CONSULTING ARBORIST SERVICES TO N N E E Y Y E E R R T T 0 0 0 0 l S A 0 T ADOPT 0 E A N TREE ROBERT A. KYLE TREE SERVICE & LANDSCAPING PHONE 885-5517 4810 BRAY ROAD TAMPA, FLOR I DA 33834 FOR MR GARY JOHNSON CITY OF CLEARWATER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PROJECT COORDINATOR CLEARWATER, FLORIDA PROPERTY OF ALLAN STOWELL RE: CONSULTING ARBORIST SERVICES CITY OF CLEARWATER BY ROBERT A KYLE ARBORIST CONSULT ANT ARBORICULTURAL CONSULTANT IN THE CARE AND REMOVAL OF TREES {/C'-:} / /. ) TO N N E E Y Y E E R R T T 0 0 0 0 l 5 A- 0 T ADOPT 0 E A N TREE ROBERT A. KYLE TREE SERVICE & LANDSCAPING PHONE 885-5517 4810 BRAY ROAD TAMPA, FLORIDA 33834 Mr. Gary Johnson City Of Clearwater Public Works Department Project Coordinator 10 South Missouri Avenue Clearwater, FL 34616 RE: Stowell Property, East Advanced Pollution Control South Interceptor Line Tree Preservation Specifications, Dear Gary: Thank you for the opportunity of preparing the "Futuristic Planning And Construction Techniques for the Preservation of Trees and Wildlife", the Stowell Property. Enclosed please find a signed copy of the specification for the Stowell Property. Also included is a signed and sealed copy from challenger Enterprises, Inc, for the Revetment Materials Study prepared for the erosion protection of the Live Oak Tree (Quercus Virginiana). This report is based on your letter of April 27, 1994 for the protection of the Stowell Property, It does not relate to the trees on the Thornton Road located in the access corridor. I hope these specifications meet with your approval. Should you have any questions, I will meet with you at your request. May The Forest Be With You Robert A Kyle Arborist Consultant Incl. CC: Allan Stowell Claude Howell Allan Mayberry ARBORICULTURAL CONSULTANT IN THE CARE AND REMOVAL OF TREES TO N N E E Y Y E E R R T T 0 0 0 0 l S A 0 T ADOPT 0 E A N TREE ROBERT A. KYLE TREE SERVICE & LANDSCAPING PHONE 885-5517 4810 BRAY ROAD TAMPA. FLORIDA 33834 August 6, 1994 City of Clearwater Environmental Management RE: SPECIFICATIONS FOR TREE PRESERVATION: ALLAN STOWELL PROPERTY EAST ADVANCED POLLUTION CONTROL PLANT SOUTH INTERCEPTOR LINE FUTURISTIC PLANNING AND CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUES FOR THE PRESERVATION OF TREES AND WILDLIFE DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1) INFRARED PHOTOGRAPHS A set of infrared photograph will be taken of the property before construction. A second set of infrared photographs will be taken six (6) months after completion of work on the pipeline. These photos will enable us to evaluate the progress of the trees. The camera will be outfitted with Wratten filter #12 2) ROADS AND ENTRY WAY' The entry road from the wetlands on to the Stowell property will be in areas as staked and surveyed by the City of Clearwater. All equipment will be operated and parked in specified areas as delineated on the plans and as approved by the Owner, Arborist and city of Clearwater. These areas have been located to be of least impact to the environment and wetlands and uplands, including trees and vegetation. No encroachment will be allowed out of the specified and delineated road and wOEk areas unless approval is granted by the Arborist, owner~ City of ~l~r~p~~7' ~. ~ ~.......~. '"Ie..( ~el8{q1 Where woody roots are involved, either in the road way, excavation site, or where excess soils are to be stored, the Arborist will be notified and consulted before they are cut, removed or covered up. SEe PA&E '7 NoTE K~' ACJ..G.q'f te~~.,q~ The City of Clearwater has, on file, a vide~ film that shows the boundaries as defined by stakes and marking tape for all roads and working areas. 1 ARBORICULTURAL CONSULTANT IN THE CARE AND REMOVAL OF TREES I I 3) TREE TRIMMING NO trees will be trimmed to gain entry or to dig trenches unless the Arborist grants permission. When and if permission is granted to trim any tree, the Arborist will be present at the location while the trimming is in progress. 4) ROOT PRUNING All root pruning will be completed before the renovation of the pipe line is started. The pit areas were root pruned and lined with plywood in July, 1992. These areas will be evaluated as to their effectiveness. If additional root pruning is required, the Arborist will grant permission and be on location before and durinq the root pruning process. The root pruning will be accomplished by using a root pruning machine, stump machine or excavated by hand to a depth of 18 inches. This will eliminate the ripping and tearing of any large woody root systems extending back toward the tree trunk. 5) TRENCH WORK AREAS2 The trenches to be dug to gain entry to the existing pipe line and to dig and change the man holes will be root pruned by hand, root pruning machine, or stump machine. This will be determined by the Arborist before the trench is dug by the backhoe. The length and width of the trench will be kept as small as possible and still allow working room. The parameter of these pits have been predetermined and marked on the site plans, as well as in the areas with plywood. Soils to be removed from the site and stored will be placed in an area away from all plant material that may be effected by the salt-water content. All trucks to be loaded with excavated soils will be loaded on the beach side of the existing pipeline and travel along the high tide mark until they have reached the road built and designated for ingress and egress. 