09/28/1979 (2)
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SEPTEMBER 28, 1979
Elizabeth S. Haeseker, Chairman
David Healey, Planning Director
Ream Wll~on, Parks and Recreation Director
Joe .Mandy, Assistant Utilities Director
Mike Kenton, Environmental Planner
Don Meerians, Assistant Traffic Engineer
Mike Campbell, Land Resources Specialist
Cecil Henderson, Assistant Director of Public Works
George'Buhmeyer, Fire Marshal
Henry st. Jean, Chief, Building Department
Peter Marich, Architect
Wayne Best, Camelot Oaks Condominium
KlmHeiman, Camelot Oaks Condominium
Reverend Keith C. Kruck, Christ The Lord Lutheran Church
Buford' Jackson, Christ The Lord Lutheran Church
Ray'F.. Smiech, S & N Development, Inc.
. Kurt Youngstrom, Architect/Planner
.J. H. Mancini, Owner of Spottis tlfoode
Pi.-':' " F. William Mitchell, Vice President, Public Storage
}:::".. . Fred N. Boyd, Project Manager, Public Storage
.~iC:' .,. ":D9n"~cKenzie, Burger King
~:<.: :''0 ";~ J;>aul' Fasolas, Chi Chi's Restaurant
l;.:.;.,.... ',T.' W. Riggs, Chi Qh1" S Restaurant
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1/'~" .'. . Chairman Haeseker c.alled the meeting to order at 10 :10 a.m. in the
~'~~;,.\ ,Operations Center Conf,erence Room.
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~::.i ;::'.'., 1. . Ap"p'ro"vaT 'of 'the minut'es 'of the meeting of September 14) 1979.
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"f.;.(.~'" ,Mr. Kenton stated the word "minor" in the first paragraph on Page 8 should
,; .' be chartged to read Hthere was a' maj'or change by the new o\'lnertl.
"'. Mr." Campbell stated the word "outside" should be inserted on Page 4 in the
first paragraph so that the phrase would read "switched outside to the
drip.line of the tree".
Mr. Henderson would like the third paragraph from the bottom of Page 4 to
. , co"rrectly read "Based on the number of units required for this development,
'it appeared. that they met. the requirements for the East Plant limited
moratorium, i. e., that they could get sewer. II ,(,
Mr. Kenton made. a motion that.the minutes be approved with the foregoing
changes, Mr. Meerians seconded th~ 'motion which' carried t~,nanimously.
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September 28, 1979
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2. (Continued) "Lifetime of Vacatlons~ll Peter Marlch~ Architect and
Planner6~ Inc.; located on Clearwater Beach between Gulf View Boulevard
and Bay Way Drlve~ west of Parkway Drive. Preliminary Site Plan.
Chairman Haeseker stated the minutes should reflect the Building Department
has no comments on Items 1-5.
Ream Wilson, Mike Kenton, George BUhmeyer and Mike Campbell had no
Cecil Henderson stated there are no major problems just a minor change
suggested by Bill Shepard regarding the correction of street names which
should state Bayway Boulevard on South Gulf View Boulevard.
Joe Mandy stated each building should be separately metered.
Dave Healey had two comments - whether the dumpster could be in a more
attractive location. Mr. Marich suggested they refer to the new site plan
concerning the ten unit building on the right with a dumpster location
under the building. When the dumpster truck comes, it will be wheeled
out; therefore, the trash will be hidden at all other times.
Mr. Healey's second comment concerned setbacks which should be fifteen feet
plus one foot for every four foot of total building which is a difference
of a couple of feet on the side yard setbacks. On the' north end of the
. property, it should be 22 feet rather than 20 feet and 19 feet instead of
.17 feet. Interpretation of that is easily misread. Mr. Marich stated he
has plenty of building separation or excess land that could be adjusted.
Mr. Marich said when drawings are submitted for construction, we will
have the corrections. Mr. Healey agreed there is room to do same.
Mr. Kenton discussed structural overhang with no objections.
