02/11/1969 ,~ ,.--....., ' 'J .' ...,J' ...- \...',/ THE PLANNING AND ~ONING BOARP Minutes of the Meeting, Tuesday, February 11, )969. The meeting was called to ordc~ at 3~OO P. H. by th~ Chairman, Mr. Kruse. Prer-;cnt v.er'c ?'1embers !,lylend!'!T't Norris, Gc11lo\;my, Butl~t', Harrip.:s, RC,;.J.de and SpIer, Hr. Rettig of the l~ngi:lcl'n~.ing n~p(H'tllll~nt. and Mr. \'1011e. The minutes of the meeting 6f December 30, 1968, were npprovnct ~~ submitted in writtgn summation to each member. DISCUSS! ON A l.F.XA~nF.p. MID 'WS:~OinTZ ~r:PO?T - Revic\o1 f1,ndin f: S 'PJ,'annIngand '?oni.ng l~oard (contJni.lp.d'~rrom~l/4/69)' - .--,-_.. 1.... .,..........4.............1IIl ;( If> ~ ., ,___-_~__ In preliminary remarks, Chairman Kruse reported that the City's request fat' an approximate $1~5,OOO Federal "70111 plannine Brant 'hild a second pribrlt~ in t~c State and'that such request includes $11,000 or more for'specific downtown planning; fu~ther that in order to qualify for Federal funds, the City will have to'hire a planning consultnat, or have a definite prospect of contracting fo~ a consultant, which action he thought was imminent. He said that he hoped the proponed Planning 'Department would be set up and staffed also to perform planning s0rviccG. Mr. Holle explained the arrangement under "701" gl:'ants whm'cby the Federal Governme.nt pays tv1o-thirds of the cost of cf.lrta'i.n Planning sttt- dies. 'I The Report Committee held a meeting at 2:00 P. M. prior to thi~ m~eting and at this time Mr. Galloway, Committee Chaivman, reported in substance the findings of the Cor!L'nitte~ rt";! the> ,^, g n rf~'i}o!'t as follm'ls: The Planners are not very concrete in ~hcir GUSf8sticns. The emphasis of the report was too much on the marketing $ection. J.\ \ Mr. Morris did not feel that thAY arc projectin? the imago of the City as he visualize:. it. HI2 th:i.nkG Cl~<Yr'i']('1teT' s:,ouJ.d hcw~ a '11" d v~ age ~mage ,-,nth GOf<\e op>?n Gp.:..<:~ m,:n to',lIt., The Plan:1ers more Or' les s tno~: T:IDtprin 1 t:"I'=:' t ~'I':,S a vai l.=l.b 1(' i.n other sources--restatcd sorr::.:; tilinr~) th,:tt v."C:"(~ .i.n the 3. t".. S. report, etc. But i~ the City would ~~ ~Qt~vnt~rl ~o action in some progr'c.;:1S sugge::; ted ~ it t'7ould be ;:'(jW'~Y ',1(,',}1 5p~nt. It H?.S not decid'2d t-lhlJth<:2i l,18:.::\rl'k~'[' and ~!0~'}'o....'i 't7. €lr(~ t:l~ proper peoplr:! to cC'j1duc t fUT'thl":)' :;t ud i....:: . P&Z Ed Minutr.:s 2/)1/G~1 P~lgC H 2 A round table dincun~ion followcdt Ch~irman Krun~ summ~d up a~ the f"'.. basis of the Board I s rcvi,e\-! that the Ar.tt pt'opozaln '-'lOre. t<')o indefinite. and some T'CCOlT\1ilcnca t:.ono Hr,H'r! com:d.dr;rcd j,n ~T.'ror. fie Sl.l~ecs ted that prior to the fi~5t phase rc~ort beine tl~ed as a ba5is for plan~5nfl, or prio~ to any further commitment, tho Pl~nners should be permitted a fur- ther review and have corrections made in the report, or that Alexander . and Moskowitz be given the opportunity to present reasons for certain conclusions. It was brought out in the general discusaion that the City must at this time decide Hhethct' OY' not to continue w:i,th the second 'phase report,. i The Planner offered the opinion that the second phase should be'clefcrred until u consultant to be selected for updating the City's Comprehensive Plan was av~ilable for consultation. T~is would " . ......