2 NOTE: No building materials, excavated soils or fill dirt will be stored under the canopy of the trees. All build- ing materials, excavated soils and fill dirt will be stored on the beach side of the pipeline. This area appears to have a high water table; therefore, any major grade changes under trees would place them in great danger. 2 I I TRENCH WORK AREAS continued When excavated soils are loaded, spillage should be kept at a bare minimum if the loaded material can fall in the protected land areas. Spillage of soils in protected areas will be removed at the end of each day. If excavated soils are to be stored on the beach, the storage pile should be as close to the high tide mark and beach as possible or in specified areas that have been secured to prevent soils from entering into the Bay waters and areas outside designated use areas. The foregoing is governed by the Dredge and Fill Permit specifications. 6) TREE REMOVAL NO tree removal on the Stowell site will be approved or granted unless approved in writing by the Arborist, property owner and the City of Clearwater. 7) UTILITY LINES The installation of utility lines shall be in areas with the least impact on any tree to be saved. No underground electrical wires, sprinkler lines or other utilities will be installed under the canopy of any tree to be saved. 8) CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE & COMPONENT STORAGE The roadway for construction equipment storage and building components shall be in open areas away from all trees to be saved. Mortar boxes and/or mortar mixers shall be set up 50 feet or more from the drip line of the trees to be saved and out of any area proposed for roadway or parking areas. Cement trucks are to be washed out in one area 50 feet or more from the drip line of any trees to be saved. A safe area for washing out cement trucks and to set up mortar mixers is in the retention pond areas. When the ponds are dug, the concrete, mortar, and excess builders sand can be hauled away. If the soils from these areas are to be used on site, they shall not be used under or around any trees to be saved because of the lime content and other contaminates that may be present. .3 I I 9) CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS Roll off containers for construction debris shall be set up away from all trees, driveway areas and parking areas so the construction areas can be kept relatively clean of all debris. No construction areas can be kept entirely clean of all debris; however, no construction debris is to be piled under the canopy of any tree to be saved. Again, the access road to these containers for loading debris and pick up for hauling is to be in areas away from all trees. The containers will be located on roadways and parking areas. 10) RESTORATION OF ALL DISTURBED AREAS All disturbed areas will be returned to their original condition and to wetland specifications as set forth in the Dredge and Fill Permit #522419663, dated May 5, 1994: Completeness Response, January 27, 1994, Page #3, Item #5. Since the wetland and upland vegetation are intermixed, the same specifications where applicable to upland plant material shall be enforced for all replaced upland grasses and vegetation to include all watering, mowing, fertilization and general upkeep where required. The water schedule will be predicated on the watering restrictions set by the City of Clearwater, climatic conditions, and good horticultural practices for upland grasses and plant material. The replaced upland grasses, that will require mowing, will be maintained by the installer. The grasses will not be mowed any lower than 3" in height at any time during and until the grasses and plant areas are accepted by the property owner and/or as specified in Item #5. Since the wetland grasses and vegetation has grown together, it will be the Arborist's decision to determine the species of grasses and plant material to be restored in the uplands. The watering source will be from the adjacent home or homes in the general vicinity of the restored areas, with the permission of the home owner or as set forth by an Agreement between the home owner and the City of Clearwater. 11) RIP RAP REVETMENT The rip rap revetment location is governed by D.E.P. The specification for installation is governed by a detailed report from Mr. Andrew M. Nicholson, President of Challenger Enterprises, Inc. The plans for this revetment will be drawn and submitted by the City of Clearwater. 4 I I RIP RAP REVETMENT continued The extent of the rip rap revetment will extend from the eroded area west of the affected Live Oak (Quercus virginana) tree just west and north of manhole #18 and east to tie in with Thornton Road regrading for access section E-E. The height of the revetment will be governed by the grade levels of the existing bank and tree root levels not to exceed 12 inches above these levels, and/or as specified by the Thornton Road Tree Protection Revetment Study by Challenger Enterprises, Inc. and the final drawing to be submitted by the city of Clearwater, Engineering Department. 