04/08/1969 .' '.1'1Il 1'1.11?111'E?i? AND 7,011:14C 110ARD t? Moh)utct of the Meceti.nt', Tuesoay, April. 0, 1969, ` br meetiwr was convenod tat 2:30 11. ,A1, fol.l.owing, ci Puhl i c lic?nri n1; before the Roard, opening at 1:'30 P, H., at which the a1al l.i.Cati.(?w; 'for zoning, and annox,31.ion for. the 'ro11.r)wi.ng two properties wr^re heard: Pit Item 1,13 Karnonsky -- Motes, F,' 11rlns. parcr,l the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 Ins r, rc.)Lad ri.ght--of--wa;/ in Sec. 1--29-15 (lonated on the Wrist 3ioc of IIr-:rculns Ave. botween Union St. and Montclair Poad ) RC: ilr?si 1III (iL01A1^ Home, Park) PH Item 1,17 McCune -- Lot 7, 1311:, 1?, Ook Acres Adel In (l.ncatnCl side of ljakevi.p.w Rd. , about 170 ft, W. of Wcoclcrc nt Ave.) - Record of such hearing waa takr-_n on tape and is on M.e in the.Plarini.nr; Office. . Present at the ho.arinF; were Chiairman Kra rC?, Members Re.ade, Harries, 13utl.er., Spier and Morris, Mir. Ike 4'L•i}; of thr, yrigi.neering, Denartmenit, and Mr. Wol.1e. Tier; aaj_,c, Lw rn. present' at the 7.:30 P. M. inee:ti.ng. The minutes of the meetings of February 11, 1969, and February 18, 1999, were approved as submitted in written surnmation to each mrmber. ANNEXAT70i'I AND 'I.q*,i:CNO - ACTION FROM PUBLIC HEARING Item 91 Y.amenskv The Board reviewed the application and evaluated the evidence Dre- sentcd at the Board's public hearing. Pecorr mendat.ion offered by-the Plknner :aas for di.;:approvad. •of r:tobi.le home zoning- for wr ,i•t he conciderc.d a prime s`ngle far.,ily residential area- west of Unrcul.es. After some •d? scussion, motion oas r-,lade by Mr. T•',f?r2drr, secon(led by 'Ir. 'Morris`, thi t. the. Roared recor;_mr -.nd at>nrova3 of rannexa-tion roour_,st for 111 "tog). 1F' 11r?r,o Park, zoninr., for parcel a!.-, of Notcr. of Publ.i.c Hear,inY for A-or.il. 8109, In di:,c:iasr,ion of the rr.c Dion, it WcIS revealed that there vas, a divc-rgemce, of I3f.s'?'. d op .n c;.n . Soil. F.".C r :})C: S f.el.t that as Pinellas County 1eai,3 all countie,; in tlir. S-ratc, in nurnbt'r R ?`? of rno l e hor: eq , thn:^n i. n trr?:. c! n,!nw3 '.lcm;i ':(; .*=n hrrr r., c " . t'ind t}lc?t a hi")) quality rS1rJ}7].1r: }1(i1?n r C-11I-11 W`1-'; '1Q E: ? ?r Pf.Z Bd fli.nittc detrimental to single f inmi ly area;; (I.,ilhen i do Mabi 1 I fIE7mo 'ark cithrl as an CXam.pl e) . Un011 vot r. taken, tlirc:q mc:mhc. r , voted "!/1ye" and three.' votes; 11rrc111 . Information from Mr. Rettig was that irnnrovmric,*nts are not all in yet in the adjoining Montrlai.r l.?akt? Estates Subdivision. Mr. Ed Blanton', Building Dc:par.,•tmont 'Director,' was called in to'gi.ve a brief' history of growth of this subdLvi.sion under various changes in owner-- ship, which he t?'sought had handicapped it,-, full dnvelopment. The Planner displayed Land Use Atlas sheet indicative of building pcrmi.ts issued in the subdi_vi.siorl,, co):or c;oclE:d by yearn. Chairman Yru4.n cast the de» ci.di.nr; vote against the motion stating that lie felt a 40 acre park 114-3Y.t to this adjoining; subdivision was not