03/28/1980 r) r Approved ." ,MINUTES RESOURCE DEVELOPMEN'r COMMITTEE City of Clearwater, Florida March 28, 1980 I . I' Elizabeth S. Haeseker, Chairman Roy :r. Ayers, Building Director Cecil M. Henderson, Jr., Assistant Director of Public Works Art Kader, Assistant Director, Parka &. Recreation Mike Kenton, Assistant Director of Public Works/Environmental - Representing Water Resources Specialist Don Meerians, Assistant Traffic Engineer George Buhmeyer, Fire Marshal John T. Peddy, Energy Officer David Healey, Planning Director Joe Mandy, Assistant Utilities Director '. J MEMBERS PRESENT: . '/ ..---- _........~~p~. ABSENT: '.' Mike Campbell, Land Resources Specialist .' I ',.,1'- . . . ~ . :: +' OTHERS PRESENT: ',.. . ., \ .' i,. ~'. .' ~ren Wilson, Water Resources Specialist . Chuck Reis .; '..!' i~~.: ". :<'l:. . The meeting was called to order by Chairman Haeseker at 10:20 A. M. 'in the . Operations Center Conference Room. , , . . Minutes of March 14, 1980 were briefly reviewed for any additions or corrections. Mr~ Ayera referred to the item on Page 4 regarding the fence ordinance. He questioned whether the City Departments could be exempt from going to the Board of Adjus~ents and Appeals on fencing projects. This point was included as an addition to the March 14th minutes to be' taken as a considc.:ration by Mr. Healey. Chairman Haeseker moved for approval of the minutes as amended. The motion was seconded .and carried unanimously. 1. . '. , . .. ~.' I >..;. . ~',p ~. ..:,.' . ...., ": I , . . ., Mr. ~enderson posed the. question to Chairman Haeseker as to how the am~nded :rni.n'utes of R&D meeting are handled. Chairman Haeseker replied they are returned to the secretary who recorded the minutes at the meeting. On that same .'" point, Mr. Henderson wanted to know that if a copy of any R&D minutes was requested by an individual, would he receive the amended or unamended copy. He '~\IBO felt that the original minutes should be modlfied to strike all items that are not effective. Chairman Haeseker assured Mr. Henderson tha.t all official minutes :. ~ oj'> .' :;, , '. ;.: ~ .., ~'~~" ::j\~' : t' . ~' c' " " , ",;. ",.l:~: .: - 1 - 'c'~ . March . : I '~.' :.J.' .' . . " ~ ~, ,'\ . .:. 'J j" . . . \ . . \ :."':";":;::',:f'~~",:~<';;~'l ":;. j ':,':",\: :,' ..~:.,... 'rl . i.,. ','1 :, ;": :} ~..: .:;:,' ; ~ ~,.' .. . ~ . . i :. :,.i:"!ij; :i:;;f:'; .'~.~;::,... , ..;.." \,'. :;'.' . ",'" . '. " : ~ T I' . ~, '. C\', ,f ' ,,' . ~ :../\.~.f';\::'::':~/;~:::~~:~;:;':'/":.l>' ,~':." .',\,.~., >Y h','" ..~ . , J: 't'. .l.,. . ..',': Y r:.;"i::::;:,;..:~:;::~,,;,:::!, ::\,..<:;:-:::: ~ ..,. '~ . ~ (I ':......:,.'.~:;.....;:(i,'.~.~..,::.,_,...:'..:..,...,'",;.',":~.,'.".:...,i):,:,::.'.".'),.:~!.r: ""<<,,>: :i~.: '., '. . '. ' '~:";.:<.:<::>: :~; '.": .,~..' <', .} , .\:. ~. .~<::1 "to" :' ~.'.':' " .' ; " " . 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'I , .... . ;: j....: ..', . {... Ie I . '! '" ".'. . [. '..', , ',. ',. . . ~ . > ~ . \ , ,~ ! r- are held in her ofrica, and that amended minutos of meetings are clearly marked as such. ACter some discussion, it was agreed that on copies of unamended minutes, they be marked "Unofficial". Tract 22, Countryside, Suncoast Homcs (Owner); located on the NE corner of S. R. 580 and Countryside Boulevard. Community Impact Statement Mr. Ayers saw no problems. Mr. Kader noted a minor correction on Page 16 in reference to park sites, which should read liT ract 20A" rather than "2ZAII. Mr. Kenton - no problems. Mr. Meerians had no comments. Mr. Buhmeyer - no cormnents. : I, Mr. Healey felt it was an outstanding job. Mr. Mandy of Utilities had no comments. ." John Peddy stated that he agreed with Mr. Healey that the CIS was a very profes- sional100king document. However, he also felt that some of the contents were not so professional. He pointed out that repeatedly the use of natural gas has been rejected without giving the potential owners of the property the advantage of prob- ably the most e.f.ficient source of energy we have for domestic purposes, and certainly should be utilized in view of our high cost of other sources of energy, as well as the scarcity of it. , " The