12/02/1977 (2) \~:::~. '. ' ~~'L : . i. ..~!; .,' .. ::\<. .r ..' ~<~ . " ., . . " RESOURCE DEVELop~mNT COMMITTEE MINUTES December 2, 1977 Members present: W. D. Renando M. J. Paroby Eddie Moore Pat Tracy George Buhmeyer Paul Rettig Mike Kenton Syd Snair (Buildings). George Selivia (Traffic Engineering) Cecil Henderson (late) / ,/ /~ ~/ /~. Others present: David Healey. Planning Department Grace Loyd, Planning Department William W~ Gilkey, Attorney for 2nd National Bank - Applicant S\m Tree Estates Bill Albrecht, Johnson and Albrecht - Land Planning & Engineering Charter Oaks Daniels Bandes, Owner - Charter Oaks Edward Mazur, Jr., Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan Village on the Green Jack Bodziak, U. S. Home - Village on the Green Kenneth L. King. King & Assoc.. Inc. - Office Park in Countryside Fredric E. Melby, Melby Architects - Office Park in.Countryside .t. M. Loken, Owner - Office Park in Countryside Meeting was called to order at 11:05 a.m. The first item on the 'agenda was the request for a waiver of the Community Impact State- . 'ment for Sun Tree Estates. Mr. Renando stated that the only comment he has was that the streets should be connected to the streets in .the 'adjoining subdivision. Engineering was not represented at this time. Environmental Planner had 'no comments. Buildings had no comments. Traffic Engineering.made the same request for street con- nections to the adjoining subdivision. Parks and Recreation had no comment. City Forester had no comments. Utilities was not present at this time. Fire Department representative did not receive information pertaining to this project and therefore did not make a comment. Mr. Alexander did not have a comment (not present at meeting). A motion was made that the waiver of CIS be granted due to the sub- stantial reduc~ion in density but contingent upon the street stubbing. Motion seconded and passed. ... The second item on the agenda was the Charter Oaks. Community Impact Statement. Mr. Healey of the Planning Department stated that the CIS is adequate to meet the requirements of the ordinance but that there are some small things that need to be cleared up. such as. the private covenant referenced in Za6, needs to be stated so that the 'city will know what is going on. Sanitary sewage being treated at the Marshall Street Plant needs to be clarified, Engineering may wish y;". .' ~~\:'. i~j,',:;;~.~_.. ..-- ,.... ,-. .v...-....... , ". - 2 - ,. to address this. The statement on annual costs to the city for municipal services of $30,000 should be clarified on how they arrived at that figure. The Community Impact Statement does adequately address the ordinance requirements but our concern at this time is with the site plan accompanying this. Problems are the lack of con- . nection of streets from the north or future access to the east or south, fail~re to take advantage of the lake as a retension basin. The Planning Department recommendation would be that:the CIS be tabled until the site plan concerns are met. Environmental Planner had no comments. Buildings had no comments. Traffic Engineering has discussed the stubbing to the south with the architect and would like to see the additional stubbing also to the east. Otherwise the design is good but it is close to the other intersection. Utilities stated that the water line will have to be extended from the south. Mr. Renando stated that the two inch well in the park area should be retained. The Fire Department could not make any comments since he had no received any information. Mr. Rettig stated that there is no water immediately available but will have to extend the water main up to this point so that they will have water. It will be an eight inch main extended to the property. Fire Department stated that they do not have enough hydrants. No comments from Mr. Alexander. Mr. Allbrecht interrupted a motion to ask the following: The land to the east is a lake. If you look at the plans you will find a small triangular parcel which has been deeded to Sydney Colon to give him enough room to get into there. Mr. Colon has no plans to develop here, it would be a private lake area. His concern was to getting a~cess to the area at the corner of the lake. The north-south con- nection 1 can understand but east one I can't understand. Traffic Engineering stated that nothing firm has come through on this property. But provisions for a subdivision in the future have to be made. We would prepare for the.. subdivision by having the stubbing. It may never be used. Mr. Albrecht asked if Mr. Colon had no intensions of developing this section, woula the city still require the stubbing to the east. Mr. Renando answered yes. The stubbing to the south should be built. The city does not know what Mr. Colon will do. Mr. Rettig stated that the water mains should be extended at the same time. Mr. Paroby asked if the owner would be willing to put the amount necessary into escrow if and when construction takes place. The one to the east. Mr. Albrecht wanted to know the time limits for the escrow account. Mr. Para by stated that the city would specify a time limit or until resolution of the property to the east. A motion was made and seconded that contingent upon the clarification of certain elements of the Community Impact Statement and the place- ment of money and deed in escrow, the Community Impact Statement be approved. Motion was seconded and passed. The third item on the agenda was the reconsideration of the waiver. of CIS for Village on the Green. The Planning Department does not object to this reconsideration. Mr. Paroby, no comment. Environ- mental Planner, no comment. 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Motion was made to approve the CIS for Village on the Green. Motion was seconded and passed. The fourch item on the agenda was a request for waiver of the CIS for a professional office park in Countryside. A motion was made by Mr. Henderson that the committee consider the statement submitted a CISJ rather than consider a waiver of CIS for this project. Mr. Rettig' second the motionJ motion carried. Mr. Renando then stated that it is to be considered as a CIS. Mr. Paroby had no comments. .Mr. Henderson had no. problems with this project. BuildingsJ no comment. Traffic Engineering, no comment. Parks and Recreation, no comment. City Forester, no comment. Utilities, no objection. Fire Department, no comment. Mr. Henderson querried the representatives aato what would be in the complex. The answer was that it would be 50% medical. Mr. Rettig then stated that each individual office would have to be on separate meters for water service. Each business '. has to be separately metered. Environmental Planner, no problems. . A motion was made to accept the CIS for the Professional Office Park in Countryside. Motion seconded and passed. The final item.on the agenda was a discussion of the uses of the 320 . acre site. Mr. Renando asked all participants to submit a list of reasonable uses .for the 320 acre site. Mr. Paroby. stated that it is ~imply to get it on reconrd what the uses may be envisioned to be. Meeting adjourned at 12:05. Respectfully submitted, ;tt// a A~~ -4-.. w.o. Renando Planning Director '\ '., \ . ~...~ ~ 1",--" ", l'. ',. I;' T .. I ~..' .' 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