06/22/1979 I~ ,-' \~ v/ MINUTES RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE City of Clcarwat er, Flori da June 22, 1979 ,,/ .~,.r"'/ " / MEMBERS PRESENT: Elizabeth Haeseker, Chai rman Paul Rettig, Utilities Direct or Davi d Heal ey, Planning Direct or Mike Kent on, Envi ronment al Flanne r Mike. Campbell, Land Resources Specialist Ream Wilson, Parks & Recreat ion Direct or George Buhmeyer, Fire Marshal Roy Ayres, Bui Idi ng Direct or " Don Meerians, Assistant Traffic Engineer Terry Jennings, Civil Engineer MEMBERS' ABSENT: Don Alexander, Citizen - Excused Albert Rogers, Citben OTHERS PRESENT: i. . Ed Ma~ur, Represent ing U. S. Home Corporat ion and Ameri can Condominium Corporation Russ ZLmmer man, Rep:resent ing U. S. Home Corporat ion , Ernest Smith AIA; . The Desi gn AdvDcat es / U. S. Home Corporat ion Alan Bartlett, R.epresent Lng Rut enberg Homes ,. .....'. The meet ing was called to order by Chai rman Haeseker at 10:10 a. m., in the Operations Cent er Coni crence Room, City Hall Annex. " 1. Approval of June 8, 1979, Minut es. Mike Kent on moved to approve" minut es of June 8, 1979, as amended. The mot ion was seconded and carried unanimously. ;.,' The Chai rman announced that Mr. Alexander v.wld not be present as hi a wife had just returned from the hoapi tal. l" ~p...:. ., .... l' .. . ~.~ c ','. . > ... I .. June ZZ. 1979 f~ ,,-...., z. (Cont inued) Coachman Road Condomini unlS2 American Condominium Corporation (OwnerUocated on Coachman Road just w;eot of U.S. Highway 19 North. PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN. Del ayed as represent at Ive was not yet present. 3. Tract 16. Count ryei de. U. S. Home CO:l;"Porat Ion (Owner); locat ed on the east s1 de of Count rysi de Boul evard. PRELIMINARY SI'I'E PLAN: George Buhmever asse rt ed that he at ill had a concern. i; Ed Mazur sai d he had looked at the let ter from the Fire Depart ment and the wat er main cannot be 6" and stIll meet the requi rement. However~ they will deal with thi B. Also. Tract B 16 and 67 are the same in thi s respect. There woul d have to be an 811-1oop and an 8". wat er main through the proj ect. The fire hydrant has been l"e1 oeat ed on the new s1 te pl an. .. Mr. Buhmeyer concluded that thi 8 a:rrangement is sat is! act ory to him. Terry Jennings read Engineering's concerns and requirements into the record,(attached). U. S. Home will campI y. Ream Wilson had nm.comment s. Don Meeri ans suggest ed de-veloper have at least two vehi cl e st orage at the access. as dri veway can be blocked as one car tri es to ent ex and anot her attempt s to make a left-hand turn. Thi s v.o ul d be dl f- ficult with the 401 widt h and he waul d like for dri veway to be at least 50.. Mr. Meeri ana added that thi 8 prahl em caul d be adj uet ed in some way and that the probl em woul d not hi nder app:roval of the si te pI an. U. S. Home needs to adequa.t el y st ore two vehi cl es. Mr. Mazur repl ied that they woul d do what they coul d. Dave Healey had no conunent. Mike Kent on request ed drawings of the cone ret e wall and U. S. Home presented him with pictures of a similar wall. Mr. Ernest Smith thi nks that when garages face the st reet a buffer of Borne ki nd is very import ant. 'U. S.H"une,v.on:1': have berms against the wall. Mr. Kenton said pictures could be misrepresentative. He would like the wall to be broken up by berms and landscaping. Mr. Heal ey poi nt ed out there is a wat er line where wall woul d be. Paul Rettig asked if the developer was gei ng to put 5 feet of soi 1 on top of the water line. , . .. z - ,.' " . " , ..,. ~,. ....". ... "" ."" ',~:~ ,- .":":~,,.".',~;' ,,:,"', " ~ , . , .,-.... i , , Mr. Ernest Smlth an Bwercd that they woul d use landscapl ng whore the wat er Ilpe Is; elsewhere they woul d use fenc1 ng. Mr. Ret tig sal d the wat er l1ne is at most parallel to tho fence and request ed the developer put the berm on the road si de. Mr. Kent on sa! d the obj ect lve is to BC reen the build! ngs and it can be done with