Don Meerians stated parking looked adequate. Setback 1s a little off but
will be all right as long as parking stalls remain 19 feet by 9 feet
minimum. He questioned if there was side~ralk along there? Mrs. Haeseker
said sidewalks should go on site plan before it goes to commission.
Mr. Henderson moved' to approve site plan subject to Mr. Marich providing
committee a corrected site plan showing the proper setbacks and sidewalks
immediately so that we can transmit it with our approval; Mr. Marich
stated he would hand deliver Tuesday morning for approval and asked how
many prints would be required. The answer was four to be certified by
City Clerk but six would'be more convenient.
Mr. Healey seconded motion to approve as above. Motion passed unanimously.
3. (Continued) "Camelot Oaks Condominium", Peter Marich, Architect and
Planners, Inc.; located between Lime Avenue and Clearwater Bay.
Community Impact Statement
Mr. Healey expressed concern on a couple of items, including current litigation and
'i~d' use'. 'plan "conflict'." Item I Attachment is a copy of the memo response
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September 28, 1979
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he received from Mr. Bustin stating "The property should be treated
the same as any other tract of land being considered for 7.onlng or
rezoning in 1979".
Regarding the second question of the land use plan, the memo states, III
would proceed to make the zoning consistent with the land use plan unless
development in the area or other similar factors indicate that the land
use plan is in error". He also advised the land use plan and zoning
should be consistent with it to permit a reasonable use of the property.
Mr. Best said then his understanding was that Mr. Healey, Mr. Shoemaker,
Mr. Marich and he meet and resolve this before it. goes to commission.
Mr. Healey I'esponded, "Yes, if that is possible". Mr. Best 1s most
interested in the timing of this and felt Mr. Bustin has clearly left
the possibility that this can very easily be worked out. Mr. Healey
pointed out that all of his comments are by way of explanation to the
committee and that he could not approve with this conflict. Mr. Best
said he realizes there were conflicts before but felt that was history
as this project stands on its own - they are new owner-developers and
disagreed with what MI'. Healey said. We have gone to great lengths to
follow Community Impact Study, setback, and code study - everything that
we could possibly know or understand and yet he felt they were somehow
being penalized. Yet the recent building project of over half a million
dollars sailed along even when they exceeded all necessities. We need
a meeting as quiclcly as possible to resolve this. Meeting set for
Friday, October 5 with City Manager, City Attorney and Mr. Healey. Mr.
Healey stated Building Department records do show the project referred to as
having declared that it was not in excess of C.I.S. principles.
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Mr. Campbell requested Ex. 13 show a change from minimum to significant.
Mr. Marich agreed to do so.
Cecil Henderson stated he did not have any additional comments other than
last review. He did' say the lift station would not be maintained by the City.
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Mr. Henderson
stated that he did think the drainage issues were addressed but would
like to point out we do have some procedures worked out for handling
sediments, etc., and recornmend they pick up a copy in Engineering Depart-
ment and follow these recommendations. This will cut down on the amount
of silt into the bay.
Mr. Mandy reiterated what Mr. Rettig suggested at last meeting regarding
l~" meter to pump 40 feet of domestic water. Mr. Marich assured him they
were only raising 39 feet from the street.
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George Buhmeyer and Don Meerians had no cOlmnents.
Mr. Kenton did not see any reference to the drainage plan In refe~~ncp. to
zoning - shows low _ . dens! ty on plan & high density zoning conflict - scaling
down compatibility problem from seven story building to single family
residence ...architecture compatibil1ty...high density high rise project
you are indicating mid-rise continuity of your comments. Mr. Marich
responded they had done everything to comply and felt it was only a
matter of words being wrong, RM-28 is not high density. Mr. Kenton
asked if he really felt this structure was compatible with the structures
to the East and South? Mr. Marich answered to the East you have a
motel apartment complex, to the South a land owner that loves our
project. Mr. Marich also said you have 39 feet from the street, and
the Roehling building next door is 60 feet high, which would not make it
compatible with our building. Mr. Marich said it is a question of
semantics. Mr. Kenton wanted it part of the record that he does not
agree with the compatibility statement, and also that he concurred with
Mr. Healey regarding the land use plan.
