10/15/1968 : "\.'.. I . '.~"" ; ,.. '1'1ll~ PL^1It11NG AllD IIONINC IHMIW .........'.. Hi.nutcfJ of the.ncet:i.TIGt 'flWr.di:\Y) October Hit J9G8. 'J'he ,rnectin,g \~<1.G cnllcd to ol'dcr Ht 3: 00 P. 11. by the Cha:i:rnwn, Mr', Krouse, Present Here ftcI"lbcrn I-lylandc~r t Butler', l~cudc:) Sp icr, !'{orri!; and Schutzendol"f, ~1p. Rcttis:: of the J::nr;inoer'iJ1~ Dcpnr.tment,' and HI'. Holle. ._~... The minutes of the meetings of September> 17, 19GB, and September> 24, 1968, were approved aD submitted in written summation to each member. . ,REZOHING n.E$~UE?:r - dis,cuGci on . t.Jit)1~!,Cpr.cs CTltC1t~.~es of Gen' 1 Tc 1. Co. - Realtor' Pc;Uw Ncttert ~e.ld. ' 1contJ.nued trom :rO)1/G8) Pr>csent by invitation were represcntativ~G of GenerDl Telephone Co. (James Ault, Attorney, Richard Buckingham, vlestern Division Hanager, and Peggy Nctterfield) The Chairman expressed pleasure that these re~resentatives could, meed: 'vi th the Board and requested that Hr. 1,o}olle begin the discussion, The Planner' explained Board procedure in bringing in applic~nts if there were questions concernine detailS of an applica"tion and that since ~he requested zoning penetrates a residential area, he suggested that l"'epresentatives discuss \.,rhatever' plans they had for the utility r s ex- pansion. In their presentation to t~e Board reference was made to an, aerial photo a.nd to a plot plan distributed indicating site of the,existing Clearwater Main Central Offic~, 1969 5-story building addition, a future' building addition and microwave tower, and proposed spaces for parkint use. Some information obtained was that: They were requesting for the three propertie~) pointed out as outlined i.n red, to be zoned Busincss ruthcl; thnn residentiill. They have entered into a contract to purchase these 3 properties, but unless zoned so that can be used for their purpose they il.re not obligated to,comp1etc the.purchase. As to expansion plans) a large equipment buildine is planned to be erec~ed some tirn2 during 1969, ae an addition to the existing building, this to he on pl"'operty nm'1 company o',.med and zoned Business" It is also t)lanned to huild (lnathel; future addition to the north of the planned cquipD(~nt buildinG) possi.bly in the next thrnc or four Y8i\T'S (perhnpr. !'Jooncr' d~pendinr. on the rate of gr.o\.lth of the company's Clean-fa teT' sCT'vicn .:L rc<l.) -..also on ,: ~ P&Z'Dd Minutcn 1 n /1 r,; () n Piq:,ft 112 presently O\o1lwd pr1..')prH'ty. ^ m:lCPOHilVn to\-1CT' iW ~,}hmm 0'1 pIo t plnn is to .bo Cl.)l)flt}'\1cterl, wJ1ich \01111 l."'r:wult in il ,:.r'cilt .im- pr'ovclIIcnt in the t(~l~phonc nCl"'\vi.cC. 'rhc lots to the r(\["O"' to he purChtH1Cd Hill be used 1:"01:' piJ.rld.ng. If these lots ':ll'C acquired, they Hill immcdi(.\tcly tOilr do~m the existing structures and put in pa~cin~. It wan stilted that ~ in the. long-range future t",ith other' buildi.ng cxpanr.ion they t.,rould'~ plan to acquire nearby property for parking. It wan indicated that thi.s' toll, center in Clcar....1atcr. will handle morc than half of the population in P~nel1as County in tho next 15 years. In l"esponse to inquiries made, it \'las learned that the number of employees \olOrking at any given time in tlic building' nOH on the present site Hould be 252 and that the planned 169' building addi tiol1 ",ould add only maintenance employees (probably under 2b in number). Further that at pres~nt 79 spaces were designated for employee parking, which they HOllld say is an insufficient number. 