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City of Clearwater, Florida
December 17, 1978
Members Present:
Michael J. Paroby, Assistant City Manager
David P; Healey, Director, Planning Department
Michael W. Kenton, Environmental Planner, Planning Department
.' SydSnair, Zoning Enforcement Officer, Building Department
Keith Crawford, Director, Traffic Engineering Department
Ream Wilson, Director, Parks & Recreation Department
. Paul Rettig, Director, Utilities
Cecil Henderson, Assistant Director, Public Works Department
George.Buhmeyer,Fire Marshal, Fire Department
Michael Campbell, Land Resources Specialist, Planning Department
Donald B. Alexander, Citizen
Members Absent:
Albert P. Rogers, Citizen
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. Other Present:
. .Grace.Loyd~ Zoning Analyst>> Planning Department
. Mr'. Shields Clark, Shady Oak Farms Subdivision
, 'Mr. Ed Mazur, Jr., W~stern Steer
Mr.' Sevn Ronne, Exchange National Bank
. Mr.. T..J.' Kerwin, Countryside, U.S. Home Tract 21
'Mr. Rachael, North Highland
The' meeting was called to order at 1:30 p.m., in Mr. Paroby's
. 'Conference Room City Hall Annex. Mr. Paroby chaired the meeting
and.announced that the City Manager had appointed a new Chairperson,
"Betty Haeseker.
The minutes of, the Resource Development Committee meeting
of November.17, 1978 were not available for' approval.
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A special meeting of the Resource Development Committee
was held on October 12. 1978. to review with the developer, his
engineers and architect. the changes to the Preliminary Site Plan
required to meet the City Code. Immediately prior to the
October meeting PinellaR County at the City's request had issued
a Stop-Work..Order on the Project. Mr. Rachel and his' associates
agreed at the October meeting to do all changes requested by the
Department Directors. He further agreed, after he had made the
changes required to the Site Plan, to "walk it around" to each
Department for their approval and sign-off.
Mr. Paroby noted that two months had passed since the
developer had agreed to the above but that he had not yet seen
the Plan.
Mr. Alexander observed work was again proceeding on the
Proj ect.
It was ascertained after some discussion that many of the
changes requested had not been made on the Plan that Mr. Rachel
had distributed and that he had then taken no further action to
meet the City's requirements.
The decision was made to circulate one copy of the plan to
each Department for comments and then return the Plan with the
attached comments to the BUilding Department, who would be
responsible for determining compliance prior to the authorization
for connection to City sewer and water facilities.
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Mr. Henderson stated Pinellas County had agreed in writing
to the alignment of McMullen-Booth Road as indicated on the
Preliminary Subdivision Plat. He further noted the retention
pond extends into Park access corridor. The right-of-way for
Landmark Drive does not extend far en9ugh south on this plat to
provide park access.
Mr. Henderson and Mr. Wilson discussed the swale area. At
present the swale is shown partially on private and partially on
City property making maintenance a problem. Mr. Clark agreed to
resolve the problem by installing a drainage pipe.
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Mr. Wilson expressed a desire to develop the park for active
uses similar to those in Woodgate and questioned Mr. Clark regard-
ing the size of this park. Mr. Clark stated the development con-
tained 37.576 acres - 10% or 3.76 acres of which would be dedicated
to the City for parkland.
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, It was further noted by Mr. Wilson that a portion of the
parkland was included in the retention pond. Mr. Clark responded
to this by saying he felt the park would also be required to
meet the on-site retention requirement. Mr. Henderson indicated
the Public Works Department would check the retention area very
closely when the construction plans were ~ubmitted. .
Mr. Kenton had no comment.
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Mr. Rettig indicated he had no problems with the subdivision
plat but did want to make these things clear:
(1) Approval of the Preliminary Subdivision Plat did
not constitute approval of construction details.
(2) The 12'1' water main shown in the right-of way
of McMullen-Booth Road does not exist and will not
be available until the City is able to extend it.
Mr. Buhmeyer noted the water"lines will have to be of an
approved size and the correct number of fire hydrants shown on
the construction plans.
Mr. Alexander expressed his approval of the effort made to
save the large oak trees.
A provision for fencing and/or landscaping as needed on
double-frontage lots was the only further comment made by
Mr. Healey.