Ream Wilson had no comment.
Mr. Henderson made a motion for approval of the Community Impact State-
ment. Mr. Buhmeyer seconded. Messrs. Healey and Kenton voted "nay"
and the rest of the committee voted "aye". Motion carried.
Preliminary Site Plan
Mr. Meerians stated something had to be worked out as far as the access
and circulation was concerned. Normally a one way type operation has
access points of 15 feet and the radius tends to indicate to the driver
this is a one way type operation. The radius on the north access serves
no purpose at all .because nobody should be exiting that way. 24 feet
access would only indicate it is a two way type operation. Mr. Marich
agreed to narrow them both down to 15 feet. Discussion ensued on driveway.
Mr. Buhmeyer wanted wider driveways. Mr. Marich agreed to a meeting with
Mr. Buhmeyer, Mr. Meerians and Mr. Campbell to establish the safest
possible access. \
Mr. Healey commented that Lime Avenue is sub-standard in terms of Right~
of-Way. If this is to be approved as a high density project, we need to
be concerned about the road as it is developed into a high density project.
Mr. Henderson stated it could be handled with a ROW easement.
Mr. Meerians said the number of parking spaces required are not included
in ROW easements. Mr. Best answered there are 38 plus two handicapped
versus 32 required by code. Mr. Marich said this parcel is the last
multi-family parcel on Lime Street on the water in that area according to
the zoning books. Lime Street is not more than 500 feet long before it
takes. a turn. If you consider widening it, you would adversely affect
the trees and for the sake of such light traffic, you would be hurting the
natural beauty of the area. Mr. Best agreed with Mr. Marich that a 50
foot ROW easement would be the best solution.
Mr. Healey said he has difficulty with the plan acknowledging the natural
terrain and slope - 15% ramp down and back up is not good site planning.
Anything above 10% is really marginal. Paved surfaces running the full
dimension of that bluff concerns him. The other point is the Building
Department function - the setbacks do not comply with the ordinance.
Setback requirements in the waterfront portion - there is a provision in
that section whereby the building height is more than 60 feet, Mr.
Marich responded he was informed to take it from the median of the eleva-
tion which is 18'8", which is where their calculations start. They also
pick up a bonus for parking under the building which is 10%. It was
suggested that at the meeting with Mr. Shoemaker and Mr. Bustin,. this
calculation could be correlated to everyone's satisfaction.
an additional set back is required.
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Mr. Healey questioned sight difficulty as you drive through the building
from North to South. A person pulling out of .those upper spaces might
have a problem seeing in that short distance. Mr. Marich said they would
have to mount sidewalk mirrors. Mr. Best responded the type of concrete is
perculating type bloclc to control run-off-textured concrete surface - grass
growing between the blocks.
Mr. Henderson commented on the steep slope and Mr. Best said this 11%
originally was changed thinking they had something better. Mr. Henderson
said they have addressed the drainage and taken care of the sewer so he
had, no further comments.
Mr. Meerians said the site plan will have to be redesigned for angular
parking and better than this one way. Mr. Marich preferred signage.
Access has to be redesigned. Mr. Henderson would much prefer to see
two way traffic. 24 feet of paving except for the entrances.
Mr. BUhmeyer's only comment was on widths of driveway for fire equipment.
Mr. Meerians made a motion this case be continued. Mr. Henderson
seconded motion. Motion carried unanimously.
3. (Continued) Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, Christ The Lord
Evangelical Lutheran Church (Owners); located on the Northeast corner of
Montclair Road and Hercules Avenue.
Preliminary Site Plan
Mike Kenton's comments concerned retention pond in Southeast corner -
outfall into Cedar Heights Subdivision. Mr. Caudell designed same.
This set up the easements across Cedar Heights lots and it ties into
that catch basin. There is a flat site with less than a foot elevation.
Mr. Kenton sees no use shown for the out pieces of land - large areas
here and there - questioned any particular reason why with a full tree
survey that pond could not be relocated? No other comment.