deli r-able and that be thought other, _?.? places better suited For mobile home use. The motion wr--ts defeated. The Board's recommenclation for disapproval seas haled on the following, considerations: Applicant was r. cprese,ntcd by John ' Bonner, Attorney. Objectors were repr.encnted by the Civic Chairman for Sunset La?,r, E ,t&tet; Association, President of the Vtontcl.ai r Lake Civic A.sso ciation, and `President of G1indsor Park Flame 0%.1110-rs Assn. n? `ihr objectors we m ?fir.. Free}:. Spattu•r,•r.i., developer of Mgntclai:' ,.,;. _. Estates and I-fr. Earl Brown, Union Street. The reque steel 7on.i nr,, i.. pr. antcci , c1ou1 cl 1 otiose }ZOrle v?-r]_ur , in the abutting single farrti ly nubd .vi.sian and retard future building in the subdivision. • Such zoning wo 2d have .a rlt:l;r3mcmtal effect on the future: poton- tial rer.i denti ;7_1 cha.r.aetcr• of the ir...?r t]i.al:c area. A mobile ho*-e earl; in this 1c:t??tio?Z would sot the tr(_,ncl toT,.Iard mohile i omme par};tii cnly --aT7l) no-L only may rctard thec, market for, single farai.:l.y tmhdividing;, b u-!: may totally cliln:inat-c i.t. Other nlannin i Area !')rtve1.on,,11er1t ContiguouG prune, area. 4'c,r si.ngl.F f.arr:7. L, dctvol.Cl:raer,C arE: heco;T- in?, l.mitcr7 ? 1 ?Ci1e 7 ?'? c: flr, ;a?3 t r'r sir. c.?t:. (rood s ina] r fcurli ly bui l r:lc-rk ' are Std. 11 aC-i f:r ;:. C i ni] e ar } (I ] 1i r- pr, 1 Jt h11 -2 r! -ii l ei I ? arrr r.0 clc:Cl'_ n ' :1 ' .. ?; 1 a .1 Z j n 7i ' ?C`: r:l !. :`,. C.: f .; C' , r n7 , i,Il?T . n 1`_C i. .I 1 11 rnn L ??? :"1 E Popularity). The nc-,c.. d was roo nr nv] ,,1 ?.ng a C'f?i?:i o] vi,. -L1 on and '4. f :0 }'?I. licl lti.ritli:cat; tE/f=/G'1 1'?1t,r.? 11;i r. es(ir. vat ion of arvan for f'tiv.)rr t1i ?,la- ; t?-1nclrtrrl s.i ?tf;].c? farm l.y cleric? op?nr..t?tr.; . Concerning raghts-or-way, i.t vla, noted that confirmation should bn macle of the f031.01.ri.ng : 50 ft. 112 ri f;ht-of-way for Hercules. 33 it. 1/2 right-n.f.-c a.v for Union St. 3 3 .. f t . 1'/ 2 r':i r;ht-OF-v--ty for Moni-a Ia.[ r Road Item 112 McCune After review of thr_ ipplicat'ir_ln, and an eva",uat on of- tho evidence presented at the Board's public hearing ia•ti.on by__Mr. Spier, seconded by-Mr.... Butler, was pas ,eel unanimously that the Board recommcnd anivroval of annexation request for n-1.C Si.ry1 le Ft,r37.1v zoni.n>p, for lot as 1 a].1y described in Item 112 of flotire of Publ.i.c Hearing for Atar .l 8/69. It was also r. ecolrnended that above lcat he designate-d as Fire District No. 2 class if:i.cation. Such recommendation of approval -via-, ha sed 'on thc_? following considera-t:i.ons: Mr, Fred McCune,-who appeared as applicant, stated his principal interest was to obtain street lighting, sprinkler mater, and fire protection, There were no objectors. The property is surrounded by si.ngle family us.?B?' and zoning*,. Zoning is in conformnance to CY.isting land tine. It was noted that plat or Cal: Acres Addition shcasrs f u 3 1 ha If right -af- way of 50 ft. for Lakeview. P.oad. STUDY Or USE AND F}:S'"R:CC''T,f)1]S OF 1131?Y FILL FOR At Chairman Yruse's request, this agr:nda item wc'is takr:n up, ahead of Agenda Ma. 21 as he had to le avo in 1.5 or 20 mi.nu wr_:.; to go to Tarpon Springs, Mr. Kruse read for the j3C_'aard' i n_fn-rI.'