10/01/1968 , ,,":.',":', .,...' ...~..:-, ~>"'j::":"'::' :i~f.'_'. .', "(:"': ::'; ,j, . I.: ":,~'I;", .",'::'::},:.: ::'" "':'"',~,,,,~'!:::';'.'f'.:;:,.'>,:" ';....;.:.. :~,.~.r::.,:~...: ,.:.."l::~ :'.;'~ ': .:"':"~ '.',"'t.~ :"',: :'::,:':' "':~:..~:',>::.I,,.,..":,:.,I".:: ~':", "'I~~':: ".~:" ','. '::.." /' , 'rilE Pl.,ArINIt.Jr::; MID ZONING nO^J~t) v .~ , f.{i.nuteo of the Hooting ~ 'fucGday t Octoher 1 ~ J 96 B. . , The meeting waG cnllcd to order at 3;00 P. 11. by the Chairman, Mr. Krunc. PrcGent !,olere t'~cmbcrG Butl cr, t~y1(lndc'r'. Schutzcndorf, Reade and Morris ~ f-Jr. RettiE of the Enr;incering Department, and Hr., Nolle. The minutes of the meeting of September 10, 1968~ wore approved as submitted i.n wl"i tten summation to each member. REVIEW ACCBPTANCE OF AMBIXSIDE 2ND. ADDITION SUBDIVISION - The Planner presented above plat with information that the plat conformed to the master plan with the exception ofa requirement ~o be made for an additional 10 ft. dedication for the right-of-way for Palmetto Street to the north of Lot No, 89 (presently indicated.on the plat submitted as 10 feet). Mr'. . ?cttie' confirmed that Hhen the .",' .' John F. Kcnriedy School was built the city'asked for alld obtained 40 feet of right-of-way for Palmetto Street adjoining the .school proper- tyon the south, arid that extending from this proponcd plat westward ::",i. ~' " . ;:;E' to Highland Ave. Palmetto Street has a 60 ft. right-of-way. It was also pointed ou~ by ,Mr. Wolle and Mri Rettig that there is no dedica- tion of record for an east half right-of-way for Casler Ave. bordering "that the Board upon revie~v of the plat submiTted for AT:1hleside 2nd Addition w6uld recommend an additional 10 ft. on the south side of Palmetto Street across the nbrtherly boundary of Lot 89, and that it has been hrought to the attention of the Board that there has been no dedicatIon on the east side of Casler Ave. for the half right-of-way (north of Palmetto Street) which abuts the school property, and that it is further recommended "that this dedication be sou&ht.lI The above motion 'Ila5 passed unanir;:lousl'l. REZONING R::OUESTS hi::>.. ReDort of Zoninrr Committee (rerel"lence is made to-P&t. Bd minutes of 9/10/ 68 for.prio~ discussion) '_.i Land use and zoning area drawings had been mailed to members " . prior to today's meeting. P& Z Bel. tHnutco 10/1/60 Page 112 ~ (1) Caoata Inc. & Dynamic Investments Inc. 1,...10-1&0 Lots 2.3. II. Block K. Iloulcvflt'd Heir;ht::; Sub. R-11 to PHS (tH'l cor. 'of Ran Remo f. Court St.) The application was reviewed with study of Gurrounding land una and zoninr,. Mr. Butler reported recommc.ndation of !.l)e Zoninr. Committee for approval of reC!uer,t fot" change from R_l~ to PRS zoning as being in ~onfot"mance with the Board's previous studies and general zonine plan fo~ the 6onversion of this Court Street frontage i~ this sector be- tween Gulf-to-Bay and Hillcrest. Hotion hv Hr. Reade that the rncorn- - mcndati~on of the Zonini~ Corrmi ttee he iloprov(j!d ~ seconded by Hr. Schutzen- dorf~ was passed unanimously. It was recognized that subject applica- tion further supported a trend of interest for the .establishment of '-' , ., pro!essional uses as reflected by prior rezoning of various other lots along this Court Street frontage. ."( 2) Lowell F. & Anita J. Nunson Z-lY-868 Lots 39 & 40~ Block Mt Brookhill Unit 04 R-2 & R-lE to R-3 (South side Lakeview Road, west of Hillcrest Ave.) -:i "::" . The application was reviewed with study of sur~ounding lano use ) . and zoning. Mr. Butler reported recommendation of the. Zon:i.n~ Comr. .i..~ for auoroval of reQuest for change from R-2 and R-IE to R-3, r ;, ~'. . ~ Planner reported that applicants had originally indicated to him that they wanted to build tripley.es. After. explanation by the Planner as to limitations imposed under an R-3 zoning classification~ motion bv Mr. .~eade ~ seconded b., Nr. Schutzendorf,. -_hut the recolT'Ji,nndation of the Zoning Committe~e be. a'Doroved Has passed unanimausl':.