12/20/1967 I~" "\:.: T": ,.,.:..:,:: ';', :...,.,', '.:';, ~ .:-.. I .... (, 'j:: .':' : ." ': : ::. ; t :. : '. : " ....:. '.,', ':'~" .',.; , :.:.: '~:L :.:' ::. ~ .~.. :".: .,~ ": '.' ~ 4, "). : . '. '..~:. ' .',': L ,.: , ' '." .:. .: : ~...' .:"., " . " ' ~ : r ~I". t: j ,!.~.' . L ' , . '. : ....:, :;' ,:' : : ~::' ': "i :..:,';.;':.: ': . I> ". +': ~ .~. "j ~: .~' '". '.::,""" :- ~ :'~ .....-. THE PLPJlll :~i.:~ AND ZOrn,IG BOARD The annual Christmas luncheon mep.ting of the PlaII:-:i,n~ ":J.nd Zonine Board was held at the Clearwater Country Club cn h'ednesday, 'ic.:ember 20, 1967, at 12: 00 noon. Members present Wf.!!"C t1essrs. Kruse, :!.:ll"'ries, Galloway, Mylander, Butler, Morris, Iley and Swan. Regret was ex- pressed that Member Reade was absent because of illness. Guests ore- sent were Mayor H. Everett Hougen; Commissioner Donald Williams; City Manager, 1MI'. Merrett R. Stierheirn; City Engineer, Mr. Max Battle; Asst. City Attorney, Mr. Guy Kennedy, Jr.; City Planner, Mr. Jack Wolle; Mr. Paul RettiE of the Engineering'Department; Mr. Q. R. Mahan of the Board pf Adjustment and Appeal on Zoning; an,d Mrs. Julie Hall of the Ci ty P,lanning Office ~ I , Following the luncheon, Mr. Kruse, on behalf of the Board, thanked and complimented the committee on arrangements for the lu~cheon. Chairman Kruse greeted Mayor Houeen and Mr. Stierheim who were . present at a Board luncheon fo~ the first time and welcomed other guests present. He recognized the attendance and able se~vice of Commissioner Williams, who was a member of the Board until March when he assumed his position as City, Commissioner, and the attendance and valued contri- , ,. butions, of Member Horris \vho renlaced Mr. '.villiams on the Board. Hr. Kruse paid tribute to the loyal~cooperation of the Planner as techni- cal advisor to the Board and to his dedication to his work and planning objectives~ ~-... I> Mr. Kruse noted as the most novel experience of the Board during the year the conduct of the public hearing on zoning for the Imperial Park area. He expressed gratification with the fact that .seven members "', of a nine man mernbershi 1) sat for this hearing. He named as one of the , . " \..J go~ls for 1968 more active participation of the'Board in planning pro- jectsfor the city, with the need forseen for additional planning per- sonne 1. Mr. Kruse announced that after the luncheon meetine a regular Board meeting (deferred from Dec. 19) would be held for discussion of .two items: the Kapok Tree Inn requested annexation area and project in -the Edgewater Drive area. He advised that he had invi ted Mr. Stierheim t ci ty l1a,nae;er, and. the Mayor to 5 tay and of fer any comments they might wiSh to make. Guests made appropriate response to the Chair~anrs welcome. Mrs. Hall was presented by Mr. Mylander with a Christmas ~ift from the Board. ." 1, ' I. I' P&Z Bd.: 1 12/20/67 Page H 2 l' ~ Mr[. ~-lilli.al:'\~ t Ml~. Kenn(~\1Y, and Mr. Mahan retired at this time. Mr. Bat;tle and Hr. Sal10way ex(..~c:;ed themselves immediately following' the l::lb:::: :~ ::e:h:r:::r:C:::::::da::o::~::::: ses~iori. Present were Ch.ir~an Kruse, Members 'Harries , Mylander~ B~tler, Morris, Iley and Swat:'1, Mr. Ret,ti e 0 f the. Enf;inee.rine Department t Mr. \yolle t Mayor H. Everett Hougen, and City Manager, Mr. Merrett Stierheim. Thi minutes of the mee'ting of December 5, 1 9 67 , 'were approved as submitted in written summation to each member. " t' . I 1 I (: J . . I. t t { i ~ ! t ' Zo in for Annexation - Amending Petition - Kaook Tree Inc. Inc. Mrj Wolle passed out prints of map-drawings showing the Board's zoning ecommendations as ap?roved at its meetings of 10/3/67 and 10/17/67. Mr. Wolle reviewed such recommendations and further in- formed ~he Board that the Traffic Department had ruled that they would I prefer not to have access off N. Haines Road for the reque~ted R-4 lots (to be used for employee parking) at the corner of San Bernadino ... I, , \ ' r ' !" l " 1" :- ! I ,. ' ~ : ..J C. C.. J.ty ommJ.ss:tcn. City of Clearwater Clearwater~ Florida Gentlemen: Kanok Tree Inn. Inc. arid Baumgardner Realty, Inc. ' . by us as t~eir attorneys of record do her.eby amend the Petition for Annexation filed with you on July 12, 1967~ in the following respects: 1. The zoning request of Parcel No. 1 is hereby arr,ended from R-4 to pun Property Under Development. 