10/28/1977 . " ~." I J,.. ' \' >, , .' ..,t~~.... RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINU'I'ES October 28, 197'l r:- r".' { i' -1 r "t.. " ' ,. , ~~ ~ ": Members present: M. J. Paroby, Assistant City Manager W. D. Ren~ndo, Planning Director Cecil Henderson, Engineering Department Mike Kenton. Plann~ng Department Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineering Director Eddie Moore, Parks and Recreation Director Pat Tracy, City Forester Paul Rettig, Utilities Director Don Alexander William Tripp (for Ed Blanton) George Buhmeyer, Fire Marshall Others present: David Healey, Planning Department Grace Loyd, Planning Department Lawrence Crawford, Cumbey & Fair, Inc. Harlan Hanson, Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan Edward Mazur, Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan Jack Weigle, U.S. Home Corporation Jack Bodziak, U.S. Home Corporation' L. Rita Osfield, U.S. Home Corporation .... ~' --------- , ----- .... The first item on the agenda was a request for waiver of CIS for SUnset Point Road and Montclair Road. Mr. Henderson stated that the routing of sewage for treatment should go to the Marshall Street Plant and not in the direction that the owners indicate. In regard to the lake, it appeared that some parcels will block access -around the lake. Also, five areas serve no useful purpose. MJ;.' Crawford stated that there will be some access all the way around the lake and one or two access points from the street. All property owners will have access to the lake and all around the lake. Mr. Tripp had no comments for the Building Department. _ Mr. Keith Crawford stated that Traffic Engineering would have preferred the original plan and hoped that they will not end up with no trees and '00 street openings. Pat Tracy stated that this was the first opportunity he had to see the redesign and his con- cern would be the utility easements. Fire Marshall Buhmeyer stated that the Fire Department has no objections to this project but would reserve final comments until the final street layout is made. Mr. Renando stated that the Committee is being asked to waive the CIS requirement in light of the fact that it reduces density from ten down to three or four units. It would appear to warrant such' a waiver but there are questions relating to water lines and easements which need to be answered. Mr. Rettig stated that these questions are normally answered during the review process by the Engineering Department. '. ' Resource Development Committee October 28, 1917 Page Two Mr. Keith Crawford stated that since everything has to be approved during plat approval, he moved that the Committee approve the waiver of CIS. Mr. Kenton suggested that they be required to make a mini CIS, but Mr. Henderson wanted to know what would be accomplished with this mini CIS. Mr. Renando stated that they should have supplied us with sufficient information to go to the Planning and Zoning Board to make recommendations. A motion was made by Mr. K. Crawford, seconded by Mr. Henderson, ., to recommend to the City Manager to waive the CIS. Motion carried. Messrs. Renando and Kenton voted in opposition. *** The second item on the agenda was the request for waiver for Imperial Cove XIII and XIV based on reduction in density from 28 units per acre to 9.4 units per acre for Imperial Cove. The plan would include a waiver for a 27 foot setback from the seawall instead of the 50 feet as required by the Ordinance. Mr. Tripp stated that this waiver offered no problems to the Build- ing Department. Messrs. Crawfor.d, Moore and Tracy stated no problems. Mr. Rettig did not believe that the utilities are up to this line. Mr. Buhmeyer stated that the Fire Department will require additional fire hydrants. A motion was made by Mr. Henderson, seconded by Mr. Tripp, to recommend to the City Manager to waive the CIS as required by the ordinance. Motion carried. *** The final item on the agenda was the CIS for Pedregal Housing, Tract 22, U.S. Home. Mr. Renando stated that the purpose of this meeting was to (1) determine if the CIS as submitted is adequate and (2) since this is a rezoning. a recommendation will be for- warded to the City Commission and Planning and Zoning Board relative to this project's rezoning based on the information from the CIS. Mr. Henderson stated that he was concerned with the drainage especially around the perimeter of this proposed project. Engineering will be looking very closely at any plans submitted. Also. water will drain through weep holes in the walls that are designed to re- main open. He suggested that it will be a first to design such holes. The weep holes will be very difficult to maintain. Mr. Renando asked if Mr. Henderson believed that this statement as submitted adequately address the problems. Mr. Henderson stated that there is a master sewer system for Countryside and he doesn't see any problems there. All that would be necessary would be to work out the final details. The City does not want to maintain the sewer system. Mr. Kenton stated that he did not believe that the CIS identifies the problems and failed to assess the,~mpact. The lot sizes and the concept of the walls and the very tight resultant areas, he felt would have a significant impact. The impact on the vegetation " ..' IE' . \.' ,~ "", 1 ,:..:,:.:..',',:.':"i,~:~:',.". :", ~:"'I,"'.