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Members present:
M. J. Paroby
W. D. Renando
Michael Kenton
Michael Gust (for Keith Crawford)
George Buhmeyer
Cecil Henderson
Paul Rettig
Pat Tracy
Eddie Moore
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March 29~ 1978
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Dave Healey, Planning Department
Grace Loyd, Planning Department
Jack Bodziak, U.S. Home Corp
. Sandy Lloveras, Lloveras,- Baur & Stevens
Tom Chesnut, Northwood Estates
Louis J. Sabe, Bradley Construction Co.
Edward VT. Hanson, Edward W. Hanson, Architect
,Meeting was called to order at 10:00 A.M. in the Mayor's Conference
Room. ' .
,The 'first item on the agenda was the request for waiver of CIS for
Tract 56, Countryside. U.S. Home, adjacent to east side of Country-
side Golf.Course.
Mr. Paroby had no comments.
Mr. Henderson stated that at the present time, the City could not
. provide sewer service for this area. Drainage requirements are
covered in the master drainage plan for Countryside. Mr. Paroby
stated that the City of Clearwater has limited capacity to serve
at the present time until the future opening of the northeast plant
and the expansion of dynaflow.
IBuilding Department was not represented but a memo from that depart-
ment suggested the elimination of double frontage lots.
Mr.' Gust stated that Traffic Engineering would like to see Fairway
'Lane go through to Meadow Wood Lane.
'Mr.. Moore was concerned with the vegetation. Mr. Tracy stated that
'the vegetation has changed since the original statement was prepared
and that an up-to-date tree survey would be helpful.
Mr. Rettig had no problems. Mr. Buhmeyer had no comments.
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Resource Development Committee
March 29, 1978
Page Two
Mr. Healey stated that there were questions relating to the double .
frontage lots and the fencing but most of the things could be handled
through the subdivision process rather than a CIS.
Mr. Kenton stated that Tract 56 is covered by a CIS but not so of
Tracts 11 and 12. He is concerned as to how retention will be handled
in Tracts 11 and 12. Also a tree survey could be useful.
Mr. Bodziak asked if a tree survey is required. He further stated
that a CIS to be prepared would cost between $5 and $7,000. He
further believed it would be an unnecessary expense since the majority
of the area is covered by a CIS.
Mr. Kenton told Mr. Bodziak that a tree survey isnotrequired but that
it is just plain good environmental planning. With a survey it will
help in the layout of the streets, etc. You can identify what trees
you have and work with them in the layout of the area.
Mr. Renando suggested to the Committee that a two week continuance
be given to this project so that the project could be reviewed for
the waiver.
A motion was made by Mr. Paroby, second by Mr. Kenton, to recommend
to the City Manager that this project be continued for two weeks.
Motion carried.
The second item on the agenda was Tract G, Northwood Estates, adjacent
to and south of County Road 102, review of CIS.
Mr. Paroby had no comments.
Mr. Henderson requested a copy of the master drainage plan for the
entire 350 acre site. The developer simply plans to connect to the
lift station for sanitary sewer removal. Therefore, he had no further
Building Department sent a memorandum to the Committee with comments
referring to the double frontage lots and the need for deed restrictions
for the six foot fences along County Road 102 and 224.
Mr. Moore had no comments. Mr. Tracy had no comments. Mr. Rettig
had no objections to the layout of the project but requested ease-
ments between certain, lots. Mr. Lloveras agreed to easements between
.. lots 24 and 25 and between lo'ts 20 and 21.
Mr. Healey stated that he has concerns about the double frontage lots.
Some arrangement has to be made in regards to fencing or landscaping
along this area.
Mr. Kenton had no adverse comments.
MOtion was made by Mr. Henderson, seconded by Mr. Kenton, to recommend
to the City Manager to accept the CIS as written. Motion carried
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Resource Development Committee
March 29, 1978
Page Three,
, , '
The third item on the agenda was Norton Apartments, Bradley
Properties, Greenwood Avenue directly south of Ross Norton Park,
review of impact statement.
Mr. paroby had no comments.
Mr. Henderson stated that he has reviewed the plan and statement
prepared and he does have questions and comments. On the site there
is no mention for ground water conditions that is one foot below the
surface. You will have to ~ake spe~ial construction precautions.
The retention area is unimaginative and the area occasionally has
flooding problems. There is no drainage plan but you will have to
follow the contours of the land anyway. A lift station will be
required in this area. The City will have to put a lift station in
in this corner and there is a possibility that we could have a joint
use. We may want to talk further about this possibility. There
does not appear to be a problem with the sewers in this area. The
sewerage goes to the Marshall Street plant. When do you plan to
'apply? Mr. Sabe - April 10.
Building Department has no comments.
Mr. Gust stated that in the'CIS reference is made to a parking lot
,to be developed. This is a private street and no parking lot as
such is to be provided.
Messrs. Moore and Tracy had no comments.
" ,
Mr. Rettig stated that each building will be separately metered.
Also, additional right-of-way is being requested on Greenwood Ave.
ltr. Sabe stated that they could comply with this request.
Mr. Buhmeyer had no comments.
Mr. Healey stated that the statement is satisfactory but the main
concern of the Planning Department would be the site plans themselves.
The community building isn't very centrally located for instance.
Mr. Kenton main concern was the water quality. Also he wanted to
know how they planned to handle problems and impacts to the north
of the property during construction. Mr. Sabe stated that they
intended to construct during the lower water table period and should
not interfer with other areas.
Motion was made by Mr. Rettig) seconded by Mr. Tracy) to recommend
to the City Manager to accept the CIS as submitted. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 12:10 P.M.
W. D. Renando, Planning Director
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