.
Ream Wilson suggested contractor should restore nedians to original condition.
Paul Rett:iJl:. reCClJ'lt'EIlds wheel out durrpsters - front end loading collection. Please
work out with sanitation superintendent. Parcel #2 area :i.mrediately east covered
by eac;errent. 'lhe existing water main is in a right-of-way that the courts have
said ~uld revert to the' original CMners if not used in x nunber of years. The
request was for the present owners to give the City an easement ~ regardless of
future vacation. Also require easerrent for existing service line to present condo
or provide other easerrents and relocate this service line and rreter. Also require
ease:rrent for new water mains to be taken over by the City.
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June 27,
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R. J. Ayres questioned whether Coastal Construction Cooe had been considered.
SUggested developer get with Andy Nicholson to review.
Cecil Henderson rrade a rrotion that the RIX: Carmi ttee recamend the requirerrent that
the treaian Jsland on the main entrance be renoved in the final design. Paul Rettig
seconded it - notion passed unaninDusly.
~ Healey recanrended that the. Site Plan be approved, subject to the follCMing
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1. Northernnost entrance/exit be deleted opposite Building A and the exit
only drive opposite Building B be reconfigured per the Traffic Engineers'
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2. Parking spaces east of access drives on Building B, C & D be: either
eliminated or constructed with a stabilized surface and sex!:
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3. Car.ports not extend easterly of Building B & C;
4. Pools be relocated so as to rreet the required setback from the seawall;
5. Building D be relocated to provide a twenty (20) foot setback fran the
right-of-way and the maximum setback fran the waten.ray as can be achieved.
with a fifteen (15) foot setback fran the cul-de-sac.
6. Mi.ni.mum parking dimmsions be a 9' x 19 I clear space.
7. Prop:>sed two new Jredian openings and one median closing be carried out
at the expense of the developer at the direction of the Traffic Engineering
Deparbtent with the area to be closed to be landscaped subject to the Parks
and ReCt'lO..ation Depart::rrent approval consistent with present ne:lian land-
scaping standards;
8. The drive fran the cul-de-sac q,JpOsite Diarrond Isle be closed as part of the
developer's negotiated arrangemmt with the existing Condominium Association;
9. Drainage from the paved surfaces be directed onto the grassed area, and into
the retention pond instead of the reverse; and
10. Ease.nents and as-builts to be provided for existing and relocated water mains.
Cecil Henderson seconded the rrotion with the ten conditions above.
'!he. discussion follCMing the notion concerned car};:Orts not extending east of the
. building which is no problem. Developer, Mr. Lines, said it is their intent to work
out an arrangerrent with Oianond Isle and themselves regarding area between both
.. properties. Mr. 'Healey said it is a condition of approval which need not hold up
'approval of the site plan but ultimately will need to be acconplished before the
project is coopleted and Certificates of Occupancy issued.
Architect asked a.l:out stabilized parking material and Mr. Henderson and Ms. Wilson
sfated they would have to increase bearing value of the natural soil by either adding
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June 27, 1980
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sate kirid of stabilized naterial - 4 II of lime rOck mixed with 2" of soil on top
because sod will not take if you use line rock unless you have a couple of inches
of Soil between scx1 and base.
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'Mr. Healey suggested. all of changes be incorporated on the plan prior. to tine
ItgoeS.to ~ssion.
Meeting' adjoumed by Ms. Haeseker at 11:15 A.M.
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