~ It \>las recog- l .'- . . nized that R-3,controls would most likely insur.e a lOvl density multi- family development that ."lould be compatible in the area. (3) Cle~rwater Bay Marine Wayo) Inc. Z-12-868 Lot l~ Blk~ 2, J~ A. Gorvals Sub. (with exception) R-IE to liB" (\'lest side of N. Osceola ~ no. of 900 H. Osceola Ave.) The application was reviewed with study of surroundin~ land use " .'. : ''h . ......... ~.... .,....+ .. ~ P&7.. Dd, Hinutcs lO/l/GB Page f/3 and zoning. Upon inquiry, Hr'. Holle n t,"lt~d thnt he had not qtl cot ioncd Frank l,cvison, an officer of the compuny, 8bout the proposed use of the ...~ . propel"ty. rir, Butler reported thn t the, Zoninr. Committee fi.:r.st consi- dered the HB request and had also some cliscu~nion of PUD-CI zoning, in under that/this zoning more 'control of the use could he retained. It was agreed that the record show that the Board feels that the marina is a very essential operation for the city due tothc extensive boat interests, but also it believed certain protection should be given to the residen- tial area adjacent. In that the total area of the property of request was less than the min~mum size of 40,000 s~. ft. stipulated as an ordi- nance requirement 'for PUD-CI zoning, this zoning was not possible, with- out also considering a variance.It ~las recognized that if the intended use included boat building, HB (Heavy Business) zonine would be needed. However, if' repair and maintenance \'ler'p. the only operations, then the. "B~ zone might apply. Therefore it was necessary to know the specific use intended for the prop.e~ty,' The Plam:1er vIas instructed to obtain this information or have present at 'the next meeting the applicant or his representative to explain the proposed usage. *(4) James R. Hezzatesta (Rent. James Ault - Gen'l Tel. Co,) Z-13-868 Lot 1, 2 S No. 25 ft. Lot 3, Block B, Resubdiv. of Padgett's Estates t:( 5) Agnes Schu:-.rke 2-14-868 Lot 9, less the East 10 ft, of F. A. Kenncdys Fair Lane Addn. toJi.lliam Lyons Z-15-868 Lot 13, Block 3, Revised Plat of Brookwood Terrace *( 4)( 5) (6) , All requent R-4 to B - General 'I'elephone Sxpansion \ . l'r (6) These,applications were reviewed with study of surroundinB land use and zonina and with the knowledee that) accordine to accompanying letter of submittal dated Aug 26/68, the General Tclep~onc Co. has entered into' a purchas.e agreement for each of the above 3 propcrtic::; and thcr;c appli- of ?oninr; cations are for a change/to Itp.", Business) to permit th~ c~pClns:i.on of Pf.? Ed Minutes lOlllGO Page 1111 General Telephone Company of Floridufn facilities located on adjacent ~ propcl"'ty. and t? increase the. off-otrcet ptlr~donG pl'"'ovi.dcd by the corn- J pany for' both employe,es ~-md customer!>. The Board cHncusscd severnl a,1 tCl"lnati vc s : A recommendation by Mr. Wolle for PYD-C zoning for a parcel combining. the Hezzatesta and S.chunrkc properties (and commitment to a plan by one owner); possibly extended to include the tele- phone company's present parkipg lot to the south in order to meet the ~O,OOO sq. ft. minimum arca requirement. A'suggestion by Mr. Reade for approval of the "Bll zoning re- queot on condition that all the 3 properties come under the at-marship of the telephone company. A recommendation by Mr. Mylander to delay a Board recommendation in order to obtain more details of the planned expansion. Mr. Wolle indicated that he and Mr. Krus~. would be in attendanca at a mee~ing that .evening at which it was expected that Mr. Tucker, the local manager fcir General Telephone Co., would be prese~t and tha~ '0.... they would talk with Mr. Tucker. Motion was nassed unanimously that ... r the above Items 4, 5, & 6 be tabled until such time as the Planner could secure additional information from the teleohone company. . . CHAIRliAN l S ITEHS: (2) Policy - reconrnendation on ri~ht-of-wav reouests The Chair~an