11/07/1967 < :~: ". ...... ~ :J'. .',: < ~:. ','\. +:!~':. ,~. :. .,' :'::...'a"': :': 'L: ~ '-'." ::: ; :: ':,;';..,::'. ',~; :: '. .~ :::.: ~ " ~..:. \ '.:;'::::+ \'~. ( -> ;:. ~',,:."::... ;:' :,! :.,' ....:... . :":..::..: ~...~ '. : \: :';J'~, ~. .\...~:..: <:-,'..~ ;' ~ ;~, '; ~..": '::: ,',."::' ~ :, :.l . ~ r..' . ".:. ':.', . ... :.. . ": .:':' "1: :. ~ ;:: :,: ,I: v"/' THJ~ PLAlHIH'(.! MlD ZONING BOARD . J, . Minutes of the Meeting, 1'uesday, November 7, 1.3B.,. The meeting was called to order at 3:30 P. M. by the Chairman, Mr. Kruse. Present were Members Butler, Harries, Mylander and Morris, Mr. Rettig of the Engineering Department, and Mr. Wolle. The minutes of the meeting of October 2l~, 1967, were approved as submitted to members in written summation. \ ,-,. REPORT - ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PROPOSED NORMANDY VILLAGE RESTRICTIONS - Chairman Kruse reported the following: I . That a copy of deed restrictions was"in hand which had been worked out by the City's Legal Department and agreed to be imposed by the owners in connection with the request for R-4 zoning of the Normandy Village annexation. That at the November 6 City Commission meeting the City Attorney had reauested that because of some legal technicalities the matter.of annexation be deferred. " That, as he understood it, the applicants didn't want to commit themselves to providing the recommended access to Hillcrest Ave. at this" time. ' . The Planner clarified that in a cover letter the applicants had ex- plained to' the Commi;sioners reasons why they did not feel "they could comply with this access recommendation--(l) that a connecting street would be used by motorists to by-pass the traffic light at the inter- section of Highland and Lakeview Road, and (2) that the privacy of the apartment development would be invaded by children riding bicy- cles, etc. through the area. After some discussion of the existing situation, it was decided to await Commission consideration of this annexation and any oossible . ~dditional request that. wifht be made for other recommendation from the Board. APPROVAL OF PLAN FOR EXTENSION or BAY BREEZE TRAILER PARK - The Planner recalled that the parcel covered by the plan was a '---"~ recent annexation t-lhich had been zoned Mil as requested, and in ac- P&Z Bd Hinutcs 11/7/67 Paet~ N 2 eta Janca wi th rccomm~nduti.on of the Board. Location 1..]~:; dcscrib~d , .."........ as abut~i~g and contiBuouS to the existing Bay Breeze Trailer Park (which is in the County). The Planner presented the plan with infor- mation that Mr. Harries had reviewed it, and further that: They are limited on their plan by location of either a utility line or easement such that they could not change lot lines on the north lots. For this reason there are 4 corner lots which meet the area require- ments of 3000 sq. ft. for interior lots but would fall-below the minimum area for corner lots, Which he didn't consider a major deviation. I Recreation requirement was met by crediting the area on Old Tampa Bay between the high'water mark and lot lines to which a pedestrian access is indicated. Residents would also have available a recreation facility in the older part of the park. The Planner recommended approval with suggestion that attention be called to the above cited conditions in recommendation to be for- warded. Mr. Harries recommended for the Subdivision Committee ao- proval of thi~ plan submitteo for addition to Bay Breeze Trailer' Park v subject to notations as outlined. After review and discussion of the layout, the Board voted that the recommendation of the Subdivi- sion Committee be approved. M. H. SUBDIVISION ZONING.- DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED REQUIREMENTS Copies of ordinance proposals for Mobile Home Subdivisions (Sheets 1 through 4) had been distributed to members at the October 2ij!67 meetinB. The Chairman conducted a review of above proposals. 'The Board agreed with some sugr.estions mi':l.de by Mr. r.tylander fot' changes as follows: , Sheet #1 - Amend heading of r..m Sub. by adding (ltindividunl ownership") ',-,.1'"" Sheet # 1 - Under Permi tted Uses amend (1) Hobi Ie llorr.es - 12 ft. \olidth ~1.in. by a(Jdine I1basic uni t" Upon inquiry, the Planner explain(!d some provisions in detail. Principal discussion centered around the acivisability of listinc P&Z Bd Minutes 11/7/67 Page #3 prctt"1.~icated ht.:\\lses as a pc..~mittod use and tho adequacy of 2~ ft. 1-'" as pavement width (a reduction f;",CJ"n the 30 ft ~ standard pavement width required under subdivision reeulations). No decision Has reached con- cerning these two items. It .was the Beneral consensus that, as recom- mended by the Engineering representative, curbs should be provided. The Chairman strongly recommended that the Board carefully consider in regulations to be adopted any adverse effect on existing standards established for single family subdivisions. Mr. Butler thought that under Plat and Building Requirements on Sheet #3 the limitation of Lot Cover4ge 40\ might need to be clarified as to its exclusion of carports, screened porches, etc. The Planner suggested that this might be specified as applying to recogni~able living area. Members concurred with the Chairman '.s recommendation that more '. studv should be given to the nroDosals before taking action and that~ this agenda item be deferred for one week fpr receint of additional Board co~ments and recommendations for any changes or additions. The Planner indicated that he would like to have an expression from all Board members on any ordinance amendment proposals. . STUDIES - . (a) (b) (c ,. Height-setback r~strictions for R-4 zone Transitional parking usage Combination residential and non-residential buildings ~o~ies of these ordinance amendment DT'oDosals (copy of agenda record) were distributed to members for study and were to be discussed at the next mee'~ing. These had been prepared by the Planner i.n con- sultation ydth :11"'. Mylander." Agenda Item #5, FPZA Meeting Dee 2-9; was not covered due to a time limitation. Planning literature was distributed. The meeting was adjourned at 5:05 P. M. Respectfully SUbmitted, - 'ac.i:.SJ uJ ffe/!~ U ck I. Wolle, Seely ity Planner , . . ...--'