second point raised by Mr. Peddy was that the energy conservation statement is 'totally unacceptable to his office. The mere statement that no special energy conservation measures are anticipated within this development indicates to him that there is no looking ahead or foresight of the things that are going to come to pass. Whether the engineering firm thinks this or not, or whether the owner thinks this way or not, he didn't know, but it is a fact. Mr. Peddy said he would be glad to enumerate them with anyone who would want to do the things that can be done that . will aid, the energy crisis in the future, but once this project is constructed it is not cost-effective to go back and do a retrofit to accomplish these sorts of things. '" :~ c' , , ".. Mr. Peddy thought that in the future any impact statement should take into conside- ration the impact that the development is going to have on our area, and certainly the use of energy i6 an impact, and one that is becoming more important everyday. He stated that he would like to see in the future, or even in this statement, some statement to the effect that the developed will utilize all of our present technical knowledge in the development and the design of his building. He specifically , ' ", t, t . ~., . " - 2 - March 28, 1980 . ~ '~i. . '.' .J., . . , '.If, '.."~' ..".' f ;. ~\..' \ .......: .,' '\~',,~J, I" ':,'*'.:' "'\ .,;'" ~'~I\' "".~:"I":"'~'~;;\'.~'t1:'::: ,,,"",, I ,..-- f referred to such minor things as light colors lor rcIlection, more than minimum code from the standpoint or thermal efficiency, the use of high-efficiency type lighting within the project, etc.; possibly even the preparation of Iuture Bolar water heating on these structures so that it would not be necessary to go back and re-pipe the whole building. Mr. Peddy Ielt all this would not involve a great deal of money to accomplish. Mr. Peddy said that after much thought 011 his part, he Ielt that the importance of his position on the Committee is to attempt to make the people who arc building more aware that they must consider these measures as serious factors in the design of any new developments. On this same topic, Mr. Henderson asked the developer if he was planning to use any energy conservation measuros in his architectural designs, such as insulation, etc. The developer replied that they do use insulated glass on their structures, as well as heavy insulation in the units. Mr. Henderson said he thought the whole problem could be resolved if the preparer had simply said that he is going to use everything that is available at the present time under current technology to con- serve energy. The developer replied that they do design energy- efficient units, and spend a great deal of looney doing it. Using the Countryside project in one of his close observations, Mr. Peddy stated that upon reviewing about ZOO commercial and residential buildings, mostly resi- dential, one of the things that bothered him a great deal was that he has had people show him Certificates of Guarantee of R19 in the attic, and that'he will give $10 per unit for everyone that has RI9", if they will give him "$1 per unit for every one that has less". He thought the use of this practice was of extreme importance to this area. The developer replied that they do not use R 19, but R24. Mr. Peddy said these are the things that should be included in the energy section of their statement because they are addressing the impact of that building on the energy use. He pointed out that the developer does not have to go over the energy code, but rathe,r meet the code. He emphasized the fact that we need the coopera- tion and conscientious effort of developers to meet our problem without the use of ordinances. He felt that the developers should make their own analyses, and that he would like to see a statenient to the effect that they are conscientiously working toward this, and using enough foresight so that when the time comes that particuli:lr project will not become an energy burden; that it will not use more than is made available, so that any new methods can be utilized and made cost-effective. At this point, Mr. Peddy