09/14/1979 '- ,--.. ,---., Original - approved as amended ': ~ ' MINUTES RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE september 14, 1979 l...../' MEMBERS PRESENT: ,.../'. ... ,/ ,/ ,- ,'..." c, Elizabeth S. Haeseker, Chairman David Healey, Planning Director Ream Wilson, Parks and Recreation Director ROY Ayres, Building Director Paul Rettig, Utilities Director Mike Kenton, Environmental Planner John Peddy, Energy Officer Don Meerians, Assistant Traffic Engineer Mike Campbell, Land Resources Specialist Cecil Henderson, Assistant Director of Public Works Nick Lewis, Fire Marshal John Chester, Fire Marshal .' " ,/ ^. :) , , . I. " }" It..':: ;",1" " .;. I' c' ~ : ~: ;:'~;' . ~\ '," ",' , .,.. ,~ 'O'l'HERS, PRESENT: , , ,', John Herrick, Harvard Arms ,Paul,Fasolas, Chi Chi's Restaurant T. W. Riggs, Chi Chils Restaurant Peter Marich, Architect 'Keith C. 'Kruck, Christ The Lord Lutheran Church , Buford Jackson, Christ The Lord Lutheran Church ,'J'~H. Mancini, OWner of Spottis Woode Kurt, Erin Youngstrom, Architect/Planner Ralph'N. Coxhead, Owner of Skiff Harbour Dennis E. Gilkey, King, Doughty & Associates J. 'Thomas Franquers, King, Doughty & Associates Ray F. Smiech, S & N Development, Inc. ~ ' : ' " ' 't+ '.' ': c ~ ' ,'.' '>,. .' Chairman Haeseker called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. in the Operations Center Conference Room. 1" ' ;.~ ~,. j , ~ '" , .' 1. Ap~roval of the minutes of the meeting of August 24, 1979 and the special meetin~ of September 5, 1979. Ream Wilson moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of August 24;, 1979 lJs amended by David Healey. Paul Rettig seconded' the motion which carried unanimo~sly. ,',Cecil Henderson moved to approve the minutes of September 5, 1979. Paul Rettig seconded the motion which carried unanimously. ,The Chairman announced that each department would share in taking the minutes for the ROC meetings. A memo giving each department the'date of the meeting they will be responsible for will be circulated. ,. f, ~~';,. ~'~l ~~', ~ ,'I ~ ;~~.! . . ,-- .",.-...., 2. Performing Arts Center and Theater - Preliminary Site Plan The preliminary site plan was not available at this time. It was decided to bring this item up at the close of the meeting. 3. (Continued) Harvard Arms Townhouses, David Bilgore and Com an (OWners); located west of McMullen-Booth Road and north of DelOra Subd V1s~on. Prel~m1nary S te Plan. Cecil Henderson gave the Engineering Department's comments, which are attached. Mike Campbell found the site plan satisfactory. Don Meerians said that both he and pinellas County agreed that there should not be an acceleration lane. Also, the island should be moved to the southerly access and the driveway width should be 24 feet, not 20. The driveway width was discussed. RO~ Ayres had no remarks. Ream Wilson expressed 'his concern that the traffic island could become a maintenance problem. ;,' ~c, John Peddy had no comments. 1. '. " David Healey was satisfied with the site plan. He noted that the density was a fraction of that permitted. He would like firm arrangements from the developer for dedication of the right of-way. ' Mr. Healey suggested a separate drawing depicting only the platted lots. Both he and Mr. Ayres would like more detail , ,in the parking drawing. Developer will comply. Paul Rettig suggested that for the water main on the dead end, th~re be a two-inch blow-off at the end. Each unit will be in- dividually metered and there are to be lines to each unit. He suggested that garbage cans be grouped. The developer and Mr. Meerians discussed the traffic island. Mr. Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineer said the site plan could ') go to the City Commission with his reconunendation that the street be 24 feet in width. Cecil Henderson moved to approve the site plan for Harvard Arms Townhouses as submitted, noting that the Traffic Engineering Department requires a 24 foot driveway and that islands ar.e a traffic hazard and should not be installed. f\1r. Healey amended.. the motion sa that before acceptance of a final plat, the City must have arrangements for the McMullen-Booth Road right-of-way. Mike Kenton seconded the motion which carried unanimously. - 2 - September 14, 1979 :': ~, , ::) , .. ' , ' ~ ':- ' ", , " " i." " , \,. " I , ' . , ;1 ;t.:'. , ~.. . " (', c' , , ,;,' .. 