Don Meerians said they' had discussed parking and gutters and access - no
other problems.
George Buhmeyer commented he will be requesting an additional hydrant
which will be up to the City.
Mr. Henderson questioned if there was an existing 50 foot ROW there or "
1s that what we had requested. Mr. Smiech said it is existing because
the same lot 11ne continues on down for the run off as it exits to
Montclair. Drain~ge 1s adequate but retention pond should be sized and
you,:should retain area in the event you expand the parking lot) you
should have the capability to expand the retention area also at the same
time. Mr. Henderson also questioned this retention right on the property
.line, how do you propose to maintain the back side of that retention
area? He suggested pulling that away from the property line enough so
that you could get a piece of equipment around the back on your own
property to mow the side of your retention area. We require 15 feet.
Joe Mandy had, no comment.
Mike Campbell said it was indicated there will be one oak removed in the
- 5
lot. Answer - North section, diameter 5". They will pull permtto
from County. Diameter on cedar trees is 5".
Dave Healey questioned if all building heights were one story - answer
yes. The only comment he had was regarding ISP (Institutional Semi-
PUblic) Zoning distrlc t requires a landscape buffer. It would allow you to
submit an addendum to show where that district adjoins the residential
district. He believed this should be made a condition of the approval.
Also no specific dimension, but landscape plan should be propared..
Suggested they may want to stay
out 'of some utility easement there.
Mr. Kenton wanted it noted that ~ % of the interior of that lot must be in
Mr. Healey made a motion to 'approve plan on condition that retention
pond be relocated to a minimum of 15 feet to East and a landscape plan
be approved by Planning Department. Mr. Campbell seconded motion.
Motion was approved unanimously.
Chairman Haeseker gave Mr. Healey a letter from the County signed by
Mr. HostetleI', County Building Director, which will be given to the
owners when Planning has given their approval so that there will be no
further delay.
5. (Continued) Spottis Woode, Elizabeth C. Mancini. (Owner, on or before
October 19, 1979); located East of Clearwater Harbor to Orange Avenue
and North of Druid Road.
Community Impact Statement
Mr. Healey had an addendum to CIS dated September 26, 1979. He also had
a response to his particular concern to his architectural preservation.
Mr. Youngstrom had responded along the lines requested. There is a
question regarding Item #2 having to do with the minimum slope of roof.
Mr. Youngstrom responded the main house has a much higher slope than
normal Florida roofs. The normal development is in the 4/12,3/12 or
2/12. The Roebling house and estate and the character we> want to preserve
is 6/12 and above. The Roeb1ing house is two story but it has an extremely
steep roof. You see as much roof as you do sidewalk and that is where
you have your design review control..also want that percentage of roof
exposure to 'blend in. 4/12 is the lowest we go up in front in terms of
the eastern lots - 6/12 to 8/12 in terms of lots adjacent to the main
Mr. Healey questioned Item #3 - where you,iridicate a minimal home is
2 J 000 square feet exclusive of a garage, is there a minimum, number of stories?
These restrictions preclude a one story building. Mr. Youngstrom respond-
ed it would not force out a one story building. In fact, a one story
works better 1n terms of tree canopy and branching structure that we have
discussed with Mike Campbell - expecially at the North and East ends.
The 2,000 square feet being enough in terms of living area was questioned.
The answer was yes, because you have two to three car garages, patio
covered terraces, etc. Since the 1,500 square feet is t:.he minimum required, we have
gone sob feet above that plus the. Florida room, etc. Mr. Healey was satisfied on that
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September 28, 1979
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Uo noted that the building coverage would likaly exceed the 25\ coverago roquired
in the zoning under standard single family zoning district.
Fences are prohibited throughout with
the outside perimeter taking care of that. No privacy fences inoide the
compound. Maximum of 13 units per density lots. Mr. Manclni has that
design review exercise on top of that and would delete that part from the
Impact, if necessary.
