06/08/1979 (2)
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City of Cl earwat er, FL '
June 8, 1979
Ellzabet h Haeseker, Chai rman
Mike Campbell, Land Resources Special! st
Mike Kent on, Envi ronment al Planner
Don Me eri ans, As s! st ant T raf fic Engi nee r
Bill Shephard, Chief D raf tsman
George Buhmeyer, Fire Marshal
Tom' Hacket t, Util ities Engi neer
Roy Ayres, Bui ldi ng Direct or
Davi d Heal ey, PI anni ng Direct or
Ream Wilson, Parks & Recreat ion Direct or
Bob Maran, Ci vi 1 Engi neer
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~~>.A~exander, Citizen
':i\1b.ri: :Rogers, Citizen
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Ed 'Ma:z;u,r,' 'Repre'sEmting U.S. Home Corp. and Ameri can
. Bob Thornt on, Represent ing U. S. Home Corp.
,~ark Holdender, Representing U. S. Home Corp.
Lloyd Jones,; Representing Ameri can Condo. Corp.
Bill McQuean, Representing American Condo. Corp.
',Tom. Benne~t,Representing American Condo. Corp.
Val ' Curl is~. V. A. Curt is and Associ at es
Blll 'Smith~ V. A. Curtis and Associ at es
. Mark Mfmdelow, V. A. Curtis and Associates
Frank Boswort h, Represent lng Haul e Indust ri es
Condo. Corp.
" .
The meeting was called to order by Chai rman Haeseker at
, 10:00 a.. m.,. ti}l ~he. Ope rat ions Cent er Conf erence Room, City Hall
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'1. ,Al?proval of May 11, 1979 Minut es.
" .: nilntit es 'of May il, 1979, as amended.
. mot ion whi ch carri ad unani mousl y.
Roy Ayres moved to approve
Bill Shephard seconded the
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2.. (Cont lnued) Tract 59, Count rysi de; , U. S. I-lama Corporat ion
.fOwner); locat ed on the NW corner of Meadow Wood Dri ve and
GeorJ(e Buhmeyer - No comment.
Tom Hacket t - Direct ed a quest ion to George Buhmeyer as to whet he r
the 8t1 wat er Une was necessary. Mr. Buhmeyer answered that because
U.S. Home is not rezoning the property, it is not.
Ream Wilson ;;. W oui d ~pref er Alternat e 2. for the bi ke pat h.
'1'" .
Bob Thornt on - Report ed he is in agreement and, al so, that they
would dedicate 2 Florida Power easermnts to the City as per Cecil
Hendersonls request.
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Ream Wilson asked if there woul d be an easement along the nort h
prope rt y line. U. S. Home will gIve an eas ement on the p rope rt y
they own. Mr. Wilson waul d like access to bi ke pat h from T'l'a.ct
61 and access from park across the st reet to pat h. Mr. Thort on
sai d he thought the acces a waul d be to thei r bene! it.
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Mike. Kent on - Affirmed with the developer that they will dedi cat e
the Florida Power easement s to the City. He too, would prefer
hi ke pat h al ternat e 2, with U. S. Home canst ruet ing it; pi us one
piece f'l'om,Altel'nate I in order to open path to outside use. Mr.
Tho rnt on is in ag reement with the choi c e fo r the bi ke pat h locat ion.
Mr. ~ent on asked Mr. Wilson if the proposed lO-foot easeme nt on the
nort h woul d be wide enough for a hi ke pat h and Mr. Wilson replied
that it was.
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David Healey - Would like to avoid a straight line; in order to do
t hat he woul d like 15 0 r 2.0 feet in widt h. In respons e. Mr. T hOTt on
sai d thi s widt h might be rest ri ct ive to use of uni t next to it. Mr.
Healey said that it w,culd just be an easement and U.S. Home could
inel ucle it in the setback requi rement s. Also. he suggest ed to Mr.
Wilson that the City get a .20 -foot easement on the north"'sideof the
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Mr. Wilson assert ed that the pat h woul d have to- .meander because of
trees and aClai tionallYt meandering would make it mo:re att~act ive.
Mr. Thort on at at ed he will concur with thi B request.
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June 8. 1979
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~r. Healey added that the bike path, as decided upon, should be on
the ove raIl pI an. He asked ~r. Thornt,on to what ext ent they waul d
be willing to help with coots of bike path and Mr. Thornton replied
t,hat\\he doesnt t know wha.t the cost s will be, theref arc, he was not
willing to comment. He waul d be gl ad to hel p in any way he can.
