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SEPTEMBER 22, 1978
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Members Present:
David P. Healey, Director, Planning Department
Michael W. Kenton, Environmental Planner, Planning Department
Cecil Henderson, Assistant Director, Public Works Department
Donald A. Meerians, Assistant Director, Traffic Engineering Dept.
Pat Tracy, City Forester, Parks and Recreation Department
Robert Howard, Zoning Enforcement Officer I, Building Department
Nick Lewis, Fire Inspector, Fire Department
Paul Young, Fire Inspector, Fire Department
Donald Alexander, Citizen
Paul Rettig, Director, Utilities Department
Members Absent:
Michael J. Paroby, Assistant City Manager
Ream Wilson, Director, Parks and Recreation Department
Albert P. Rogers, Citizen
Others Present:
Grace Loyd, Zoning Analyst, Planning Department
Drew Irick, U.S. Home Corporation, Tract 56
Robert G. Thornton, U.S. Home Corporation, Tract 56
Shields E. Clark III, West Coast Engineering Corp., Shady'Oak Farms
Shields E. Clark, West Coast Engineering Corp., Shady Oak Farms
W. Thompson Thorn III, Anderson, Thorn, Grose and Quesada, Shady
Oak Farms
Nicholas 'G. Karay, World Wide Marketing, Inc., Clearwater Harbor
Yacht Basin Condominium
Michael Sedwick, World Wide Marketing, Inc., Clearwater Harbor
Yacht Basin Condominium
John Ehrig, Architect, Clearwater Harbor Yacht Basin Condominium
Roy J. Rachel, Highland Center, owner
, .
The meeting began at 10:15 a.m. in the Mayor's Conference Room with
the approval of the minutes of August 25th and those of September 8th;
the first motion being made by Cecil Henderson and seconded by Michael
Kenton, and the succeeding one by Pat Tracy and Mr. Kenton. Both
motions carried unanimously.
Item 1 - Tract 56, Unit 2 - U.S. Home Co~oration, CIS and Preli~nary
Subdivision Plat Review
Regarding the Community Impact Statement, Committee members had no
problems. Mr. Kenton commented that this was one of the better CIS
submitted by U.S. Home and he hoped for similar quality in the future.
Mr. Thornton was reminded that a letter of compliance was required.
Mr .,' Henderson moved to recommend approval of the CIS; Mr. Kenton
seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
Messrs. Henderson, Howard, Meerians, Tracy, Young, Alexander, and
Kenton stated they had no problems concerning the preliminary sub-
division plat. Mr'~ Rettig mentioned the need to check to see whether
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RDC Minutes - 9/22/78
Page Two
there is an easement for utilities through the golf course. Mr.
Thornton said U.S. Home had a blanket easement pertaining to the
golf course. With respect to the tree survey, this is currently
underway for Tract 56, Unit 2. In the future, the tree survey
will be regarded as part of the planning stage of a project and
will be submitted as part of the CIS. Mr. Healey referred to
Lots 78 through 83 of this project, stating there might be a
problem regarding the depths. He ,inquired about the possibility
of an agreement between U.S. Home and the prospective owners of
the shallow lots, stipulating that a variance regarding setback
requirements to allow construction of a swimming pool would not
be entertained at a later date. Mr. Rettig explained this would
not be desirable because the decision regarding a variance rests
with the City, and that the best solution would be to have lot
sizes large enough so there would be no problems. Mr. Henderson
offered a possible remedy to the situation by stating that the
moving of Fairway Place slightly and the elimination of lots
42 and 43 could assure that all remaining lots would have ~ufficient
depth to meet the required setback requirements. Mike Kenton made
a motion to recommend approval of the preliminary subdivision plat
with the proviso that U.S. Home address the lots which are shallow
in depth through an appropriate revision to the cul-de-sac. This
motion was seconded by Paul Rettig and carried unanimously.
CIS - Mr. Clark submitted a copy of a 'letter he had written to
the archeological society to comply with CIS requirements. He
is awaiting a reply. Mr. Henderson stated his concern regarding
the areas of drainage, sewers, and road alignment. He told Mr.