a combi nat Ion of 01 ement B. He di d not want to allow the pI an to 1 eave the meet ing as is. Russ Zimmerman suggest cd that an approprl at e act ion waul d be to have a requIrement that they get approval of berm and fencing det ail s. Mr. Kenton suggested U.S. Home consider rezoning to BM..12 as there 1 s no reason for it to remai n at RM..24. Mr. Heal ey added that the City waul d lni tiat e rezoni ng if the developer docsn't and informed Mr. Smith that U.S. Home could put only 6, rather than 8, units in a row. By law the propert y must be zoned per ita use. Mr. Healoy request cd that Mr. Smith comment on building height s, as they were shown di fie rent I y from the way he woul d comput e them. Bas ed on shown hel ght s, the bui ldi ng separat ion di st ancee di d not meet City requ1 rement s. Mr. Smith answered that the buildings were 1 and 2-story townhouse units; and the maj 01'1 ty would have garages with flat roof s. U. S. Home waul d keep a minimum of 20 feet between uni ts and would take an average of the uni t height and the di st ance between the 2 buildi nga to meet code 1"equi re- ment s. Mr. Mazur not iced that the Committee at ill had 01 d pI ans and report ed that new set s of pI ans had been taken to the Planning Depart ment on June Zl~ 1979. Some units had been flipped, the modells location was chang ed and the number of uni ts was unchang ed. Mr. Rettig asked how proj ect woul d be met ered for wat e1". It would ,be be~terif 'buildings were metered per unit. U.S. Home replied that they would met er per uni t for wat er. Garbage will be per uni t al so. Mr. Rettig added that the developer would need to put the water main down the middl e and U. S. Home lndi cat ed that they woul d campI y. ROt Avres had no comment s. George Buhmeye:r st at cd, for the record, that the pi an had a 6-i nch wat er I me--i t must be an" 8-i nch line. Mike Campbell had no comment. Mr. Heal ey q ueri ed as to whet her U. S. Home was coni ident that they coul d come so close to the lake with Borne. part icul arl y the "GIl, uni ts. '\', ." :, . ~ . c ." ". .. 3.. June 22, 1979 ,. ,- ." () ..- \ , u. S. Home point ad out that the lake was an abst ract Ion on the site pI an. Also, wood decks woul d reach out to the lake. Mr. Heal ey sa! d tho c rowdl ng of \1ni to had blocked the vi ow aloog the lake and U. S. Home answered that they woul d take thl s occu:rence Into conal derat Ion. Chal rman informed U.S. Home of the Northeast Sewage Plant MoratorIum. Mr. Mazur sal d that U. S. Home woul d use Dyna-Ilo and that the Dapa rt ment of Envl ronment al Regul at Ion had approved the permits 6 mont he ago. I Mike Kent on moved to approve the preliminary site pI an for Tract 16, Count ryside, cont ingent on approval of the fend ng (6..foot designation to be removed) and landscapi ng by the Planni ng Depart ment; on 8-inch wat er mal n bel ng dep! ct ed (Fire Depart ment to approve); and on del ivery of easement a, and, if possl hI e, revielons to the Count rye! de Dri ve access. Mr. Rettig seconded the mot ion whl ch carri ed unani mousl y. 4. Tract 67" Count ryside, U. S. Home Corporat ion (Owner); locat cd on the west side of Landmark Drive. PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN. Ream Wilson had no remarks. Roy Ayms had no cOlI1ment s. Terry Jennings - Engineering's comment s are attached. U. S. Home will compl y. George Bulunever sai d the wat er mal n shoul d be 8-inches and it was shown on the pI an as a 6 -inch line. Quest ioned what U. S. Home woul d do about the 6-inch wat er main under Landmark Drive. Mr. Mazur asked if U. S. Home could 1eav:e the one pi ace of 6...inch 'wat er line and Mr. Buhmeyer ane.wered that he thought it waul d be necessary to do so. The remai ni ng line is to be 8-inches. Mr. Mazur indicat ed he was in agreement. Mr. Buhmey~r said fire hydrants were acceptable. Mike Campbell at at ed that on the sout hern tip of the tract the eueal ypt us trees are to be removed. He al so sai d that several pi ne: trees appeared to be in the nort h di tch that U. S. Home pI anned to fill in and U~ S . Home said they would save the pi nes. In answer to a query from Mr. Campbell, the ,developer said they would work any way they could to save trees. Mike Kenton said he had the same concern re the wall as he did on Tract 16. . Paul Ret tig asked if there waul d be indi vi dual wat er met ers. U. S.. Home answered that there would. Also, Mr. Rettig queried if the diameter of the wat e r mai n c oonect ion on the no rt h end waul d be chang ed to 8 inches. Mr. Mazur answered that he believed that the 6-i nch gat e val ve caul d handl e the wat ere Mr. Rettig concl uded that if the 6-i nch val va worked out' it would be accept:abl e to hi m. ~, - 4 - t~ ~ Mr. Mazur added that u. S. Home waul d have soparat c wat or meters and separate garbage pickMup., Dave Heal ey had no comment s. Don Mecri ans asked what the small" 3D..! oat radi us next to Tract 55, was. He was in! armed that the rad! us was the garbage pi ck-up area. Dave Healey moved that the preliminary site plan for Tract 67, COWlt ry- s1 de, be approved cont ingent on Plannl ng Depart ment approval of the fencing (6-foot designation to be removed) and landscaping; and delivery or" the appropri at e easements. The mot ion was seconded by Mr. ~eerians and carried unanimously. The Chai rman point ed out to U. S. Home that the sewer waul d go to the Northeast Treatment Plant. Mr. Mazur asked if the sewage could be trucked. The Committee did not know. Mr. Mazur said that trucking t he sewage was accept abl e to the Depart ment of Envi ronment al Regul ation and a letter from Max Bat tie, Direct or of Public Works_ expl ai ned that when U.S. Home put the houses in there were no sewer hook-ups. Chat rman asked U. S. Home if they were fully aware of the probl ems with the Nort heast Sewage Plant and that the si tuat ion was not resolved. Also" they waul d ha.ve to go to the Bui Iding Permit Revi ew Committee. Mr.. Ayres said the buildings could be completed, but not occupied. '. 5. Villas of Sunset Groves; Cameron-Brown Company ~Owner); locat ed on the sout heast corner of Sunset Poi nt Road and Hercul es Avenue (To be continued). COMM'UN1Ty IMPACT STATEMENT and PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN. . ~ .{ I'" . Don Meeri ans report ed that he had di scovered a letter to Lee Dori an from Mike Paroby re a mutual agreement between the City and Dari an Housing Corporation_ that Dorian Housing Corporation would install sidewal ks bef ore st art ing development of the next phase. The si dewal ks were to be campI et ed on or bef ore any foundat ion inspect ion. He suggest ed current develope r be informed. The Chai rman request ed a copy of the letter. , ~ !' '. Mike Kent on moved to cont inue the communi ty impact at at ement and the preliminary ai te pI an Ior Villas of Sunset Groves to the RDC meet ing of July 13" 1979. Motion was seconded and carried unanimously. ", The Committee then returned to item 2. : ,: ~ . . :. 2. (Continued) Coa.chman Road. Condominiums, American Condominium Corporation (Owner); locat ed on NE. C oachrran, Rd._ just west of U. s. . H~hwav 19 North. .PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN. ~,: ; ~. - . ..... . }:,:: ,. ~., . !.~:."r ' ~\. ,i, I ~.\ :-: ~, . ~I . . 'l~~'<.': ".. - 5 - June 22, 1979 . ~ ' I : . ' :,' I " .: ',' .":, '. I " . . \ "!'" I . ' .' L ' ~,' " I. . . " " .