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~r. Healey and Mr. Wilson briefly discussed what path size would
be .... perhaps 1, ZOO feet. The mat erl al waul d be asphal t and cost
could be 1,400 or 1,500 dollars. Mr. Healey would be satisfied
with the 20-f oat easement and the connect i on from the end of the
cuI.de-dac to Flori da Power's ROW. For the record, he obj ect s
to the st reet s bei ng pri vat e, and Mike Kent on concurs with that
obj ect ion.
Bob Maran - In reI at ion to the ret ent ion pond in the sout heast
corner, the City needs an easement for it, and he thinks it is a
little close to the buildings.
Ed Mazur - Pipe for outfall will be di rectly from the pond.
Bill Shephard - The City will need an easement for that pi pe if it' 8
going to be out of the ROW. Mr. Mazur asked if they could put it
in the ROWand Mr. Shephard repl ied that they coul d, .not .
Don Meerians - Asked if there would be sidewalks on the public ROW
adj acent to the st reet, and U. S. Home sai d there woul d.
Mike Campbell.. Has a problem with the recreation area location
adj oi ni ng the Flori da Power ROWand he added that thi s was s1 mpl y
a st at ement .
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Mr. Heal ey moved to approve the revi sed prel irninary si te pI an fo r
Tract 59, Count ryei de, with the following conditions: 20.f oat. ease-
ment and connect or for bi ke pat hi an easement for ret ent ion area;
and ingress and egress easement s as the st reet s are pri vat e. Mr. Shepha rd
seconded the mot ion. Mr. Campbell vot ed "no. II The rernai nder
of the Resource Development Committee vot ed "yes."
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3. (Continued) Coachman Ro-ad Condominiums, Am.erican Condominium
C011lorat Ion (Owner); locat ed on Coaclunan Road, just west of U. S.
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M;rs. Haeseker left the meet lng at thi s time and turned the Chai l' over
to Mr. Ayres.
Mr. Heal ey has revi ewed thi s item and the park! and dedi cat ion is
the mai n probl em. Bot h the communi ty impact st at em.ent and the
preliminary s1 te pI an will be di scussed concurrent ly. He asked the
developer II changes have been shown.
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Tom Bennett - Replied that the plans have not been revl sed.
Mr. Heal ey asked the developar 1i they had a pI an showing the 15%
parkfand dedication and Mr. Bennett dId have a copy of a plan
depi ct 1118 the dedi cat ion. Also, he thl nks there Is a probl em, a8
t hey have comput ed 17 un! ts per acre.
Mr. Heal ey at at ed thl s waul d be a probl em because it is gol ng to
the City Commisslan as a RFD-14 zoning and he would have difficulty
supporting since this would make the zoning one of high density.
He then asked Mr. Mazur if he had deduct ed the parkl and in hi s
densl ty eomput at ion a and pol nt cd out that they do not have to exe! ude.
Also, the AL (aquat Ie lands) zoni ng is to be added to the si te pi an.
Mr. Bennet t Bat d they woul d add the AL zoni ng.
Mr. Mazur report cd the recal cui at ed density comes to 14.3 uni ts
per acre. Mr. Heal ey recomm~nded that)' for the parkland dedi cat ion.
the City get; the land east of the lake over to, and including what is
shown as a proposed ingress..egress easement, and ext ending al DOg the
north shore of the lake at whatever depth Mr. Wilson chooses, to a
poi nt !ncl udl ng up! and nort h of lake except that whi eh is wet lands.
Since1 thi s may fall somewhat short of requt red 150/0, the remai nder
should be cash.
Mr. Bennett waul d like to keep hi B bi llboard. He and Mr. Heal ey
'di scussed. Mr. Heal ey ag reed to arrange so that Mr. Bennet t woul d
be abl e to use the bLllboard with condi tion that it u1 timat el y be removed.
Mr. Bennet t concur.red.
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Mr. Shephard sa! d hi s comment B woul d be the same as those given
by Cecll Henderson at the RDe' meeting of May 25, 1979.
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Mr. Meerians wanta to reta.tn design of NE Coachman Road and Mr.
Bennett indi cat ed that they woul d compl y.
