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October 10, 1977
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Members present:
M. J. Paroby, Assistant City Manager
Keith Crawford. Director, Traffic Engineering
Eddie Moore, Director, Parks and Recreation
Pat Tracy, City Forester
Cecil Henderson, Assistant Director, Public Works Dept.
George Buhmeyer" Fire ~~rshall
David Healey, Planning Department (for W. D. Renando)
Others present:
Grace Loyd, Planning Department
Edward Mazur, Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan
Harlan Hanson, Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan
David Hansen, U. S. Home Corporation
Jack Weigle, U. S. Home Corporation
Edward Walker, Williams & Walker, Architects
D. E. Simpson, U. S. Steel
A. Rychalski, U. S. Steel
Mr. Paroby called the meeting to order at 10:30 a.m. and requested
comments on the U. S. Home Corp., Pedregal housing development. The
Traffic Engineer, Keith Crawford, stated that he has problems with
the eight foot high walled city proposed by U. S. Home. He stated
that 'it violates several city code requirements. Also, if you park
in the carport the car will hang over the sidewalk. He questioned
how one' would see to back out into the street? Mr. Paroby also
querriedthe committee as to swimming pool requirements. Since no
one f~om the Building Department was present, the question went
una~swered. Mr. Henderson gave the suggestion that the City Commission
should see this proposed project before things go further since this
is an entirely different concept for this area. Mr. Crawford
suggested that a CIS be done on some areas. Pat Tracy expressed
concern about the island maintenance (in the street)as to whether
they would be city or private.
Mr. Harland Hanson, U. S. Home Corp. representative, stated that the
proposed development calls for 88 single family homes, with the
s~allest having 12,000 square feet. -The homes are built with a O-lot
line concept and would have all streets privately maintained by a
homeowners association. In relation to the CIS, they feel it isn't
necessary because of the reduced density of land use and all other
things are taken care of in the plans.
Mr. Paroby assured Mr. Hanson that the approach taken by his firm is
correct and that the amount of impact on the site has been reduced.
But he further stated that this project is an entirely new concept in
this area. Compound type dev~lopreents offer a lot of security, but
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Resource Development Committee - Minutes - October 10, 1977 - Page 2
they also raise problems. The walls alone offer problems. E~ght
foot high walls do not conform to the ordinance about fences which
allow six foot high fences. The plans also show swimming pools~ which
do not comply with setback requirements as stated in the ordinance.
'Mr. Henderson asked how they plan to handle the drainage on Che site.
Mr. Paroby stated concern about the street layouts, and the definite
need to look at the water distribution system. Mr. Crawford stated
his concern that the walls on Wildwood are going to cause some site
distance problems for drivers and that the walls will impair the
vision of drivers. Looking ahead this could be a serious problem.
Mr. Crawford stated that he believed it would be a mistake to permit
construction of walls on public streets and also on private streets.
Mr. Buhmeyer needed to see water plans for the spacing of fire hydrants.
Also~ he questioned how they (Fire Department) would gain access to
these homes. It presents problems since access can be gained only
from one side of the building. .
Mr. Paroby wanted to know, since the streets are private and main-
tained by a homeowners association, what kind of assurance the City
has that they will do the maintenance. Mr. Weigle stated that the
deed restrictions will be set up as part of the homeowners associa-
tion., Mr. Paroby restated that there will have to be a definite
covenant in the deed.
Mr. Henderson wanted to know if.there were other developments of this
type in Florida. Mr. Hanson stated there was a project he believed
in Sanford. that was largely built and it is a condo project. Mr.
Henderson then asked what cities in the West. Mr. Weigle answered
Houston and Phoenix. Mr. Hanson added Miami.
Mr. Paroby stated his belief that a waiver of CIS should not be granted
because of the stated concerns expressed at this meeting. A CIS should
be done to address the specifics of property maintenance. street main-
tenance. utility maintenance and requirements for City water and any
easements needed. The questions pertaining to setbacks for pools and
the walls. how they impact on the traffic and the site distance prob-
lems. should be addressed.
Mr. Paroby inf~rmed those present that U. S. Home should address the
stated concerns in their CIS and that the city staff will be available
to review and assist in this preparation.
Mr. Moore stated that the island maintenance should be addressed in the
CIS so that the City does not become responsible for the mainten~nce.