recommended the use of sodium lighting as both an energy and a cost saver. Mr. Henderson presented his comments on the GIS report of Suncoast Homes as follows: Item D - Storm water retention appears properly located and consistent with overall master plan for storm drainage. Item H - 1. Sanitary sewer collection systems are properly located and consistent with design criteria of the City of Clearwater. Sanitary sewage will be treated by the N.E. Treatment Plant. ., - 3 - March 28, 1980 ---.. I r-.... Item H - Z. Proposed water linoa are properly sized with a good intcrnalloopcd network. Mr. Henderson oUered the following dosign comments for the Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan engineers, to be considered in their final construction plans: 1. Dry retention ponds to ha.ve trickle channels and have slopes that can be no steeper than 3 to 1 for maintenance purposes. The top of bank io to be a minimum of 15 feet from any portion of the building or adjacent property line in Tract 24. Z. Subdrains are required along all internal roads unless a testing lab with a P. E. on staff can certify that subdrains are not needed for any time of year. 3. All hea.dwall are to be formed concrete or concrete flared end sections. 4. Due to close proximity of houses along Woodmere Court, measures should be taken to eliminate erosion and dust in this area and along Wildwood Drive. Erosion control structures are to be placed around existing street inlets on Countryside Boulevard and Wildwood Drive. 5. Entranceways are to have existing curb replaced by swale entrance curb and subdrain is to be replaced with ductile iron or equivalent. Mr. Henderson concluded that, all in all, his Department found the engineering items to be quite adequate. ;. . Chairman Haeseker asked if there were any further comments on the Conununity Impact Statement, or any motion. Mr. Henderson made motion to approve the CIS. At this point, Mr. Peddy voted an amendment to have the developers provide a statement of some specifics to the effect that there would be consideration given to energy conservation and the measures they proposed to use. Mr. Henderson then made motion to approve, subject to the submission by the developer of a statement setting forth the measures he plans to use that will con- serve energy for this project. This statement would then be submitted to John Peddy, who would then notify the Chairperson that a satisfactory statement has been submitted. Mr. Peddy then seconded the motion for approval. Motion was carried unanimously. Preliminary Site Plan Mr. Ed Mazur noted that the only change pertains to the south buildings 4, 5 and 6. There is some parking north of those buildings between 5 and 6 which comes down to the loop road that crosses, and which was moved a little to the north so that there would not be cars coming into the main road that would be opposite each other. Site plans dated March 27th were 'then distributed and reviewed by those present. Chairman Haeseker asked for comments on the site plans. Mr. Ayers had a ques- tion regarding the sidewalks. He questioned that since the road and streets are private, which would take away the requirements of sidewalks on public property, (1) Do you propose any sidewalk within the complex along the private roads, and (2) (this question directed to Mr. Meerians) Would we not require sidewalks along Wildwood and Countryside? .. . - 4 - March 28, 1980 ~ .t ..' \ . . F ... 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'.~;:' ~ <:: :':: :;~)::.:.: ',I 'j: ::.!;'~. i: I~. ~ j' . , '7.' ~ ~ '" ,I'. ~ , '". c ~ ,I.': . ~I.',~ -.\-:', ':1" .../.; .: I ~ ;, . , :~::~ '1" :y, .!','. ',' ,I',.:" "<, :'.c c'.{! . \ .). ~, . I t. .. ". '.: '.\' > "".""'.