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. '1'1U: PJ.l\lIN INS AND 7.0NIrlG BOARI
Minutes of the Mcotine, Tuesday, JAnuary 2, 1960.
The mricting was called to order at 3:00 P. M. by the Chairman,
Mr. Kruse. Present were Members Harries, Morris, Mylander, Iley and
Galloway, Mr. Rettit of the Enpincerine Department, and Mr. Wolle.
The minutes of the ,wcctings of December 8 and December 11, 1967,
vrerc n.pproved as submitted in "rri t}:en sumnati on to each member.
In introductory remarks) the Chnirman rc~ort8d th~t in accordance
with his discussion with 'Mayor Haueen since th~ previous meetine, he
thought that the final analysis would be to consider the possihility
of lea.sine the privately ovm(~d, properties (as proposed r'lt the ChrJ.stmas
'. 1 . ~
Board meeting); further that it Has his unnerstandi.ng thi.lt it Has de-
si'red ,that the Board prepare a SUBecsted letter for the Ci ty f1anagcr
, ....-....... ~
'. ..-"
to' send to these private owners to invite their cooperation. Mr. Kruse
pT'es:ented a draft of a letter vlhich he hr.d accol"dingly prep~T'ed. He
offered this as a possible letter for the Board to consider and
stated that he didn I t knov1 "\-lJH~thcr "'le should EO that far or not".
\ '
He did think the letter should draw out that a proeram of depositin~
rubble '-'1Quld not get the desired resu] ts. He mentioned that he might
recommend elimin~ting the addendum statement to the letter regardine
; .'
riprap. In preli~inary discussion that followed, Mr. Rettig'made re-
ference to the City Mana~er's offer of cncineering data for the Board
and reported that upon instructions of the ~2narer the EnEinee~inp
Department had ha~ aerials (50 ft. to the inch) flown and were sup-
posed to put the property mmel"sh:i ps on i. t. The RO?T'd concurred Hi. th
Chairrn2n Krus~ in reco~~~ndation ~o hold suo~ested Intt~r draft in
~ ~
, ....fZI'
abeYance and to ~ostDone scttinp a date for a ~ectinp r~nupstect ~v
----- -
COrilmi ss ione!' P.0::"'e rs cf DunecH n un ti}, th~nc Sn 0:.' 1. n8Cr'ln t" r.le''t'i:;!.l s ',.I(~1"l:
ava~la~le. Mr. WolIn aerced to ~ssist ~r. Rcttip by chcckinr County
\1, ~~, ..,....." ~,' ',. :~'~' =:: ~ ...; ~.;...'~. ' ~,' :.:: ~,' '. !, .~ :'. ',: '!'~ ~:'<: .:. '. ~.:~.:,.. .,:. .. '::.~.~ .'~ ::'~ ~:,; ',:1, ~ ~ "," ':::":'-.':.( " ~: :;.:., ~.: .:. .,'l/....: <-. ~::::~.: \; ':. : ....' ::.'.: ::. : ..Ii, >.~ .~ :." :':;,t:.: .:: ..:: ':':" >.-:.::. -:.. '; :,:... . ~. ':. .<= : :',:: ':".' /:~:i"~::'.~ L: ':_.L <.. :.~ -....~~;~.
P&Z Bd Hinutcn
PrJpC 1/2
tax records to upd.J te thQ information shOHn on the EnEi nf;cri,J1 [! nci-
partTllent's 1965 ownership survey.
CH^I Rt1^!f t S I'l'Et-tS:
'D'CMi1tov1n zonin~~ - ~1r. Kruse discussed ",i.th the noard his proposal
that the Board give thought to initiatinr. sorl1e independent stud:i,e~
, ,
of zoninE, land use, and redevelopment pl~n5 in th~ do~ntown area.
Mr. Ilcy expressed the opinion that any BOA.rcl sturlies ;:l.t this state
might be a little premature in view of the oreanization and activity
of the Dovmtown Association and the expected receipt by that Eroup .
of the survey report from the Build America Better (BAB) Committee
of the National Association of Real Estate BOards. He aSKed whether
these proposed studies were intended as a cooperative ef,fort with
the Downtown Association. Mr. Kruse stated that he didn't think the
BAB :Committec's report would be detailed enourh as not to require
supplemental studies. He explain~d that he and Mr. Wolle were on
the Planning Committee of the Downtown Association as liaison me~bcrs
and that at the last Committee meeting they had t~~ Co~mittee had pro-
posed meeting with the Plannine and~'ZoninE Board. M~. Wolle commented
that he has realized that many cities have a more refined business
area allocation of zoning and that he waG investigating this approach.
He s~g~es~ed that the Board could cowe up with a schematic plan and
zoning to support the plan. Mr. Iley recommended waiting for ~he
Association's receipt of the BAA Committee's report, and after th3t
time" that its Planning Co~mittee and the BORrd mieht meet for considera-
ticn of material each group mieht have and establish so~e objectives.