Mr. Henderson made the motion to recommend to the City Manager that
U. S. Home be required to submit a CIS and that it should answer the
..specific concerns of the Connnittee in the body of the CIS. Motion
was seconded by Mr. Moore.
Pat Tracy wanted the issue of vegetation addressed in the CIS since
there will be a substantial amount removed.
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Resource Development Committee - Minutes - October 101 1977 - Page 3
A new motion was submitted - Motion to recommend to the City Manager
to deny the waiver of CIS and that the applicant be required to pre-
pare a modified CIS specifically addressing in detail those questions
that were raised at this meeting. Motion was seconded and passed.
The next item on the agenda was the request for waiver of CIS for
Sunset Point Road and Montclair Road property adjacent to Woodlake
Condo (American Development .Corp.). No representatives were present
at this time and the Committee moved to the next agenda item.
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The final item on the agenda was the review of Community Impact State-
ment for Sand Key Shoppes (U. S. Steel).
Mr. Henderson stated that the sewers are existing; the water system
is there and that Engineering has no problems with the impact
Mr. Crawford stated that the problems that they had have been resolved.
Any remaining problems. i.e., driveways. are being worked out.
Mr. Moore deferred to Pat Tracy. Mr. Tracy did not feel that the
vegetation was properly addressed in the impact statement. The
Australian pine was a desirable tree in a beach community.
Mr. Paroby reminded U. S. Steel representatives of the great concern
of citizens in this City about trees. They should start a public
relations campaign to explain why they are removing trees from this
area. Mr. Rychalski stated that they are planning on leaving 19-20
percent of the trees.
Mr. Healey commented that there were several minor problems with the
impact statement; including failure to recognize proposed coast
guard station, erronious statement saying it is in conformity with
, the County Plan, and the fact that no provision is made for treating
or assessing impact of storm water runoff (for Michael Kentont
Environmental Planner and Committee member).
Mr. Paroby querried the representatives from U. S. Steel about the
boat facilities and what their plans are for this type of facility.
Mr. Rychalski stated that U. S. Steel hasn't any specific plans con-
cerning a boat facility per set When they get to this pointt they
would like to return to discuss it.
Mr. Simpson from U. S. Steel stated that the concept is basically a
board walk type facility for boats to tie up at and go shopping,
not a marina type facility that sells gas, etc. U. S. Steel has
plans for a marina butJ'in another location. Mr. Paroby stated his
concern since there is a need for additional boating facilities.
Mr,. Healey questioned whether the project was dependent for its financial
success on the entire project being built. Specifically, he asked
whether the project were a viable one if only Phase I as shown in the
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Resource Development Committee - Minutes - October 10, 1977 - Page 4
CIS was built? Mr. Simpson responded that yes it was, that each phase
would be self sustaining.
Mr. Healey responded that he felt this point should be brought to the
attention of the applicant in light of the proposed rezoning of Sand.
Key which was in progress. Mr. Paroby indicated that that was B
separate consideration that would have to be complied with at the
appropriate time.
Mr. Paroby informed the gentlemen that apparently the Committee will
approve the CIS with the understanding that it does not include any
dock facilities since this item is not addressed in the CIS. Mr.
Walker pointed out to the Committee that it is addressed in the CIS.
Mr. Paroby informed him that they would have to elaborate on this and
that it would not be a commercial facility. Mr. Rychalski stated that
it would be an extra feature or luxuary item.
Motion was made by Mr. Moore, seconded by Mr. Crawford. to recommend
to the City Manager acceptance of the CIS statement. Motion carried,
Following this action, discussion returned to the Sunset Point Road
American Development Corp. project. No representatives for the
applicant appeared but the following conunents were made"
. Mr. Henderson stated that sewage treatment cannot go to the East Plant
. but must be sent to the Marshall Street Plant. The East Plant is at
capacity. Mr. Crawford stated that there is a problem with the owner-
ship of the lake. Mr. Paroby stated that since questions need to be
answered concerning drainage, sewers, utilities and lake frant owner-
ship he would entertain a motion for denial of CIS. Motion was made
by Mr~ Healey, seconded by Mr. Buhmeyer~ to deny without prejudice
. to enable additional information in support of request to be submitted.
Meeting adjourned at 12:35 P.M.
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Planning Department
Acting Secretary
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