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August 24, 1979
Betty Haesekor, Chairman
Dave Healey, Planning Director
Ream Wilson, Parks &: Recreation Director
Roy Ayres, Building Director
Pa.ul Rettig, Utilities Director
George Buhmcycr, Fire Marshal
Milte Campbell, Land Resources Specia.list
Don Meerians, Assistant Traffic Engineer
John Rooks, Civil Engineer I
Mike Kenton. Enviromnental Planner
John Peddy,. Energy Officer, City
John Herrick, Harvard.A rms
Carl Tilly, . Harva.rd .A rms
Victor Hanger, Jennifer Complex
Ed . Ma2:u1-, Tract 71~ CounJryside
Barry Ulhnann. General Projects Dev. Corp.
.Chairman HaeBeker called the meeting to order at 10:00 A. M. ~ Mayor's
Confera.nce Room, City Hall.
A.g~roval of Minutes.. August 9, 1979. Chairman called for additions or
.corrections to the minutes of August 9~ 1979. Mr. Healey requested. the ',.
. . following corre~lions be made: On Page 2~ second paragraph.. 4th line.. change
to H... rat:m .r. than seeldng annexatiol1 and zoning... /I On Page 5~ at end of
. first paragraph.. next to last line, should read, II...; impact fees do not
provide for ail capital improvements.." II On Page 9~ 3rd paragraph, 6th
,line down, starts with berm landsca.ping would p,rovide, should be II.. D would
be provided. in the minilnal distance. . . II Ream Wilson moved to approve the
nrlnutes of the meeting of August 9~ 1979, as amended. Mr. Rooks seconded
the motion and it carried una.nimously.
(Con't) Ha.rvard Arms Townhouses, David Bilf;tore and Co. (Owners); Located
West of McMullen-Booth Road and South of Alliga.to,r Creek (Deve101?er .. Ca.rl Tilly
&: Company. ) .
. Comm~ Impact Statement: Chairman :xplai~ed at ~e~inning of this .item th~t
Mr. Jo eddy, Energy Officer for the C1ty, Wlll be Blttlng through this meeting.
Mr. Peddy will be a. new member of thi.s Committee, but will not be
pal.ticipating today.
Ream Wilson.. no comments.
Roy Ayres ..no comments_
..George Bulunever - no comments..
Mike Campbell .. reserved comments for later on in the CIS discussion.
Don Meerians - no comments.
Dave Healey - Committee ha.d been supplied with material requested'regarding
archeological and wildlife sUl'veys; no other problems.
Paul RettiR - Voiced same comment as in last minutes - amounts used arc
too low.. No big objections.
-lOM Rooks - no conunents.
Conunittee returned to Mr. Campbell who stated his concorns are satisfied.
Ream Wilson moved to approve the COnlll'lunity Impact Statement for Harvard
.Arms Townhouses. Mr. Healey seconded the motion and it was carried
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Preliminary Site Plan:
~:. l
~eam Wilson. - no problems.
, . Roy Ayres - Had a general conuncnt.. appears to be two townhous es. individ\.1a1ly
platted lots. Building Department will have to treat as single family residences.
Developer stated they will be individually platted. Mr. Ayres inquired as to
parldng spaces on common area. Mr. Herrick stated there were no longer
any common areas. Parking spaces will be on the easement. Mr. Ayres
stated there may be a problem. Mr. Healey concurred that these must be
treated as single family dwellings. Mr. Ayres pointed out that parking should
be on the same property as the single family dwelling. No further conunents.
Paul Rettig.. questioned the statement by Mr. Herrick that thcl'e are no more
conunon areas. Mro Herrick stated that the clubhouse and pool y..rould be owned
by. the ABsociation. The retention area~ pool~ and clubhouse up to the road
would be one piece of property. Mr. Healey stated this Committee should
see the lot lines.
. George Buhmeyer - n~ problems.
Mike. Campbell - no problems.
.Don Mcerians - do you ha.ve any disagreement on accesses on decel/accel
lanes? Mr. Herrick stated he had no problems, but itwuuld have to be worked
out With the County. Mr. Meerians explained that a 15' radius tied into existing
curb line would be bettel'. Mr. MceriaDs stated he aasumed roadways are
24', but no dimensions are shown. 24' would be required as stated in minutes
of last meeting. Mr. Herrick stated they now ha.ve 2.0'.
