11/21/1967 , . "'.-: :...1..',.. . ......~,.: ',. .:~.: ;:..;' ..... ".; :.". ~.': :.:' ..., .': / -'. ~:~': I ~.:. '.:;., '0';.:, :.......:.....t. >: ',' :', .~., "'. ;',"'. ::"'."'~:: .:....~ ...... ~ .'. " " .~ .: ..... :.: .... '" I'.: ~..': ~..',~. .:.... :'.' ~~...,:: ~~" :. .. <~ T': ; ~',' ~:'.'. :.:',.'.':. .... l/ THe PLAWlplr; .\rm ZOlIIW:; BOARD (':. Ninutes of th0 r1cetinr:, \ TU8sday, HO\/t"'1bcr 21 , \f'~'" .I. ,U . , # The mcetinr, \':as caJlcd to ol~dl'J.r nt 3:00 P. ~L h'l th~ Cj:~drr.'('n, Mr. Kruse. Presnnt were ~1etnbers Hyluncier, Hr1rr'i~G, B1Jtlr~r~ r~ol"ri~ and Reade, ~1r. Rettig of the Engineering Dep~rtment, and !1r. \'!oUc. The minutcs of the m~etin~ of November 7, 19G7~ w~rc approved as submitted in written summation to each ~embcr. ZONIHG - TRANSITIOHAL PAHKltlG - BOARD or ADJUST~fr.!I1' J\tm /\ppr;AJ. - tCopies of this Hri tten zoning ord,inance amendrnent propo5a 1 , (copy of agenda record) were revieHed with the Planner. It was explained that this proposal would be in lieu of the existing oarkiQR usage perrr.i tted in the R-II zone ~ The Board agreed to the follol.oIinfJ, addition: In Line 3 - after on a residential lot the side, add ~and/or rear" It was voted that this nroDosaJ.. as a~~nd~d ~bov~ and to b~ reviewed .~'"\ with Mr. ~vlan~~r. be aonroved to be submitted for the n8%t zonine . ordinance Dublic ~earinr.. . ZONING - COI1BI'HATIo'r-r Rr.SI1)E~TIAL AHD Hml-p.ESIDtrlTIJ\I.:. Bl!ILDIl,IGS - Copies of this written zonin~ ordinance amendment proposal (copy of agenda record) vlere reviewed with the Planner. The intent was ex- plained as'to provide proper access to a residential unit as a part of any bui Iding of othel' usage. It Has voted that the lrlnpu-3.pc of such oroposal be annroved. , 3:50 Mr. Mylanrler, Vice Chair~an, took 6ver the c~air and Chairman Kruse was excused to keep another aopoint~ent. ZOrlING - POSS! ~LF. .A.tPfr:X1\T!()lI - ? -2 Pre 1:i ~;"':i nilY"l Jwt~;.-r::1.nCl ti an - - -!')onef..=1n ( Co U:1 t '/ ~~ - It toe i 't~, ~ -? ) Lot 26 ~ l":t: ~"r~~it:iO:1 Rov)~n ~ubrll~~s~cn ~1p. ~"o}.lt; D!'~5e:lter. } ~ttc::r r,!~ur~~~t !'): :~~~:;. :Jon(!r~n, 13116 Sout~l t-!.=tshinrton A'Ii?. . C 1.(;>3. rt'latn. r, far "J""P' ~"i~ "1:'11"1 .. '" _ . .JI' <lo. r-l . P Q;n'~ O;).i n ion cc:) C0.r:1 i!1 r. t ': :,: .. ~,.. , ,~ 'I \: +', r ~t:, :; :'.....'.:."~.:: "" : . : ':'. :.t,.,: ,:" :' ~: . '.~ ",:'.' . ' ...' . . .: .... .:,., ~.I '. ".. .,~ .,~ '~,. . _ ~', :':. ~ ,'~' ~'i . '~':: :.'. ;',' '. : '.~ . : ..' " ,,;' ',. ,.;..,,~ . ":::, '/ ,{', ... J ~ , ,{ :: ;: ~ '...,', ",~' :~. ',~ , L' , ,.:' J ,: ,,' I:.., L .~. t, ~ . , : ," .' ': '~, ',,:. " '. ~...: '.: ' . :" ..~ . PE.? Bd ~1i nutc>n ~ ~./?1/6 7 Par.e 11'1. ap~:"vvc'J. of t~-? ~ Duplcxt zoning fot" !1bovr:l. lot \-1ith .int(,J"!'