Mr. Healey's last point under architecture would be do you propose to
retain the present house in tact keeping the same design to comply with
the other new homes? He preferred some legal mechanism or assurance
that this firm commitment be provided to preserve the architectural
structures. Mr. Young9trom advised they have three landscape architects
in mind - Jeff Neesen; Dick Follett, and Bill Roy to take over maintenance
function to preserve historic feeling.
Under historic preservation, Mr. Healey asked would the garage structure
be removed. Answer no, only workshop building.
Mr. Healey has an internal different point of view with Traffic Depart-
ment regarding less than 24 foot width streets - narrower widths would
be better. Mr. Healey and Mr. Meerians will have to get together.
Mr. Healey is not convinced the plan does do what we want it to do. He
still has that reservation with the Impact that it is not completely
preserVing the historic and architectural quality we need.
Mr. Campbell said the vegetation and soil studies were acceptable.
Mr. 'Mandy questioned narrower streets for trash and garbage pick up but
was assured by Mr. Youngstrom that with parking limited to one side of
the street as is done in Harbor Oaks, a neighboring adjoining area, there
is no problem and also because this is a single family residential area.
Mr. Youngstrom assured him individual type metering for gas, water, etc.
would be done.
Mr. Henderson noted at the last meeting regarding the ROW, Engineering's
requirements were turned over to Lloveras, Baur & Stevens, and they will
provide engineering background. Mr. Henderson sees no problem on CIS or
site plan as long as we can follow through. Mr. Henderson asked for
comments on double frontage lots on Orange, Peach and Lime Streets. Mr.
Youngstrom commented we do not consider in terms of the extensive land-".
scaping and the height of the wall, this would be a traditional double
frontage lot. This will not be like Countryside where the Boulevard comes
through and they have what amounts 'to a little picket fence or a hurricane
fence and no landscape development. What we have here 1s historical and
architectural preservation maintaining the exterior wall and landscaping.
Mr. Voorhees, the present maintenance man, said a sprinkler' system still
works on the outside of the wall, and that maintenance will continue.
Mr. Henderson asked if they planned to restrict the entrance into this
prop~~ty in any way into one roadway? Mr. Youngstrom responded yes, as
shown. Also standard subdivision easement shown on rear of the lots.
Easement given because a need may arise for new lines to be put in in
ten or fift~en years from now.
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September 28, 1979
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Mr. Youngstronl advised they are going ahead with the road development,
etc. I and hold the main house off from development for awhile. They
intend to cater to the more prestigious buyer and market it that way as
a limited edition.
George Buhmeyer had no comment.
Mike Kenton mentioned Mr. Brewer did a good job on the storm retention
report and he also questioned the historical review.
Mr. Youngstrom addressed the historical element that has been adopted
for some time) mentioning it has gone to 11l10rida Review and has been
approved by the State of Florida toward national recognition. He
recognizes the difference of real preservatlonism as opposed to having
thirteen single family homes.
Mr. Kenton took exception to the statement on 8011 in the last paragraph
- impacted soil be minimized? Wanted an explanation of how they were
going to build a cuI de sac on the side of the hill and minimize excava-
tion of fill. Mr. Youngstrom explained that if they have to build above
12 to 13 feet of elevation on that coastal area there, these certain
houses have to be on stilts. You have to have a courtyard or hamm~rhead
solution with parking at level you cone off. That bluff has more taper.
Minimum or, some mean the same thing in this case. At some point coming
out of the hill, it has to be bridged. The cuI de sac will stand out
from the slope area and a slight amount of fill will be necessary. You
would have to have elevated parking - very easily accomplished situation.
Mike Kenton made a motion to approve the CIS statement subject to approval
of Engineering and Planning. Mr. Henderson seconded. There were five
"ayee" with Dave Healey voting "nay" and Joe Mandy abstaining. Motion
Preliminary Site Plan
Don.Meerians stated that the minimum road widths would be 24 feet including
. any curb adjustment and gutters. He questioned the big curve. Mr. Young-
strom said that will be modified and changes g1ven to Lloveras immediately.
