09/04/1979 and 09/05/1979 - Special ,I;:' "": :, ,c , , " i .~' (l ,.--. ) *ORIGINAL* tifJfOlurvtL , ' '.'" MINUTES RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE September 4 and 5, 1979 Special Meeting , "J, ., MEMBERS PRESENT: ; , Elizabeth Haeseker,Chairrnan Paul Rettig, utilities Director David Healey, Planning Director Mike Kenton, Environmental Planner Mike Campbell, Land Resources Specialist Ream Wilson, Parks & Recreation Director Keith 'Crawford, Traffic Engineer Cecil Henderson, Assistant Director of Public Works George Buhmeyer, Fire Marshall Hank st. Jean, Building Division Chief .'// , ' ',' .. , , / ;. .,I;'" .: " .'C . "'.,1 '" . OTHERS PRESENT: ,.cr ' ,< \ ',:, . ~ c', ,Jeff Butler, Assistant city Manager Charles Rutenberg Don'Wi11iams Frank Benson )\1 'Hoffman (9/4/79 Meeting only) <' " . ~ \' ., ... I 1/.,' .: , September 4: 'The meeting was called to order by Chairman Haeseker at 4:50 p.m. in the Operations Center Conference Room in the city Hall Annex. committee discussed whether the meeting should be continued. Motion was made to reschedule the meeting to 12:00 noon, September 5, 1979. Motion was seconded and carried unanimously. Meeting' adjourned at 5 p.m. 'September 5: Chairman Haeseker called the meeting to order at 10:20 a.m., in the Operations Center Conference Room, City Hall Annex. ~~. ~ ~ ' , " , ,i~'v::..l ,', , ~~X:;<':: \{),::!:' , , ~'~~/,,' '. '- , :.:~~ ~ , ;~;.~:~: (,:. ' , j",,: " " , f,;,,' }tL'.: ':,' I"" ' ~:':,':!:.': COMMUNITY IMPACT STATEMENT: Mike Campbell had 'no comments. Paul Rettig had no remarks. 'David Healey stated that Mike Kenton would make comr.lents for the Planning ,Department. ccicil'Henderson referred to the bottom of page 17. He noted that the recommendation that a barrier be placed at' the north side of the entrance road to minimize any disturbance to resi- dential property did not contain any provisions for implementing it'- A 'positive ,recommendation would be necessary in order to '-Ii.," ,,' . :\.:,.:.1 1,1.' "I~j /'+. " "" j' ," '.1, ..." .1."',. 1'\',. J" ,.;,.. ",,', ,\,> '~ol:"" I "',,ll,,):, ~ . ~ . I ~ assure installation of the barrier. Keith Crawford said that a sentence stating that there would be a 50-foot barrier between Del Orc and the Performing Arts Center has been dropped, and that he agreed with Mr. Henderson that the barrier was needed. Also, Kapok Manor residents would need protection from noise, etc. Mike Kenton pointed out that in the City commission Minutes there was not a specific mention of distance for the barrier. If the City acquired additional right-of-way, a buffer with trees and shrubbery could be put in. It was determined that the six-foot wide pedestrian sidewalk on the north could be used for the buffer area. ), ' The Chairman stated that she and Mike Kenton had talked with engineer Doug Carter who indicated to them that the buffer distance would not be necessary for the engineering design. Cecil Henderson said that on page 19 where B,OOO gallons per\ . were indicated would be approximately 32 ~nits maximum and would be determined by the Building Department. Mr. Rettig added that 8,000 gallons per day was high. Mr. Henderson said that runoff from the parking areas would affect the quality of the water and he thought that a sweeping program would be necessary. Mr. Kenton suggested that a state- ment re sweeping be acquired from Gardner Smith, Director of Public Service. ,\ " ~~J :L; ,~ : Ream Wilson discussed the "thick plantings" (page 15) that are to be planted on the boundaries of the pedestrian walkways. He pointed out that on page 27, (3), re grounds maintenance that maintenance was based on assumptions as there was not yet a landscape plan and maintenance requirements could be greater or smaller. Mr. Wilson would like to work with the Wright Foundation re irrigation. Don Williams stated that he would be referring to Ream Wilson and Mike Kenton for the kinds of species of plants that would be used at the Center. . , " '!" ' ,. .' L , , " , ~ .! 5.,..,. . 'I'. . ~.~.' . , , ~~. /,.1" ' ' ~'~~',,: .' >,'<:,- < Mike Kenton said Mr. Peters would retain a local consulting landscape architect who would work with him and Mr. Peters. on the ,final landscape plan. As many low-maintenance plants as possible. ~, I) ,.,. f!:,;, . .1..'" , J:" ' 't:/, , ,: 'Ii' . < ;;;:':'." ' V:'.' ~Ji. '" ' . ., t~,~, " ~:" , ~'~', : :~!;: r. " b~'., ' " 'J;' i:r.;:1 i~ I I ~r{':::'i(, " , ~\.~//'~"I" . 