\. . >( ;~ .".. . The developer answered that this should be shown on the Unal plan. Mr. Ayers .lurther asked it there were any propo~als within the development. The developer stated that they would connect various areas with sidewalks, which would not be a formal thing on both sides of the road. He said there would be sidewalks between areas, between parking lots, clubhouses, etc. Mr. Ayers wanted to know if there would be any problem in showing those on the site plans that would actually go to the Commissioners. Developer answered there would be no problem. Chairman Haeseker asked for further comments on this subject. Mr. Kader suggested that the possibility might be considered of running a sidewalk to Countryside Boulevard, giving the residents access across the road into the park land, rather than having them come out of the complex by car. Mr. Kenton was concerned with Building 15. He questioned the layout of the center complex which appears to have a great deal of open space with nothing. Mr. Mazur replied that as they develop the construction plans, the first step would be to plot all the trees up to where they think the buildings would be. Karen Wilson said she would like to see pet walking areas designated in the reten- tion areas. Mr. Mazur replied that this would be no problem. Mr. Meerians thought that Countryside Boulevard in the median should show a minimum left turn coming into the access on COWltryside Boulevard. It was dis- cussed whether or not islands would be necessary at the intersection. The agree- ment was that it would be more feasible and less costly to come up with a standard T intersection rather than construct islands. Mr. Meerians wanted to lmow who would be responsible for the znaintenance after this construction. Mr. Mazur answered that the Association would be. Mr. Meerians then asked about the parking lot between Buildings 14 and 16. He wanted to know if just one access would be enough so that the one shown on the plans could be eliminated. The developer stated that this area was near the clubhouse, which was a high traffic area. Discussion followed on whether this could be made an L-shaped parking lot and how best to go about doing this. It was decided that the decision on this would be made at a later date. Mr: Buhtneyel' had no comments other tha:n his concern on where the fire hydrants would be placed in the final outcome. Mr. Healey raised the question, directed to Messrs. Meerians and Henderson, concerning a recent memorandum mentioning additional right~of-way for Gulf-to- Bay Boulevard being a proposed six-lane facility. He referred to the new standard, where a 120' right-of-way was asked for. He thought the same thing applied to State f{oad 580. He said he has not seen the State ask for that specifically with respect to SR 580, but they have with GulI-to-Bay. Mr. Healey felt we should ask that question of the State in an attempt to determine beforehand if 120' are required. Mr. Henderson said he had preliminary plans for SR 580. It was agreed that this question might need to be resolved among themselves. - 5 - March 28, 1980 . ,. ',,: ,;,i ,> ',' \ ,:~(:"\ .. .,', 0 ':;'" ,:::.",:>, '.,:Ii~P!F':::;: . ... ,:>}- /';:::.!:: ;,: ~- .,.,:..'......'.;.<:),'.1.. ....'.:.:;,':,:.',',"';,)i::,',\:~\ ; ,," ; ~ - f' .' ". 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I':: ", r" ,F, ",\,' ',:.' '. ',( }';' :';'"' ;,'?:'\,,:,\,;(: ',:',::" "i). :~\@,)~,:</; ,I' ',; ;.'1\5:P,',.,~:;I:,:}''':'':<>:, > :,':. r~ // 7.;) , ;~ ,...-' , Mr. Henderson then pointed out to Mr. Mazur that there was an existing 18-inch sanitary sewer indicated and no mention oI any easement. Mr. Mazur said that it was mentioned in the CIS, even though it was not shown on the plan. Mr. Henderson stated that if there is already an existing easement there, which is probably 10 feet or 15 feet wide, why couldn't right..of-way just be included as part of that easement? He suggested the easement be changed [rom just a utility easement to a right-aI-way and utility easement, or just a right-aI-way easement which permits utilities to be installed. Mr. Mandy then offered his comments on easements. He referred back to some codes and other types of instructions that depend upon the type of utility, whether it be electric or a sewer, and said that he would like to see a copy of the plans submitted to the City to be more apeciIic on what is allowed above the line in both pipes. Concerning the IS-foot utility easement, Mr. Healey wanted to know that if this was made a right-of-way as well as a utility easement, would this preclude them from putting