12/10/1968 ;'. '._ :::.: :1.:'~:..' ',' ',: ~ I. . .".:: . ..... ," ~,<~. .: .~.:; <:~ . ,\', ~ ; ',~. ~:,:+~: ~:q,,~, ~ .I:>!.:" "~ ;:.., .::.'. ...... '. :': :<.'.\ . ~>:,: ~'\'~' : '. _, ;> :....:-.: ',: ',: :,:': '. .._.....~ ".\ '\-: ~ :.: :' ~.:r .,:"." ;'. ,:.: :',' '/ ~: ".' :.::~:'\ : :':'.:': ..\ 1", \," "...:' ;.i. :( / :.~ +: '. .... ~.. :' I'.: ;"~ ,~. :',,: ,::. ~,' 'iJ~, . .. J . -- /' V THE PL.t..NUIUGArm ZOUItIG BOARD . HinutcG of the l.teeting t Tues'day, Dcce.mber- 10, 1966. The rneetine ...:as convened at 1: 55 P. H. fOllo',...!ing a public hearing before the Board, opening at 1:30 P. M., at which the application for, zoning and annexation for the following property was heard:.f ~) Robert A. Barr - Metes and Bounds parcel - the SoutheQuarter of . the Northeast quarter, Sec. 2-29-15, less North 170 ft. now within City limits - located on the Northwest corner of Sunset Point Road and Keene Road - Reouest P.-IC zonin~ for the Hesterlv tier of lots of a nronosec SUbdivision anc. ~{-in zoning for' the" balance or "the area-. --#" ~. .' -', \ Record of such hearing ~las taken on tape and is on file in the Planning Office. Present at the hearing were Vice Chairman Hylander, .t>7ho pre- sided due to the attendance of Chairman Kruse at a Committee mee~ing involving City planning matters, 'Members Harries, Galloway, Spier, Butler, Schutzencorf, Morris and Reade, Mr. Rettig of the Engineering Department, . ~nd M~~ Wolle.- The same were present at the 1:55 P. M. meeting with Mr. Nylander in the Chair, . . The minutes of the, meetings of October 22 and Octob~r 29, 1968, and special,~eeting of October 30,1968, were app~oved as submitted in written summation to each member. ANNEXATION AND ZOHINf.; :.. :\CTION FROt-! PUBLIC HEA~ING Reauest Robert 'A. Barr ~ The Board reviewed the application, with reference .to annexation ~ap- 'drat.ring, and evaluated 'the evidp.nce presen~ed at the Board's public he~r- ing. The Board studied a more detailed nreliminary 3che~atic lo~ ?lan f~r the proposed Clearview Lake Estates Subdivision suhmitte~ t~at mcrn- ing by Mr. Peterson, developer's enginee~. Explanation was given by the Planner that: The north 170 ft. of this south quarter section (which was included in the plan) was already in the City and zoned R-IE. Develop~~ may want to rezone this pqrtion later. . .,.~ . " ~ ~ , . ..' t , : . I' .~.:...... /; / : " ;:. .:. "... ~: .', .:. '. ':; ;~ '....,' .,...:. ~. '" ':. ',' ;' ',.. ,.,,: ". " :.. : ~. ~. :. ~ . '. I ~ ::.:,~ \, / ~ .: ' ~ :: ":' ~ I, .~( ~ : .' : ~ ..: '.: :.. 1\:.;. :".:.', ,: I. ... . ',; ;: :,.~ ,.1::' ,:' ~".: ~': '. . ~ '.: ~ l' ~ :,'.: " :: ...:. . ~ . :",": . +.,.. ..,:~. '. i . : '.,',:' '1.' ~ \:'::'.' . : I' : \ ':...: :", .' " : :,'. ,',"", '. .' , ". I. : P&Z Bd t'1inutes 12/10/68 P!lge 62 ~. ,The submitted plan nhowed a linkage to the west which he and the Engineering Department had indica~ed to Mr. Peterson would be required. By overall area plan Nugget Driv~ as platted in Sunset Lake Estates would serve as linkage to the north to platting of future units of Windsor Park Subdivision. In his opinion, there was no need to provide for linkaee to the north within the platting for the proposed Clearview EstateG Subdivision. -Motion bv Mr. Reade, seconded by Mr. Harries, was Dass~d unani60uslv y . , that the Board recommend a~Droval of annexation reauest for R-IC and J R-ID zonin7, as submitted fo~ parcel (BAPR) as le~allv described in .. ~ - ~ . , Notice of Public Hearing for December 10/68., It t-las also recommended . , ., that above parcel be designated as Fire District No.2 classification. Such zoning recommendation was based on the fallowing considerations; Mr. C. A. Peterson, engineer, represented the applicant. ,There were no objectors at the hearing. v '.' Area on north, south, and west is. single family zoned and used. (Area to ~mmediate east is County A-2 Agriculture zoned; area to southeast is vacant and County A-2 zoned.' .1 .... R~q~estecl zoning