Mike' Campbell - Addendum they submitted satisfies the suggestions
made by him at the May 25, 1979, meeting, however, he would like
to meet with them regardi ng the layout of the wat er mal n.
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George Buhmever had no comment B.
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Tom Hackett ; observed that the wat e~ main layout shows the Une
running through the Clearwater Federal property. which adjoins
Ameri can Condomini um' s propert y, twice. Mr. Bennett sa! d he
would get'.~ an easement for the Clearwat er Federal property.
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June 8. 1979
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Mr. Shephard In! ormed the developer, that, if they do not gl vc the
easement to the City, the City will not recogn! zc it. Mr. Hacket t
haa no ot he l' requi remcnt at he r than the wat e r linea hay! ng the
necessary easement. Mr. Shephard added that City would also need
and easement for ingress and egress lnt 0 the apart ment compl ex as
the drive also goes through Clea.rwater Federal property.
Mr. Bennett stat ed that a perpetual ingress and egress easement
(dedi cat cd to the publIc) from Clearwat er Federal is on tha.t
property and he will give Mr. Shephard the O. R. Book and Page
Ream Wilson, in ref erence to the park! and, sal d the City had walked
the property. The portion of the lake from the finger south would
be City-owned, but not inel uded in dedi cat Ion of parkl and, and pos-
sibly the marshl ands to the north. They are working towards getting
four tenni s court s. Mr. Bennett answered that he is not willing to
gi ve lands to the no rt h as he want B a buf fer bet ween them and the
City. Also, that portion is computed in hi. s 150/0 open space -requirement.
Mr. Bennett gave Mr. Wilson a drawing of thei r proposal.
Mr. '1\1a.zur det ermined that the pi ece of land was 2. 7 acres. City
woul d accept ownersm p of lake to the Bout h of the finger. He not ed
tha.t lake mai nt enance woul d be mini mal, and requ est ed, rough! y,
what dedi cat ion in monet ary terms waul d be.
Mr. Bennet t det e rmlned that whol e dedi cat ion (g ros s basi s @ 56. 5 ~
a foot 1 waul d amount to $55,375.65 for 2.25 acres.
Mr. Wilson c;li ted the cost s of tenni s court s -- the City may need about
$60,000 for them. Mr. Bennet t want ed to know if they had to give cash;
could they give more land. Mr. Wilson stated he did not want more
land. Mr. Mazur sai d lengt h of finger was 120 feet.
Mr. Bennett, agai n, di scus sed the hi llboard and request ed that he he abl e to
keep un~it:l he makes hi a money from it. Mr. Heal ey assert ed that
when the lease is up in 1983~ the hi llboa.rd is to be removed.
Mr. Mazur st at ed that all the City needed now fo r the parkl and dedi cati on,
was 1.8 acres. Mr. Heal ey summari zed that the City knows what it
want s for parkl and dedi cat Ion and the developer needed to work .out
the exact piece of property and then give the remainder in cash.
Mike Kent on st at ed, agai n, that the AL addendum will be requi red.
Mr. Bennett asked if they could dedicate'~ balance of AL to City
after rezoning and Mr. Heal ey answered that they can offer it. Mr.
Kent on suggest ed that they do.
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June 8, 1979
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Mr. Bennett queried how tar into lake dedication would be and would
li City survey crews measure this for an approxl mat Ion. . Mr. Shephard
inf armed him Engi neeri ng had wri Hen a Met e B & Bounds descri pt ion
and Mr. 1 Bennett may have a copy.
Mr. WIlson sal d a cant ri but Ion oI land and cash is requi red and
they are to come back with a rev1 sed si to pI an. Mr. Bennet t is
in ag reement .
Roy Ayres had no comment.
Bob Maran report ed that there were al most 5 acres in the nort heast
corner with no retention. Mr. Mazur pointed out that it had been
dl scussed at the last RDC meeting and the proj cct as a whol e handl es
runof f. Mr. Maran responded that poi nt is well..taken but he is
concerned about ext: ra erosi on int 0 the di tch. He believes that on five
acres there shaul d he some ki nd of on...s1 te ret ent ion.
Mr. Kent on di d not obj eet to the drai nage as long as it goes through
the swamp beIore it runs into the lake. Mr. Maran discussed the
ell tch with Ed Mazur and sai d he coul d g.et with Ceell Henderson on
thl s; perhaps they caul d sod the ridge a.rea. Mr. Mazur st at ed he
caul d arrange so there waul d not be any erosi on int 0 the di tch, and
Mr. Maran reiterated his concern regarding 5 acres with no retention.