anything in it? He questioned whether or not this could be likened to a fence or a wall, which he requested be done. Also, can a portion of the existing IS-foot easement be classified also for right-of-way and give them the balance of the utility ecl'sement in which they could place the fence or the wall? After some discussion, Mr. Mazur said he would be glad to work on this with Mr. Healey. Mr. Healey stated that he did not think the site plan should be approved until this question was determined. Mr. Ayers said the site plan 'has to be matched; Mike Kenton stated that anything regarding the permitting process is minor; and Mr. Henderson had no comments. Mr. Mazur stated that it takes time to get information from D. O. T. and the final plan will reflect the consensus of the 10 ft. strip. Mr. Healey asked if the Com- mittee was prepared to approve with conditions. Reconsideration of the central area is his concern. Mr. Kenton said it is a simple matter of reconstruction and he doesn It want to ask them to change the road design. He would take time to work with them on it. Mr. Healey suggested that a place be reserved on the CC agenda with a recommen- dation to approve. It could be withdrawn if necessary. Mr. Henderson stated the parking is alright with him. Chai.rman Haeseker said Dave Healey needs to look at the setbacks. Cecil Henderson made a motion to continue with instructions to the Planning Director to put the item on the CC agenda for the April 17, 1980 meeting, with option to remove if necessary. Motion carried unanimously. '.- -I ':. ~ :Il '.~ ; ~ '.' ~ ~ "',' - 6 - March 28, 1980 . ~..~ )!~ " :~;:. <~! ':= :.,;'i.'i'. \~'.,;;::~.~;.:).~:.;:.~:,::.,:;.',';..",:.'.:I '.,.:..: ,. .:.:. :..:' '~'Y.':'.::..~'.' :, ," '.,,:'V,: ....L · "..}t <,.,':" .:' r,\',.' ~~: ."J ' ,: 'C.".', 11 ." ij . " I". ,';' : "".' ,.... ':' .;" :~, ',:~.: :~,;.';.. " ,..,. q <.J ,., '." n." ,", ." " ," .' "".' ,:..:i:...., ." ..\'. , " tl-.~.J "-.c .,:1..:.';:>: ~: .,~c,"""~;~".'" ':.".,.''-:' . I'. ....1 .....,;.. " . i / ,- ',I.:c' ",1. 'i. ,,; ". ' " '" '. ,:',..:",::!~k:N, \::::: ,:': : · .' " .. ' ,', . ,,':', ,..' . :.',"., :':"<;/'<:./" ':...'. './1' " I" . ':"" ,.' 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" ';'~",' "',, '" ,;;,.:):,.,;",{~;t.(~~;;ii:!)!:i;;,:q;fi':;,~:; ~. , -, ',v ,I J ---:\ , ,'1 /""" . I The Villas of Clearwater Beach, Peter Marich, Architects and Planners, Inc. located west of Mandalay Avenue between Glendale and Heilwood Stroets. Comm.unitv Impact Statement Roy Ayers - no problem with the CIS. Mr. Kader - no comments. Mike Kenton - no problem. Mr. Meerians - no problem. Mr. Buhmeyer stated the fire alarm system must have a closed switch with a standpipe system. Mr. Healey stated the 1. 26 acres includes the property to the beach drive but does not include the land west of it. He would like to see the trafIic impact if there is additional residential development on the dead-end streets. He agreed with Mr. Ayer 8 that the statement of the architects is clear and well done. but wanted it noted that he did not think a 6-story building is compatible with what surrounds it. \ Mr. Mandy noted that the sewage disposal referred to the Marshall Street Plant as tertia.ry, but it is a secondary. With regard to refuse collection, he asked what type of pickup they would have and they replied they will have dumpsters. Mr. Peddy stated the shadow enect on winter afternoons will have some effect on the property on the north side of Glendale and a reduction in height would be better, as it will have the same impact on the northeast. He also hopes that in their structural design they will go a little beyond the site plan designs as to energy conservation. Mr. Henderson told the architect to pick up drainage criteria from the Engi- neering Office., He said by the nature of the contours for this property, extreme- ly high in the center and Iowan the East and West, it may not be possible to have all the retention on the East side of the property. The al'chitect replied that the property is all cottages now and when they start demolishing they will bring some fill in and put the contour away .from the beach. After this explanation, Mr. Henderson said he had no problems with the application. Motion made and seconded to approve this crs. Passed unanimously. Preliminary Site Plan Mr. Ayers noted that the pool will be on Mandalay Avenue and asked if there will be a p1:oblem with flood elevation, to which the architect replied "No". He also asked if there will be separate rest rooms at the pool, to which the answer was - 7 - March 28, 1980 ... .' " '~', " . ~',','. . ..,. ,', 'I':'t' .,.', . " "..1: ,", ~ 'J .