11/03/1978 .:/!':"'; ',- :;>': ' . ,.~~ . 'r · j,~~ ~ , n r'\ \~ " MINUTES RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE ... ... " i' V ',", City of Clearwater, Florida November 3, 1978 ",\ / \v Members Present: David P. Healey, Directo~ Planning Department Michael W. Kenton, Environmental Planner, Planning Department Cecil Henderson, Ass '.t. Director, Public Works Department Ream Wilson, Directo~ Parks & Recreation Department Don Meerians, Assistant Director, Traffic Engineering Dept. George L. Buhmeyer, Fire Marshal, Fire Department . Ed Blanton, Directo~ Building Department Paul Rettig, Director; Utilities ,Department Donald B. Alexander, Citizen Members Absent: ,:+, :'-. J-' '), ~ '~ : ~::;,~, :, , t'}":,':: .- ~.r' . ;".1:" Michael J. Paroby, Assistant City Manager Albert P. "Rogers, Citizen Others Present: Grace Loyd, Zoning Ana;Lyst, Planning Department Mike Campbell, Land Resource Specialist, Planning Department Ray F. Smiech, S & N Development Company Roy Nelson, S & N Development Company Peter Monroe, Northwood Plaza Frank Mudano, Architect for Northwood Plaza Charles, Claypool, Harmon Builders, First Church of God Rev~' Steve Birch, First Church of God Mr. Healey called meeting to order at 2 p.m. The minutes of previous meeting were not presented. Northwood Plaza loc~l'ted west of McMullen-Booth Road ,and south of Eastland Boulevard - Review of Site Plan Con tinued . The Committee accepted the addendum to the Community Impact Statement presented by, Mr. Monroe. , , - 1 ''; I, .. , t1 (1 . Mr. Mudano noted the Preliminary Site Plan had been revised in accord with 'suggestions made at the last meeting. He listed the revisions made as follows: 1. Addition of sidewalks on C.R. .102, McMullen-Booth Road and Eastland Boulevard. 2. Addition of an acceleration or deceleration lane on McMullen~Booth Road. 3. Note on out parcels to indicate plan approval does not encompass approval of these parcels. 4. Relocated fire hydrant. 5. Indicated right-of-way easement as requested for McMullen-Booth Road. 6. Added additional information. 7. Indicated individual trees formerly shown only as clusters. Mr Healey commenced the poll of the committee for comments. Mr. Blanton and Mr. Wilson had no comments on the Site Plan. ." I,' Mr. Buhmeyer indicated an 8 inch water line would be required. Mr. Rettig also noted an 8 inch water line would be required and the lines must be a minimum of 4 inches at the meters. Easements would be required up to the meters. 'Mr. Henderson commented that ,by giving the easement in lieu of the dedicated right-of-way needed for a lOO-foot 1/2 right-of-way for McMullen-Booth'Road the developer would still be insuring that the property would always be available for the road. Discussion ensued, regarding the one acre needed and its bei~g dedicated right-of-way or a right-of-way easement. Mr. Campbell requested the developer supply him a tree survey which also 'indicates the location of ,the proposed buildings. In addition, he indicated the trees in Phase II and the ou~ parcels should be retained and barricaded for protection durLtg the construc- tion of Phase I. 1~, Mr. Meerians suggested: 1., Elimination of the Island shown in the south access road entering McMullen-Booth Road. 2. A left-tUrn lane to be constructed on Eastland Boulevard. '.~ '. . - 2 - , ", f1 1*"\ v .f , ' 3. Site Plan approval of the out parcels to prevent internal traffic problems. Mr. Healey commented that a recommendation of approval of this Site Plan would be a commitment to future commercial uses when he felt even the presently indicated square footage for commercial uses was in excess of what was economically justifi- able. ' Mr. Henderson made a motion to recommend approval of the Preliminary Site Plan with the following condition and note - 50' ROW easement to be granted to the City to make a total of 100 feet from center line of McMullen-Booth Road and to note the Planning Department is not in agreement with the concept of the 'out parcels. Mr. Buhmeyer seconded to motion. The motion was passed with dissenting votes by Mr. Kenton and Mr. Healey. First Church of God - located on the Northwest Corner of Union Street and Hercules Avenue - Preliminary Site Plan Review - Continued . , . l . , , . ~ , Reverend Birch stated the intent of the Church to build only" Phas e I at this time. Mr. Claypool speaking for the developer stated that the changes requested and made on the revised Site Plan were as 'follows: 1. Indicated additional right-of-way requested. 