'J, ~ :-. (,:, . " l~' . :1" ~~ 7 / . ' ~ .,\' "-"', r--, I ) 4. Chi-Chi' s Rest!!Urantl-!12~;!L!!?2!_L1?!~_gQmpitly _ oLf!o~.;~!, Inc., (Owners)l propertY_~!~~=~h~~d parcel w th_frontage on GUlf-to-Bay ~n~~he U~-E!ghwax 19 fro~t~~_~oad l~ex~~!U-Invea~- menta of Central Flor1da - Deve10Eers). Community Impact Statement Fire Department, Don Meerians, Mike Campbell and Mike Kenton had no comments. Paul Rettig said that on page 17, the $50 deposit would be more. David Healey stated that the community impact statement was well done and to the point. On page 11, Architecture, items 2 and 3, the CIS stated that the building would not affect the view -- he thought it would and asked the developer to include in the CIS. The developer agreed to do so. ;, John Peddy, Ream Wilson and Roy Ayres had no comments. Cecil Henderson gave the Engineering Departments comments. They are attached. Mike Kenton moved to approve the community impact statement for Chi-Chi's Restaurant. Paul Rettig seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Preliminary Site Plan Roy Ayres had no comments. Ream Wilson said the developer should decide to install another type fence around the camphor tree, he would like to have the original fence returned to Parks and Recreation. Developer would do so. David Healey said he did not like the way the property owner had divided up the land. The subdivision plat should be filed. On the site plan, the 20 foot setback provided on Gulf-to-Bay was very unacceptable to h~m. The setbacks for Perkins and Bennigans are much greater and without a larger setback for Chi-Chi's, the view would be partially cut off. Also, he considered having parking in front of the tree unsatisfactory. Perhaps they could put the parking on the side of the restaurant. A minor comment -- he thought they could line up the planters. Paul Rettig noted that the three inch gas service line was an odd size. Requested that they put in whatever size is required. Suggested that they meet with the Sanitation Department re dumpster location. The developer will do 60. Mike Kenton stated that he shared David Healey's concerns. He wanted the twelve inch drainage pipe switched to the property , line to keep it from going into the drip line of the tree. The parking in the front should be relocated. - 3 - September 14, 1979 J( " :~",/:-;:'f;';:',"i~,~ "', ',', : ,,', , i". ' "" ' ";0. , I"~ ' " "./ c . "'....: l ';,,~t:'/. ~:, ~ , ' ,I.,: ,,' '.,',.. " , ,', "I. 'I ' c : ~t } ~ ' L.\l ':',' 'I ',l " , " ' " ". .... 'i' ,I. ",I:: ~,." '. ,I "1" .', ,>; ",: , ,,::',.i:,;;; j ,/:"" :, '~' '''''' 11 " + , <{ '. l!' ; , j ,~ ' .. .,~ I j,~; ,.':;: .; \' ...~,':,,' . "".. :;J 'i':~':',~::;:':::: :'rff';';'i:;\;:}~;(f;f\~:~; t',; r: ," ;",~c,r: '>f~~\li . ~ J I., If" ,'. , " .' .~, , i: '\,:<.',.:.,.. ::' :,:';:, :,:' <,::;,:',~..::,"""'f:"'..: ,', r. ,<'! ",.,. ':,~yy(:J,:'>,:. ::; \ . "~': I, :,; '1 ...~.I..,~,.. 'T '."'.:, ,. ,:.' ',!, \ ,; . ':"/:' \... ';'!::' : ..>., P",: J,' ';," ' ' .~ "':' .' ,', F :: ',:, \/ ., ,';, \' ~.;;.:::;", :.~. ,'. '~.'..' .': .' '... " '.'~',' t, ','., ...,~ '. . ',~ ,...,...":.. '., ", :,:~' ' .' ,.' ..'....:..~ ",:\. '.',.:':'~f"". .~'...'. _ '...,:......::'..' ,. :.', '" ,'-', ,~" Mike Campbell said the Camphor tree appeared to be within 40 feet of the property line and asked whether the developer had taken into consideration. The developer indicated that they had. Mr. Campbell, too, would like the twelve inch drainage pipe switched to the drip line of the tree. Don Meerians asked the developer if they had an access agreement with the property to the north. The developer thought not. There was a 24 foot easement in the sale contract -- access will be moved to the rear of the property rather than the middle. He asked if the developer would move easement shown on the site plan to line up with the Perkin's Restaurant access. The developer will conform. Mr. Meerians