2. The zoning requested for Parcel No.3 is hereby amended to be as follows: The East 20 feet of Lots ~4, 46, 51 and 54 to be R-l; the balance of such property described in Pa~cel No.3 to be R-4. ,. 3. That as to all Parcels where parkins is to be per- ",..,,-J mi.tted abutting any residential zoning, that the Applicants agree to proper screening or such parking area where they are contiguous to residential zoned areas. ;'~,:,~~'.I<. I':., ,:...._..::...'::.'::.'.;~..:: ...:,',:::,', lo.t.. '" , , pr.z Be!. , 12/20/6'/ Pr:t~~ H 3 ('"'*\ ReG?~ctfu)ly submitted, KAFOr. T?-r.~ ItIN, THC. BAUt1GAP.DNf~R REALTY, lUG'. By: (S) John R. Bonner, Attorney He explained that above letter superseded a letter d~ted Dec. 13/67 lof h f d d f P JI b' t e Sn~e content excopt or amen e reQuest or arcel ffl c1ng AG (Agriculture) zoning. Mr. Stierhcim commented that applicRnts had first submitted a revised application for the AG zoning for Parcel #1, but at his S\lr.e~stion hnd chanecd the request to PUD zoninr,. Mr. Wolle staten that if Parcel #1 is only a comoonent part of a total master plan, he thought PUD zoning t-laB lop,ical. After some discussion, the Board acc:pted the amended requested ann6xation zoning application of Kapok Tree Inn, Inc. and Baumgardner Real ty, Inc.' Renort on Reautification -.Edp,ewater Drive Chairman Kruse gave a brief resume of recent Board activity in- volving study of the EdgewaterDrive area. He reported that althouEh Dunedin representatives were not present nt a joint meeting of the Planning and ZoninE Board and the Ci ty Beautification Coml~i ttee on December .12/67) since the,t meeting HI's. ~ogers, Dunedin City COlTlmission- er, had telephoned hin and requested a meeting with the Beautification Committee of the City after the first of the yeRr, t-rhich he stated in- dicated that Dunedin ~ay be interested in cooperatinE with the city on the proj e ct. Mr. Kruse further reported that: ,<".'J At the Dec. 12 joint meeting a Board conrnittee was set up to dravT un a tlreliT:'\in<:lr\1 Y'ep'ort to the City C\l:~Tllission. He had receiv~d a" letter fr;m the ~ayor pointinB out certain thin~s, which had beF:n given consicet'a tion. The comrd ttee had =o:n'!ulated a lette~-rp.,!ort anc the nO~T'd had an informaI concurr~nce of seven r..e~r.bcr'5 on it. t1r. Butl-er' i'lS a Member of the :.GF.'e,-"atcT' Drive Assn. htlS b.::en inter'ostccl in the area over the ye~rs and is ChairrRn of this com~itttee. ..' ~. ". '.': ~. ~'. .'.: '. . ~ . =:.'~ ': '::;:.'.... ~.'. ", \"'" ~ :: \ :' -~!;: . ::. ....: ": ' '.:' ::. : ~ : .:. ~, ':'.. .:'. "'/.,,'.:..' '. I ::. '. ..::: t ~',: : :; :; , ......:~ 'I' >~' .:, .~" ;'. :::.:: i .:.~, '. :.',,~.: f' .... ::~':: '~'. ,~ :~ ~". ,. : . . :.: ".:::.,.,:: ::\'. " .:. ...... I ,.''':, ' '.', '.' :: ., - "~.::.: ~.:. ":: ..;..", ':: '. '. ,..: '.' ?f.7, Rd. 12 I '20 /.6 7 Pae'J HII .......... He w~'s ro t nf. t~ ask t-tr. Au tl el'" to pl"lCSlJnt thn pre po red Ie tt~ 1"1 ana had bl"ollp;ht oVer' !';Or,1E! sketches sho\olinp. ~ proposed study plan for development madn by the Board over 2 years ~80 (copies .of one such stuily plan T,m5 pClss'=!n out for' T'cfcl"'ence). " After reading of this Intter he wanted to discuss the 'practicali- ty of, what we arc proposing to d0~ After co~reent that this