\", ','.,' \(~''t 1',\. !;./ ' ""," ',.: ....';:. ~":',.., ".111. ....i~. ,~ ("-' "Yes". Mr. Ayers said if these restrooms are to be in a separate building from the pool, they will need a fire wall. If no separation, they can put the wall in the building and it will bo part of the building. He also inquired if there are sidewalks along Glendale and Heilwood Streets tlQW and was told there is no sidewalk on Glendale. Mr. Kader had no comments. Mr. Kenton noted where the retention slopes up it does not have a run-off nor a drain 'and it is on the east side of the parking area. Mr. Meerians stated there should be a 9' clearance for all parking spaces. Also, there is no need to show a one-way from Glendale to Heilwood - it should be 2.-way acce.ss on both streets. ,', Mr. Buhmeyer stated the Lire hydrant should be a siamese-type in the fire line that runs across the street. The Fire Department is asking for fire hydrants on Glendale and all along Mandalay. ) Mr. Healey noted there are 2.4 units in Building A and only 2.2 parking spaces there and asked if that would be a problem. There should be one space per unit. Architect replied that the pool on the property would have to be re-located if we want those 2. extra spaces. Mr. Healey said the City would prefer less in the forward building, and architect said they would reduce the building 6". Referring to the water service, Mr. Mandy stated they will need 1 water meter per building, which was agreed to. , Mr. Peddy said there were no energy problems; the pool is in a good location and provides a. windbreak from the North. Mr. Henderson had no additional conunents and made a motion that the PSP be approved. Seconded by John Peddy and motion passed unanimously. Bayway Shores Condominiums, Ann Seyferth (Owner); .67 acres located on Bayway Boulevard. Comm.unity Impact Statement Mr. Ayers had no comments, nor did Messrs. Kader, Mandy, and Buhmeyer. Mr. Healey . said it was well done. Mr. Kenton asked if there had been a change in the retention design and the architects replied "no". Mr. Kenton had no further comments. Don Meerians had no comments. Mr. Peddy complimented them on their statement that they are considering giving the owners the option to use natural gas, which is the most efficient method for energy conservation, and if they follow through on that it will be great. Mr. Henderson stated he had no problems with the engineering aspects. - 8 - . \~, " , " ' .: I. I"j ,I.. 1\ ~.' t' :'J.'.,j"l :... ",',' ,.' ''''~",,',''''.:.''I ,\':\ :,',: "':\'."'.1< .::' c :. " :~ ;--., . Mr. Peddy made a motion to approve the CIS. seconded by Mr. Kader, and passed unanim,ously. Preliminary Site Plan Mr. Ayers noted there would be sidewalks. Mr. Kader had no comments. Mr. Kenton asked if the parking that is under the building could be seen from the street. Answer wa s "Yes, it is open II. He als 0 noted they will have a dry retention area and they could use that for a pet-walking area ~hich will be needed. Mr. Meerians asked if there would be signs designating one-way around the building and architects replied the're would and also "No Exitll signs, etc. He noted that Borne of the parking spaces will be extremely difficult to get into. Referring to garbage pickup, Mr. Mandy said they would have front-end pickup and the truck will not be able to turn around in the area where the dumpster will be located. They explained that the maintenance man will roll the dumpster out on trash days. Mr. Buhmeyer recommended an additional fire hydrant on the west access road. He also recommended they keep the driveway around the building and not make it only a single lane. A 241 driveway would