expressed concern about major accesses being close together and preferred that the radius be a true radius on the access only; 16 or 17 feet rather than a ~-type radius. Fire Department had no remarks. Cecil Henderson stated that the retention area should not go into the easement in the front of the property as there are probably many utilities in the easement. The developer replied that, according to survey, retention would not go into the ease- ment. .I,: Mike Kenton said that he wanted the building to be moved back and lined up with other buildi~gs, the parking lot moved from the front of the tree, and retention to be in front of the tree. His second choice would be to have the pipe relocated to the extra property. There was some discussion re having parking in front ,of the tree. Mr. Healey objected because of the fact that the other two restaurants had been encouraged to locate their parking further from the street and because of the relationship of the parking to the tree. The Committee discussed the number of parking spaces which were 37 " over the minimum. Mr. Henderson suggested the developer not develop part of the parking lot and if the developer finds they need more spaces that they return to the City Commission. The developer said they would turf-block the back portion of strip. The developer and Mr. Henderson determined that they qualified for sewer hook-up. Mike Kenton moved to continue the site plan for Chi-Chi's Restaurant to the next meeting. The Committee's concerns were with the accesses, entrance arrangement, service road, building location, that the twelve inch drainage pipe be kept away from ,the drip line of the tree. Also they wanted the retention in ' front of the tree and parking removed from the front of the tree. The radius was to be a true radius on access only. Motion was seconded and carried unanimously. " " " , 1.' " , : ~ I " , .. '.. " , ; 5. "Lifetime of Vacations," Peter Marich, Architect and Planners, Inc.; located on Clearwater Beach between Gulf View Boulevard and Bay Way Drive, west of Park Way Drive. ':;t i~ ~, ' i\ ,. " i ~", - 4 - September 14, 1979 . .,' ,,~ . ~. '..' '"" " ~ , 'I 'I ". , ----.. "....., Cornmu~ity Im~act Statement Cecil Henderson said that the sewer would go to the Marshall Street Treatment Plant. Mike Kenton and Mike Campbell had no comments. Don Meerians pointed out that on page 7, the parking space dimen- sion should be 9x19. Fire Department had no comments. ROY Ayres pointed out that in the CIS the flood zone elevation was thirteen feet -- it needs only be twelve feet. Ream Wilson and John Peddy had no remarks. David Healey requested that the market analysis be done in greater depth. Mr. Marich will comply. On page 5, the zoning should be CG. On page 6, building height for three stories should be more than 28 feet. Mr. Marich said this was an error and should be 36 feet. He will correct. Paul Rettig said that on page 7, where it indicated a three-foot wide sidewalk, the three should be changed to four in order to meet the minimum City requirement. Each building shall be metered separately. Water section said 40 gallons per unit max for 162 units -- seemed to be a low estimate. Garbage collection will be wheeled out for collection. Mr. Marich will comply. Cecil Henderson moved to approve the community impact statement for IlLifetime of Vacations," contingent on submittal of. addendum re market analysis to the Planning Director. Mike Kenton seconded the motion which carried unanimously. preliminary Site Plan Peter Marich explained the plan. There will be some parking un- derneath the buildings. There will be a boardwalk that is raised about'two feet with retention underneath. Don Meerians pointed out that the number of units in each building were not indicated. paul Rettig said water mains ~ould go into each building. Wheel out garbage for collection. He was satisfied with the site plan. David Healey was not certain that the setbacks on the western line were adequate. Landscaping requirements in conjunction with parking should be met. Developer agreed to fulfill~ Asked what "tennis court by others" meant. Mr. Marich