. tj on his iric!iziorc11;rlum a-. Chairman sent to the City 1.1anaf,,er on Yehruu,ri ?516'3 or, the suliic:c-v of a'Pierae Boulevard F:?trnr?inn" {cop•) of office rr?corr3) . "'r. Krllz7(a j ur-t}af•r ff•. rci)orted that hr, had br'_c-n pn--,sod i; ilt?rlil-rr1)'1. ? t r'I1 T1?f;,?CJ f ron the ??r?Il ! j ;^I^ at the Monf3ay ?C? ,f!11i:ilG?1 r,:! e't:inp in L:171.C13 1-,r? 11;` ,; from the Pl.anni na :ind boa' jjjl : ilor!rd !;C,rln time duri ref, thr, 11r':: t Tf nl't??1 617 • Prz lid P,IrC 1;11 the Piorcn Boulrvi-ird Exh!n ,i.nn (::nni.r?A r land u'no - rpocial co.nt.i,clurn- t:F•On." ,, cttc. In acldition Mir, Yrona- said that lid' had a mrmo dirr!cting that he 'nd the Planner contro, wi.th CJ.ty l.nF;inQvi, Iln't•t:lfa concerni.ng in,- formation on the fill. area. 7t was learnod tlvat as i re.sul.t of this: conference,- an nerial. map showing %,7hcr(, tl7^ pror3osbd bulkhead line . will. be ;lc'la made available and a request made for r-i plat map. Mr. Kruse discussed with the Board other i.nforrnation obTa ined i.n such 'conferenc'e. lie also related as pr_rti.nont in4c?x?t<iti.ot? obtainf-id from the City Attorney's ciff.i.ce that the proposed agror-monts under nngot::iation with the u.pl.atnd oviners stipulated that zoning of the fill arc-an woixld be no more rn•- stri.ct:ivo than exi.sti.ng zoning for their upland proper. ti.c s (which was PR S, Professional and 'Rel atnd Service::.) , ' Ile further pointerl out that in his study that clay with the Planner of thr? RS •rone provi si_ons it wan de- termined that if individual. areas involved more 'then 2 acres, a pl.t n must be submitted -to the Planning and Zoning Board for review and eq)-- provil. Ile indicated that the non tur. e of the Poar. d study woulc9 13. to probably, show location of buildings,- sv-rvice roads, and }possibly some public are?n. Mr. Kruse suF ,e 3tcd that t'-ic . fl?o?ard shou3.cl have sore studies to be submitted for its dis.cussi.on and to be finalized in about three, %,Feeks, lie %t)isoiilti; fl 1.1emlhcrs le -- ilarr:ie?;, tory%ir and Sn c,, . ^ _ ... . . _ a, .._ a st ..?...? uciv Lora- ; _...._ .Y....r... .. .. -... _ ? ^. . ?.?? . _.. .. . ? ... . • mi'tee, vi tii rc?commend t:ion that -the cnT'1M r•c :3rnt,arc t?.1o or thrc:c' 1 Schemes. .3015 P. I•t. Mr. Kr. use left the rrtc otinf; and Vi-co Clia-l-r-wu MvIzinder took over the olirair. Some brief additional discus:7,i.on f'o? 1 a:lrcl, durinr; v,hi-!nl) tl7e or' - fcrcd-comme t concerning rslc.mcnts he t hew ':it shculd l)o in the plrirs, Th Vice Chairman conf'irmpd wi.tit 'lr. I,Iollc tli.nt her, viol?.e) would Co-- orcii_natp the work of thr. C ?FTi1 ti4nn 1 ?t, I'x`l Ii?? I`;? nUtn i Il f??(;!1 I}c'3?,^ {? Rrmz,.I or. I?II i iX Illal -MIC l:'!'l'".I" R I-'I-,01111:c• (AI'?.T1. 