01/09/1968THE PLAII'Nl:NG hNI) ZONI i`1t., ItTWU) V Minute!.,.; o the: Mee ki.n£,, TuosdC ly, Janurat-y 9, 1.9611. 'flic tnec tint; wa3': called to ordor at 1:00 T'. 1.1. by the Choi vran , Mr. Kruse. Pr. osent wore Members Il?rri er , Butler, Myl tinder- , 'Galloway and lley, Mv. Rettig of the Fngincerlnp Department, and MV. 1.1017 c; The minutes of the meeting of Decrmi}cr 12/67 (joint tneetint, with the City Beautification Committee) t,ere appro,"l,d as submitted in written summation to each member. PUBLIC HEARING -- ANNEXATION Z014ING KAPOK TRT.1, RI11, INC. AND ' BAU?i(?l?}21 Iff"M REALTY INC. Pt?CFf:;Iff Jm'3 _ W..?.i The Chairman outlined as the general agenda for the Bo rd Public Hearing, set for-1:34 P. M. that afternoon: statement by the Planner giving, verification of affidavit of public notice, reading of public notice of the helrin7 by the Planner, hearinr on each of the four parccls of reaucst (separately) by presentatior! of the applicants, followed- by presentation of other members of the audience. Mr. Wol.l.e 'distr?i.boted reference snap--rlrawi.nP,s and copies of Leval advertisements of the lie'aring to members. Mr. Wolle advised that he would de,oosit a uditori.um. Mir.. Guy Kennedy, Jr. , Assis- copies on the podium i n the tant City At tornny, , wa ; present at this tire to advise the Board con- cerninp, procedures for the hearing and introduction of one letter of tion of r.e?-t 1. 4 dVr-.rti.r4 n a ncl. of pcti-•- objnction received since public t3 ; t1C3nS received prior to that in Sept<<wribo ' and October. The Chy l rt,nan advised that at the conclusion of the hearing he would announce that the Board's recow min(litions wor il.d be subrr,itted to tno It was rlt?terrtined that any provision) ; nr condition n th'. 130ard mil-'ht wish to Crake cancer•ninp thn r'lnncxat,:ion would bL a ?vitter for consi.d,?rL- tion in its disc sion and I?rL'?!rlrr?t r C7n of 7 C'CCT'f? rlf?c": a;1 to th` -Commi 7sion. '.fir. Kruir;e reported that "'i1r] talIzed } with him at the C,.ty Cri'1Tki1 ;2icn 1".ect;m. C':( a1? Pi:rc , nin(! :.nfur'Ir'^d him -O,at residents, of the ar'cil w'r nt: nrl Oat )etr to ='.n .'!--?ter) fT•n;:. 1 i)F,Dd 11inute s 1/9 /G8 i lro 1,1 .1 tho .four lots of request (in 'Parcel. 3) at, the corner of, N. R..d. ' and San' Bernadino -Street) for which a 'garki.nB use is 1)rioj.,one-d. Nr. :.'. Kruse- inddcated that, according to inforrriation from i-lie Planner, aV-' plicants' do not contemplate any access to these lots exce_it on thr north, { from Scan Bernadi.no) . Mr.. ,.Gtol.l,e, raported, as inforiwition, that he loan schceul d to be nr.esent at a meeting at 1.00 P. M. the following ng day wit), city Traffic Planner. Lecouris,•.City Engineer Battle, and a Kapok Tree Inn representative to disc?lss recommendations for a desi gn to reduce the traffic Problem on N. Haines Road atiuttin? the Inn p roperty, . r.= ,. The meetinP, was rid j aurned at 1:25 P. M' Y = Respectfully submitted, . jr I ?4 t` E .. ack 1. ,Iolie Shc?y. N ' ' Planner i f. , Vii.