still be enough room for fire trucks. Mr. Healey asked if the dry retention area was to be landscaped and if so they would lose some acreage there. They also might lose a couple of WIits by meeting the new density requirements. He also suggested it would be better to have a single drive because this way there is no vista. Also, it is essential to provide access to the property. Mr. Peddy stated the pool should have a windbreak to save energy loss in the pool and that way they would have a much warmer pool, but if they put a wind- break on the north they would lose the view. Mr. Henderson noted that a direct outfall will be required for all retention areas and the one in front and on the Aide do not have that so they will probably have to go inside the swimming pool. The City needs some guarantee that the water will drain out in 24 hours. They could put a separate smaller drainage system on the west side. Mr. Healey made a motion to continue this PSP in order to compute the density, to see if another driveway system would be better, and to satisfy the Fire Marshal. Motion seconded by Mike Kenton and passed unanimously. Arbor Shoreline Office Center Phase I, Justice Corporation; located at 1321 U.S. HighwaV 19 South. Preliminary Site Plan Mr. Healey stated this property remains in the County and annexation has to be - 9 - March 28, 1980 '. ~,; ;: >. , . . ,j" . ' . I ."r, 'ltt' .. I . .'. . " .' I ~ . i.. . I .' ,~ , ~'" . ;: l:~; , ~ I , ,......... approved by the Commission. He also noted there are two or three parking spaces located on the turn as you enter the parking area for Building B-3 and maybe they should turn in another direction. He also asked ab~ut the driveway that goes into Buildings A-l and A-Z and if there was a canopy or cover over it. Architects ex- plained it is an extension of the sidewalk that goes into the vehicle driveway, and where not shown on the plan it is intended for a planting area. Mr. Healey said they should encourage guest traffic to go into the complex at the main entrance. Architects said they want to save the maximum number of trecs in that area and they have allowed 10 ft. by ZO ft. for each parking space which gives a planted area of 8 ft. clear and an 8 It. bern. Mr. Healey asked if it would be possible, at ran.. dam intervals, to maintain a landscaped island or two. Reply was that they have received a waiver from the County for parking spaces so they can save as many trees as possible and the County will make a survey of the site to determine which trees will be saved. They have less parking spaces than the County requires. Mr. Henderson noted the proposed annexation will encompass Phase 1 and Phase ll. Mr. Buhmeyer had no comments. Mr. Meerians commented that the 10 ft. by 20 ft. parking spaces is usual and it would be better for the guest parking areas if they were lined up instead of in that free-style way as it looks like they will have a S-corner intersection there. The driveway goes out on 19 on the north side of the present Arbor building and if they could save even 6" they could put that back into ground space. Mr. Kenton said he appreciated their tree conservation but could not see where the specimens will be and would have to take their word that they are doing the best thing with it. He wanted to 1010W where the 10% dedication would fall in the City and Mr. Justice said they will file a waiver request for that. Mr. Kader recommended that some type of dedication be given, at least 100/0. Architect said they will be having public functions and will provide lots of pedestrian access. Mrs. Haeseker said it will be up to the commissioners to take some action on their waiver of the dedication of park land. Mr. Ayers asked which buildings will be completed before the annexation process is completed. Mr. Justice replied that the annexation should be completed in 6 months but the buildings would not be completed by then. Mr. Ayers said they should expect some problems at that transition with changing inspections from the County to the City, etc. Mr. Henderson asked that the site be developed according to the following criteria: (1) Sanitary service is subject to moratorium on the Clearwater East Plant; (Z) 10 ft. easement for utilities on North and South property lines required; also a total of 20 ft. easement is requested, parallel to a 3011 sanitary sewer line on the north property line; (3) 40 ft. right-of-way easement is required adjoining U. S. 19 right-aI-way; (4) Storm water retention design will be reviewed for com- pliance to City of Clearwater Engineering standards. 