-'\ ) .nable a direct coordination of downtown planning with ovcralJ, City plans. In consideration of Hl"'. \'lo11e' s proposal) the Board ~f,re~e~ recommend that until such time as a consultant is aPDointed for,the up- .h..... v ~ I r.. -.. ~--~ ""....~~ dating of the Comnrehensive Plan that no further action be ta}:en with ........___ - ~ ......... .. ........ ill'" Alexal.1.der an? MOSY.OHi tz. r Hl'" .~~11o\o1av "'la~ to ~E.rep'?-re a formal vn....i tte!.1._ reo'art covering 'the Board's revieH or, the ft.] ey.andel" and ~'rosko~'d. tz ReDOT't .b...... A.Il!I _ L. _,...... _ ......................._.........-.. 11.. .......~ ~ fo~ submittal at the next Beard meetinp-. "'---- J. 1'1.t!l...... -A. - .P}SCUSSZON - CHESTNUT STREET - PIERC~.~~Qt- The Chairman informed the Board of request by the City r-Ianagcp fol" the'Board to review t~e City's proposal for the extension of Picrc~ Boulevard to Chestnut Street via Rogers S~rcet as a loop connector ac- cording to what information is avail~ble. He asked Mr. pettig to brine \ the Board up-to-date on what is propoRed. Mr. 'Ret~jg presented and explained a schemat1c plan prepared by the EnGinee~ing.Dcpartmcnt (illus~rdtivc aerial photOD~p) -for t~l~ water- ., ,~.) front: extens ion of Pierce Boulev.;l rrl. nnd for f i,] J to 2.n '2X t~:lI:lc~ r,u 1:<h"'c''lr1 line (i.nd:tcat:i.nc; a green line Z1~ deliIlca t; nf'. 4trlr~ l)'llkhf!~.:'c.~ lin8 {is ~I.ceto. ~ .,.~"~..,:/!I'""",,, ;,",",: 1., ',::'::';' ':' ":~'I"I~"',,',""':'<""""":'~'~' " ," ,':~:1' ,l..,+~ ~,\"~"",:,,:,:;:-',~',"::",~.,:',,\':::'!,.;,',~.,,~"."":.:..,:'.:,,,:.~t.',I,,_.,'.:':'i:::,,':.,',t,~ ",~:",:,~';,':,',' '.,...., 1'&7, Bd Minuteu ~/ll/6a I-'a r. {' (I 3 sently proposed). Some in foy'mn t.ion Obtc1i ned ",an tha t: Thei hart,hoen told to draw in a reserved area for a future spur for Cl cnuncH.:ty app't'oc1.ch tot'!ul~d Sand Kay. r') The Plan involves tho-dredging and fil11nE of an ar~n from Smith'o Finger to about Turner Street by upfnnd owners, who in ttJrn wculd dedica.te a 100 ft. l.,ip,ht-o f -Hay over the fill to pCl'1n.i. 1: the Pierce... ,Rogers connnctor. 'I'he exact t'oad alignment ~'7as still in question--a schematic alien- ment \-1as i.ndicated . The rload~'7ay Hould be located mOr'e or l(~GS i.n the center ,of th~ propose~ fill area. ' According tb his understanding, th~ City was in the proccsG of ne- gotiating an agre~mcnt with upland property owners whercby pri- vate OHner'S Hquld pay the City 10 cent~; !l'2.r cubic, yard for, fi 11 dredg~d from'city-owned bay bottoms, which it was hoped in turn would p~Y, for the road cons~ruction. It is expected that the City will join with private oWne~s in maKing neceSGcu"y requcs ts for drcdgeand fi 11 permits , (Mr. Kruse added that ot-mers don f t anticipate any opposi ticn from the Board of Conservation). . .