2. Realigned driveway to save more trees. 3. Relocated paved parking. 4. Sidewalks indicated as requested~ 5. Drainag~ had been checked. 6. Grass parking to be approved by C~ty Engineer for Phase I providing there is no dust. Mr. Wilson; Mr. Buhmeyer and Mr. Blanton had no problems with the, revised Site Plan. Mr. Healey indicated the landscaping along Union Street should be included in the First Phase and the landscaping along Hercules Avenue could be included in Phase II. .~ '. I,,' I., ' .' \', , , .i:. .' ..'. / , ,", . ': ~ . ," , " ,'~ , ' , " ':'. Mr. Meerians and Mr. Kenton had no comment. .' Mr. Rettig stated a meter would be required at the hydrant. :1-" t<'. < 3 - ',; ':." L. "',1 iI' '",,'[ "'co' >':,J:'.',I;:'; .:1,,:: '1'1; 'I:'. ,."\.' , ~:\\":" ~"\"", ::':1'1/ . I' ,'l.:;' ". I, .~, . ~' .' '" "jl~ l' > ..,.,.. ,/ '" . . ..-.... --"1 , . Mr. Henderson explained the City requires all drainage plans be designed by a certified engineer but the County .1111 accept drainage plans done by an architect. The 'construction of Phase I will be started in the County. However, the plans will be reviewed again by the City before Phase II is begun. Mr. Paroby indicated he had prepared the letter to the County which would enable the contractor to get a County Building Permit. A motion was made to recommend approval of the Pre1imdnary Site Plan subject to the dedication of the right-af-way. The motion was seconded ~nd passed unanimously. Cedar Hei~ts - located on the Northeast corner of Hercules Avenue and Montclair Street' -' Agreernent,to Annex - Review of Commun1ty' Impact Statement andlPrelimlnary' Subdivision ~l~t Mr. Healey explained this property could not be annexed because it would create an enclave. Mr. Rettig stated the developer should tie into the existing 8-inch water line on the west side of Hercules Ave. The line should be looped with no dead ends. The sewage would go to the lift station to the north in Charter Oaks and then flow to the Marshall Street Treatment Plant. The lines should not cross City property but ease- ments will be required. ' Mr. Henderson stated the retention pond in the northeast corner of the property would have to be platted into the adj acent lots and the property owners made aware of their maintenance responsibilities. The park shown in the southeast corner is approximately 150 feet by 420 feet and Mr. Wilson indicated although the size is smaller than usually accepted it would be acceptable for use as some type of community building. The Fire Marshall indicated an additional fire hydrant would be required. Mr. Kenton noted the 'environmental section of the CIS was totally lacki~g. Mr. Meerians stated the Traffic Engineering Department would prefer the street go ~traight through from the Charter Oaks connection to MOntclair Road. The.need for sidewalks along Hercules Avenue and Montclair Street was noted by the representative of the Building Department. Mr. Paroby had no comments. \' - 4 - :.'..'1 ..... .:,,'. .' .. 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An addendum to cover the environmental elements. ,2 . Archeol~gical report 3. Letter of Compliance. Motion carried. . The Committee then reconnnended the developer, meet with the concerned departments in an effort to devise a more acceptable arra~gement of lots, parkland and roadways. A motion"was made and seconded to continue the review of the ,Preliminary Subdivision Plat. Motion carried. The meeti~g was adjourned. " : ' - 5 -