111". Buckingham) in reply, said that the transition to automation) rather than reducing the rate of employm~nt', will only slow it. Mr~ Wolle offered some suggestions regarding poss~ble improvement of traffic ciT'culation on the property . and for consideration in future planning. In discussion with ~he representatives as to the acceptability of an alternative PUD-Comll zoning if the properties could qualify fo~ such zoning, both l1r. Aul t and Hr. Buckingham expr.es sed ilereemcnt to a change to PUD,-Con 11 zoning. They emphasized that the company had no in- tention of using the lots to be acquire~ for anyt~ing but telephone , usage and pur.'kine and that the company does not entel" into any non cwso- eiated or landlord type of businesses. Mr. Mylander expressed the opirl- " ion that possibly ,the City COlnI;,dssion might zone the three pl'opcrties 'PUD-Com'l and vl~i VB the II 0,000 nq. ft. minimum requirement. 3:55 P. 11. The Gentl Tclcnhonc Co rcnrcsentativcs were thanked for their atte~dancc and ~etircd from the meetinB. " ..,J . After some furtlle~ d~ScuRsion an~ an evaluation ofinformntion pre- sented) Hr. Horri5 tiiovp.d ,!,<! ~t:ccojnl!1(~l2.:~!.!.-~hc l?eC1Ue!~:t fOp~" zon~22r for the properties as legally descri))cd in rezonlng applications ~ 11 f, f.J Ild t-\:i. Jl utQ n lO/I!.l/Gfl 1'\') i' (: 11:1 r:- ,SS.,;lnC,g 2,'":..~_ 3 5 ZM) 111-i!n0-2:.::.l!!..::.!l!L!U-hn ...Qr-n:i NL) MHl jJ1-1i.~\1 tl~!.:1-!5~ l"ccornrncmd thn1: the Ol'('lIWl.t:i.(~rJ und(!l" con!.id(\t.".;\tion be ~'.oJWtl PUn-CI '.,dth _ ~..............._~"..,.....__--....-_ 'T L _ r _... .Il!I.to.... . r'" ]. f f Hll.l. vcr, 0' t.w rn:1.11l.rn~-~[1t"C10, !'(~9...~~l"'>cmcnt 0, " 110 5000 r,\.J. f!:, a!lCl tp, 'ur- ,thei..' recommen<,l.. thnt~the princ~.~i.l l?lt'ccl of rC9.uewt .on Bett," ].an(~ ~ the parcel 911 Fl"'edr1cu J2r:i.ve p,e connected bv ~ some, aCCC~3S (said ,!!l2;:. ,tion to clal2i..~y' t1lClt the C'.~is~inr; Busi 11C~S_S zone ls not affec~ed) .. His' , , ,pto~ion~ secon~lC;2 :.?-Y Hr. ~cad~, IrlaS paused unanimous!y. Such zoning reconunendation vIas bm~ec1 on the folloHing considerations-- Recognition that this is a public utility that ~ust expand on the site; how~ver, that general Business zoning would legal- ly, permit no control, of limited business usage of the tracts as tied into the utility operations, office and parkine facilities. . " Traffic ingress-egress and th~ough traf~ic planning'on Betty Lane necessitates control and close coordination v1ith the City. "a" zoning as such is not compatible, Hi t11 the neighborhool; 'however, PUD-C zoning Hould provide means for the expansion of the utili ty accord~.ng to fU'1:ul"'>C demands and \o1i tl1 a minimized effect ,on adjoining al"'>eas. . 'PUB.LIC HEAP-lUG FOR ANNEXATION AND ZONI'NG - OCT. 22/68 , f (a) Ransom - Lot 2, Blk. 1, Highland Pines - R-IE' (b) Thrasher - Lots 1 g 2, Elk. 1, Bayview Sub.- R-IE (c) Hunt & Cassady - Lots 7 thru 19 incl. Hillcr.est Estates, First Addn. - R-IC (d) \11m. Trickel - Lot 14, B19Ck C, NeadoH Creek - R-IC ? The Planner announced a public heu~ing for the Board on above requests scheduled for 3:00 P. M. on October 22. Any discussion of, thesQ items was deferred pending receipt of annexat50n drawings to " be ~ailed to members by the Planner. REPORT ON BJ::AlJ'frFr CATI 011 C0l1i1ITTJ:E -- Mr. Kruse reported on a recent Beautification Co~nittce meeting held to bring members up-to-date as to present developments involving beautifi- cation matters. As to ~he Edgcwnter Drive beautification project; Mr. , '._~' Kruse rep?r'ted that he ha,d lH':en instr.ucted by t~H~ City .~fann.gE',l" to defer any further discussions or contact with property owners pending the ~ '~ , ~ ' Pf.'l.. Hd IHmrtcn lO!l!,!GH' P':lgc iI'I ou.tCOlnC of t\Cgl"l't in tionn nOH :t n progr'fHHi ",d.th Dne of tlw Ov)HC)"'[. of prop- erty on t.he HC~.t sieJe of the Dr.ive. Some othor heillltific(lt'ion mt.lttcl"G wore briefly discussed. .~ ..;'. REZONING REOUEST - II: 00 P. H. disclHHdon' vIi tll renresentative, - , -, . lrttor'nc'l L10(:! 