Minutes of the MeetinB, Tuesday, March 26, 1968.
The meeting was called to ordor at 3~OO P. M. by the Chairman,
Mr. Kruse. Prezent were Membars Mylandcr, Harries, Morris, Reade and
Galloway, Mr. Rettig of the Encineering Department, and Mr. Wolle.
Mr. Wolle briefed the Board on density requirements for apartments
in a PRS zone and explained the request of Carand, Inc. ,S Paul Anderson
to use ;550 sq. ft. minimum lot area per dwelling unit to erect a 40
unit condominium on property located on the north side of Haven Street
approximately opposite Bay Ave., which request was scheduled to be
heard by the Board of Adjustment and Appeal on Zoning on the evening of
Thursday, March ~8/68: Mr. Wolle informed the Board that under the
new policy established by the Manager'he would be available to the Board
of Appeai for consultatio~.
Representatives of the applicants were outside the Boavd Room and
req~esting to appear.before the Boardt although not scheduled on the
agenda. With the consent of the Members, the Chairman invited them to
"meet with the Board.
at 3:10 P. M. Mr. William McKenzie, Attorney, Mr. Dana B. Johannes,
Architect, Mr. Herbert M. Blanton, Realtort and
Mr. Ed Michel of the Community Development Committee
of the Clearwater Chamber of Commerce were
presented to the,Board.
In introductory remarks, Hr. McKenzie stated that he realized that
this was ordinarily a matter which the Board did not consider, but that
because of Board interest in Downtown Redevelopment planning he would like
to present this, and if the Board would like to m~ke recommendation to
the Board of Appeal he hoped it would do 50.
Mr. McKenzie and Mr. Johannes presented plans for the proposed
project, using as exhibits: plot plan, sketch of condominium building,
, ,
photos, elevation drawings, and floor plan drawing.
PSZ Bd Minutes
Page g2
Some information obtained was that:
Number of units planned wa~ 40 on parcel of approximately
24,.000 sq. ft., which is irregular in shape.
Two stories would be used for off-street parking (one story below
g~ade level, one above ~rade level) and 10 stories about the
parking floors to be used exclusively for apartments. The roof
,is to be developed as a recreation area.
,The building will occupy 8,190 sq. ft. of the land and setbacks
will greatly exceed those required for the FRS zone.
It was planned to have 4 units on,each floor, ~ith floor area
of approximately 1550 sq. ft. per unit. \
Mr. McKenzie explained a Comparative C~st Analysis Chart on the pasis
of 40 units and 24 units, which showed a total cost per unit of $32,590
for ~o units and $35,~17 for 24 units. He maintained that in their
opinion it was not economically feasible to build if limited to 24 units,
that the project would add a quarter of a million dollars to the tax
rolls, and that the proposed development was in accordance 1:0 recommenda-
tions made by the Build America Better Committee that Clearwater embark
on a program to provide people living accommodations in-the downtown
area again. Mr. McKenzie took the positi?~ that while the existing
regulation of density may b~ applicable 90% of the time, that in the down-
,town area which is most urbanized consideration would have to be given
to making exceptions. He pointed out that the apartment use would have
much less density than would PRS business use. He expressed the opinion
that these apartments would be a splendid addition to the City of
Mr. Blanton added comment ~hat there was not a sufficient number of
better apartments to meet the demand and that people often had to go out-
side of Clearwater ,to obtain this type of unit.
Some questions from members were answered.
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P&Z Bd Minutes
Pace #3
at 3:50 P. M. - Representatives were thanked for their attendance
and retired from the meeting.
Discussion of Aacnda Item #2 was deferred to later in the meeting
in order to take up Agenda Item #1 below:
ZONING - Discussion of brenared suggested recommendation letter
to Commission re~ard Barber ~eoues~ for Annexat10n
(Public Hearin~ March 19/68)
The Board reviewed and discussed copies distributed of prepared
draft of memo to be forwarded. Some revisions and additions were ap~
I '
proved as recorded on the City Planner's master copy.
AGENDA ITEM #2 - Discussion of this agenda item followed (Carand
Inc., Anderson B/A/A ~equest), during Which time Chairman Kruse ex-
cused himself from the meeting to keep an, appointment and Mr. Mylander
took over the chair. The Planner indicated his opinion that,the re-
quested 'drop in mi.nimum lot area requirement from 1000 sq. ft. per unit
to 550 sq. ft. per unit was too much and advised that he was assembling
data to present in support of the existing ordinance density scale.
Members expressed some personal opinions, but decision was made that the
Board should take no nosition, in that as advisory to ,the City Conwission,
no request for an opinion had been made to the Board by that body.
REZONING CHANGES - Rezoning ,requests of Hennesen and Spiewak were
listed on the agenda for referral to the Zoning Committee.
Planning literature was distributed~
The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 P. M.
espectfully submitted,
ack I. Wolle, See'y
ity Planner
,:1 '