\.J.tion t}.at: ,~ She was anticipatinc DurchDn~ of the lot nnrl did not want to .comu1~tu the ourchnsQ or sub~it a formal reoucst for annexa- 'tio~ unless she could obtain ~ co~mitmcnt f~om the city to zone the lot R-2 upon anne:<ation, \o/hi.ch '..Jould be comparable to the Coun ty .H-4 zoning in this pockC1t of un i.ncorporatcd torri tory (iri County could eo to 3 units). The developed lots in this subdivi5ion are occupied by single family residences. Streets in the area arc in bad condition and it i~ anticipated that sewer will eventually be nceded. Informat1on from Mrs. Donegan was that the county would not approve a septic tank on the property so that she might build a duplex. A prior ar~a annexation proposal in '58 or '59 had been defeatt;;!d "by, referendum vote. Mr. Rettig clarified that the Engineering Department had recently made,a sewer study and had submitted to residents of this area an estimate of the cost to pave and curb the street and instal], se',ler lines, but as residents were not unanimous in wanting these improve- 'J.' ments they (the residents) had taken no r.lction. Review or land use and zoning shewed thnt adjoininp, zoning in the city was R-lE, Single Family. Mr. Reade moved that aftel' considp.ra- ticn of the reouest the Board anorove that the Planner inform aDDli~, . . - cant that Bo~rd ooinion was not favorable to annexation'with R-2 . zoninR, as such zoninp would not be consistent with surroundin~ land use and adioininn citv zoning. His motion, seconded by Mr. Butlerl was oassed unRnimouslv. . ZONHIG - MHSEXATION - ~'IH PARK (S~Y H,.\?-BOR EXTr.t!SIOH) - ~Hr;!IT\!Arl - The Planner describerl are<=:!. proposed to be r.J.nncxcd by ~~r. '.'1. S. Wightman for ,addition to the existing Sky H~rbor ~ohile Home Park (in City) and recomrrendcd ~obi 1~ Horne Park . zonln?_ In forl!':r\t:i on from the Planner was that the n,nlicant ~s ryroDosinp at present to \~.J cxt~nd p].att~nr to tak~ in only a porrion of his owncrshi? to the north of the park, but that he would prob~Lly ). t...... l)e '!:,UDTn1tt'tnl; a mCl:. te!"" :~","~,;~:,:"'.".:::;..':''''.'.:'''-'':''{' "'.' ....". ....>.~ ,'.': .~.: ~.'.:.::.:..:.':".:~"{ ......'....:':....:':f..,:.'...:~......;..:...;...>..... ....". . ~,'.' ':~:">I':": "j P&Z Dd Minutcc Jl/2J/G7 P(lgc 113 r, pl,an to cover the pr>oponed mHlf~1J: of the T'cr.'.ni.ninp pr'()p..:.:"ty. After reVie\'l ilnd discuss i.on ~ :i t \"i1S voted to rccoITmrmd annro'llll o! (1111) ; Mobi]e Home. Park zoning foT' ilT'ea of nronoscr1 extension of Sky . ~ Harbor Hob:i.lc HC~I'l'f;! Park. .\ . ZONHIG - R_II HF:rr,HT' A~lD SeTBAcKS (contin\J(dl from ] 1 / J.ll /67) - Copies of these ordinance amendment proposals, PROPOSED LOT ^ND r BUILnnlG P.EGULATHHfS - R_II, previouslV distributed to I':1cmbers, ',7crt;! reviewed with the Planner (cooy of agenda record). ~r. Wolle ex- plained the schedule ~nd discussed its intended a?plication. The regulations were anaJyzed with referenc~ bcinr made to exarrpJe table and d~awings d~picting setback-height relationship. One sugrestion made was that note should be made on Planner's work copy to clarify that setbacks r~quir~d for buildings above 20 feet in height could b4; on each successive story. AfteT' this