George Buhmeyer requested they extend the 6 n line along the future si.te
Cecil Henderson reiterated Mike Kenton's concern for the cuI de sac on
the bluff area and requested that any'motion regarding this plan include
specific studies on how that is to be handled to be -submitted for
Engineering and Planning approval.
Joe Mandy had no comment.
Mike Campbell mentioned the 40" oak tree near the West and stated it will
need extensive cutting in that area if you are going to have the cuI de
sac at 13 foot elevation. The lowest limbs, would be 12 to 16 feet.
Dave Healey commented he would like to preserve as much character as
possible...there should be a middle ground between things you preserve
and never make a change and their wholesale desecration. He prefe~s a lesser
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paved road width.
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September 28, 1979
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Mr. Youngstrom stated the three major live oaks would BUffer if the
entry were changed. It 1s a more urban setting rather than open the
way it is. Two to threa tler landscaping along the wall will give it
special architectural delight and fantastic view 1s all toward the bay
and bluff.
Dave Healey said he is concerned with 1) arrangement of lots, 2) size the
of the structure and ground provided at the, foreground 3) placement of homes below bluff-
whole concept hurt by squeezing down and clustering. Mr. Healey also
said the building envelop for those lots which are noted on the plan
should be correlated with the notes on the map.
Cecil Henderson made a motion for approval of site plan subject to
further study and submission of information for review by the Planning
and Enginee~1ng Departments of the Western 'most cuI de sac. Don Meerians
seconded. There were five "ayes", one "nay" and one abstention. Motion
6. Public storage, Public Storage, Inc. (Owner); located on U.S. 19
Frontage Road, approximatelY 300 feet North of the Intersection of
U.S. 19 and S~R. 60.
Community Impact statement .
Henry St. Jean had no comments.
Ream W~lson requested 90 Page 13, last paragraph, '10% of the land inside
city Limits has no land dedication requirement. Annexation of the remaining 30%. is '
sUbject tp land dedication, requirement. ,A cash donation in lieu of land is recommended
~or"t~e portion of the, 'property ~o:be annexed.
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Don Meerians and George Buhmeyer had no comments.
Cecil Henderson discussed the Clearwater East Sewer Moratorium - number
. of units 2~ persons dwelling criteria or 250 gallons sewage per day.
Mr. Mitchell responded they would have two people who would live on site
plus two public restrooms with a fixture count of nine which would fall
within that 'area.. . extremely low visitation use by customers. Drainage
and flood control was discussed with Mr. Mitchell saying they planned to
') use French drains or' soaking pits. Mr. Henderson advised this was not
a good alternative for this area. Mr. Mitchell said they had the
engineering capability to work out a drainage design where some could be
stored on site. .
Mike Campbell questioned vegetation report sent showing only a few
palmetto trees and a little incongruity in report. Mr. Mitchell said
. it was a minor discrepancy as there were very few palmettos at the back
and they will substantially landscape.
Dave Healey and Mike Kenton both questioned the architectural overall
design. Mr. Mitchell said there would be less use of orange - restricted
only to doors and that buildings are ten feet high.
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September 28, 1979
Mr. Healey said on site drainago was not provided and tho landscape. plan. would not be
acceptable' Rezoning would be neccosary..from CP to CO with CO
having no setback requirements.
OP has 20 foot side and rear setbacks and 1\0 foot in front. CF would
provide those setbacks and Mr. Mitchell said they will do whatever they
are instructed regarding this to comply.
Mr. Healey made a motion to approve the CIS subject to: 1) correction
with respect to dedication requirement that would be determined by the
City Commission after conference with Mr. Wilson ; 2) adequate provi-
sion be made for onsite drainage retention satisfying Engineering
Department; 3) none of the required provisions for parking or landscap-
ing be provided for in that 40 foot setback.
Cecil Henderson seconded motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Preliminary Site Plan
Henry St. Jean and Ream Wilson had no comments.