1\ Mr. Peddy asked them to consider sodium lights or high density lighting for their outdoor lights as it would save money in the long run. Mr. Justice stated they have been very concerned about energy conservation for these buildings, having p. ::;' ';... l.> 1,1' - 10 - March 28, 1980 . 1 I " '.." , ' . " " " ' ' , . . ~ ' . \ ... .' \.:i,. ,. . , . , ..' " ,\,.', ~. ~t~rL..f,~;,",~;"'/'(',,\:l)l~\'f;f.f~~'()(: t" " , \ '. ", r' ., .,. . .' ,/.,:,,~);.,,:.,:<.::,. I 'I, ~ ..~, , . " :':,,<,' ::.; " \" : '....;;.; . . 'f: ". ,'.' ~ 'c "P' " ..'., . .', l~, .,' '" ,,' , .t/ . ~ t ,\i,.~ '1.1 ~ :,. . :~. , ':l" ~ ~~~ ,;.:.~ : '1 '. ~:". I : ~' 'it. ' " ' ~w- , , tl'. I~ ,r"" insulated glass throughout, etc. Mr. Peddy said the model code adopted by the County is a set of minimums and his Energy Office will be glad to work with them in any way they can. Mr. Mandy said they have sewage treatment problems as far as capacity is con- cerned and we would like to hear more in detail on bow the problems will be solved. It is a very large project and will take a large number of sewer taps. They said they will work closely with the City on this. Mr. Mandy stated he did not see any horrendous problems right now but we know there are some problems. Mr. Healey recommended approval of the PSP to the City Manager with the follow- ing conditions: 1. Resolution of the sewer issue 2. Resolution of the dedication of park land 3. Submission of detailed pla.ns to the appropriate authorities This recommendation was seconded by Mr. Henderson. A discussion was held as to the need for both County and City permits. Inasmuch as the builders have County licenses and permits and the County has agreed to inspect all the buildings until they are finished, they should get their Certificate of Occupancy from the CO\lllty. The transition will mean a lot of problems for the builders and they should complete it under the County inasmuch as they have received the fees to inspect, etc. Mrs. Haeseker asked if it would be possible for the County to give the City the permits, etc. even though this property is not annexed yet. Builders said they have to be under construction by Mayor they will not be able to finish construction by September, 1981. They wanted to know if there was some way they could set themselves up as an agent for the County and would it be legal? 'Mrs. Haeseker said we will have to get answers to these ques- tions and then set up a special meeting of this Committee and look at it from Clearwater's point of view. Mr. Healey said the annexation will go to the Commi- sian next Thursday, April 3rd, and was told the builders have not submitted their plans to the County yet, only the preliminary plans. Mr. Healey then withdrew his motion, stating it would likely be advertised for the second Planning Board meeting in April and then get to his desk for the first Commission meeting in May. Mr. Mandy made a mction to advise the City Manager that this project is recom- mendable and there are some problems but none of them are insurmountable. Motion died for lack of a second. Mr. Henderson made a motion to continue until we have our special meeting. Mr. Kader seconded and motion car ried unanimously. The special meeting was set for Friday, April 4th, at 10:00 A. M. Meeting adjourned at 1:45 P. M. - 11 - March 28, 1980 . '.~' : '. ',< . " . " '\ \, ' . ,'.'; ..r' :I:.:'.;.:?::,~~, ':;' '~'~", :,' ':' :',1 ~: )::~",-,':< ,;,/. 'f,~~i, .'. '. i.:~. ~ \~ /"-~l -',. ;\,. ~I ~ ~1l~,....i\~>'.; ~ j "I. \ , . .-;~t ;./. :>.:' - ';-~.;,i:r?:-(::t:.:(:~;~!;~~,( ";!i:f;U~:;~;:;: I.. ;"I,,~'I'f ,I/l~ ::',)'/~;: ",'~"'"'''' :...L....c;. ....: jC", ,.' 'JI:~'\.1 " ,.,,~' "~':"~':i'" ~~")l('" ~..;... 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