Dave Healey- followed UPC) on Mr. Meerian's area of inquiry. Inquired whether
there were any problems where the roa.d dead ends without a turn-around.
Mr. Herriclc stated that Mr. Tilly had problems with this and has requested
a turn-around. Mr. Herrick stated the proposed final site plan will ha.ve, a
hammer hea.d. Mr. Healey"stated that the concerns along the north property
line had been. addressed. Mr. Healey's principal concern would be with respect' .
to. McMullen-Booth side of project. The minimum setback from that expanded
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right..ox-way is 151. Only requires minimum of 15' according to the Code,
but would like to suggest that that is not noarly enough in this case. Tho
Pinellas Planning Council Land Use Plan roqUros thore be a sotback of 50'
minimum. Mr. Herrick stated tha.t Pincllas County ha.d told him it would
be up to the City since they would havo no jurisdiction since the property
is in the City. Mr. Herrick stated he had spoken to Mr. Kenton who had
indicated he would like to Beo the orange trees stay next to McMullen-Booth
Road. Mr. Healey's concern is that thero is not sufficient bufier betweon the
units and McMullen-Booth Road. The City would like to 80e this addressed
now and not left to happenstance. Owners may como back at later date
requesting variance for fence.
Paul Rcttif{.. Following up on dead-cnd streets, Keith Crawiord has come up
with a minimum requirement for garbage trucks to make a turn. Mr. Herrick
stated that the garbage truck route will run the major route. Mr. Rettig
disagreed with this. Mr. Rettig stated the present water main syatem, with
the whole system tied into existing 6" line, is not a good loop. Should be
looped back out a.nd tied into 811 line on the ea.st side of McMullen-Booth Road.
Mr. Herrick stated he had been alerted to the possibility of an open..cut in
road a.nd~ a.t that time, it would be !eaaible. Mr. Rettig had no further comments.
John Rooks.. 1. 20' easement for Sanitary Force Main to be dedicated to
City before 50' right..of..way dedication, (this was brought up in minutes of
last meeting); 2.. 50' plus right...or..way dedica.tion for lOOt half right-oi-way
on McMullen-Booth Road required (this has now been put on the drawing);
3. Sanitary Sewer (served by Clearwater East Plant) is subject to City
Managerl s moratorium; 4. Property line for townhouse concept to include
streets, retention and common areas. (all areas in individual ownership -
.DO areas in 'group ownership'); 5. Easements required for ingress, egress
for refuse collection; water lines to the meter (this was mentioned previously);
6. The streets (narrower than City standards) and sanital'y sewer will be
privately owned a.nd maintained; 7. 10. strip abutting west and aouth property
line of complex is privately owned and not a part of townhouse project or
Kapok Forest subdivision. Mr. Rooks stated nature of project makes it
necessary to have homeowners' association. Basically concerned that
drainage will use existing ditch and ditch is on someone elsels property.
No further comments from Engineering Department.
Mr. Rettig inquired whether the 10' strip of la.nd mentioned in item #7, Engineering
Department's comments., is in'the City or County. Reason a.aked is because
of lot mowing ordinance. Mr. Herrick believed it to be in the County.
Mr. Ayres mentioned the East Plant moratorium. Mr. Herriclt stated it was
agreed at the last meeting that they could build the 8-unit building, but could
only tap in for 6. Mr. Ayres pointed out it would have to be single family
applications for each unit. Discussion follow~d regarding concept of buildings,
townhouses vs. single iamily VB. . cluster homes. Mr. Herrick stated parking
will be moved so that on individual property. Mr. Ayres stated consideration
needs to be given to structure set-up and cormnon walls. Mr. Tilly informed
the Committee the walls will be block. Mr. Ayres requested builder stop by
Building Department and meet with them re: walls and structur.e. No further comments.
- 3 -
Mr. Healey followed up on conunonta regarding scwc r. Stated had received memo
this week from Mr. Shooma}cor, outUning details of tho moratorium.
Mr. Healey believed thls C0J111nitteo might be premature in approving the
Community Impact Sta.tement for this project. Suggested it would be better
to approve subject to a.pproval of City Manager with respect to the moratorium.
Ream Wilson moved to amend his motion to approve the C. I. S. for Harvard
Arms Townhouses to include that such approval be subject to review and
approval of the City Manager. Mr. Rettig soconded and it was car.ried
, .