Don Meerians questioned if this is part of the same initial parcel that
has been resolved. Mr. Healey stated the original owners from whom
Public Storage 1s buying the property needs to file a plat of record
showing four separate properties. His concern is that we understand
the ROW easement provided from the service road paralleling US 19: and
SR 60 North and Public Storage's South property line and how the inter-
relationship works. Mr. Mitchell stated they recognized that situation
and it has been addressed in the plans. They have made provision for
that internal driveway to be connected at the front wherever that drive-'
way. is placed. Mr. Healey stated this will not _be a hold up in that the
annexation and-zoning may go forward while we await receipt of the ~lat.
Mr. Henderson supplied the name and address of K.L. King & Associates,
3250 US 19 No., Suite 105, Clearwater 78~-6559, where a plan showing
other requirements could be obtained. Mr. Mitchell said they would make
every effort to comply with whatever is required.
Mr. Healey said the 40 foot setback needs to be recognized and where you
are going to place your parking. Parking is a problem 5 or 6 spaces
creates a dilemma. City Commission has just enacted as of last meeting
a specific requirement for one space for every 1,500 square feet which
would amount to forty parking spaces. Mr. Healey could support change
in zoning if there were to be a setback of some sort along the South
side, but drainage requirements with no setbacks has to be resolved.
"Mr. Mitchell addressed this by saying they can give relief and provide
some setback and planning ...perhaps a transition from our building wall
to a parking lot. They own one hundred or more throughout the ~ountry.
.Don Meerians discussed parking requirements - aisle must be 24 foot
minimum and are not to be mistaken for parking spaces. Mr. Mitchell
responded they will do what they have to to provide a million dollar
facility here. If parking is required, they would not allow it to be
within the 24 foot roadway.
Mr. Buhmeyer stated on site fire hydrants must be provided with 300 feet
being the distance required between hydrants.
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Mike Campbell had no commento.
Mr. Meerian made a motion that we continue this site plan to the next
scheduled meeting. Mike Campbell Bcconded. Motion passed unanimously.
7. Burger King) Burger King Corporation (Owners); located on the
Northwest corner of Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard and Arcturas Street.
Preliminary Site Plan
Utilities has no problems but wants to inform you there is gas there.
Mr. Kenton's comments were that it is necessary to have 1,060 square
feet of interior landscaping to meet the code. Some concern about the
drainage retention. Considerable concern about two exits on Gulf-to-Bay
and suggests that one be two ways and questioned what is occurring with
the out parcel at rear - 68 linear feet back there.
Mr. McKenzie said the Building Department wanted additional plans and he
had gone to a local engineer and had them redesign the original plans
regarding holding water on the site. Since that piece of property drains
into the street, we are allowed to drain that much and retain the rest
on the site. Plan to drain the front third onto Gulf-to-Bay and the rear
on~site drainage hOlding in that part that is undeveloped which Burger
King keeps for such emergencies, driveway, etc. Permits have been
obtained for curb cut and original drainage plan has been approved.
There are two openings where we can add asphalt and landscape perimeter
on landscape plan. The new drainage plan will show underground retention
with stub outs to the back with catch basins. Presently we have 57
spaces for parking and are prepared to add more, if necessary. That is
. why we buy bigger pieces of land and retain some if needed at a later
date for expanded needs.
.Dave Healey stated they need some interior landscaping, and he wasn't
able to determine parking spaces. Mr. McKenzie said they had nine or ten
employees the majority of the time but at peak times could have as many
as fifteen. Mr. Healey said the Building Department would determine the
required parking based on floqr area, not se~ting capacity. However,
you will probably need 36 spaces plus employees. Commission is reluctant
to approve more spaces than necessary when you could improve the aesthetics
of the lot. Mr. Healey suggested the sign ordinance be checked as he had
counted rourteen. He encouraged a less monumental sign than 12' z 12' x 40'
high. Preferred a more modest arrangement. Mr. McKenzie said they
naturally preferred the maximum allowed.
Cecil Henderson had several comments. He called attention to the current
moratorium on the area served by the Clearwater East Plan and said our
definition of a unit is a 250 gallons per day flow under the four unit
or less than 1,000 gallons a day from you sanitary sewer, you won't run
into a problem. If you are over that)" you may; Suggested Mr. McKenzie
discuss this with Syd Snair of the Building Department - number of
fixtures or units.