said the courts would he done outside of the general contractor's contract. There will ,be a fence. .. Ream Wilson, John Peddy, Roy Ayres and the Fire Department had no conunents. "\\ I ~ ....... ~,. ~ . "", r" l\ Don Meerians said that the requirements were 24 feet for any 2~way driveway. The nine foot spaces with columns of one foot by one foot would be impossible for an automobile to get in and out out of. In the ten unit area, there should be parking fo~ l~ cars per unit. Mike Campbell, Mike Kenton and Cecil Henderson had no remarks. Paul Rettig said that each building would be metered for'water and asked who would be responsible for the bill. Mr. Marich replied that the management would be responsible. Cecil Henderson asked that the sidewalk be shown. paul Rettig added that gas is available to them from the City' and he encouraged them to use. David Healey moved to continue the preliminary site plan for "Lifetime of Vacations" to allow for: addition of dimensions, access drive, correction of parking spaces, sidewalks and fencing to be shown. He was not certain whether the setbacks were adequate. Motion was seconded and carried unanimously. I. ' ~ ~ T ,~ ; ." ~". " I:"~: ,~j , 6. "Camelot Oaks Condominium," Peter Marich, Architect and Planners, Inc., located between Lime Avenue and Clearwater Ba~. Community Impact Statement Ream Wilson had no comments. I,'" <' Paul Rettig said that on page 10 it gives 15 gallons of water per<minute as the max. He did not think this was accurate. There would have to be' an extension of the six inch water line down to the property line. Cecil Henderson ,said the sewer would go to the Marshall Street Treatment Plant. The developer must provide a lift station. Mike Kenton had no comments. Mike Campbell asked that the statment in Exhibit 13, last paragraph, re vegetation be changed from no signifipant impact on vegetation to significant effect. Don Meerians had no comments. Neither Nick Lewis or John Chester of the Fire Department had any remarks. Rpy Ayres asked that the thirteen foot flood elevation be changed to twelve feet. David Healey said that the market section on housing could be ex- panded upon, however, that it was minor. Previous litigation on -6- September 14, 1979 ..-..... this property has been reinitiated. He will check with the City Attorney whether or not the litigation would affect what action the ROC takes. RM-28 is the current zoning and the Land Use Plan shows low density on this property. This is a conflict. Perhaps medium density would be a better choice. Mike Kenton moved to continue the community impact statement for Camelot Oaks Condominium until problems are resolved. David Healey seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Preliminary Site Plan Cecil Henderson had no additional comments. Mike Campbell -- that the tree survey should be overlaid the project at the same scale. Mike Kenton had no comments. .\' Don Meerians reported that the access should be a minimum of . five feet from the property line as per Code. Would be impos- sible to make a right turn out of access and remain on the right side of the street. The driveway was discussed. It would be better to have traffic going one way rather than two-way. Move parking to the property line. These concerns can be worked out. Fire said site plan was to include the size of the line to the fire hydrant and that a six-inch line was required. " , , Roy Ayres, Ream Wilson and John Peddy had no comments. David Healey stated that the side yard setbacks should be 18.9 feet rather than 18.6 feet. His main concern was with the land- scaping, however, this would be changed because the parking 'would be changed. Should be a five foot separation between the street and parking where there is a landscape area. Three feet are required between the parking area and the north and south property lines. Mr~ Marich indicated that he would be meeting the previous requirements and he and Mr. Healey discussed the deck which Mr. Marich said would be approximately two feet above the ground. Mr. Healey stated that a disadvantage of the plan was that it did"'not recognize the natural bluff. Paul Rettig asked that the water main be run to hydrant. Garbage ingress and egress 'will be required. Mr. Marich assured the Com- mittee that there would be room for the trucks to depart without backing out. Also, each unit will be individually metered. Mr. Rettig added that easements would be necessary for the meters. Cecil Henderson moved to continue the preliminary site plan for Camelot Oaks Condiminium to the next regularly scheduled RDC meeting. Motion was seconded and carried unanimously. - 7 - Septernberl4, 1979 w,y':';:' :'.'