Mr. Healey stated zoning on this project is RM-8. Mr. Healey advised de.....eloper
that he would not vote to approve this itom unless there was at least a 25' setba.ck
from McMullen Booth Road and some indication of a buffering technique;; such
as a. low, open fence that could be mounded amongst the orange trees.
Mr. Healey pointed out that the area between the additional 50' of right-of..way
the developer is proposing to dedicate and the transition from the bridge is
to be purchased by Pinellas County upon acceptance by their Commission.
Mr. Healey inquired whether that would be acceptable to this Committee.
Mr. Herrick. stated he had not been able to obtain definite information
as to the County' 8 desires as yet. Mr. Healey inquired whether developer
would be willing to show as easement to the City. Mr. Herrick agreed this
could be done. Chairman stated City would like to see right..of-way
easement up to line. Mr. Herrick state,d that vacating back to property owners
would mean 10s8 of 6 units. Committee expressed concerns as to posaible
purchase by Pinellas County. Mr. Herrick stated if City was willing to allow
six units as shown, developel. would have no problems granting easement.
Mr. Healey moved to continue consideration of site plan subject to depicting
individual platted lots, arrangement for termination of dead..end streets,
provision for the expanded right..af-way for McMullen..Booth Road, and setback
and landscape treatment for building groups k, j, and i, street widths,
parldng, and water pl'oblems being addressed. Mr. Buhmeyer seconded and
the motion was carried unanimously.
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Tract 71~ Countryside, U. S. Home jOwner); located southwest of Enterprise
Preliminary Site Plan:
Ream Wilson had no problems. Inquired as to property up at north end facing
Woodgate Park. Two a(:res levelled off - curious as to kind of treatment
to be given to this area, along north property line. Mr. Mazur stated there
was no road yet. Mr. Avres stated he had spoken with Mr. Mazur on
August 23 regarding zoning and in particula.r the question of designating
setbacks and distance between buildings determined by building height
which is not shown. Main concern is screened in enclosures could be problems.
There are none shown, but similar subdivision haa added a.nd Mr. Ayres
believed it to be a wise idea to address now. Mr. Mazur pap sed out copies
of site plan. Buildings approximately 25' in height. Zoning here is RM-16
according to Mr. Healey. This is a condominium project basically; 2..story,
townhouse condominiums. There will be an option regarding screened enclosures
'.> .
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- 4 -
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according to Mr. Mazur. Mr. Mazur has prepared some figures regarding
potential screened enclosuros (see attached) and has assumcd all unita will have tm m
including the 3..story building. Mr. Healey did not believe they would affect
lot coverage but inquired as to sotbacks. If 10' added on cach of these units,
ma.kes big difforenco in terms of setbacks according to Mr. Hea.ley. All
screened...n onclosures would be in the back according to Mr. Mazur.
Mr. Ayres suggested potential patios be shown on plans in dotted lines to
indicate where screened enclosuros would be a.llowed. Mr. Ma.zur ha.d no
problems with tha.t.
Mr. Buhmeyer - no conuncnts.
Mike Ca.Jl1pbell .. Commented that during tree permitting there will be some
minor shifts in buildings. Additionally, there was some discrepancy between
legal description and labeling of Borne propert.y lines.
Don Meerians.. Inquired whether accesses on Enterprise Road would still
be compatilE. Mr. Mazur stated he had talked with Keith Crawford who
had indicated this would be a.ppropriate. Mr. Mcerians inquired as to angle
on parking spaces by the recreation area at the entrance. They are on the
curb backing out on main access point. This is bad location in terms of
Dave Healey.. Property has been developed in three separate sectiomof the
project with separate entrances and no accesses between those sections.
Would be better if interconnected so that residents do not have to go out
onto Enterprise Road to get to recreation area. Mr. Ma:zmr stated developer
would rather than residents walk than drive. There will be sidewalks.
Mr. Healey asked that in lieu of being able to connect driveways, at least
anticipate and provide for walkways to the recreation areas which would
be internal to the project. Mr. Healey inquired as to distance between
covered parldng spaces and buildings. Mr. Mazur indicated minimUln of 9'.
Mr. Healey stated there is not a. minimum distance according to Code
requirements but he would like to recommend that they not be Ie S 8 than 15'.