341 l.9Ggl ) The PIC'Mner, distributed awl hr3.c! Z?r revi.r.wed . a general nttmmary chart of cares , ,cnecluled for talc: SUPT-COAST CIIIAP'!rR., YLA. ]7LAITNING IsND ZOI P-K,' ASSpCIPTSOIN Mr. , Reade brought up the matter of letters received by Board mcm- hers inviting; their individual. mfmhrr.slhip in FP7,A for a $5.00 conat and memhershi.'p in -he Sun--Coast. Chapter for an adcliti_onal $2.00. Mr. Wolle promi.se6 to 'make inquiry of ?fir. Mono Spag;n.a, who was . spcarheadi.ng- t}1e formation of the Sun-Coast Chap'er, to find out if the Board's or- ganizational. membership in rPlA would entit-le Board mr-mbers to join the Chapter with only a $?.00 payment.., SMAXTTON OF CONSULTA:,-T FOR 701 T'I.,ANNTIN ASSTSTI,';CI; The Planner, announced that he was told that morning' what MCI Conner. and Associates- of Tallahassee had been cho5r.n as the City, planning consultants. Pl.anninv, l 4crature'eras distributed. -The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 P. M. Respectfully submitted, J ck to lc?;'S c'y ity Planner' NOTICE OF PUBLIC HKAKI.N M The E'].anniri ; and Zoning Board of the City of C1e:3rwater, Florida, will hold apublic hearing,, at the City ?iall Auditorium,, 112 S. Osceola Ave., Clea rwater, Florida, beginning at 1: 30 P, 14, 1, Z'ue d?y, April 8, 195 9 _,, AND The City Cominis.sion of the' City of Clearwater will hold a public hearing at the City Hall Auditorium, 112 S. Osceola Ave. , Clearwater, Florida, beginning? at 1:30 Xonday, April 21, 1969, for the purpose of considering the following items: The request for annexation into the City of Clearwater and the determination and. establishment of the zoning and fire district cl.assi f ina tion for the fn? i n;.*J nn described real properties in Pinellas County, Florida: 1. The Northeast Quarter (.dr. 1/u) of Northwest Quarter (MI 1!4) less road right-of-:way in Section 1-29--15. (Kamensky) Property,is located on Wast side of Hercules Avenue between Union Street and Montclair Road. The oc•mer of said property' has requested that the City of Clearwater establish :•i-H (mobile home park) zoning and Fire District . - No. 2 classification thereon. r, 2. Lot 7, Block D, Oak Acres Addition. (McCune) Property is located on Forth side of Lakeview Road about 120 ft. West of Woodcr st Avenue. Th- owner of of said property has requested that the Cite of Cl.ea,rc,rater establish R-1C (single family) zoning and Fire District No. 2 classification thereon. The City Commission, after considering all the facts, the recommendation of. the Planning and Zoning Board, and the tioning request of the nCiner,y ;i y 1 render r, o^.w-ion an,1 p ac ':^.° pro- M..Cr :Yy. in a zoning classification de mad groper, v Those persons interested are requested to be present for the purpose of .being heard or may file written aoproval or objections w1tZ the Planning and Zoning Board for that Board's public hearin;l and with the City Clerk for the City Commission public hearing, at Cleart•:a tar City Hall, 112 S. Osceola Ave., Clear-wate;^, r lorida, prior to the date 'of the a?spraprieta public hearinC,. City of Clearwater, :'la. R. G. Whitehead, City Clark Jack Wolle, City Planner