12/28/1977 Meeting was called to :';,'., . Room. The first item y.:...'.,. . Valle I s Steak House. :~\\', 'for . the 'above. l:':: :,:' . ~,',. Engineering Department has no problems with this development. The !? ,. 'estimate' for sanitary flow seems to be heavy demand for this proj ect. ::'.:, . Traffic Engineering had a question about the ownership of the restaurant, '\:".' ,was i~' to be separate from the existing businesses. (Mr. McKay stated ;,' ,; - separate.) Also. the parking plans have no design or details shown. :.:,~,~:,.,''',..' The driveways are OK. Mr. McKay stated that the parking lot was' laid . . out to allow access across the property line. The City Forester stated that according to his. interpretation of the beautification ordinance, there are no requirements for a commercial establishment to landscape or beautify the area. Since this is already a paved lot, somebody else will have to determine if they,need to do this.. Mr. Renando suggested that the City Attorney be contacted on this matter. A memo from Utilities was read'into the record stating that refuse was'to be compacted and .will require a license. The dumping fee is four times the normal fee for compacted refuse. They suggested normal front-end dumpster pickup daily. ,It may.be cheaper to not'compact. Natural gas can be extended to this property. A memo from the Fire Marshal stated that they would be in need of more fire hydrants. Mr. Rogers had no comments. The Planning Depart- ment stated that the market analysis for this project has not. taken into consideration the existence of four or five other similiar es~ablish- .ments.within 2,000 feet of the proposed location. Also, parking spaces . remaining after this development is subtracted from the overall area 'should be checked to see if the remaining establishments have enough parking sOcthat they satisfy the code requirements. . ,~ ~ > ". '. ' .l,~-.:. " ~ . ~' > t ~; .~ ~ , , ~" .~ ~ ,." ,'.. :~:.:' 'Ic; ~~ :,.:. : /~ c ,'~ . ~~", . J ~' , " ':\'. . ~ ~; ~ '~L >~ ~ . : ../... . :~- ,~..; ~. t: " .'.. " ~~>:;:. . <~. . T . t ~ : , j'.' <,: ", c r.....I,: t,\" (, I ~ . \ I. I l: RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES December 28, 1977 Members Present: v. M. J. Paroby W. D. Renando Eddie Moore Pat Tracy Cecil Henderson . Al Rogers Geor'ge Selivia Others: David P. Healey, Planning Department Grace Loyd, Planning Department Malcolm V. McKay, Trenam, Simmons, Attorneys ~Tampa) - Valle' Steak House ' Steve Jenkins, Graduate Student, University of Tennessee' (Guest) , ------- order at 2:00 p.m. in the Mayor1s Conference on the agenda ~as the consideration of CIS for Mr. Malcolm V. McKay was the representative ! . ....- '-..... . , " ..." , C ~~r'\, . ", .,1. ". .1, '_ ~2::~.7C.:'.C" _. ~~:. ,--:--. ,....--- ..1:: " " , , ./. . " " ':.', \'", ,r I: ,,' .' ,':',.' C . ~ ' '~ ...,1 : I.. .1~' , r. :',' ~ ~ - ' :.. .', .,' ,J .1".' '.,1 " , ., !": ,:, ,,. JII ,\ \ . , .', ; , \ ' . , . Mr. Renando stated that this will be a division of land and therefore must come through preliminary plat and final plat review and approval. At that time I he will obj ecti, to the arrangement as laid out since it could present a detriment to access on State Road 60. Also, he would prefer entrances and exits at the present driveways and not creation of new ones. Mr. Henderson stated that he did not believe that divid- ing requires plat review procedures but only when more divisions are made. Mr. Renando stated,that he will check this definition with the appropriate office. ., Mr. McKay asked that even if the DOT gives permission to cut driveways in, does the City still have the authority to deny this. Mr. Selivia ~ stated that was the reason for his question about ownership. He believes that the City does 'not have the right to deny driveways. As far as he is concerned, they have placed the driveways as far back as 'they could from the intersection and are in the best possible position as far as an engineering point of view. Mr. Renando stated that he believed the driveways would cause a safety hazard. Mr. Selivia stated that every .driveway onto Gulf to Bay could be considered unsafe. Mr. Henderson stated that with his knowledge of the DOT he was sure that they will grant permission for the driveways. Mr. Selivia stated if you have 80 feet of frontage, you will be granted a driveway. A motion was made by Mr. Paroby, second by Mr. Henderson, to recommend to the City Manager to accept the CIS from Valle's Steak House. Mr. Renando opposed the motion. Motion carried. The next item on the agenda was discussion of the New Downtown Redevelop- ment District. Mr. Renando gave a brief description of this new concept and asked for comments. Mr. Henderson made a motion, second by Mr. Paroby, that the Committee recommend approval to the City Manager of the New Downtown Redevelopment District~ George Selivia and Eddie Moore opposed the motion. Motion carried. The last item for discussion was the Mary Brown House. After some dis- cussion it was recommended that a leeter be drafted for the City Manager's 'signature by the Planning Department and in that letter it should state that the City graciously decline the kind offer of the Mary Brown House. This was made into a motion by Mr. Henderson, second by Mr. ,Paroby. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 3:20 p.m. ~~~~ Planning Director , " . " - 2 - .;. I:,' ~ ./), I '1\ ".I: " ::-::,',....~' "!,' .', ....,j, . . . ~ . '. . ., ' .. \ . ~ . j . . 'l."~(' ,:: ..... .:'. :' ',: .;', :;<':'.'!'''':,/-:'' '. ' " ":. .;,...' ' . " " ' , ' .. . .", "', ,","(. >,:/1':'.2; \' t'i:::<:>!;;{;~." 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