~. ' . . ". . . .,. ~ "-", ,Ed Ma,zJ:!!, report ed that the lake eas'ement of a port ion of the lake was bel ng changed to a rccrcnt Ion casement of the whole lake. Chal rman sal d there was a probl em in that the City dl d not have all . amendments to the community impact at at cment . Mr. Mazur replied that only one had not been submLttcd. Mr. Kent on pol nt cd out that the approval was cont lngent on subm.ittal of the amendments. ~ r . Mike Campbell had no comment s. Geor<<e Buhmeycr had no comment 8. , " Terrv JenninJ{8 gave Engineeri ngls comment 8 (attached). He di Bcussed the, 10<;:atlon of the FlorI do. Power right of way and that an casement apparent Iy goes into it. Mr. Mazur said the lake goes into Florida Power's rIght 'of way. Mr. Jennings assumed, correctly. that the raquetball courts are of di fie rent ownershi p. Since the sewer goes through 2 or 3 ot her parcel s of land, easement s for sewer and wat er lines a.re needed. The developer may put the proposed di tch on the east port ion of the propert y. Mr. Mazur indl cat ed that they woul d be get ting eaBe~ nt s from Clear... wat er Federal Savings and Loan. . . ~ The Chai rman said DeWel."S would go to the Northeast Treatment Plant. Mike Kent on at at ed that he had a st at ement on the CIS revi si on that the develop er woul d compI y with the e roai on cont 1.'01 . Roy Ayres had no remarks. Ream',Wilson said the revised siteplan depicts a park of 2.27 acres a8 was di s cus sed at the June 8, 1979. RDC Meet i ng. The Cityl s . int e'rest was to gal n land pi us owne rshi p of the lake to the sout h (Moccasin Lake) of the finger and a recreation easement over the re.mal nder of. the lake. The City woul d al so like to acqui 1.'e money to be used for Moccasi n Lake Park. If the City were to accept 2. 27 acres, the cash danat ion woul d be $4.132.00, which would be less cash 'than Mr. Wilson wanted. Mr. Wilson observed that, past the 20 el evation line, it appeared that the land was in the mapl e swamp. lMr. Mazur answered that he believed that land was not in the mapl e swamp and he would delet e any land that was. In Mr. Wilson said i.f 18/l0Qths of an acre were eliminated. the dedication woul d then be 2.085 ac res of land with a cash donat ion of $8,685. 00. - 6 - June 22, 1979 '." " ... ,',). .' .1'. , '. ..... ,:.:1- ~:',', . " . . . "',,">':<:~',:.~'~l~,.,'" ,''''' " ..' ,," ,/~ . (] ..-- Mr. Wl1son made a mot ion ro park dedi cat ion that City accept Z.085 acres of land with the ramal nder to he cash. Mike Campbell vot cd ,: "nay" wIth the romalndc r of the Committee vot Ing 'aye. II Mot Ion carri cd. \ , Mr. Wilson sal d the City Vwtluld have ownc rsMp of the casement half of the lake, Bout h of the finger, spelled out anel a rccreat ion casement on the entire lake. He; Norman Seher, City Right or Way Agent; and Ed Mazur will worll: out. i"' :/. I Mike Kent on assert ed that the developer dl d not show an casement on the west s1 de of the lake and he had asked Mr. Mazur to have site plan reflect the easer.nent. \: , ,'" '. ,. ',.' ' . Don Meeri ana want ed to desi gn adj ust mont s NE Coachman Road, with cost of' the adj uet ment s being pai d by the developer. Ameri can Condomini urn Corporation was agreeable. \. ':: ::;-.."1; ., ',' .l~'}< . . I . ~, ,'. (!::;::'.,r.'. .. t4'.:" I.., Paul Rettig sai. d' he : requi red. B,epa~at,ely' i:. met ered buildi ngs and then asked what the garbage ax rang ement s woul d be. Mr. Mazur inf armed hi mthat they waul d use dumpst ers for the garbage. Mr. Rettig 're,quest ed that the developer meet with the Sani tation Depart ment for the locat ion of the dumpst er and he als a reminded the develope r that theywoold have to get an easement fox the wat er main from the 'adj ,acent pxoperty owners. There is a 6-inch line to serve adj acent property and if Ed Mazur could get easements from them, perh~ps the developer, could tie-in the re. ",' : " \\. :. - "" ~.' . {~,':;f::;::, '. ~~~)t: . ~:: :." Mr. Ret"tig al so not cd that. the developer had a -inch mai ns on the 8i te plan; all the water mains need not be a-inches as 6-inches would be adequat e for some of. them. Utility easement s woul d be necessary. . ~ . " , I.:. ' Mike Kenton moved to approve the . amended 8i te plan for Coachman . Road Condomini ums. Don Meeri ans seconded the mot ion whi ch carr! ed unanimousl y. ( . I, ~' , . ,~r . !'\:, , ' ,\ Meet ing was adj ourned at 11:20 a. m. I., ' .,.: t;)~~.,Q S-:iA.. Chai rmaiX , . .., I l',.' ' .... , ',\'c ~'.. . iY?,>,:'"' ;!':":~'. .:' .~::;~\: :'., '. . . ~~~.~;:.1~;.':';"" ,'. . . 7 -