1[;\," "<': Keith Crawford had no comments. Hank St. Jean discussed the handicapped spaces. On page 32 the CIS stated that the seating capacity would be 2,000. Then, on page 39 it was stated that total seating capacity for wheel- chairs would be 28. He believed that this would be a problem as there was the possibility that a busload or two of handicap- ped persons could attend at one time. Seating for the handi- capped must comply with the City Code requirements. [~!Y':;/ '.'!i;" ."..;:)Q ."'( " .~f'-' >." E:'::,t' , :', ',1 , ",:' ,: :J .::<{i ~''''''I'(','1' I,'~ ,l: ',~ '.i. .... ,", jl ,\'. 'I' "."'1/:, . ,:: '..' : t'.' ", ". ~ ~~....... The Chairman said that she had discussed the handicapped seating with Mr. Peters who explained to her that there would be contin- ental seating which would allow a person to bring the wheelchair to the aisle and to a seat. The wheelchair would be stored. George Buhmeye~ also had concern re handicapped. " ' Paul Rettig asked who had prepared the CIS and the Chairman answered that the Committee had not yet received the letter of compliance signed by her. Mr. Kenton said that the CIS was lacking an introduction. Charles Rutenberg complimented staff on their efforts and on the quality of the work done. . " , , Mr. Williams said that on page 18, re Central Pinellas Transit Authority, that the following was to be included, "CPTA will schedule special bus service from suitable locations in the CPTA service area for various events as demand develops." He and Mr. Kenton discussed the shadow effect on Page 37. six houses would experience additional late evening shade. Data re elevation of the Center was lacking. Tha maximum impact of shade was shown. <', S;: ,', " ' .; I j: " Mr. Henderson moved to approve the CIS with the following con- ditions: an amendment re street sweeping and its impact be added; that all City Codes be adhered to: a form stating who prepared the CIS be included: and that the mass transit addi- tion be included. Ream Wilson seconded the motion. h' ' ,.. Mr. Williams questioned debris burning as indicated on page 76. He expressed concern re the residents. Burning would only be done in accordance with the City Fire Department and only under favorable weather conditions. <'; ~ ~~. , , :- ), . Mr. Rutenberg said that on page 103, a sentence re annual con- tribution of $400,000 from the City could give the appearance that the City would not be receiving the benefit of renting the building to organizations at such times when the Center was not bei~g used for major events. Jeff Butler would like the section worded in such a way that there would-be a reference to the value received by the City for their payments. ~ ." .;" ; ~, 1':..' . r' ~ ~ . . ii : ~ . ' , :~:" '. " ' ~i'i:: ' {I':' ~.i~'. ' ' Mr. Henderson amended his motion to have an addendum re value received by the City be included. Mr. Wilson seconded the amendment. The motion, as amended, carried unanimously. ~~ . r,' , :;",:..' ' r::: '." , J1i,li '. ,'" %\': ~;>;<. ~ .' c r;<:1: ~~i~r,~''',:,,:, ;, - 3 - September 5, 1979 ?~;f,t'?':)\' ':;, :;::~; '1.,',I""t~li":",':~t,. ',',.'....- . 'l' : . ;:,",';,1:,:.",.':',-",-:, l ". ,l,-:.'~:'"~'.,:..,',Ii""::",,,, . . ;', , ' ,. ~ PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN Mike Campbell noted that several valuable trees would bo preserved. Paul Rettig said that the water line was shown as being looped. Dumpsters, most likely wheel dumpsters, would be arranged with the Sanitation Division. He expressed satisfaction with the CIS. " Mike Kenton stated that a ground control tree survey and a con- ceptual tree preservation plan prepared by Talasin of Wisconsin were included in the CIS. Lacking were tree surveys for the park- ing lot, for the retention pond area and for the road along the east side of the track. Full tree surveys are required. He expressed that the PSP should be approved only for the inner circle and the building -- both have complete tree surveys. Cecil Henderson said the drainage scheme and the cascades on the PSP were acceptable to him. The city may choose to put storm drainage at the north boundary line and delete some of the storm drainage storage area. He noted that the road immediately south of the big tree along the 50-foot buffer was very close to homes. A 24-inch storm sewer following the projected center line of Monterey Avenue would be installed with the existing 24-inch line being relocated. It would turn to the east and go into the upper area of the drainage storm area. Ream Wilson had no comments. .. \ Mike Kenton said that the road would be excavated down giving a partial barrier to homes_ With the combination of this barrier and the required landscaping he believed that there would not be any disturbance to residents. I' ,1, , ,Keith Crawford informed the committee that the PSP would need some adjustments re lane widths, etc. Understood that there would be low-level lighting in the parking lot. Mr. Kenton ex- plained that the plans had been done by engineer Doug Carter and that the architects (on the final plan) would be indicating the low-level lights. The barriers were not what Mr. crawford had expected. Re the 50 foot area on the NW side of the center -- he thought it would not be advisable to have that wide open area as it would be very difficult to control traffic there. 