read for the Board's information the text of a memorandum from the City Nanager dated Sept. 25/68 on the su~ject: ,flA Hinimur:l of liD Feet of any Contiguou~ Road P.i.c.ht of ~'ray F.equ:lrecl As . Part of Property To Be Annexed" (copy of office agenda record). (i) . ~tud~1 1"e prohibiting hanners and GDinnl:):'s .: Mr. Kruse read to the Board text of a mcmoranduD from the City Manager daterl Sept 5/68 (copy of office agenda record) which was addressed to the City Planne!' and Chairman of the Plcm~inr; and Zoninr; .' c ~ Board. Such me:no advised that the City ComMi.ssion has T'eque~ted that a study he conducted and an ordinance prepared orollD,iting bann~rs .'.::'. '. ~ :"~:'::I:"'~:-'Ii' ,'. .:.;. I~:' '.:;..~ ...:,....;..::'..:;.'\;..\-...;.:';~..~,.: .'1.:::-" >'t.: ~:.;.'~". (,:.~.. :>.:.\.:: "':.>,~l'.l:.. :'~;'.\.J':... .:.r'.:;:':'~~',{);:-:'" :,.,~:..,:-:,~...:.':.~ ::~'.~'.'I.,l...t. :.:....~.......: .':.:.,':.~:/:>,:.:."::,~I,:-'.l"",:,;;:\:"l'.:,;,..:..i~:.~'...~'/..:',,; P & Z 'n d . U j. 11 U t (J n 10 III G 0 P n Be f! 5 and spinners at ser~icc stationn, unerl car 'lots, etc., i. c. commer- . r"\ oio1 locations in the City. After nome PT.'C limini.lY'Y discus sion c!lTld sug- gestions offered, the Chairman roqul1sted that the Planner draft a study proposal and assi.R!l a committee to r'Bvictol it prior to i t5 comi.ng be- fore the Board. (3) Land Development Ordinance - to committee Upon request of the Chairman, Mr. Wolle explained a current study he was making in regard to the incorporation of aesthetics in city codes (beautification-landscaping of p~rking lots', service sta- tions, etc.) and advised that he had compiled a folio of material re- " . ceived as a result of inquiries addressed to Miami\ Orlando, Ft. Lau- derdale, Los Angeles, and other localities. He recommended that the Miami publication received be. rotated among members of a committee the Chairman might appoint as a beginning exposure of what can be used in the preparation of a referral manual on plantings (i. e. handbook of -', ::" I ..~., .:"'.ho\\~ to plant, Hhere to plant, ~1hat to plant etc.) vlhich he indicated .. might be created by the Planning Department. Mr. Kruse said .that he. thought that Hr. Harries and Mr. Norris \o1ould be t\vO members in parti- cular who should look over the Miami material. Mr. Wolle also advised that the City Manager is. looking into the matter of a possible shade tree ordinance. PLANNER'S ITEl1S: (4) FPZA Beautification Exhibit Clearwater Mr.. ft'oIle advised of plans foT' a beautification exhihit at the November rPZA Annual Conference which will be a competition between ,J displays of the 12 districts, involvinf 10 different classifica~ions. He. gave some qetails of prcparoai:ions he '..JilS H\akin~ for' the District 8 (Pinellas County) display and said he was hoping CJearwater would pre- pare some kind of exhibit $ perhaps Hi th the cooperation of the Beal:' ifi.- . ".'.'1 d, '."L;;;>.:; ",; ~," I"~ o' .~ " . t l...~ i"~ ., , ~ ,;,' I P&z nd Hinutes 10/1/GB P~gc 116 , cation Cammi ttae. Mr .', Kruer! sunncsted 'that Dud Parmer might be of assistance. :.... (2) Schedule of review on Countv planninR (3) DO'llntown Associa'tion e'tc. - l!1terpl"c1:'i ve analysis Downtown planning reports and some reports prepared for :the Pinellas' Planning Council Here cirCUlated to' members. T)le Plannel:l' suggested possibly scheduling reviews at least once a month after. mem- 'bers' hndah 6pportunity to familiarize themscilves wit~ content .of the !',. , . t~~ . t, , . i .' f' ,.:. .H I t:... f' ~;?:. . . . \. . '. 'reports.' Upcoming' Annexation-Zoning requests The Planner advised of the scheduling of'a public hearing be- fore'the Board on annexation requests for .the f~llowing Tuesday, Oct. . (1) , .8/6 B ~ . '. Other planning literature was distributed. ....The.meetingwas adjourned at 1~:5Q P..'M. R,espectfullY submitted, .. .C}~kf): cJ~ "l~ck I. WOlle, 'Seely (j_ J:i:y Planner ."; !', oj ,'. ~.\