.' '.-... ,', 7. Coachman Road Condominiums~an McNeil (New owner), located 9n Coachman Road,:just west ot u.s. Highway 19 Nort~. ------- Community Impact Statement This CIS was previously approved, however, there was a minor change by the new owner. Ed Mazur explained that they had given the Planning Department the results of water quality testing and had updated the CIS re sewage treatment. The community impact statement was revised so that in the event the Clearwater East Plant could not accomodate the sewage one of two methods could be employed. They have deleted the proposed park site and supplied Mr. Kenton with a legal description of the aquatic lands. Mike Kenton announced that he had a letter from Ed Mazur re revision of the sanitary sewer item (attached). Also had a letter from Heyward Matthews. He said that the developer had been asked to amend the CIS because of major changes in the City alternative sewer solutions had not been addressed previously. Cecil Henderson said project was in the Clearwater East Plant area which is under limited administrative moratorium. The developer had suggested two alternatives: 1) honeydip to the Marshall Street Plant if approved by the City Manager. They would have ,to perform, pay for, and ,it could be l~ to 2 years before they could get service from the East Plant; and 2) developer could construct a temporary treatment plant which would require permit- ting by the Department of Environmental Regulation (DER). There was discussion re the sewage treatment alternatives. ,c ", ~. : .-, Mike Kenton asked where outfall would go under the temporary treatment plant. It would be determined by the DER. Transpor- tation of sewage would have to go to the city Commission. Chairman asked for ,a, separate letter of request stating what they want for sanitary sewer. David Healey said he did not think the City should commit to giving Coachman Road Condominiums sewer service, as the City cannot ac- commodate and he did not agree with the interim arrangements as they were temporary and. in his opinion, unsatisfactory. Chairman stated that the purpose of this meeting was to identify the problem and that it may be able to be solved. Cecil Henderson did not object to having an alternative solution. '..1 .. ,f" Mike Kenton moved to approve the addendums to the CIS for Coachman Creek Condominium. Motion was seconded and carried unani.n\ously. , '" ITEM - Tracts 45, 72, 73 and 74, COUNTRYSIDE \ t< ," ~~ , " '.', I"'.' - B - September 14, 1979 f~\~':>::;!':"~"':":' ': ''.::'::~/~~ ~~, J", :-,' :' ,"""'- /"-. David Healey said that the developer had agreed to use 100,000 square feet of the property for commercial use and 18,000 for office space. He suggested that the footnote on map 12 be eliminated. Some parking spaces that had been added adjacent to the retention pond as well as the four spaces behind the retail store might be eliminated. Don Meerians discussed the fire lane adjacent to the building. M~. Mazur said handicapped spaces would be put there. Mr. Meerians asked if they needed spaces in that location -- they did not. Mr. Meerians asked that the developer extend parking. The developer indicated that they would comply. David Healey moved to accept the addendum and approve subject to the rearrangement of parking spaces prior to the City Commission Meeting. Don Meerians seconded the motion. Mike Kenton voted "nay,"; the remainder of the Committee voted "aye." Motion carried. B. Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, Christ the Lord Evangelical Lutheran Church (Owners) ~ located on the northeast corner of Montclair Road and Hercules Avenue. Preliminary Site Plan Fire had no comments. Don Meerians said the driving surface must be 24 feet wide and that the concrete valley should be shown on the site plan as pavement. The developer stated that if parking were expanded it would be towards the south. Mike Campbell said there was no tree survey and expressed concern re the retention pond. Mike Kenton said that he shared Mike Campbell's concern because there was no information re vegetation or contours. The Chairman read a letter re development cost into the record. (Attached) . Cecil Henderson asked the developer if they were planning on clearing the site and the response was that they would as much as was necessary -- building, parking and drainage areas. A ten foot easement should be dedicated to the City for utilities. and drainage purposes. Sanitary sewer would go to the Marshall Street Was~ewater Treatment Plant. He made certain that the property had access to the drainage easement. A fifty foot right-af-way ,for Hercules AVenue was needed. The owners will supply. David Healey said that an annexation agreement had been submitted. The site plan was satisfactory. Would like the arrangement for. access to the future parsonage shown and said that having two - 9 - September -, ,-- points of entry on Hercules Avenue would be excessive. Roy Ayres and John Peddy had no comments. . David Healey moved to continue the site plan for Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod in order that suggested changes could be added to the site plan. Cecil Henderson seconded the motion with the comment that the changes were minor. Motion carried unanimously. Chairman said that the letter to pinellas County of no objection would be ready so that they may get permits from the County, as long as each department was satisfied with the changes on the site plan. /' 9. Spottis Woode, Elizabeth C. Mancini (Owner, on or before October 19, 1~79); located east of Clearwater Harbor to Orange Avenue and north of Druid Road. Comminity Impact Statement Fire, Don Meerians, had no comments. '" ,', " . Mike Campbell said there were no sailor vegetation statements. Mr. Youngstrom said they would be found under the ecology sec- tion and that they had deliberately avoided all trees. Specific section on soil erosion control is required. ',' .' \,' ' ~ ~ < , h:. ,-L n Mike Kenton pointed out that the banyan tree may qualify as a specimen and that they possibly may not get a permit for removal. ',' , \ Cecil Henderson gave erosion control information. Read Engineer- ing comments into the record (attached) 9 David Healey stated that the CIS was well done. Main home and grounds are of historical and architectural importance. He was not confident that it would be protected. Section 12 on Architecture said there would be a mandatory review by a desig- nated design committee of the architecture and landscaping. The CIS indicated the desire, but not the provisions, to carry out protection. It was determined that some trees would have to be removed. Would like to be able to determine from the plan where trees to be removed were located. Financial impact could be more accurate. J" . . ~ , ' ':1: ' j:.', , ",' . ~ ., . ,!.'< " . ~, . ,. Paul Rettig - the CIS should indicate metered facilities. John Peddy, Roy Ayres and Ream Wilson had no comments. '.<,- ;,' T~~: . " ' ~ ~ ~ , . David Healey moved to continue the community impact statement for Spottis Woode in order to allow the developer to submit addendums.re:, 1) soils; 2) erosion control: and 3) specific means, by which the historical and architectural significance 'would be preserved. Mike Campbell seconded the motion with the addition of 4) addendum on vegetation. .- , .>-', !~,' ~ ,,, ..., .' " ~( " ~'~':;" : ' . " ..... . p~ " September 14.. ,1979 .:1 . ,.' . '. c" , ~~:'~'" '..'