provides for continued expansion of single family development in accordance Hith standards already established in the area. It was n~ted that 50 ft. 1/2 right-of-way dedication for Sunset Point . Road and North Keene ~oad is intended to be estahlished by platting a~d that other int~~ior streets are to be in accord~nce vTith Subdivision RegUlations requirements. PUBLIC HEA?nrG SC~Ert'LE - !I,~I!'E>:t'\:'Imr ;\;\!l) , ZOnI:rlj - rJ~"" .A. LII..J Bd. Dee. 17/68 - (a) Florida Power HB Zonin[ West of Belcher ~d extended - Harth of Palmetto'Street (b) Pelot,et al , R-4 Zoning Lots 49 6 50 - ~c~lat of Ardmore Place - !!o!'th~<:.st en!". So. Sett'f 'Lane and Bro0ning Street . Some preliminarj discussion was held to orient me~bers with the -~ properties of request and ~he 'intended usace. , Concerning above Iten (a), explanation ~as rece!v~d that a northern portion of the' tract was pres~ntly, occupied by Fla. Power for an P&Z Bd Hinutc:; 12/10/68 P?ge It 3 tJ~ , . ,operations center (engineering. office, storage of trucks and equipment, etc~) and that a southern portion was vacant. The Pla~ner e~prcssed the opinion that HB 7.oning Has appropriate for the usage to be made of the t~act and compatible with County . zoning in the area. Concerning above Item (b), explanation was received that"since the'preparation of today's Board agenda the original petition for, R-4, Multi-family, zoning had been changed to P-2, Duplex, zoning and that ~ Mr. ~1ezzatesta, one.of ~ne parties to the request, pro- .posed to relocate duplexes from the General Telephone site at Cleveland Street on lots of reouest. The Board also was in- formed that the existing County zoning of the Pelot lots CR-4) would permit 1, 2, and &3family dtoTellings. . The Vice Chairman reminded the Board that this hearing was set to be- The Planner advised that an- . . . " gin at 1:30P. M. the following Tuesday. nexation map-draHing~ would be mailed to members for reference in mak- ing site inspections. TRAFFIC AND PARKING REPORT . Th~ Planner reported that the office had two additional copies of the. Traffic and Parking Study for Clear-Nater on t-lhich the City Commis~ sion,held a public hearing on December 3. He called att~ntion to the , . " fact that a copy of the Dm,mtov7n Association's recommendations and sug- gestions to the Commission in its endorse~ent of the study .was filed with the office file copy of the report. . As background Mr. Wolle in- formed the Board of some issues discussed at the DO~lntown Association meeting and reviewed. '../i th the, Planning Committee of the' Association, but ,! 'which, ~lere not adopted to be included as recornmendations. Mr. Mylander r~ported on his attendance at the public hearing, ~long with Mr. Kruse and"Mr. Reade. CHRISTHAS LUNCHEOn DEC. 18 Plans were announced for the Board's Annual Christmas Luncheon to be held at noon, ~lednesday, DecembAr 18/68 at the Statler Hilton Inn i '.-/ on the Beach. " , , . P&Z Bd Hinutes 12/10/68 P~g(l l'4 . REPORT ON TPANSPORTATION SHORT COURSE FSU ~ ,,' Mr. vlo11e reported on his attendance -at an Urban Tr...lnsportation i ,_,/ Planning Short Course December 2 th'C'ou'Lh 6 at the Florida State Univer- sity in Tallahassee (a 40 hour session), Some of the course curriculum. was co~ented on and explanation given of the relationship of some stud~es to transportation studies now in progress under the direction of the Pinellas Planning Council which are being coordinated by the State Road Department. MI'. Kruse arrived at. 2: 45 P. H. and assumed the Chair. " . ZONING CO!1~nTTEE - RECOHNEHDED P.EVISIOnS TO TRAVEL TRAILER PAP,K SECTION - The Planne~ presented as a proble~ that there are s~veral par}~s, or sections, for travel trailers that have seasonal visitors in small travel trailers (independent type vehicles) and that, according to the City Engineer,.the Manager felt that ther~ should be some provisions in the ordinance to permit longer stays than the 30 days presently al- lowed.' ~he Planner presented