was just a basis pf approach, Mr. Butler presented the Committee's letter (copy of which is attached). He in- rlicated that the Committee was Making this recommendation to the Board and,ifapproved to be submittecl to the City Commission. Thecommi ttee' 5 letter of recommendation and sketch plan' distri- buted was re~iewed and discussed. , "~'. " ,Mayor Hougen pointed out that there ~las still the question of, how Successful an attempt to get private owners to cooperate would bet s6methine that ,has caused delay over the years; furthermoret that even if the Federal government ,should participate in a project on .\' . a 50% basis, there would 'still be a substantial sum that the city would have to raise. Some ideas presented were: By Mayor Hougen - that an initial proeram might be that vlClterfront property now under city ownership be improved by ,d~positing of rubble, coverinr with dirt fill, and plantings, t6 provide an example of what could be accomolisherl; that he didn't think this urea was a lORical place for a park, but should be a By Mr. Kruse pa,rkto/ay only. that it is Baine to be difficult on a rock filled area to maintain anything like trees, shrubs, and '........." Brass; that he would much prefer that the city I, ' would make ap~licotion to move the bulkhe~d out to 11 '", . .", ~'.. ;Ir~' ..' c . r""' P&Z 3d 12./20/67 Pc!lca 115 ('~ some planned development line and he questioned whether ~he city would ever be able to carry out any development beyond the present bulkhead line without some kind of acquisition of property be- ine involved; that any fill of an enlarged area would be a lengthy process unless some.of the fill was pumped in and then stabilized by riprap. \ '. , " , ~. .: ~~;.: , " . " .,. . " . '. By Hr. .Rettig - that consideration might be given to the possibili- ty of leasing some of the privately-owned upland for 99 years. that storm drainage facilities could be extended further into the bay to reduce erosion problems. that he suggested a controlled plan of riprapping. By Nr. Iley ;c\ .' ". " ~: :~. " " I;., . ,P ~~, ..-.~\ By Mr. Stierheim . I '",:i',. : ~ ~. ":> .. . ',:.;~ ~ , " Mr. Kruse again suggested that the City 'Mana8e~ might immediately write a letter to private owners outlining what the city is proposing , to. do and requesting their comments. Mr. Stier-heim then suggested that he obtain some engineering data and bring it back to the Board so that they could evaluate it, as he felt that while the Board might be right in ultimately planning for "~ : . , ; .;,~ ~.; '; " :'/', 'i .... " I~' ,. ~'f 'r , '. :',:', ~ I r.f :;; "a widened strip, in the meantime the ci ty could have a lot of. progress . " '. ,t '.,' . ".' made before that time. Ji"l . , Members concurred with suggestion of Chairman Kruse that the Board receive this report from the Co~mittee for consideration in view . .~. "+", . ' .., . r.., ~~ ~:';. of other information that the City Manrtgcr had offered'to provide and " . I . " ~~, ~ 1:"~'~ ~ ,;""~ i --../ ,,' '-t' : , . .~ , .. . ,.. , " -..:: . . ".. . "J l t', <' .' Pf.? Bd. 12/20./67 PaBa' #6 , :'.......... ::~' . f t , ' '. ~ ..., that" the Board defer action on such report until ,further study. ,".~ \ JI', '"I 1'he meeting\.o1as adjourned at 3:00 P. M. .. " Respectfully 'subrni tted, ,?l()~.t~12 Wd~ ,hack. I. . Wolle See t y (li ty,. Planner , " ., .; 1',1 .'. " .,. I', '. '10"' " " I.>' ~):d\~ \'\ . '... , ".(:'...,."'.>'.:'. . ~t~,"':".,', j":. .f ~i ::> r " t~i:.~, . r~': ~:... ~ I, ~) \ 0" :1. , ! ," . t, ~ ; i.", , , ", ",\ . , . M "'t l,.,. ", , ' , . ;.. +~. .' : ;., j, , , , .. J' " I ",': ') " ~ . c. ~' ", , > , .' I.; , q. . \', .,i -- ' : ~ ' .'. " .~ ;1 "C,. .:.., . " . ,.'. . . '," ,: '. '" '., .' ,. ., I, " 'I ~,~it;C';< ':';. ;:, ,: ,~ ,'1., l~~:.;.:;, , ., .., (..' ") ..:':' '--' ,." , " .' '. . "