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Hinutes of the rtr.le t'ing t . Tuesday t J anuar-y ? B.., 1969.
The Incctine \-l.3.S called to order at 3: 00 P. t1. by the Vice Chairman ,
Hr. Hylandct" t prr~s idin~ in the absence of Chairman Kruse, \-tho ~las in-
dispoGed i Present \-lerc tfcmbcrs "Zeadc, Hal"ries, Butler, Harris,
Schutzendorf and Galloway, 11r. RettiE of the Engineering Department,
and Mr. Wolle. .' .
tDr~om.Il\eiit oy-Sect~io-ns~{ c) COl7lmi t:'tee - Report - Conclus ions
The Planner recaJled the circumstances as to Mr. Kruse's conversa-
tion with the City Manager and the Mayor in which approval was indicated
for the Board to review the report and make expression on it~ He also
"discussed br~~~ly some actions already takeri by the rlan~ger toward i~-
plementing some of the proposals contained in the ~eport.
. .
The Board reviewed and discussed at length this consultant report
prepared by 'Alexander and Noskowi tz, Ine. , titled, "Planning for Do~'m-
to'Vm CIearHater, Part 1 - The Concept Plan If .
In this process, the Vice Chairman read and presented written state-
ment of corr~ent submitted by ~hairman Kruse for Board consideration. The
Board VIas generally in agreement 'Ilith the ideas offered in this COTr!.'r;ent.
; ,
In the above discu~sion some points of analysis emphasized Here that:
Subject report, together with ~eports previously made by the Build
A~erica Better Committee of the Hational Association of Real
Estate Beards, the School of Architecture of the University cf
Florida, and Harland BartholomeH and Associates, furnished suffi-
ci~nt infor~aticn of a backBround .nature. The A S ~1 report re-
peated much information: already known ~c the Board.
The "Economic and !"!arKet ing" sect ion or the repo!'t: COV8'!'E',C~ the
subj ect adequat ely; so~e portions of the repol't shm!o:;;.: a le,ck of
complete information and knc"t11edgc of curr'ent conditions.
It would have been desirable if the downtown are~ cf s~ud1'~a~
been extend,-,!d to t1yrtle {we. en the cast.
Although it was recognized th3t an anticipated s~cond ?ha~c re~ort
to follow was to 6e mere of an in-d~p~h study, the Ccnc€;t ?15n
part of the report was some~hat defici~nt in any visionary ap-
proach or concrete recor.':1lt:!ndr3'tion:.:;.. ~,~t'. ~~orris sur.;!~~.r:;t<:'r. th,~'f~ ~"]: i.:::
the nucleus of fi.!1c:lnci 2.J. ins ti ":ttt:!.ons a;Jn gOV!:! l':men ta 1 f ac il it .i,e'3 ,
the n~cd N~S :or' r.l~!'e ir.t~:,~"),?t'scd lit'f.=2.~ shoDs. HoP. also Dro'.
posed that the City should h~vc more opon arc~ in tllC do~nio~n to
create a villaB~-likc e~vironment.
. ~ ..
P&Z Ed Ni,nu ten
P~1B(! 1/2
COfltd,daro.hlc di.'3cunsion revolved a:round a po~ni bIe oi to for it con...
t"" vcntion center' (or combination convention-cultural ccntt!r), which it t<1as
felt would not necessarily have to be located on the Bay front. Generally
the Board concluded that the City did not need a large facility such ~5
the Bayfront Center in St. Petersburg or the Curti~-Dixon Center in
Tampa, but that a center with a seating capacity of from 1000 to 2000 or
2500 would be a valuable asset to the downtown.
After some further discussion, Mr. Mvlander eDoointed Mr. Gallowav
T p t"V t ...........-.............. 1.. l . . .I!o......dM'q
as Chai r'man o~__a ccrrun&~~tee to :e::.ene.re a repartp_to th~ Ci tY._~n..o!!B.!?r t -v1i th
'him~elf an~ .l1!;.: Eorz::~s :to serve as members, ,,-as sisted by H!: ~J5.!:~.se and
.Mr. t'lo11e.
...." ----q' .............
---- .....
(a) Travel Trailer Park (continued from 1/21/69) -
. ----IJ ........ . __~____
The Board reviewed copies of a proposed Zoning Ordinance amendment
(distributed at the previous meeting) to allow for extension of duration
of stay from 30 days to periods up to 120 days under certain provisions.
There was some discussion as to Hhether utilities required to be availa-
hIe at each space should be specified. However, satisfaction was ex-
pressed with the text as written after opinion offered by J1r. Rettig that
the requirement for utilities to be approved by the City Engineer pro-
vided ad~quate control.
The Board voted to aDcrove the Travel Trailer
~ _ v "t. .. ~.._.
Park ?roposed a~endffient as presented.
(b) R-M Zone - B Usage ProDoscd - Comme~~
(continued '"from "Jan 1lI76-!:i"Y--
The Board continued its discussion of the' Planner's study proposal
titled, f11-Jimi ted .Business Usaf.;p. of P.-~I Zoned Tracts Under One Ot.mel'ship
or Management" (with reference'to copies distrihuted at the Jan 1~/69
meeting) .'" The only concl us ions renched Here that:
In regard to the :irst ?~raf:r~?h
Th€ Plann0P would discuss t~ls
Hith f'!r. ~~o!'ris.
P&Z Bd ~1inut(!s
Pc.lgc 113
In regilrd tCJ thl'; second and third
paragraphs Thc~c were still to be dccid~d.
In regard to the last two para-
grapho . - Th~ propor.aj 5 \oJcrc accept~b) I.? t
It was Board opinion that any addod provision for limited b~siness scr-
vices should be ,in a simple form. 'rhe BOt\rd favored a sucgestion by
Hr. Butler to eliminate the phrase, "each less than 6-::l'tOt'1" in tho, 3rd
paragraph and a sueBcstion by Mr. Mylandcr to reduce the cxistine ~ercen-
tageformula of 40% of the grounrt floor area to a lower fieure and pro-
yide in a separate paragraph for a separate service center.
'l'he number'
. ;
of'f~milies pe~ acre was considered as a pos~ible basis for eligibility.
The Board E..o~t!?.oned action_ on this aEY.cnda item until the next mee!:~E..:..
The Chairman announced a Public Hearing before the Board on zoning
and annexation, scheduled for February 4/69 at 3:00 P. 11. The Planner ad-
-~ vi~ed that as soon as possible he would send reference map-draHings for
the properties of reque?t to members.
,Agenda ItclE f!l~ (b), Current Items Planning, Office, \ora;.; not covered
due to a time limitation.
Planning literature was distributed.
The meeting was'~djournmd at 5:10 P, M.
Respectfully submitted,
g~~tJ CJ~E
J.rJ.ck I. Wolfe~ SeC'y-
Ci ty Planner,
.~;./ ,