10/31/1967 : .:"': \ :.: ;, ': "r'~. : \ ::~ /. :,i,: ,: :: :;. ';: ':"~ ":J. \:.,~:' t" , ',:.:~'~" " ~.;.... ;:": \:: ~\~.:. i : :~, .:: ': ',:.: ,:'.:.. ;,::',':: ','~.~ ',:.," .~ :'~ : '.":- ";. ',:~ :/' ,:~ ' .:,', '".,.; '. ',' <:":1: ",:'1 '. ',,~', :1 ':~.;... :'>~: :. ~: :.:'~~... .~ :i":~ t -: ~,I, :": ,:<',~. -:,: .~:.: / V THe Pl.AUNING Jl.ttn ZOtf!NG BOARD ,..-.., . Minutos ef,thc Mectinbi Tuesday"October 31, 1967. The meetinr, was ca,lled to ord(;T' at 3:00 P. M. by the Chairman, Mr. Kruse. Present were Members Mylander, Harries, Herris and Reade, Mr. Rettig of the Engineering Department, and Mr. Wolle. The approvi11 of the minutes of the meeting of October 21t, 19,67, was deferred until the next meeting. ZONING FOR ANNEXATION NORMANDY VILLAGE R-4 Review and Recommendatfon (continued from 10-24-67) Chairman Kruse reported that he and Mr. Mylander had held a conference with Assistant City Attorney Kennedy on the matter of pro- tective de~d restrictions and that he had made report of their dis- cussions to HI'. Wolle. Further) that Mr. Kylander had prepared a draft of a motion for Board consideration. Hr. Mylander submitted his motion as follows: '" t: . '---.. , I move that Normandy Village be annexed with R-4 zoning with , a condition precedent that restrictions be imposed by the owner ~ providing all the requirements of the R-PUD zone except the submission of a plan for each unit to the Planning and Zoning Board and City CObmission and provided moreover that such . 'l, rest~ictions cannot be revoked, modified, changed or amended in any way without the prior approval of the City Commission of Clearwater, such restriction agreement to be ~lorked out by ,attorneys for the owner and the Clearwater City Attorney's of- fice. Also required is acquisition of a right-of-way for a road leading from the westerly boundary northwesterly to connect with Hill"crest Ave. Mr. Wolle brought the Board up-to-date on ~fuat had transpired since report maqe to him by Mr. Kruse. He inforwed the Board that in \_) line with his discussion with Mr. Kruse he had forwarded a communic~- "\ ;:.~.:' t.,' ::.': <, ~ , " 1"" .. I~:=I::'" '..,. '; "';".,~:.,:,,; :,::: ';,.<:.''': .:..~': ":..'. .<,,<,:, I!,,:". f'.:: ~~:':-:,.L', ',,'.,:: :::..:.... ,:,:r.:<":~:~~:.':'>,:I'~~>::"<~'~<,I::":I:,:;,,,,,:,;: ,o.:":':'::>.:.:::..'...,';' :":, :':':~:;.:..:.:.,:~',: ~~ or..; ':,~:<. ':, .::.::<I.',~~.~,:'~<'.'.\.r ~:~ ~.", "':~'.'.'~:"".. P&Z Bd Minutes , 10/31/67 PuGa 112 tion dated Oct 30/6,7 to the "1 ty Attorney's office sa~ting out cri- .".-.... · tcria for the determination of leBal agreements to bo t"nt~Y'ed into and incorporated as restrictions (pOl' photo copies distributed to members . at this meeting). Other information related was that: The Planner had presented this guide for restrictions to Mr. \Weiss, whose attorney, Mr. Wilder, had then conferred with the Assistant City Attorney. L~ter ~eport from Mr. Weiss was that M~. Kennedy had indicated to Mr. Wilder that any restrictions drawn up couldn't be a~cepted by the City as binding. Mr. Mylander stated that Hr.' Kennedy had indica,ted to him and Mr. Kruse that such an arrangement could be worked out with Mr. Weiss. ", Mr. Wolle recommended that the Board.go along with approval of'the R-4 zoning with an understanding made of record that as soon as 'Mr. Weiss' purchase of the property was completed he would place deed restrictions on the property and eive the City a copy. Mr. Wolle con- firmed that he had not received any direct word from Mr,. Kennedy ... concerning the outcome of his discussion with Mr. Wilder. Mr. Mylander revised his above motion to read as follows: I move that Normandy Village be annexed with R-4 zoning and that restrictions be imposed by the owner providine all the requirements as set forth in ,communication from Jack Wolle, City Planner, to the Legal Department dated October 30, 1967, and provided moreover that such restrictions cannot be revoked, mOdified, changed or amended in any way without the prior ap- I' ' proval of the City' Commission of Clearwater, such restriction agreement to be worked out by attorneys for the owner and the :,.~ Clearwater City Attorney's Office. Mr. Wolle advised of a request from MI'. Heiss that he submit to him a letter that as City Planner he would recommend as desirable an outlet from the cul-de-sac street shown on the plan to connect ',::.- ~': .'. ~'::: .:~, ':.-':.: !~~,:: ::,~ ': :,'~ '.,~' .; + ,~. .:. .~. ':, ,.,j '~: 1 ,: : :1.::,:"..:.: ,,:~,r .~. ~ :',:;~:.. " :: ~ " ':',; :.: .~:',:,:~, ,.}: .'" :.': ....:.M,,: >:: ~'.">';'. '~:;:~, .';' ': \", ",,',,: :..;, ".' .", '~ t::,~:: ;:;,.....,>:' "':, -~T' >'. .~.":..... '..