a. pr~posal w~ich he had prev~ously dis- cuss~d with the City Engineer, in general to: (1) Tie it down to a certain size for an independent travel .trave1. . (2) To tie it down to the minimum housing code standards for minimum hapitable floor space and for sleeping. (3) Provide that park opE.rator tTould allocate area that is contiguous. (4) Provide that renters of space could not take out any builp- ing permits for any ~ermanent attachMents. AEter some discussion, the Board voted to reco~~end nS a solution to the nroblen t~a~ the 30 dav ti~e linitation in the travel trailer Dary. , sectio~ of the, Zonin~ Orrlinance be r.ai~ed to 120 day~. The Planner ad- " vis'ed that he vlould. submit a H!"'':' tten ordinancE! ar:1endr.tent pro~osal for Board revie',l. . PEZ Bd. Minutes 12/10/60 P~gc 115 ,'. OTHER REPORTS - "701" Reconnaisance Studv - . ~":/~ In ~cgard to the proccGsing of planning grants under the "701" , , , . Federal program, Mr. toJolle re?orted that Clearwater '..:as second on a ., . . priority list with the Florida Develop~cnt Commission and had been told that the Ci~y would be eligible for planning assistance funds up to " $40~OOO. Mr. t1ol1e explained the requirements of a P.econnaisance "Study to be made and other requirements for qualification by. a munici-' p~li.ty. OTHER ITEHS (CHAIRHAN'S): " The. Chairman ' indicated that certain p~oposals in regard to the PierceBoulevard~~ogers Street tie~in had been publicized .in' the ,Press J and that he would request. that the City Manager prov~de further infor- "j . , , matic;m to the Board for discussion and/or'revie.'1. Planning literature was distributed. The meeting ,was adjourned at 3:10 'P. M. . Respectfully submitted, "'-,1, Ct..dC. g., UJ "tIc:. I. Wolle) See y Planner ~\ '. ' '1 ') , I, ..... ) ,:, '.... '11 :~;'.:i., . ,'.. .....l'\~~\.:' :',:.:.. .'.....;t,\~~..:...j(.\I~. '....e..'..:'..:. .:' ..~. . ~'I'":. . :.:.: .::..~;,' '.~ :.'~..'~......~\.:::-....:;',\:\.j/".'\''''.:''I'':....~t.:.'":.~~:I,:'."::\'.~./~"': .;...I.-'....'~'....'\......,'..;.:......:.\~:~.,:r;, ." 'I. , . 'NOTIC~ OF PUBLIC HEARING fA'\ 'The Planning and Zoning BO~ll"'d of the City of ClcQI"Hatcr) Florida) will hold. tl public llctlr.inn at tl1C~ City Hall ^udi torium) 112 S. Osceola Ave., Clearwater, florida, bcginnine at 1:30 P.M., Tuesday, December 10, 1960, , ANn The City Commission of the City of Clearwater will hold a ptiblic hearing ~t the City Hall Auditorium, 112 S. Osceola Ave., Clearwater, Florida, beginninG at 1:30 P.M., Monday, December 16, 1968, for the purpose of consid~rinB ~he followinc i~em: The request for al1nc:-wt ion in'to the City of' ClearHater and the determination and establishment of the zoning and fire district classification for the following described veal properties in Pil1ellao County, Florida: .' , , "' '--.... . \ , J r P~operty is locat0d on the Nor~hwest corner of . Sunset Point Rd. ~ndKeene Rd. The owner of said property has rcqdested that the City of Cl~arwater establish R-IC (single f~mi~y) zoning for th~ westerly tier of lots of a proposed subdivision and R-ID (single family) for the balance of the area and Fire District No. 2 classification tnereon. ' ~ . .i The City Commission, after considering all the facts and recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board, will render a decision to grant the zoning request of the owner or a zoning classification as may be deemed proper. Those persons interested are requested to be present for the purpose of being heard or may file written approval or objections with the Planning and Zoning Board for that Board r 5 public hearing and Hi th th,e . City Clerk for the City COJmniss ion public heaping, at Clearwater City Hall, 112 S. Osceola Ave., Clear\o!atcl", Florida, prior to the date of the' appropriate public }learing. City of Clearwater, Fla. R. G. Whitehead, City Clerk Jack Wolle, City Plannqr . , Note:' Applicants or representatives must be present at the hearing. II ". .+ I '-" 11- 2 9 - 6 8" .;