Mr. Crawford stated that he had attended a recent City
Commission meeting where a commitment was given to obtain a
lOO-foot one-half right-of-way for all developments along
McMullen-Booth road. It was the consensus of the Committee
that Pinellas County's concurrence in the alignment as proposed
satisfies this requirement.
A motion was made by Mr. Kenton, and seconded by Mr. Alexander~
to approve the Preliminary Subdivision Plat for Shady Oak Farms.
S.R." 580 L
- Western Steer
o , south of
Mr. Edward Mazur, Jr., represented the applicant and
explained the reasons he felt a C.I.S. was not required. The
costs as indicated in the letter submitted included an item
" for portable furnishings. When this item was eliminated 6;pm
the cost, the development was substantially under the $500,000
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A vote was taken and the consensus of the Committee was
that no C.I.S. was required based on the elimination of the
cost listed as miscellaneous equipment - reducing the total
estimated cost below the $500,000 threshold.
Mr. Snair, Mr. Crawford, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Buhmeyer and
Mr. Healey had no comments.
Mr. Henderson expressed approval of the plan but did say
the drainage would be reviewed at the time the construction
plans are submitted.
Mr. Campbell praised the effort made to preserve the trees
but advised the applicant ,it would be necessary to comply with
the landscaping ordinance at the time permits were requested.
The water meter would have to be moved back on private
prop~rty. A fire hydrant would be required and could be shown
off the 6u line which taps into t~e 8u water main, Mr. Rettig
Mr. Alexander questioned the placement of the sign in the
required 40-foot setback.
Mr. Paroby indicated the developer will be required to sign
an agreement stating he will bear the costs of moving the sign
out of the setback in the event the area is to be used for
highway purposes.
Mr. Kenton noted he had talked to Mr. Mazur regarding the
landscaping and everything was in order.
A motion for approval of the Preliminary Site Plan was made
by Mr. Henderson. seconded by Mr. Kenton, and unanimously approved. .
Agreement to Annex - Exchange National Bank located
. Corner of Daniel Street and McMullen-Booth Road
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Mr. Paroby stated that the developer had already deeded the
necessary right-of~way for McMullen-Booth road to the county.
Mr. Henderson said on-site retention would be required and
he also noted gravity sanitary sewer is not available. A lift
station will be required to pump into the existing force main on
MCMullen-Booth road. The sewage will go to the Northeast Treatment
The development will be served by the Pinellas County Water
System, Mr. Rettig stated.
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Mr. Alexander, Mr. Kenton and Mr. Healey had no comment.
The Fire Marshall observed the nearest fire hydrant is
located at the corner of Daniels Street and McMullen-Booth road.
A motion to approve the Pr~l.iminary Site Plan was made by
Mr. Kenton. It was seconded and carried unanimously.
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Mr. T.J. Kerwin. President, Attkisson-Bankston Division
of U.S. Home, stated that they had submitted a witten request
on November 13 asking the City to grant a waiver to the C.I.5.
requirement and at the same time filed with the City Clerk a
request that the land be rezoned from RM-24 to RM-12
Mr. Kerwin further stated that at this time they would like
to' wmend the request fo~ a waiver to include only Phase I of the
Tract. ' No action had been taken yet on the rezoning request and
that would also be amended to cover only Phase t.
Mr. Kenton stated his desire to' see the sensitive, wet,
tree covered area in the center of the total tract preserved.
His concern was that by the imposition of the artifical phase
line down the center of the sensitive area, "the developer might
consider it necessary to utilize that portion for a roadway
or buildings.
Mr. Healey, stated that his main concern is with how the
total tract is to be developed relative to portion now under
The motion was made and seconded to table the request for
a waiver of the C.t.S. until Mr. Kerwin could furnish the
Committee with a delineation of the portion of the tract to be
affected by the waiver and to give him time to amend his
rezoning application. Motion passed.
Preliminary Site Plan approved by Cit~ Commission
AugUst 3, 1978, Island Estate Villas
It was moved, seconded and approved to recommend to the
City Manager minor plan changes necessary to accommodate revised
ownership pattern.
Regarding annexation agreement - water/sewer to be discussed
at meeting to be held Monday a.m., with Mr. Paroby, D. Healey,
P~ Rettig and C. Henderson.
Meeting adjourned at 2:45 p.m.
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