!)' ::.:f! :~;t :G: " ~ There was some discussion re runoff of water. Mr. Youngstrom, Mr. Healey, and Mr. Mancini discussed, at length, what arrange- ments would be made for preservation of the architectural and historical quality. Mike Kention amended the motion to contain a description of the relationship of the proposal to the historic preservation element and any other historical factors such as nomination to tHe National Register of Historic Places. Mrs. Connie Mudano, member of Volunteers of Preservation in the pinellas County Historical society, reported that she and one other member of the Society had completely researched and docu- mented the house for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places. It was approved by the Florida review committee and will be sent to Washington, D.C. She stated that she had given Mr. Mancini a copy of their documentation and had under- stood that Mr. Mancini was aware that the documentation was being revised. In conclusion, the information in the CIS was correct, but incomplete. The Chairman said the motion covered the historical importance. Cecil Henderson voted "nay.1I The remainder of the Committee voted "aye." Motion carried. , ' ,,\ Preliminary Site Plan 'PauIRettig, Fire, and Ream Wilson were satisfied with the site ,plan. ,Don Meerians asked what the developer proposed to do with the existing accesses. The developer indicated that they would move the existing access towards the Oruid Road right-of-way. Mr. Meerians said that Code required the driveway be five feet away form the property line. Would require .removal of the island and that they make a 24 foot road O~ access. Mr. Youngstrom stated that they would comply with Traffic En0ineering's require- ments. \.P, ' I" , , .' , '.c' " , .!. . u;. , ;:O.j' " Mike Campbell required a tree survey overlaid to scale with the site plan. John Peddy had no comments. ~ I '.' David Healey was not certain that single-family homes were the best way to develop the property.' Some of the proposed homes would intrude upon the current house's prominence. Also, he did not think that relocation of the entrance would be the best thing to do to preserve historical character. He was concerned about the road configuration transversing the bluff. Noted that the plan's scale was not correct. A number of features on the site plan would be altered. , p " 'j. i.:' " " , :::,', : ,i' . , ,~ Kurt Youngstrom would like to move back in order to preserve the front entry gate and give more privacy by addition of more .~ I landscaping. He did not think they would have to come back any more than five or\ ten feet to avoid the front of the garage wing. Mr. Healey stated that the density was fine, the number of units were acceptable, but the arrangement could be such that it would preserve a greater portion of the grounds. Mrs. Mudano shared Mr. Healey's concerns. Ream Wilson had no comments. j' Roy, Ayres asked for a very carefully defined site plan giving setbacks, etc. Cecil Henderson moved to continue the preliminary site plan for Spottis Woode. Mike Kenton seconded the motion which carried unanimously. 10. Skiff Harbour, windward Development Company (OWner); located on' the cul-de-sac at the end of Skiff Point, Island Estates. Community Impact St'atement Don Meerians, Roy Ayres, Re~n Wilson and John Peddy had no comments. , , , ,,' " ;, " ~ .,; ,t;' David Healey said the CIS was well done and clear. On page 6 re variance, Planning and Zoning Board should be the Board of Adjustment and Appeal on Zoning. On page 17 there should be more ,re view interference and shadow effect. The developer agreed to meet. Mr. Healey mentioned that reference was made to a variance that was on appeal to th~City Commission at his request. Don Meerians, after some discussion re parking found the CIS satisfactory. ,'; . .- , , , , , " " ~~:,: '.: , ',' , ' i',; : . " :~~:,.,< .';, '., {;;.';,' :t:..':', ',\'" . . ~::~': ' " " ' ,.. " , <:";f l Mike Kenton said that the water report was not attached. Developer will make an addendum on water quality. Cecil Henderson read Engineeri~g comrnGnts into the record. They are attached. ;-.',:", .,J...., :::'. ' , Fire had no remarks. "._, ' " ~ . > . Mike Kenton said the Ecology section assessed the basic info~mation, but needs more detail. ,,', , i.