Mr. Ayres concurred. Mr. Healey stated 3..story buildings are in excess
of permitted building height for RM...16 and developer will need to seek
variance. Mr. Healey indicated he would have no objections and could
support the variance. Will also need to seek variance from number of units in row;
there are 10, maximum. is 6. Developer should apply for variance before
this goes to the Commission. Va.ria.nce. should be requested with Boa.rd
of .Adjustments & Appeals. Mr. Healey sta.ted problem with density has
,been corrected. Inquired as to relationship at the east end of the project
with the Cypress Head - is the building far enough away. Mr. Mazur
stated there were very few trees on that side. Mike Campbell stated he
believed it was all right. MrD Healey reinforced Mr. Wilson's earlier
comments regarding north property line. Mr. Wilson indicated a conunitment
to fence would help.
Paul Rettig - no problems as far as water main. Project is individually
metered and since it is,. will be a gang of meters and go up from there.
Either that or a loop system according to Mr. Mazur. Mr. Retti.g noted
project will use dumpsters and stated locations would be critical.
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.Tohn Rooks.. 1. On all retention ponds, no building may be closer than
15' tram top of bank; 2. Subdrain will be required on all private roads unless
a certified soUs laboratory can justify that they are unnecessary. Other
comments includo: 1. The right..of-way for Enterprise Road has not bean
deeded to City.. Mr. Mazur agreed to check with U. S. Home again. Z. Water
main easements and access for refuse vehicles to be given to City by
separate in!Jtrwnent (such as deed) and not just on Condominium pla.t.
3. Sanitary Bower to Northeast Treatment Fhnt subject to a.vailability.
Mr~ Rettig would like to have developer look into use of natural gas.
Mr. Mazur would like to have trees situa.tion set forth at time of construction
plans.. difficult to make changes later. Mr. Campbell will work with him
on this.
Mr. Wilson inquired as to whether power lines would be going along west
property line .. Mr. Mazur did not think so.
Mr. Rettig moved to accept the preliminary site plan for Tract 71, Countryside,
with recommendation to add potential patios to site plan. Mr. .Ayres seconded.
Mr. Healey abstained from voti~g. Motion carried.
lenniferOffice Complex... Tract 3~ .Alan B. Davis {Trustee); located east
of U. S, Highwa.y l~ North.
Preliminary Site Plan:
Dave .Healey .. inquired as to ratio of parldng to the building area. Mr. Hanger
indicated since a restaurant, was tied into number of seats.. He further advised
has 10 more than actually required by Code. Mr. Healey pointed out that the
. Coinmission asked that parldng be limited to what the Code requires and that
it not be excessive. Mr. Healey stated thel'e is ample room for right-of..way
.. on Union Street.
Mr. MeeriaDs .. commented regarding handic~pped spaces. Mr. Hanger
stated he could add a third apace if' required.
Mike Campbell - only recommendation would be if you do have excess parking,
provide an aisle to protect 30" pine at top of plan near the road. At the time
of permitting, 'will take look at tree to determine if extra effort needed.
George Buluneyer .. no comments.
.RoyAyrea .. no comments.
Ream Wilson ... no comments.
John Rooks ..l.Jennifer Office Complex to be ,annexed into Clea.rwater with
dedication of park land and eaBement8~ 2. Sanitary sewer is served by
Clearwater East Plant, currently \Ulder moratorium.. Some relief has
been granted by City Manager for this project. A lift station is required
,.to serve this property. Mr. Hanger stated they do want the City to take
. over the lift. station. Mr. Rooks stated City would accept but not until lift
, station serves some other property. Mr. Rooks believed this to be a leas~..
purchase agreement... Mr. Hanger a.greed.
.. 6 ..
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Paul Retti~ - water main as existing is not in the easement. Would like to
have corrected. Mr. Hanger stated this was an engineering error.. it is
not existing. It will be changed to go into ca.sement, Mr. Rettig would
like to see na.tural gas used. Mr. Hanger stated owner does want to use
propane. Mr. Rettig indicated City could pick him up when a line is available.
Mr. Healey moved for 'approval on condition that parldng spaces at northernmost
property line be treated as overflow with stabilized permeable surface and
water main be moved to easement. Ream Wilson seconded. Carried unanimously.
Lots 1 throu~h 6. and Lots ? throu~h 14. Block J~ Brooklawn Subdivision ..
Proposed Condominiums, General Projects Development Cor-pora.tion (Owner);
located on the southwest corner of Arbelia Street and Kings Highway.
Gonununity Impact Satement:
There were no conunents on C. I. S. or Site Plan from Ream Wilson who had to
leave meeting at this timeD
Chairman stated there were no conunents on C. I. S. from Dave Healey who
had to leave at beginning of tbi s item.
