06/02/1978 MINUTES RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING JUNE 2, 1978 ,T"'I.(I I>, ,'. (" ..... ~,..~ .... Members Present: ,/' Michael Paroby, Assistant City Manager Max Battle 1 Director, Public t-lorks Department ._n.._._.. Keith Crawford, Director, Traffic Engineering Department Eddie Moore, Director, Parks and Recreation Department Ream Wilson, Assistant Director, Parks & Recreation Department 'Pat Tracy, City Forester (present during latter part of mtg.) Paul Rettig, Directpr, Utilities Department George Buhmeyer; Fire Marshal Donald B. Alexander Warren D. Renando, Director, Planning Department Michael Kenton, Environmental Planner Others Present: ;,1 David P. Healey, Chief Planner Grace Loyd, Zoning Analyst J.e. Weaver, Weaver Commercial Park Jack Bodziak, U.S. Home Corp. Stan Freifeld, Hillcrest Villas, Inc. Ed Oliver, Rodrigues Architects, for Charlie Harris Pontiac Frederic Melby, Architect, for Viewpoint ,:>n-the-Bay, Inc. Harry Robb, Weaver Commercial Park, Property Manager Meeting was called to order by Mr. Renando at 9 a.m. in Mr. paroby's office at City Hall Annex. Item 1. - Review of CIS - Weaver Commercial Park. Keith Crawfora, Traffic Engineering, commented on the fact that a trip generation figure had been difficult to determine due to inadequate information contained in the CIS regarding trips to and.from the facility. Dave Healey, Planning Department, stated that the zoning reflects present County zoning, not ~he proposed zoning for the City. Present zoning is for light manufacturing. Mike Kenton, Environmental Planner, commented that the following items had not been addressed in the CIS: drainage retention, urban runoff, park site dedication, and archaeology statement. Max Battle, Public Works Department, mentioned that sod areas should be depressed and that there will have to be forced retainage in the area. l:'.. :::.': ::r :. ~, , .' ;\":: >.,' :\ MOtion was made by Mr. Paroby, seconded by Mr. Battle to recommend that the City Manager accept the CIS as written. Motion carried with one dissenting vote cast by Mr. Kenton. '. Mr. Renando made a final comment regarding the fact that further construction plans will have to be filed as each of the five proposed buildings are built, and will go through required site plan review procedures. , , . , . , " ':"::::;:i\i':;::;~ S~~"~'~~\I~"\;,:i i;;';~J}'i::;:;~i;:~i'i:ifr;i"",i':I:~:(!;;f;:'{\" " .")", . '" .:,\;.' ~".',:.,., . ,:'.' ',I' ;.;,:/..',''\ .', J ,,'I. .. ,";. .-, '<,ll:'; , ",'; , . , :.:.':{,e;:?,'i::;){'::i'.,,> ':," ,::>." .... ',' ,,'~',';"i.< . ',' ",,.,, ...'."..r. "~1:::) , ',". , ' '....c I: '." .",t', .. :.] :. :,...,!. ' '.:'.'/ '. 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Mr. Battle voiced concern regarding the bulkhead along the face of the property and Mr. Melby stated that replacing this bulkhead was a priority item. Mr. Kenton questioned the provision of excess parking, stating that the City would prefer more grassy areas. He also asked why a shallow well was not to be used, and a short discussion on the subject of water followed. The City Forester had no objections, but did mention that the tree ordinance in the CIS was improperly numbered. Motion was made by Mr. Kenton; seconded by Mr. Moore to recommend that the City Manager accept the CIS as written. Motion carried unanimously. A letter of compliance was submitted by Mr. Melby. Item 3. Review of CIS - Hillcrest Villas (formerly Deerwood Apts.) Comment was made by Mr. Battle in Mr. Crawford's absence that the CIS was sketchy in its traffic engineering figure. Mr. MOore, speaking for the Forestry Division, stated that the , landscape plan will be reviewed to determine adequacy. Mr. Rettig, Utilities Director, mentioned the need for a water layout plan in regard to the required utility easement, and he was assured by Messrs. Freifeld and Bodziak that this would be taken care of. MOtion was made by Mr. Battle; seconded by Mr. Rettig to recommend that the City Manager accept the CIS as written. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Renando mentioned the need for a letter of compliance before the CIS cart be put on the City Commission Consent Agenda. Item 4. Review of CIS - Charlie Harris Pontiac Mr. Battle said he had no comments~ subject to review of final site plan. Mr. Buhmeyer, Fire Marshal, pointed out that the fire hydrant now on the premises is very difficult to find - is inaccessible - and that it would be to the owner's advantage to correct this situation. '" , ,": .... '.' " . '. ".,:.,. ;": ':':' :.::."1.""',.',:.:.., ':,.~.,'\'\.,','..~ ::...',\.,.i,..':".,.':'....:,...,'~......,' , . 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With a better understana~ng and clarification or meaning in mind, Mr. Renando suggested to the Committee members that each do a little research on the following questions and be prepared to discuss them as an agenda item at the next meeting: 1) What constitutes a waiver of CIS? 2) What constitutes a ,change which ,would ~equire submission of a new CIS? and 3) What constitutes a change in density and intensity in zoning? Meeting was adjourned at 9:50 a.m. ~~d~' Warren . Renan 0, - Planning Director '\. or .\ ~,;)T.,. ~r'~e'~':' '.~'~~~ ^'. ~. . '. . ~(.; '~.~\: -:":~,' >. c < . ' ~", . ~lL':~:~~IH": ~~,:, '. .,.... .. _,..' ..' .... . r . ti'~"')":~':'~";[;':.:~~'~ t>~...\'.' ," ~' ~', .