Mr. Kent on c1 ari fied that the lake ie -for quam tat ive ret cnt ion and
the r1 dge is for settlement of sediment. Mr. Heal ey st at ed the
point is well...taken as there are five acres with water from them
going down the ditch before getting to the wetlands area. Mr.
Shephardl8 concern was that the wat er goes through someone el sel s
property before getting to the lake. Mr. Bennett said they would
rerout e it through the Clearwat er Federal property and he bel leved
there is an easement there. Mr. Kent on added that thl s really
would not matter a~s the Williams & Walker property is already
wetlands, and in response to a question from ~r. Shephard, undevelop-
abl e.
Mr. Kent onl s on! y request was that on thei r engi neeri ng pI an that one of
the di Bcharges to the lake have the cat eh basi n indicatEd. Developer is
ag:reeabl e.
Mr. Ayres sai d the Bui lding Depart ment cannot do a revi ew of the
parki ng because spaces are not cl ea. rl y indi cat ed and Mr.. Mazur
responded that nuoonber and size of spaces are shown. Mr. Ayres
asked where parking left off and private road began. Mr. Mazur
repl ied the roadway is 24 feet wide with parking on bot h s1 des. It,
al so, is shown.
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Mr. Ayres asked the developer if they were a.ware of 'set back spaclng
requi rcrnents for thei r bui ldi ngs and Mr. Ma.zur aai d they were' and
they had used RM-12 zoning as a guide.
Mr. Kent on moved that the communi ty impact at at emant !orCoachman
Road Condomini urns be approved 8ubj cct to the following condi tlons:
submittal of addendum a for wat er qual ity and use of la1<:e wat cr for
irrigation syst em (subject to Planni ng Depart ment approval); Bubmitt.al
of an addendum depi ct lng rcvi si on of parkl and dedi cat ion (subject to
approval by Planning and Parks 8t Recreat ion Depart ment s); and that
it Incl ude revi si ons as present ed in letter from Mr. Mazur to Mr.
Heal ey (dat cd June 7, 1979h Mr. Ayres seconded the mot ion whi ch
carried unanimously.
Mr. Heal ey moved that the prel iminary sl te pI an be approved for
Coachman Road Condomini urns subject to revi si ons made at thi s
meeting, including Engineering concerns re catch basin and parkland
concerns, and that developer bring back pl an with changes for Commit-
tee' a final approval. Mr. Kent on seconded the mot ion whi ch card ed
. unanimousl y.
4. (Continued) Hercul es Cent er, V. A. Curtia and Associat es, Engi neers
and Architect s; located "n the northeast corner of Sunset Point Road
and Hercules Avenue. PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN.
Davi d Heal ey began by st at ing that most probl ems have been addressed.
Val Curt is will put ret ent ion on the back if need and a pi pe int 0 the
Bob Maran woul d pre! er that.
Mr. Healey observed that the building area had increased since the
last plan. Mr. Curtis explained that because 7-Eleven requi res
52 feet of widt h (they had SO feet) they shi !ted buildi ng ove r Z feet.
AJso, they discovered the lot is not a square and they nnay have to
take Z or 3 feet of the nort h end.
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. Mr. Heal ey asked what they proposed to use the commerci al st ore
for and. Mr. Curt is answered posai bl y a real tor or carry-out food.
They may have a temporary (2 years) office for thei r company in the
bui ldl ng. Mr. Heal ey is not convi need that thi 8 waul d be a good
locat ion for thi 8 use, however, the 8i te pI an is accept abl e. Mr.
Curtis responded that property was purchased as a commercial
use and economically he di d not thi nIt it waul d work any ot her way.
Mr. Heal ey recogni zed that it has Count y commerci al zoni ng and
asked if they had consl dered an office arrangement. Mr. Curt is
had and there' were many prabl ems with that particular use. The
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propart y is consi dered hi gh densi ty resident ial t but a1 te is smal ~..
Mr. Ma.ran at at ed the devel aper can run wat er to the City pond but
there is no land {or rat cnt ion. Mr. Curt is rosponded that U City
does"not want them to run tn pond they will put rete nt ion bet ween
the bui ldi ng and the pond. Mr. Maran request cd that they enl arge
t he pond on thei r property to get the cxt ra wat ere Mr. Curt is
will give the retention and he and Engineering will meet on thIs.