~",';..!':",;:::':,' ,":,... I:' ,':':...,,:,1,... " ~esource Development Committee October 28, 1977 Page Three should be addressed. He stated he had no information to assess the impacts and he believed that there was not sufficient information on the environmental items. Mr. Tripp stated that his reservations about the project could be straightened up during later review by his Department. The eight foot high wall around the aI'ea isn't permitted by the present code. Mr. Renando stated that he was seeking a legal opinion from the City Attorney on whether the RPD allowed waivers of certain items that are handled under the purview of the Board of Adjustment and Appeal. To get such waivers would that have to go to the Board and we are asking the Attorney for an opinion on this. Furthert the requirement of 15% dedicated open space as stated in the code should be complied with. Mr. Bodziak querried Mr. Renando that even if they get the RPD zoning will they have to go before the Board for whatever waivers necessary. Mr. Renando answered in the affirmative. Mr. Healey stated that he prepared tbe letter to U.S. Home outlining the modified statement that could be submitted to this Committee and that they could merely refer to the original CIS for Countryside for certain information. But there wasn't a CIS (original) for them to refer to. Thereforet it became necessary for a submission on its o~. Mr. Crawford stated that the walls will create a sight-distance prob- lem for drivers. It will be impossible to see someone on the side- , walks when backing out of the driveways. The walls themselves will create maintenance problems. Also the walls violate the present code. Mr. Moore stated that his problems all pertain to the vegetation and that Mr. Pat Tracy would comments on this and what the impact will be. Mr. Tracy stated that the analysis of the vegetation is in- adequate, it doesn't say anything at all. Mr. Rettig stated that each home will have to have a separate water meter located on an easement. The City does not want the maintenance of the sewer system. Mr. Buhmeyer stated that he has to take issue relative to the fire concerns. It states in the report that response time will be the ' same as any single fire in the City. Anytime you have an eight foot high wall around a structure it cannot be the same response time. When responding to any fire, you have ample time to size up the situa- tion before you reach the fire. This is impossible with this wall. You also limit the area to five feet on the side and the backyard is not much better. The Fire Department is definately against this wall. Mr.' Healey stated that the Planning Department has two basic concerns relative to this project, the first relates to the inadequacies of the statement and the second relates to details. " 'f~'..~,:, " r. , :::~,~'i.~~ c ,;, I;W'i f;~>; :="~{ :\.. " ~~!-l,,:'".~~~;.::t:,::, I.': 'j' " !?t~~.r(it ,: -: " (), ,........ ~D:.: :;;f(<",. " ',' b",:. ' (~< '\ . , " ~~>,.. . ~,~j.,., .. t:i',,' , .~,' : . f(' \. . !I. ~t ' . .' 1'. '. ;.: . .' ~.. . .',> ~ . , , .', , , '( c. "J '" ~i~'.~ ~ }.'. . ... " , (,r.;, ',. ' ,.; .. .,' ~:."~~ : :.1.. i.'. , . ~, , ~:~:;.;.: ~e- ." . ':r~,:,': .' I~' :', ~. <. L ' ~f:I~/:>c:~.:. '. . ~t?:. . .....' < :~rl::l\ '. ~~;:;.; 'l . ,. 1~::;:(: " " " - ~/\ , t' Resource Development Committee , October 28, 1977 Page Four The statement as submitted to this Committee is inadequate insofar as it addresses only the rezoning rather than the whole project. It presumes a number of dwelling units related to the zoning request. The second relates to. the details in the,site plan. In particul&r the location of the drainage and the retention basin and the maintenance of the five foot median strips. Also, the plan fails to mention the impact that would be felt by the schools in the area. The overhang does not conform to the Code. Ms. Osfield stated that,the overhang is the artist rendering of the building and not necessarily the final look. Mr. Renando stated that it would be to U.S. Homels advantage to ask for a continuance at this time to a date in the near future so that they may try and address the specifics raised at this meeting and to take care of omissions. Mr. Bodziak asked for this continuance. A motion was made by Mr. Henderson and seconded to recommend to the City Manager that this item be continued to a future date. Motion carried. ) , Meeting adjourned. ': ~~. ~ttUdtr- W. D., Renando Planning Director c] , " '" , ."