,Rov Avres - Engineering report shows one and two..story buildings. Site
plan shows three-story buildings.
Geor~e Buhmever ... no conunents on C. I. S.
Mike Campbell - soil section .. states you will be removing soil from site
and replacing with fill material. Inquired as to reason for this. Mr. Ullmann
stated soil removal is totally consisting of excavation, top soil covering.
Mr. Campbell pointed out that around trees" in many cases" that will not
be .possible. Mr. Ulhnann stated trees would be barricaded.
Don Mecrians .. no comments.
Paul Rettip;.. Sanitary sewers shown as 100 gallons per day per living unit;
should.be per person. Under water - same thing.
John Rooks .. no conunents on G. I. S.
Mr. Rettig moved for approval of. C. I. S. for Lots 1 .. 6 and 9 - 14, Block J,
Brooklawn Subdivision - Proposed Condominiums, subject to requirement
of amendment of section k and subject to correction of height on engineering
report. Mr. Buluneyer seconded. Carried unanimously.
.Preliniinarv Site Plan:
John Rooks - 1. Other arrangements will have to be made for subdrain
in.retention pond. Cannot be connected in manner shown. 2. Sanitary
sewer in Marshall street service area. 3. 611 water line to be run on
Arbelia Street for fire hydrant to serve complex. 4. Recolnmend
that water service to the condos be 411 and looped to keep from
. cre.ating dead-end system. 5. 241 ingress and egress easement will
be required for refuse collection and maintenance of water lin:l s. Would
,like as ea.sement to the City. 6. All Utilities will be privately owned with
exception o.f the water line to the meter.
.. 7 ...
Paul Rettig - Collection o! garbage would be by the curbside, so has to be
able to turn around (garbage truck). Would need turn-around on dead..end
street; 72' diameter,. paved area required. Water main should be on south side
rather tha.n on Arbelia; replace 2" ArbeUa. Une with 6" up to your street
and the hydrant somewhere thero. Loop back down east along south bowdary
to existing 6" on Kings Highway. Should be casement up to and including
Don Meerians ~ Assumed garage door lZ' width. Mr. Ullmann stated would
probably be 9 .. lO' single car garage. Mr. Meerians suggested driveway
be 1 0' .
Chairma.n stated Mr. Healer had problem concerning that private road
proposed continues to south and dead...ends. ' Mr. Ullmann stated would
be strictly for turn-around space for people at end of roadway. Mr. Meerians
indicated this would be adequate. Mr. Rettig stated it would not be adequate
for garbage trucks. Hammerhead type would be a possible solution.
Mike Campbell ... on the northeast corner, there is an 18" oak in proposed
retention area. Would lilee to see retention area pop...out to property line
to fEServe roots. Sidewalk on east portion of property shows going right
through an 8" oak; the sidewalk could bow around. Mr. Campbell inqub:ed
as to flexibility of sliding buildings slightly to south. Mr. Ullmann stated
there would not be much flexibility; about 1 1/2 feet. Mr. Campbell stated
that would give the trees a better chance for survival.
Geor~e Buluneyer - Fire hydrant already discussed at access road. Need 6" main.
Rov Ayres.. Handicapped Units may be required. Advised Mr. Ulhnann to
contact Building Department, Mr. St. Jean, to check on this. Plan shows
3-story, 301 height, 19 1/21 setback. On the roof height, averaging should
take care of the problem. Setback would be required based on height.
Questioned setback from private street ~ not a serious concern. Buildings
a.re allUned up in a row without a break. Need some sort of landscaping
to provide :for screening on lungs Highway and Evergreen. Mr. Ulhnann
stated he does plan to take action. Chairman asked that it be passed by
Mr. Healey. "
Mr. Campbell inquired whether word had been received frol11 the Suncoast
Archeological Society. Mr. Ullmann stated he had not heard from them.
Mr. Rettig moved to approve the Prelimina.ry Site Plan for Lots 1 ... 6, and
9 - 14, Block J, Bl"ooklawn Subdivision.. Proposed Condominiwns, General
Projects Development Corporation, subject to Engineering Department's
conunents and subject to Mr. Healey being provided some feedback on
'screening on the two right..of..ways and landscaping on Kings Highway and
Evergreen. Seconded by Mr. Buhmeyer and carried unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 12:50 p.1v1. Q ./"
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