revic\V and discussi.on ,...1i!:. ~ Butle'r' moved to express the consensus of the' Bot'lrd that- basicallv . .. ' the orot'losal is aDDl"'Oved but sub; '3ct to s tud'l of the arclii teet mem- ,',. ber of the BORrd and the Planner as to Dr~ctical anolication. His , motion was Reconded bv Mr. Reade and was nassed unanimouslv. The Planner verb2.:!.lv presented an amendr.ent to the PROPOSED LOT . . ~ .... " ' AND BUILDINS REGULATTOHS - R-1l as :0110"',s: Distance between structures located within paren1 of owncr~hin Hithin an R-I~ o.:lr'cel on ~"hich severAl structures .)re "'~!"l')c1:ncl the distance betwe~n such structures shaJJ be d~tcrninarl as follows: . ' *up to 30 feet in heipht - distance b0twccn structur0S shall be not less than the averu\"!e of the hrd rht~ ' of the abut~ing structures. . . .'.....-'.. ,.~O\1er 30 feet in heiqht - the di.5tt1nr.:p. ht".ltl,-1~cn SlTu(';t:\Ir~~ sha:.! be not less "thnn th,=~ sum 0f thc~ rarpd !'cd ::; i(!r! setbacks reouired accordin~ to the: h,;5.~ht 0: thr:~ abuttinp. st;u~tures. .~.,: -: (V'' :..;'.:.... '-,' :, "~~"'. ,:.::' ,'; , .:.: .: ' :;.> .:,:"':, ::::. ~..> ,: .~',' .... :'~',I:'.' " .," :.:~ ~.". .\' :.\';" ..:. ~'.:'.::, '." ""~: :~.:: '.:" ~ ': ,\ : '.1,:': . ' .~ ;>' .", ,.<";.'/ ".: ~ ~ ',' :'/, " ..;{. . .: ,':'\, \ < ". ::....~:.:.... ::':. ':+ ',' /::,l:;'-;':: :.....' ;':r< ,~.:-. ,i' ::';.~: ::... .' ::~ ',: ".~:.:-." .',"': .. ,: .' '. Pf.7. Bel Hinutcs 11/21/6'1 Pane 1111 MY'. Wolle explained the intent to insure thnt Gtructllr'PG (i.f morf:. i-"', than C~~ qtr~cturc on one parcel) should be related to each other on the inte:r.lor of a narcel where the ncrimctefl setbacks ,.,ould not apply. Bvrnotion nBssc~, the BORrd ncceotnd the idea of such amend- JTlont. CHAIRHAN'S ITf.!1S: }'PZA COHl.'r.HE~H~E DEe. 6-9, - tIo de fi ni tc in forJna ti on toms re- ceive~ as to members who might be abl~ to attend this conference. I I I PLAUNER'S ITEHS: i~ (a) Beceint of Ha~1nnd Bartholomew & Assos. S~ecial ~enort - fhe.Planner reported that this Report on the Status, of Planning in ClearHater had been received and submitted to the City Manager, with . copies retained in the Planning Office. He advised that this prospec- 'tus' indicated coordination with county zoning studies, etc. and lays .out objectives and format of updating the Comprehensive Plan. He . ' . irtdicated that formal Board review would not be necessary until such time'that action is taken on updating'the PInn. The Vice Chairman stated that this matter will be held in abeyance until direction from the. City Mnnager. (b) Public Hearing for Zoninn for Annexations - The Planner in- formed the Board that the Commission is haldinp public hearinRs on recent annexation requests. (e) Planning lite~ature was distributed. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 P. M. RespectfulJY submitted, f',\ ,,~.,/ .... --- J ,.' I L .' I /1-' ~.~'"..: -:~;~..~.. ..\. ._~.,..t- . ......, -.... ....... '.. Jack',I. :,'[011,=, Seery 'ci ty Planner' ,J "'~') \ ,