Mr. McKenzie responded that all of our kitchen equipment has been nothing
but air-cooled, garbage and disposal is plastic bagged to dumpster,
~rash compactors installed, mop sink accepted by the Health Department.
- 11 -
Septembe~ 28,.1979
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Mr. Henderson said site plan lacl(s existing elevation but that will be
handled in final review. We require retention and Engineering Depart-
ment will give you a copy of requirements. Mr. McKenzie said this drainage
problem is being changed by a local engineer - Anderson, Johnson & Parish
Mr. Henderson stated there is a need within the City for a 10 x 10
utility easement for a pole. Mr. McKenzie stated as soon as property
is purchased, the donation of easement will be accomplished.
George Buhmeyer had no comment.
Don Meerians stated the ROW easement is taken care of but questioned the
access points removed along Arcturas. Do you plan to build a curb and
replace the sod along the ROWand sidewalk? He also advised if you ever
decide to develop the out parcel, we would not issue another access.
Also, he questioned the Easterly access on Gulf-to-Bay and the reason a
10 foot radius wasn't used. Mr. McKenzie advised he got the permit from
the DOT, and they issue it with a 3 foot transition. Mr. Meerians said
he will call DOT and get a 10 foot radius rather than 3 foot transition -
also westerly access would be better with a right turn only and interior
parking .with exit only. If the access were designed for exit only, it
would make the flow work perfectly. Mr. McKenzie offered to check with
his operation headquarters to resolve this. Mr'. Meerians asked for
minimum opening for one way and just shape it as such.
Hank st. Jean commented he had been working for about five weeks with
developer and is presently at a standstill waiting for different depart-
ments to give their approval, i.e., Engineering, Traffic Engineering
and Planning.
Mr. St. Jean made a motion that we continue this until the next meeting
in two weeks to allow proper time for this developer to prepare engineer-
ing drainage report. Dave Healey seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Preliminary Site Plan
Dave Healey noted that requested changes had been accomplished, i.e.,
building moved on plan to North and flopped, saving the street view of
the camphor tree. He still suggests those parking spaces in front of
the building that are to be turf blocked be eliminated. His concern at
presen~ is to resolve the two points of access to the service road in
conj unction w:tth platting the property and to provide at the point of access
some stacking availability.
The developer responded with regard to the proximity to access road on
US 19, Perkins is willing to close off their drive to the South of Chi
Chi's drive. In response to the turf block in the front of the building,
would prefer to leave nothing there with the idea of putting additional
parking there. Developer believe's the subdivision plat has been
Mr. Campbell questioned 19" oak in parking lot - fairly close to driveway.
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11,." ,I, :'Meetingw8:s' adjourned at 2:40 P.M.
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He suggested some bricl<ed surfaces or sub-surface feeders {drain pot~ that allow\ nir
and water to get into the soil. Mr, Campbell said there 1s a company
1n Tampa that handles that.
, '
Ce011 Henderson stated 2~ foot driveway easement is a private road and
1s maintained privately, Retention area should not extend into the easement
area. Sanitary sewer from this area goes int~ the East Plant. Mr. Henderson advise
the developer of the 1tmited moratorium currently existing in the East Plant,
George Buhmeyer and Don Meerians had no comments,
Mr'. St. Jean questioned the grease trap gallonage. Advised developer
to stop at Building Department to obtain seating capacity to settle
requirements. Suggests it be relocated to dumpster site and eliminate
access problems. Bennigans could give you an easement.
Dave Healey commented relative' to subdivision platting allowed in
'connection with' driveway easement. Inter connector North and South would
'dead end'from storage use. 'Mr. Healey pointed.this out as it might. affect parking spaces
" at the Wast.end 9f th~ ~ite pro~sed for parking by Chi Chi's. '
Mr,'. St.. Jean made a motion to approve site plan conditional upon
6ubmissionof subdivision plat and its conforming to the plan. Plat
to P~anning,Department. George Buhmeyer seconded. Motion passed
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