'Evere1:'t'~ . GlearHatcr' nay HarinCl'- HE Zoning - No. Osceola (continued fro~ 10/1/GB) Because of a misunderstanding t1r. Joe Everett was not able to ap- pear for presenting informat5,on qoncerning a rezoning request for Clear- water Bay Mar'ina. From some telephone discussion with Mr. Ev~rett, Mr. Wolle un~erstood that the property if zoned may be used for the storage of boats, He also understood that f'1r. Evcr'ctt had some contact Hi th Nr. Peacock-owner of abutting property to the 6ast. He had stated that Mr. Peacock hrid expressed concern that ~le proposed building would cut off his view of the water. ~ ~...r' Mr.' \'10110 pl"oposed that the Board might consider \,'hethcr it Hanted to recommend "B", Business, zoning, acting upon dct~rtnination that the storage of boats would fit into t~at zohc as a special exception 1"0- quiring the approval of the Ed. of Adjustmen't and Appeal on Zoning, Ol~ defer the applieC'. tion with request fol.~ G:\ confil."'m{ng lette.r [l:oom Hr. Everett stating details of the intended use. After some discussion~ the Clear,vlater Bay t-~arire Hays request \'1aS deferred until the follO\.7inp, Tues- ~a~{ I?en::Hn~ a rne~:.:ti;ng \.li th ~r. Evoroett at thil t time" Beach na~kin8- M~. Kruse reported that it has been suegcsted that an . J............ I.. 'P- __ exemption for off-street parking requirements might be applied to one ,or two blocks On Clearwater Beach (as presently included fo~ the Central , Business Dist~ict). He said he thought the Board should make some recom- mendation on i't .,dthin the ne;.:t t-lee}~ O)~ so Clnd l~C'qucstecl thcJ.t mambOl'':; ~ive consideration to thi~ question. u t1aas Dr.otlv'lr's Exnansion - t-fro. Kruse hrour:ht to tlH: BOr.I'd' n atten- ", C,! ,'t f' ,<,il: " Pf.Z Del Hinutcn lOllS/GO P~gc il!> ,~ tion the announcement m,llc1(~ by,Hi1cw BrotherE; at the Oct. 1'1 r,pcciul City Comrniscion mccti.nr, concerninr, plans for .~m nddi.t:i.on of 55,000 sq. ft. of floor space to the firm's Clenrwate~ store, contingent upon construction by, the City of' a multi-level parking facil:i.ty on ,proper.ty 011 No. Osceola immediately north of the cxistinr, store. It was reported that at this meeting the City Commission authori zed it contract \.1i th \H 1 bur' Smith and ~... Associates for the conduct of feasibility studies on the OGccol~'parking facility ~lus the acquisition of the old ACL rieht-of-way through the downtown area for parking purposes. It wa~ also lear~cd that negotiations " have been under way for the purchase of certain railroad properties that 'have been declared surplus. FPZA Annual Conference - Nov. 21(Thu~s), Nov. 22, & Nov. 23 ~rhe"- }'i'!anne"L' sOlici tad inrol"'mation as, soon as poss~blc as to- members who might plan to attend this confc~ence. , " ,Revict-} of f)o\-ln'toHl1 Rcnort (A & t.1) ,- The Planner announced that he -Mw I ,~'..~ . had obtained 't additional 'copies of the Alexander. and ~1oskm.,Ti tz report for distribution. ,The, Chair.man indicated .that pr.obably the Boal:"d vIas goine to be asked fo~ a review of this report. ChipelloJ et al, Recornmendc:-.t.~- Upon requ'cst of the Chairman, the Planner read for the Board's information paragraph of additional comment included in memorandum fort-larded covcr.ing recommendation on ' Item #4 (C~ipello, et al) of p~blic hearing for 10/8/G8 as follows: . "Additional Comment - The Board directs to your attention th~t the existing pavement \li thin this subdivision': lappeara to be substandard. Special considel"'ation m'ay be required to correct this . situation. \I Planni~g lit~rat~re was 'distributed. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 P. M. Respectfully submitted, :, . .~..J rule Q it) O-(k .l.ck I. ~'!c)lle,. -See l'y' : '. ty Planner