12) SILT AND SOIL CONTROL No fill or silt shall be placed or collected under any tree on this site. This control has been addressed and specified in the Dredge and Fill Permit #522419663, dated May 5, 1994: completeness Response, January 27, 1994, Page #3, Item #4. 13) BARRICADE FOR CORRIDORS AND WORK AREAS All areas designated, specified and shown on the survey will be marked with 2" X 2" X 6' stakes driven 2' into the ground and on 8' centers and marked with heavy plastic tape which specifies "caution - No Entrance To This Area" or other suitable language. These posts and tape areas will be put in place before construction starts, maintained and kept in place during the entire life of the project. If said posts or tape is broken, knocked down, destroyed or become ineffective for the intended purpose they must be replaced immediately. There will be no encroachment into the protected areas at any time. 14) INGRESS AND EGRESS OF WORKMEN A specified area will be selected and approved by the Owner for workmen to enter and leave the work areas. This area will be of least impact on the natural bluff and/or at the least slope of the bluff. The preferred location is on the western most edge of the property in the vicinity of manholes #21 and #22. At no time will pedestrian traffic be permitted over any part of this bluff except in predesignated and approved areas. 5 I I INGRESS AND EGRESS OF WORKMEN continued Should additional areas of ingress and egress be required, wood (or other approved building material) stairs will be constructed, put into place and removed with the absolute least damage to this fragile bluff. During the installation and removal of these stairs, the Arborist must be on site until all work is completed to his satisfaction. 15) MATERIALS Any material and/or machinery that must be used in the work areas will be brought in over the access corridor road. Should it become necessary to bring this material in over the bluff (like the pipelines) by rolling them down~htt-..Slo~, it.~ L 5......;; . . .. . A 'IS Ttl~ I,; . 1)/"-1:ib.. "'- WJ.ll requJ.re permJ.ssJ.on from the ArborJ.st an se 0 hJ.s ad.!. " design plan to protect the bluff at all times before any ~r/).' A..tl.JfI<. 1{ attempt is made to move any material over the bluff. ~~yq{ Heavy equipment, which can not be brought in over the access corridor road, shall be set on the working site by crane or other approved lifting device. Prior written approval for this activity must be obtained from the Arborist. 16) PARKING A specified area or areas will be agreed upon prior to the start of construction for all workers and company vehicles as well as all equipment. Random parking on the Stowell property will not be permitted. 17) STABILIZING PIT WALLS Manhole #20 is in close proximity to the woody root system and base of a group of Live Oak trees. If it becomes necessary to prevent the soil from eroding under the woody root system and stump in this sensitive area, it will be necessary to stabilized with sheet piling (or other approved material). Manhole #19 may also require a soil retaining wall to prevent soil erosion. If so, the same precaution outlined for Manhole #20 shall be used. If either of these events occur, the Arborist will be on site for the entire operation of placing erosion barriers and back filling the eroded areas. These erosion controls if installed shall be inspected and maintained on a daily basis for the entire time that the pit is open. 6 I I 18) WELL POINT DEWATERING No water shall be pumped, in any manner, under any tree in the uplands on this property. 19) THORNTON ROAD ACCESS During the construction phase of the Thornton Road Access Corridor, close monitoring of the excavated areas and the reshaping of the west bank, the woody root systems of trees located on the Stowell property may come into conflict with the grading work. Should this become apparent all grading work will cease and the Arborist will be called to the site to evaluate the root system and prepare a plan to preserve or remove the affected roots before work may commence. The above does not include the Thornton Road trees located on the City of Clearwater property. Governing conditions for these trees will be set by Mr. Allan Mayberry, Certified Arborist for the City of Clearwater. 20) INSPECTIONS BY ARBORIST Daily inspections shall be required by the Arborist during any preparatory work involving the Stowell property and/or any trees. Inspection time and reports will be documented by the Arborist on a weekly basis. NOTE: L1ouveras, Baur & Stevens Boundary Survey dated August 3, 1992, and with overlay 1 of Thornton Road access corridor from City Right-of-Way extending into the lands of the State of Florida and crossing wetland and upland areas owned by Allan Stowell as plotted by Novo of the City of Clearwater on May 5, 1994. All construction work and related activities are to be kept within these boundaries. ~~~= Ro~ert A. Kyle, Arborlst nsultant Approved B~& ~f/?i'f" Sto I, rop y Owner Approved By: Gar ?