It was ar.recLfor the Planner and Chairln<ln Kruse to~lO.!~ out the de-
" I....'UJ~
~,' . , .
tai 1:; wi th other" comr:d ttBU. that flr~~:erllc -J "d" th the CO\1!l!.~~~
. ~ f '.
to let the Board Chair~an deci de t.]he~.!0~"l.ll a r.c~tin.z~
~' :"!'::' ~:'" } .:... ,:' ;,; :.~{, l.1 ~:~...:,:<...... ...' !)\ ':1 ,:',::':-:' ~:~",I '..:.>~. :,.: ::;', ;:",c :.:< ,': ':';:,: " l ~,: ~ ~;:::'; ':.~. ,::' J./(~..:: ',:;::. ~~ L :,>...' , : r /: :~.:' .;,' .:; ......~: ~~~., :<, :.: ': ~.~;: r~": rL ..',1 .f~::~.... .:,' ~ .. ':, .'nO~' '':'':. . f..: ',':. :''t'~ ,',:' ': ;.~,'~':~':' .>.\~o, ,\ ':,. .:,'~~ :i': :.:. I:.....' '_.:, :.: ", L ':'\
J~' ~, .
P&Z Bd Hinutcs
Pace 1/3
Mt". Nylr.mdar familim,'\izcd the nl,;n"d wi th con"tent of the leec11
adverti.sement of the Zoninc Public ltear'ing to he held before the
P~~nninn and Zoning ~oard at,1:30 P. M. on January 9. Mr. Wolle ex-
plained inclunion in property of request by applicants of an addi-
tional 193 feet to the south of re:1tilurant pl"Opel"ty on the v]est side
of North Haines Road. He clarified that the hearinc had been ad-
vertised in accovdance to applicants' amended zonine requ~st and that
the hearinf!; bafo!'e the City Commission for January 22/68 \o1aS being
adve~tised on the same basis. (Copic5 of revised anney-ation drawinB
showing, amended zoning request Nere distributed.) He further clari-
fied that after having held its public hearing the Board would submit
its report of recommendations to the City Commission. The Chairman
, -.
req~ested a Roa~d meeting in the Planning Borird Room at 1:00 P. M.
on 'December 9/68 pri or to the scheduled hear.ing.
" , ;,-":\
There was some discussion of a suggestion by the Chairman that
legal advertisements for future annexation zoning hearines might be
sent out by the City Clerk to jointly advertise both the public hear-
ing before the Planning and Zoning Board and before the City Commis-
sion. It 'lo1as agreed that this matter \...as to be discussed wi'th the
City Legal Department. Mr. Wolle advised that the p~operties were
presently being posted with notice of both hearines. Although it
was recognized that a minimum policy of notice as to legal advertis-
ing and posting was beine followed, some me~bers duestioncct wheth~r
a policy of also mailing notice of Board 'hea.rings to surrounding
~ '
property owners would notbc more equitable. The Planner expressed
~.......,,:., the opinion that this should not be required as it Houle! increaG~ tho
administrative work in ,the h.=tndlinr. of hearincs. The ChZlil'J'1an sU[:-
gestcd that this mattel" of mail notice r,li[.ht .:1150 b0 di:;cu(;scd \,:i.th
":' ~l>' ~ .,
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the City LCH~l Department.
With reference to the cul-do-u~c oren of P~rcal 03 of the pro-
posed annexation (Lotn 1\ll, 1\5, IHj, SJ, 52~ and 511, Del Oro Gardens
Subdi. vi.si on) the Chairman dis clIssed wi th thcl f3oa'rd the ne cens i ty to
limit any access to San Pedro and San Jose Streets. Mr. MyJandcr
offered that a recornrnendfJtion might be Horded that the R-l sections
of'above lots be denied access to San Pedro and San Jose Streets ~z
a condition and in cQnsid~ration of the annexation to the City.
~ning Chanecs, to Committee
(a) ,Z-27-1167
(b) Z-28-1267
(c) Z-29-1267
Colleee Properties, Inc. - B~rber
:!r~bove zoninp_~~5es were refe~red to the Zoninp. Co~mitt~~
The 'Planner ~ffered some explanatory coml~ent' and some inconclusivo:?,..->'
-.. .......,~. ~
discussi.on [olloHed. These cases vley'C to be further discussed aftep
receipt of report from the Committee.
BBA REPORT - distribution - ~iscussion - Conies of this con-
sultant's report (The Status of Planning in Clearwater) were ,distri-
buted to some membc!'s Hho had not received theJ.i. after the December
20 meeting. The r~port was not discussed due to a time limitation.
Planning literature ~as distributed.
The meetine wad adjourned at 4:55 P. M.
Respectfully submitted,
// n / /(//!
{I.,v/{.. U~ L{I o-cee_
ck I. Wolle, Seely
,i ty Planner