Bill Shephard sai d the Engi neeri ng comment B of the May 25, 1979,
MC meet ing hold in addl tion to Mr. Maran's comment B. The
developer has addressed the I-foot 01 evat ion requi rement. Asked
./ if they waul d be givi ng the 2.0-foot add! tional ROW easement on
Hercul as to the County or the City. Mr. Curt is sa! d they had not
given a deed yet, but wml d be giving to the City.
Don Meeri ans st at ed that on the n art h radi us of:f to Hercul es Avenue,
it shaul d be a 15 -f oat raw us. Mr. Curt is sai d that he had met the
Count y requi rement s and Mr. Shephard in! armed hi m that thi B far
exceeds '\\hat the City allows. Mr. Meeri ans sai d it waul d be
bet tel' for a person exi ting to st op and see oncoming traf fie be! ore
making a turn ant 0 the roadway and an accel erat ion lane is not needed.
He added it woul d be better with a 15 foot ra.di us tyi ng int 0 the exi st lng
edge of the pavement and that they recommend thi s to the County as
a at rang requi rement for saf et y. Mr. Curt is will campI y with thi s
Also, Mr. Meerians noted they had 37 parking spaces and 35 are
requi red. Want B them to remove the 2 spaces on the Dart: hwest
, :
. 'J'
Mr. Ayres' di scussed st orage area comput aL ion and uses. Mr.
Curt is sal drat 10 of spac e s to square feet of ret ai I area wa s 1 SPaC e
for parki ng for every 100 feet of ret ai 1 area. Mr. Ayres asked that
they put one of the 2 handicapped spaces by conunercial building
and develope r will do so.
Mr. Kent on poi nt ed out there must be 300 square feet of off-at reet
parki ng area for loadi ng and Unl oadi ng. Mr. Curt is asked if they
caul d put it in the 18 feet they have behi nd bui ldi ng and Ream Wilson
said he would rather not -- he was concerned about aesthetics as the
City park is adj acent. Mr. Heal ey suggest ed they turn the Z nort h-
west spaces the other way and move'idumpster back against the building
'to arrange for load! ng spaces. Mr. Kent on request ed devel aper show
Mr. Heal eyJ s suggest ion on si te pI an. He had no probl em with the
1 andscapi ng.
.:1 .
, .
;Mike Campbell had no comment, but passed along two comment 8 from
John Richt er: 1) si ze of the isl and in the southeast corner shaul d be
increas'ed; and 2) there is not enough parking.
.~'; i \.
.:e:~": .
- 8 -
June 8, 1979
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George Buhmevcr comment cd on the locat ion of the fire hydrant.
Tom Hacket t st at cd there is a 12-1nch wat er Une on the east 81 de
of property and meters could be put In thelront of the building with
t he pipe going to them. The hydrant Is to go on Hercut es Avenue
ROW; in the cent er of the ROW. Also, in reI at Ion to the dumpst er
locat lon, the developer is to meet with tho Sanl tat ion Dlvl sl on.
Ream Wilson had no comment and left the meet Ing at thi 8 time.
Mr.. Curtis ,said that he want ed the lettcl" from the City for sewer
and water so that they may proceed to get their building permit
from the Count y.
Mr. Ayres respondOO that it waul d be advi sabl e for the City to revi cw
plans aga.in. Mr. Bill Smith said he would get revised plans back
to the City on Tuesday, June 12, 1979. Mr. Kenton informed him
he wwld have to carry them to all concerned depart ment s. Mr.
Heal ey added that because it was a si to pI an, it waul d go to the
City Manager rat her than the City Commissi on for approval.
Mrs. Haeseker ret urned to the meet ing at thl B time.
Mr. Shephard sai d that the Buildi ng Permit Revi ew Committeee woul d
have to approve before the letter would be issued. Wednesday, June
13.. 1979, would be the dat e of the next BPRC meeting.
, .
The Chairman reconunended one plan only be signed by each
depart ment . Plan will have to go to the BPRC meet lug whl ch is
a recommendat ion to the City Manager. When the City Managerl s
recom.mendat ion is given she can write the letter to the County
Building Department.
" .
c~,' '.