-..~ - , The Board reViet1Cd the above information and various question were answer~d by Mr. Rettig. Upon,one inquiry as to the possibility of the Pierce Boulevard connector beine brought down to Turner' Street, Hr. Rettig's opinion was that there were difficulties that would make thin proposal impractical. Mr. Wolle offered the opinion that it would pro- bably not be p!"actical to Hiden Bay or Palm Ave. dm.,?n to Turner Street. Invited comment by all members made it clear that the Board t-IoltJ,d ]ike to see the land 'to the west ~f the roadway in public ownership and that it t'las feared that c',er co~nme!''7i.aliza1:ion or dcv~lopment of thlC' fill area could destroy the intended function of the road as n downtown trnf- fie arteL'ial loop. HO\o1BVer) it \orar; rccogni ?J:c1 (et:5 br'o'J[.h't out by ~rl' i Rettig) that the riparian ~i~hts of the upl~rjcl O'dr,(:r:; toWS ,'1. poi nt to be I, considered, and that t>1i.thout the coo;:,>:,:p'1fioi1 of th0 S C Ct"rvc~'~~ tll:' lOop 'J connector might not become a reaJ.i'ty jn thr. fon:r::<::(:,1b)(~ ftrtl,I~~C nnd ,q without substantial C05t to th~ City. . j': \..~ ~: .' ~~. >"" :~:, ~', I ~..\'~', : ' ... :.. ',..: : ': ~. : :. '.;' < .. ,): I {', ' ~:,:~~ l~' ~ '. <', ~:', :,", ;, ~: ':., .":' /(,: :'; I \,.' ,1 :', '~:' '; < :".: ;':, ;1' .: ',: : ':: ~ .:'~ ,~I, ~.~: ".:, ~'~ ,::"..,' ~..;. ;', ' ..~ .~, ',~:, \ ~.,I: ":.>...' ",/. '.. ~' ....: ,~' : :,. ' ; :: ~ <' /,:.~ '~', , "'::'" ., ~,,: '. I - ....~. :: , , ) .~ 1: r: t' . L r i" ( I I:,'. ). '.~ J:'1&Z Bd Ninutc.s 2/11/69 PaRe /III The City Engineer was available for comment at this time and ex- plained some further details of the proposed project. He indicatetl that only one upland owner was not in.agrecmerit with the propoGal and that negoiiationawere continuing ,to securn his cooperation. lIe advised th~ . Board that he thought that if no p~ivatc development were to be:por- mitted for the outside fill area that the proposal would probably he 'dead. The Chairman suggested that the Board might want time to think more about the matter before coming to any conclusions. Hith.the Board's . fO!1currenc~ J th~ S, agenrla i tern Has deferred until :the next: .:nccting. ZONING .. (a) (b) (e) Rezoning - PUD~R - Request Henneson Rezoning -R-3 - Brookhill Terrace Annexation and Zoning - East side Highland, so. of Union (previous D~. Center property) . The Planner advised that map-drawings would be sent to the Zoning " Committee on the above. .....:. REPORTS - GALI.m'lAY - B^RBER TRACT ... __ T .. There was a general discussion of the Barber tract at the Goutheast corner of Belcher Road and Druid. Ag~nda Items #6 (a), Exce:rpt of Summary Candcub-FleisG:tB & .A,SS05. Transportation Study -' Implementation - Codes & Ordin~nces, and fl6(b), Official Hap, \.lCl'e not covered due to a. tir.1c limitation:" ., The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 P. M. Respectful)y submitted, ~ (1.t'K-,~~'. ~~~}~~~!!/~_~____. . ~ack I.. Wolle, Seely ~i~y Planner . I' . '