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Minutes of the Mcctine, Tuesday, April 2, 19GO.
The meeting waG called to order at 3:00 P. M. by the Chairman,
Mr. Kruse. Present were Members Iley, Butler, Harries, Morris, Reade
and Nylander, 1,11". Rettig of the Enl3ineerinB Departme.nt, and Hr. ~'lolle.
The minutes of the meeting of March 5, 1968, were approved aG sub-
mitted in written summation to each member.
The app~oval of the minutes of the. meetin~ of March 19, 196B, was
deferred in order to allow time for mailing to members.
Mr. Lawrence Alexander of the firm of Alexander and Moskowitz of
New York (consultants) was present. Mr. Kruse introduced Mr. Alexander
with information that he has been retained by the City and the Downto\om
Association to conduct a planning stu~J for the downtown area, Mr.
Kruse reported that Mr. Alexander had been in consultation with Mr.
. WOlle that morning, obtaining background information and material, and
.-.., that he thought if would be interesting to the Board to receive informa-
'.. ~...
tion from Mr. Alexander as to what he is proposing to cover in this study.
Mr. Alex~nder'held an informal conference with the Board in which
,he outlined that the first study phase, expected to be completed by mid
JUly, will cover economic and marketing factors, transportation factors,
physical conditions, land use and marketability, and preparat~on of a
concept plan. He said that whil~ the master plan for the CBn in the Com-
prehensive Plan Report would have value as a basis to start research from,
it was outdated because the un~erlying data was based on the 1960 census,
and it needed to have a fresh look. He related that other staff people
. would be working in the fie1d a 1so: Hr. Noskowi tz ~]ho will concentrate
on studies of traffict parking, mass transportation and zoning, etc., and
a junior planner who will be particularly concerned with physical aspects
\-.J of the study. The Board was informed that the consultants \yi11 in cor-
porate features from reports anc studies either completed or under way as
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P&Z Bd NinuteG
II / 2 /6 8
Pace #?
they may apply to the downto\oJJl s1 tUiltion, these 'to include the en-
dorsed report of the Build Amcl"ica Better Committee of the Nati.onal Ag-
sociation of Real Estate Boards and the recently authorized study by
the University of Florida Department of Architecture. As suggested by
member inquiries, Mr. Alexander expressed al.olSrCness that some major con-
siderations would be--
Future need for housing for senior citizens. within reasonable
walk-in distance of facilities used, as a result of recent
legislation whieh would tend to limit the number of those who
drive cars.
The impact of large stores moving from the downtown area to
outlying malls. '
Improved convention facilities.
The effect of the merger of the two railroads on any future
consolidation of railroad rights-of-way.
The'effect on the economy of current emphasis on the
promotion 'of intracoastal t.olaterway faeili ties.
M~. Alexander expressed the opinion that downtown areas in the future
cannot hold the same share of retail operations that they once had and
that "we are,in a period of a changing e,?onomic base". Upon inquiry,
he spoke of his experience in other communities on similar planning pro-
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jects. '
Mr. Alexander stated that he was very pleased to meet with the
Board and would be glad to meet with the Board again or with any indi-
vidual member in regard to any ideas they might have; he added that"he
looked forward to advice, comments, or criticism they might receive
through interchange with" this group. Mr. Kruse expressed appreciation
to Mr. Alexander for meeting with the Board and pledged the Board's co-
operation and assistance.
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Mr. Alexander retired from the meeting at 3:50 P. M.
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PEZ Ed NlnutcG
11/2 /6 8
Page # 3
. ~._. - H~:NNr:SE~1 < PUD-R)
Theso two rczonine requests were referred to the Zonine Committee
for investigation and report. The Planner presented preliminary infor-
mation that the Spiewak lots of request were at the northwest corner of
Cleveland Street and San Remo and that reason for request was that the
applicant wants to teach music at his residence, which Mr. Wolle said he
would consider a permitted use in a PRS zone. Mr. Wolle recommended that
if the committee considered approval of a change to PRS, this be on the
basis tha,t it would favor approval of other future requests for such
zpning that might be received in this frontage of Cleveland Street. Mr.
Reade-expressed the opinion that any transition to PRS z.oning in this
strip should prob~bly not be extended east of San Reroo. As further in-
'-. '
formation, Mr. vlol1e read statement attached to the Spiewak application
in which 8 neighbors made expression of non-objection to i-::is teaching
, .
mus~c .
~ublic Hearing March 25 - Zoninp, Changes - Report - Mr. Kruse
reported that at this City Commission hearing the Bleakley request
(Item #1) was 'withdrat-tn at the request of his attol"'ney, Mr. HcFarland,
and that the Waddell request (~tem "2) was deferred for one month with
suggestion made that he investigate proposed new R-4 zon~ng categories.
Upon inquiry made, the Planner reported that, to his knowledge, no commu-
,nication had been received from the local architect and realtor groups
who had been requested by the City to study th~ proposed R-4 ordinance
and offer comment~ He further reported that the third reading of this
ordinance had been deferred again at the,Monday meeting.
S/A/A on Zoning - March 28/&8 - Mr. Kruse reported on action of
the appeal board which resulted in a continuance of the request of
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P&Z Bd Hinutco
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Carand, Inc. ~nd Paul Anderson to April 9/68.
The Planner noted Reports Received per BBenda listing as follows:
Pinellas ~lanning Council -
, Historical Backeround
Natural Resource Study
Florida State Road Department
St. Petersburg Urban Transportation Study
Vol. I) Vol. II, Vol. III,
& Technical Report Dat~ Collection
He announced that these were available on loan to any members'who might
want ,to read them. He offered short comment on the setup of agenc~es,
'staff, and 'consultants involved in the transportation study, with infor~
mationthat the transportation/released had involved ~wo or three years
of study; 'also that a current transportation study which was being re-
~iewed by the planners involved certain planning variables.
Planning literature was distributed.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 P. M.
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Resp~ctfulIY submitte~,
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ack I~ Wolle, Seely
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