V Mr. Meerians moved that the prelimina.ry si te plan for Hercules
Avenue Cent er be app1'ovcld with the revi s1 ons to the parki ng, the
loadi ng . area and the fire hydrant; and al so that one pI an be independent ly
revi ewed and si gned by each depart ment. . Mr. Kent on seconded the
motion. Mr. Heal ey vot ed lInO. II The remainder of the Committee
vot ed uyea. II
5. ' (Continued) Tract s 72, 73, 74, and 45, Count ryei de Sout h
Addi tion; Pac! fic Casca.de Corporat ion, Developexi The Lane
Company (Owner); locat ed at U. S. 19 and Ent erpri se Rm. d.
Mot ion was made to drop thi B item. Mot ion was seconded and
carri ed unani mou~l y.
~'~: :
6. Web"ex Park, City Submission. PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAT.
i.~ '.
Mot ion was made to drop thi s item. Mot ion was seconded and
card ed unani mousI y.
'I' .
- 9 - June 8, 1979
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7. Dol phi n Pol nt Condominl unl ... Houle lndust rl os (Owner-
Devoloper); locat ed on Lot s 13 nnd 14 at Dol phi n Poi nt.
Chat rman quest ioned cost s of proj oct as it woul d appear that cost s
would be in excess of $500,00~
Frank Boswort h sai d that the val ue of the land per the tax assessor's
office is $52,800, and the est inn t ed const ruct ion cost s are below
$2.0.00 per square foot as they are the developf3r. Current bid;,costs
at five stories is $21.80 per square foot including contractor over-
head and 180/0 prof it. Since thi s waul d not be a part of thei r canst rue-
tion coat a they have reduced cost per square foot to $20.00. There
will be approxi. mat el y 20,000 to 22,000 square feet. He then present ed
letter to the Chai rman.
Mr. Heal ey poi nt cd out that anot her buildi ng on the Beach last year
came to $28.00 per square foot and Mr. Boswort h re'~ponded that the
apartment s will he largc~ therefore, the cost becomes lower.
The Chai rman read letter dat cd June 8, 1979. from William J. Haul eJ
Presi dent of Houl e Indust ri es, Inc. int 0 the record. (Attached).
uteorg-e': Buhmeyer st at ed fire hydrant is sat is! act ory.
Tom Hacket t sai d there is a 6-inch wat er line in front and one wat er
meter. Any fire sprinkling system wouldf,have to bypass the water
met ere Developer is to meet with the Sanitation Department for
dumpst ar locat ion.
Bill Shephard said the building is well above flood zone as there is
parki ng underneat h the bui ldi ng.
Mike Kent on comment ed that the height is in concurrence with the
Zoning Code. The pool is 8 feet from seawall and he thinks it should
be 15 feet..
Mr. Shephard was not cert ai n in regards to the 15 feet for pool; but
di d quest ion the locat ion of tiebacks on the seawall.
Mr. Kent on sai d the developel' may, need a speci al permit. He waul d
lll,e theIl?- to drop five parki ng spaces as they have 22 and the Code
requi res 18. Spaces 6 and 7 shoul d be removed. .
Don Maeri ans said spaces 11 and 16 shoul d be change,d to 1 space,
Also, 14 should be eliminat ed. Mr. Bosworth indicat ed he wQ.\ld
,Mr. Kent on in! ormed Mr. Boswozth that he is requi red to submit a
camp! et e landscape pi an. Mr.. Boswort h will do so.
- 10 -
June 8, 1979
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\\ Mr. Meerians summarized the parking changes -.. eliminate spaces
11,.16,.14, ',6'and 7, and add on space across from 12.
~', .
Mr~ Heal'ey asked Mr. Ayres if height requi rement 9 had been met and
~r. ~yres' replled that they had.
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Mr. Shephard gave Engl neer! ng comment s (at tached).
t ~.
'A~ he Is concerned about wat er qualIty, Mr. Kent on asked that'
.there be no' di rect runoff to the Bay. Mr. Boswort h at at ed he waul d
. put in a g ravel tank.
.~', .', ; \
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,;,Mlke . Campbell had noi' conunent .
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M.r...,Healey zpoved to approve the prellmlnary' al te plan for Dolphin
Poi nt Condoniinl um subject to the parki ng spac e prov1 s1 ons and a
gra~eltank for drai nage. Ml'. Meeri ans seconded the motion whl ch
carri'ed unanimously.
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June' 8,1979