1 ~ c .' ;' .. ' '., f,~ f' , . 'I' i' Charles .Rutenbergexplained that the large area was there so that, in'the event of inclement weather, people could unload quickly. Ii twelve cars were to unload at one time, it could take 35 or 40 minutes for 400 cars to unload. The design might be a triangle. " Mr. Crawford indicated that this would have to be worked out. He would like to keep the number of Traffic Engineering and Police Department employees required at the Center to a minimum. There I~:}'J."" ., :' ...... ..... ...:-?'~ ,. ,'~ ,.-, \ ..t. c ", .. was some discussion re the entrance and exit. Along the buffer area, eleven-foot lanes would be enough for automobile traffic and the extra four feat could be used for the buffer area. May need more storage on McMullen-Booth Road, as it is not far from the Center (600 feet or 24 cars in a line). Mr. Crawford discus- sed the width of the lanes. He believed that for this particular purpose 9~ feet would be adequate. Re the traffic strategy, he had some conoerns and wanted them to be solved before the plan was finalized. Mr. Henderson and Mr. Rutenberg supported Mr. Crawford and his concerns. Mr. Crawford said that he saw seven potential changes in the cir- culation. ~he parking lot would require alterations also. Don Williams suggested two meetings, one with Mr. Carter, and one with Mr. William Wesley Peters. Mr. Crawford questioned urgency in approving the PSP. Mr. Rutenberg explained that first, the land gift requirement was that the Center must be under construction by November 1979. Secondly, there were money requirements. The center would have to be opened during the tourist season. If it were to open a year later, there would be a possible loss of one million dollars. They would like to open in January of 1981. Mr. Crawford said there were many changes to be made. Ream Wilson suggested another RDC Meeting for the following week. ,Chairman pointed out that the PACT people have to speak to area homeowners, therefore the plan should have things identified ASAP. Perhaps Keith Crawford could work out his concerns with Messers. Carter and Peters. Hank St. Jean said that his only concern was the handicapped parking. Mr. Crawford will handle the parking. George'Buhmeyer commented on the water main layout and the fire hydrant. Water mains should be identified as being eight inches. The hydrant on the east needed clarification, as it was facing the wrong direction. There was some discussion re barriers between lanes and re parking and what would be approved. Mr. Kenton said the building and in- ner circle were acceptable. Mr. Kenton moved to approve the PSP, only on the building site layout portion and that the parking and eastern traffic road and the drainage retention ponds be continued until such time a data base is received and problems are worked out among staff. The motion was discussed. Motion was seconded with Hank St. Jean votinq,lINay,1I and the remainder of the committee voting "Aye." ,Motion carried. - 5 - September 5, 1979 ~ '~',~:}q.JI' ,> '.. --, , *~:~~\:J;.I,~'~' . ',;' ,:" l.ir~~I.,~ . ~L',,'., ' h~: f I..~c ' , f(.~:'l" . l\I):i ',;, ':\1 ,-,': ' ' j~1;'/ :'..~. :, if:;, ~\~ ~ '. ~ > 'J') , " I~'): l~lY' '.:,;:';; " ,'. '~\'~~' , " , " I."". ~" " i:~:~~;":,-' ',- ~g>:u,: , .- '~~J~~,;~;;., I~H , ... ' J::.~ ~, ' < J ".;C. tl 1""1. ( \ ": . .' ~ ~.i~ ,IS'tH- , " '. ,.;'1/ ., '-n ."f, : :i~i 'J Chairman stated that preliminary site plan of , Friday, September 14, 1979, 'first item on the agenda. the Performing Arts would be continued at 10:00 Center to, the a.m. It and Theater ROC meeting would be the , " I'; I .~: )~ ,',\< ~ ,', I J" j " ,: ~ l~ 'j :'.~j . Hi :' Mee;ing adjourned at 2;15 p.m. ...} ~-.:Q <S~~ Carman , , . ' .<',S~ ,:":.:;{ >!.~:t: , ~ ~~!;: , ',', .:>:~ " \ ", . ~ ~ /~~i' .: .~ " ~ ,r, ,..','Jp ,i, " . ; , ., . "! l'~ ,~ . " . ' L::j~~. '" . ',~I~ . ~, ,.,::i: .'. ~ 'l :::\~~j i, ~ ~ , '::,) ... , ~'. l ,. 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