Clark that a letter was going forward to him from the Engineering
Department on the subj ect of road alignment. The Building Dept.
had no comment. Mr. Meerians, Traffic Engineering, showed the
Committee a County map dated December 1977 which shows the McMullen-
Booth ROW to be straight. Mr. Healey said that the City needs
some confirmation from the County as to whether the ROW in question
is going to be straight or curved before a determination of ap-
proval or disapproval can be made. Mr. Rettig addressed the
subject of water availability, mentioning that the City as yet
has no definite plans as to when water service will be brought
to this area and the necessity for Mr. Clark to obtain a water
main easement through adjacent prope~ty. Mr. Rettig stated
simply, "If they cannot get water service, they cannot build.1I
The Fire Departm'ent representatives also' stated their concern
about water service. City Forester Tracy commented regarding a
park problem and said he anticipates seeing revised plans addressing
the retention area. Mr. Kenton agreed with other members that the
ROW problem should be resolved) also mentioning the City1s ConCertl
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ROC Minutes - 9/22/78
Page Three
with specimen tree protection. Mr. Thorn, attorney' for the Shady
Oak Farms Subdivision, voiced concern because the County will not
take a position regarding the ROW on McNullen-Booth Road and,
therefore, the project cannot go forward. Mr. Healey posed the
question as to whether the developer has shown the City that they
can get water. He noted the problem had been addressed. but ques-
tioned whether it had been resolved. At this point, Mr. Henderson
made a motion to recommend City Commission approval of the CIS
upon satisfaction of outstanding archeological statement, letter
of compliancet and the ROWand water availability issues. Mr.
Alexander seconded this motion and it carried with two negative
votes cast by Messrs. Healey and Rettig.
Site Plan - With regard to the site plan review, Messrs. Henderson
an~ Aiexander had no comment. 'Mr. Meerians requested the dimension
between two trees left in the roadway. Pat' Tracy mentioned the
need for access,from the subdivision to the park. Mr. Clark said
there would be a 3D-foot ROW with an easement on either side as a
compromise. Mr. Rettig said he had no problems except to make sure
that the garbage trucks would have enough room to drive around the
trees. The Fire Department representative noted that the fire
fighting equipment needs a turning radius of 89 feet. Mr. Howard
questioned the treatment of double-frontage lots. Mr. Kenton
voiced concern about the 35-inch oak in the middle of the lot.
Mr. Healey stated that, with respect to the park, we ought to
sit down and detail what percentage of the proposed park area is
in the retention. pond, and he mentioned concern regarding the
depth of lots which include the retention pond. Mr. Rettig made
a motion to continue this item pending resolution of several matters
including ROW, water, park dedication, and the stub street to the
south. Mr. Kenton seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
Mr. Healey suggested that the developer be in touch with the Commit-
tee when these items have, been resolved and he is ready for the
Committee to review their proposed resolution.
Item 3 - Clearwater Harbor Yacht Basin Condominium - 'CIS Review
ana Site Plan Review
Architect. John Ehrig, described the project to the Committee using
the Community Impact Statement as a guide. Pat Tracy and Bob Howard
had no comments regarding either the CIS or site plan. Mr. Henderson
questioned the existence of storm sewer pipes crossing the property
in connection with an easement along one side of the property for
drainage purposes to serve this and other property. Mr. Meerians
commented he had no problems with the CIS, but stated that the site
plan lacked dimensions, and further he was concerned about the
parking space adjacent to the elevator lacking proper sight dis-
tance. Mr. Ehrig addressed this by stating that he felt this
parking space would receive minimal use due to th~ fact that there
would only be twelve full-time residents. Mr. Rettig said he had
no problem other than not liking the dumpster location - he feels
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RDC Minutes - 9/22/78
Page Four
it should be closer to the main road. The Fire Department re-
presentative cited the need for an additional fire hydrant and a
potential turning problem in the event of having to get high rise
fire fighting equipment close to the building. (22 feet would not
be sufficient) The elimination of one parking space was offered
as a possible solution. Mr. Kenton had no problem with the CIS,
however, he did suggest that the developers keep in mind for the
future the fact that the City is interested in off-site impacts.