~<' ,'.' ,Mike Kenton moved to approve the CIS for Skiff Harbour with the following conditions; paragraph re water quality and ecology section be 'attached. David Healey seconded the motion and added the amendment that in approving the CIS the Committee was not endorsing the rationale of the zoning variance. Mike Kenton concurred with the amnndment. Motion carried unanimously. , t\' ; . ' , " (.", ,':; {.~ :' ~. L ~' ~. ' I:;";,"; [\i:', .. . jt:~i.',..},:,:;' '~ .:..' - 12 - September 14, 1979 . I ~ Preliminary Site Plan Roy Ayres said the fifteen foot side setbacks do not conform to waterfront vista requirements. David Healey stated setbacks require 30 feet. Fifteen feet were granted by variance to the Board of Adjustment and Appeal on Zoning to the City Commission. Good site plan. Recommended that whatever setback they would get by dropping one unit be used. John Peddy had no comments. .' ,- ; Mike Kenton asked about the retention. Developer gave an explanation. The propaoed retention area would be more or less flat -- small elevation. : Filtration for purification of water. The pipe would be so water would eventually go out to sea. Mr. Kenton expressed his doubt that the system would work because of a great deal of pavement and roofs. The developer said waterspouts could be moved to the rear of the building where there was no pavement. He and Mr. Kenton continued to discuss the drainage. Cecil Henderson said the drainage system did not appear adequate. Mi~e Campbell had no comments. Don Meerians said the easterly access radius was not necessary. The developer agreed to delete. Paul Rettig asked what arrangement had been made for garbage. Garbage pickup would be dumpsters. J' \l ~ tl ,', David Healey moved to apprQve subject to meeting Mike Kenton and Cecil Henderson's requirements re drainage and that the plan be further modified to provide for a lesser variance on side setbacks by whatever action the applicant finds acceptable. Mike Kenton seconded the motion which carried unanimously. The committee returned to the Performing Arts Center Preliminary Site Plan. A letter from Commissioner Karleen DeBlaker is attached for the record. The Chairman asked that the Committee pay particular attention to the third paragraph regarding the meeting with the Kapok Manor Association and the DelOra Association. John Peddy had no remarks. Roy Ayres did not want construction started too quickly--befare elevations, etc. are determined. The site plan was satisfactory to the Building Department. Ream Wilson said he was concerned re people parking and passing through planters and medians as they walked to the building. Two entrances did not seem to be enough for the building. - 13 - September 14, 1979 V~;:\;T;,~'~':':'~ ,", ' , ": 1; ,1, ,;,}:~~ ,', ,', ~ .'........'1 , ':'.' ~):~.,:" I " ' .1,1" " t", '~, ;r<';'" ~'~ /:. ~i~:~ :'+ >t:l,"1 ~ ' '~.:~"~:'. '. , ri'.';',' . f~~,;: ".: . ' '" David Healey said the plan did appear to have many problems. ';:','1 ;1;\' .\.,1'.J,:. .. The Chairman stated in 'a:rough:state development. the remainder of until monies were the available property would remain for further ,.( . , Don Meerians thought storage to McMullen-Booth Road would 'be ,necessary. .-\ , <c~: ~t\;~,:'; , ~~'" 1, " ,\ The ,Chairman pointed out that drainage pipe. Continued a date uncertain. "Meeting was,a~journed at'5:30 the the PACT plan did not address the preliminary site plan to '" " , 'J.. L , pwm., " .. ..' ~".' ' L 1/'~~6L ~,cft\~~ I, , , 'I,' . '1' " ," -:' : 'i ,~., ,~.f .: ' j;; .;. ,.', , ',; " ,t , " ,"' "1' .: . , , ",;, 1 ' .~, :,,!', " . '. ~ , , - '" " ' j,. " . ;:. , "~', :' " , , " ,;',,;i " , , , , : ~ ' '. '. .,:' ll. 'I' " )' :.,. '," .~ :':::~\ " ", , I' .~ ::" , ' "I' . I. .' ..ii " ";, .'~ . ;.: ". ;,., ,,,,' . '" '. ' ..':~( ", ,1 ".>. '.1;' I , '~ ,} , :, l " ~ .. . ... {' " ~ .' , , . ',+ ~ '. ~.: ,i,' ,'+ i, :. ~ , , \'., , /'! ~ ~ '\.~' . . .. , " " + : '" ,'~' ,~',- i' , ~!,' C ~.> . , ,. ;,i " ' " .'\' ,j .' ~ \ '. , f . ~.. \ 1: 'T l' , , , t ~ ::, ,,'A , I '! " , \ ,~, ,'"... " , . C,t' . ,I., .\' -1::. , ':','>:'>:i:,':,':',";' :,:, . I ,,' . r ~ J 'I "\" ,/;, " }' , .;-; ;( '.' , t', , \ " \' , : " , ,.,. " " .1' .". -'14 l"c; September 14', ,1979