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THE PLAtlNINC l.r:!J Zl '. ~i'lG BOARD
r" .
Hi nutes of' th,:- M~cti.n B , . r; U..:.2 day 1 . tlovcmbcr J II, 1967.
The meeting was called to order at 3:00 P. M. by the Chairman,
Mr. Kruse. Present were Memhers Butler, Morris, Mylandcr, Harries,
Reade and GalJoway, Mr. Rcttip of the En~ineering Department, and
Mr. Wolle. Mr. Mylander reported that Mr. Iley had asked to be ex-
cused because of attendance at a National Realtors Association meet-
ing in ~ashington, D. c.
The minutes of the meeting of October 31~ 1967, were approved
as submitted in written summation to each member,
ZONING - ANNEXATION - Request R-4 - Applicant: Hudson -
Elizabeth Lane and Gulf-to-Bay -
The .Board was informed of request for zoninfl recommendation for
parcels as. described in Petition for Annexation of Dillard Lee and
ylinnie May Hudson and James.nillard Hudson, as filed. Petition was
reviewed, together wi th annexation map-drstoling submitted therewith
outlining annexation area (pink shaded) -
Parcel One - approximately 100' x 365'
Parcel Two - approximately 100' x laO'
, .
General location was described as north of the Gulf-to-Bay liB" strip
and on the west side of Elizabeth Lane. Land use and zoning in the
area was reviewed.
The application was discussed with consideration being given to
the following information submi t.ted jointly by the .Planner and the
Engineering Representative:
Elizabeth Lane was an existing imoroved unofficial street oro-
vided for by a 12 ft. easement of' access for each side from
abutting property owners.
Planned extension of city utilities would require obtainin~
utility easement from four property owners.
There w~re tHO existinp, structures on Parcel One and reportedlY
petitioners want to build an additional duplex structure and
the County has asked for dedication of 30 ft. for right-of-wa1
before they woul'd giv<:'! a building ~errr.it~
A front s~tback under Ci ty ~_I\ zonine wouJd be 20 f1:., or 5 [1:.
less ~ than und":'! T' Ci ty R- 2 zonine. (I t was con:i rr;:~ d, how;:'vCT',
by the PJ anneT' th~t a duplex '..lhen ey'ccteo in a City R-I\ 7.on~
wouJ.c! h:?ve to cOr."ply t,./i th R-2 sctb.?-ck.s.)
." I
. :: :~ ::' ""~' , ' ,," ::.' ,. ,',.. ,:',' ..-.. ....t ~." >... '. :' '., ; ,r...: .' ;" :,: ~, ~ ~' ',~:~' - ~ .', ::. I :. ~ . : '" ~.~ ,.': ': I ,','.' ."(,...,..' ~.'~" ~. <:., :~: ", < ':., :' , ,;'... ::: \~ ~ :::.~' .... ::,' .:.:; .:'~ ;:" .. ..<~.~~ ,..:' ',~.':' : .~. ~ i,:' \' '.:.:' ';: ,; ',';:; : :,' , ',:." ..:, ...: :" : .', :. :'.. ' ",. . . '.: ,:.:
P&Z Bel Hinutes
ll/ll~ 16 7
Paec 1/2
r-. '
jncticati -n from the Enp,inect'inf~ representa.ti ve Wij.' t:lat the
City would ha.vc been ~illinn t~ accept the annoxaClon with
~hL existinc 12 ft. access casement for each side of Elizabeth
Abutting property to the west (in County) is vacant extending
to boundary of a platted subdi. visi.on, Gulf-to-Bay Gardens;
annexation area faces into single-family and duplex usap,e
on the east side of Elizabeth Lane; a mobile home park is to
the east of these homes.
Recommendation of the Planner was that R-4 zoning as requested may
be accepta?le for the reason thai as a metes and' bounds parcel it
would permit more than one structure on the parcel ~nd he felt that
. I
the limited width of the parcel would prevent overbuilding.
After study of the development of the area, UDon motion made,
it was voted that Darcel as described in sub;ect Petition for Annexa-
tion be recomm~nded to be zoned R-2~ Dunlex, for the reason that it
is hot desirable to have a multi-familv structure within the parcel
0'---, .
of request which faces .and is part of a sing~e family develonment.
The Planner indicated that he would clarify in memo .to be forvlarded
that a single family or duplex use would determine the setbacks re-
o ,
gardless of zone classification.
ZOlJING - HH SUBDIVISIONS (continued from'11/7/67) -
The Board continued its review of these ordinance proposals.
-Sheet #1 ~
After discussion, motion was passed to strike
(2) Prefab Houses, etc. and in lieu thereof to
insert provision an in Zoning Ordinance Sec.
26.5 C, subparaBraph (i), relating to a pre-
fabricated addition to a mobile home.
Sheet #3 -
After discussion, motion was passed to accept
Plat and Buildine Requirements with addition
after r,ot CoverA.Q8 40% to define as livinc area
~usive of carpo~ts, patios, and swimminp. pools;
aftel" oavcrnent vridth 2ll', add "Hinirnum, additional
widthin accordance 'to deterr.1i nati.on by the
City Engineer";
after SidcHalk Il' width, add "plus curhs as
s peci fied hy the --tn C1z::i"Ce ri n g Departll~cn tit.
I;': .....,,; . . .." .: .... '. ..... ::'. .,'.. : '..:. ~':'~'.t I..:. :~,::< ::'. \.' ': I.". '. .::'.:: "~:',:: : '. ~ .:.:. .' ~:' :. . ..:'. '.~'" ..~.":::" .:~ ::'::J" :; :_~+'.;. ". . f~~:'-'I~ :, t'. ',:.' ':':'L '1' ~:-:. ....:,;:,'. ~~.: ';'. t.:....: '.<~':>:.I.; ~ ...:,':. :". :,:':: :. ~".. :'..;',~", :
P&Z Board Minutes
# '1
" Sheet #2 -
~. ,.
Sheet #4
. '\
General requirements - The BOilt'd i1gl'C,,)~ tori th St1Egco-
tion of the Planner to add after PJf.lt .t\o:.:"1l1i!"'emcnts,
"Master Plan shall be submitted and phase d~'v;,ro"P'=
ment will be permitted".
Community Building, Park-Recreation Facility -
After discussion~ motion was passed to approve this
section as written.
The 'Chairmanreoucsted that the Planner write UD these nl"onosals
~n final form, incorporatinR revis10ns as aooroved, and resubmit to
. ,
the Board.
ZONING - R_II Height and Sctbn.cks ..; Discussion of' these ordi-
nanee amendment proposals was deferred to the next meetin?, due to a
time limitation.
~~enda Items U11, FPZA Conference Dec.' 6-9, and #5, Receipt of
.Harland Bartholomew and Asses. Special Report, were net covered.
~ ...~-"
.!~~.' , i
The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 P. M.
R~speetfully submitted,
. .
r,'L .
, .
~ 'c' ..
o-<//C- ~_ LIJ of!&_ .
~; ck I. Wolle, Seely
Q; ty Planner
l ..:
.'. . \...........
~ :.