as well as those on site. Mr. Healey informed those present that
the present zoning on this property of CTF-28 would be recommended
to be changed to CTF-24 at the next City Commission meeting, but
the rezoning process would take some 90 days to accomplish, pro-
viding the City Commission approved the zoning change. He men-
tioned that under the CTF-28 zoning category, construction would
be essentially limited to three stories and that a variance of 18
feet would be needed to accomplish the desired five-story building
height. Mr. Ehrig then asked what steps had to be taken to get
approval of such a variance. Mr. Healey answered, stating that the
developer could (a) proceed to the City Commission and ask that
they ~pprove the site plan, including the necessary variance, (b)
seek ~ommission approval of site plan subject to the Board of Ad-
justment and Appeals acting on the variance, or (c) proceed to the
BAA to get the variance and then submit to the City Conmission.
He indicated the first option as the preferred route. Mr. Healey
reminded the developer that a letter of compliance was required
and was told that it would be submitted that day. Mr. Henderson
made a motion to recommend approval of the CIS with the proviso that
this recommendation in no way reflects acceptance of the proposed
five-story building height. Mr. Kenton seconded the motion and
it carried unanimously. The Planning Direc~or then mentioned
three items in connection with the site plan consideration:
(1) access for the fire department and an additional hydrant require
ment; (2) possible rearrangement or elimination of one parking
space to the satisfaction of the Traffic Engineer; and (3) relocation
of the dumpster unit. Mr. Kenton made a motion that the site plan
be recommended for approval contingent upon resolution of the above
problems. This motion was seconded by Mr. Lewis and carried with
two negative votes cast by Messrs. Healey and Henderson. Mr. Healey
said he will recommend CIS approval by the City Commission and will
await receipt of a revised site plan correcting the noted problems
before forwarding the site plan to the Commission for action.
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Item 4 - Highland Center -'1609 N. Highland
Mr. Rachel stated he was present to see what is required so that
construction can proceed on this project. Mrs. Loyd handed papers
with respect to ownership to Mr. Rachel to be signed by the owners
of the property and then returned to the Planning Department. Mr.
Howard had no conunent'. Mr. Tracy voiced concern with tree and
landscaping requirements, stating that a landscaping plan must
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RDC Minutes - 9/22/78
Page Five
be submftted. Mr. Meerians mentioned that a sidewalk would
be required, that ,the gas pumps would have to be relocated, and
that the dimension between the property line and the building is
only 15 feet. whereas 24 feet are required for two-way traffic.
Mr. Henderson cited drainage retention problems and suggested
that the project 'engineer consult with the City engineer to re-
solve same. Mr. Rettig said an easement is required to bring
an 8-inch water main onto the property and 7reminded the
developer that each store must be individually metered. The
Utilities Director also suggested the developer consult with the
sanitation division as to desirable dumpster location.' The
Fire Department mentioned the need for the 8-inch water main
in connection with the placement of a fire hydrant and made Mr.
Rachel aware of the fact that access for fire fighting equipment
and personnel was very poor. It was suggested that the elimina-
tion of two parking spaces, thus creating more open space, would
probably solve this access problem. Mr. Healey asked that the
floor space area be identified so that parking space require-
ments can be computed. He advised Mr. Rachel that, as soon as the
applicant gets together with the individual departments to discuss
their individual requirements and gets the site plan revised, the
Resource Development Committee will convene to evaluate the plan.
Mr~ Healey informed the Committee members at this time that it would
not be possible to meet every other Friday, since the Library Board
uses the Mayor" s Conference room regularly on the third Friday of
the, month. Mr. Henderson made a motion that the Manager's Office
be asked to schedule the Library Board to meet, elsewhere, so that
the ROC could adhere to the aforementioned schedule. Mr. Kenton
seconded this motion and it carried unanimously.
,a . lfealey
Plarining Director
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