\';' ';" .:,:: :, ~:. ,: ~ ~~'~,' . ~. " :..; <':,:, ; ~: ~: _' ~..,"; ';~';' , ' , P&Z Bd Hi.nutco J.0/31/67 Page /13 r- wi th Hillcrest Ave. and said he had expresncd his wil~ J,n;sness to do this. ~!ter further review and discussion, a substitute motion was made ~ seconded and tHISsed to recommend (JPorOVrl 1 of R-Ii zon i nr, for Normandy Vi11af,e annexation nroperty as desc~ibed in the Mc~ullen petition for annexation subject to these recommendations as set forth in October 30/67 communication from the Planne~ to the LeRal ,pepartment that are to be sU~TCli toted to the LeBal Department for 1!.E.- , propriate imnlementation. \" .I The Planner pointed out that the survey drawing submitted indi- cates west half right-of-way for Highland Ave. to be ~o feet and tryat the proposed plan or lIormandy Village submitted indfcates the above , .' half right-of-way to be 50 feet. The Board approved additional recom- menrlation to be submitted that the adjoining half right-of-way on South Highland Av~nue be increased to a minimum of 40 feet, such ad- dition being bqsed upon the future planning for this major County ar- tery and the fact that all properties north upon annexation have pro~ vided such minimum dedication. TRAVEL TRAILER PARK - Confirmation of Bay Street Requirement Mr. Wolle presented revised plan showing change of name to Kapok Travel Trailer Park to avoid a duplication of names (originally Clearwater Travel Trailer Park). Mr. Wolle noted that it had been ',_J called to the attention of the appli cant that there is a non dedicated East half of Bay Street right-ai-way and that this portion of street is indicated on this final plan to become full right-of-way with 30 foot strip (adjoining the park on its westerly boundary) to be deeded for right-of-way. The Board confirmed recommendation for this 30 foot strip to be deeded for Bay Street rieht-of-way as contained in draft of.a memorandum prepared by the Planner to be sent to the City " P&z ad Hinutes 10/3~/6J PaBe #4 ',' . ,-.... . 't Manage~ ,throJgh the City Enginc~r and confirmed add5tional racommen- dations detailed in such memo as follows: .. "...because of the status of the usage of the present half right-of-way, and the undetermined time of its needed usage, it is further recommended that the owner of such t~avel park shall be permitted to use such 30 foot for travel trailer park usage unti 1 such time such right-or.-way is needed. ,This assumes there will be a setback from the centerline so es- tablished. It is also recommended that provided this right-of- way be deeded to the city definite agreement shall be made of r~cord concerning the parties responsible for the cost of the ibprovement of the roadway within such right-of-way. "It is, also noted that there is double ,frontage on the lots in the northwest portion of the travel trailer park. In the acceptance of this pla.n it should be stipulated that no lots in this travel trailer park shall have access to Bay Street either existing or proposed." t I" ., CHAIRMAN'S tTEMS: " ..." . Chairman Kruse solicited information' as to members who might , , wish to attend the Florida Planning and Zoning Association t s Annual ..--.. , /. ~.;' ~: '" . Conference to be held at Miami Beach December 6 through 9. Mr. ~,., ' ... ," Morris and Mr. Reade indicated they would be unable to attend. Mr. Mylander and Mr. Harries were doubtful and wished to await. further details'. Agenda Item #2~ MH Subdivision Zoning, was not covered. Plannlng Ilterature was distributed. Th~ rn~eting was adjourned at 3:55 P. M. for members to attend the ~:OO o'clock City Commission meeting, which would be the last one at which City Manager Stewart would be present. Respectfully submitted, f'-, ' ! ~ .,' \ '. ' , ' , \ ec y .~, .'--) {', . . .: ,', .: . . , ~ . ~~ ~:~:" " I:. . '1 '. .... .. ", " ' .' ./,,,,,-,,, . .'., . . '.. . . " t .' ~ . , '-":":' . I . ',::, .,~ Criteria for the determinat.ion of lonnl ncrccmcnta entered 111'\:" and 1~,,!~t,;'!"!>orated as rcotrictions on tho uoc of the property so described in McMullen petition fo~ Annc~ution, property located west of'Hi~lland Avenue. approximatoly 200 ft. south of Hiehland and Lakevicw. .f' (1) The Planning and Zoninn Board app~oveG of the plan for the multi- family (apartment) usage of this property so submitted by Hr. .. Douglas Weiss and discussed at the Planning and Zoning Board' meeting of October 21~ t 19 G 7 ~ In that the acceptance of this plan under R-4 zoning would not bind the applicant to the density o~ height of structures shown on the plan, it is thero fore of the interest of the community and abutting property ownero that additional protective measures be tnken to assure proper devaloprnent of this parcel. (2) ,) (3) In this interest 1 and in o:rder that speci fic limitations are still considered reasonable and yet flexible, the followinG guidcli.nes are given as a basis fot" any restrictions so imposed upon the present proper.ty O\vne:flship or its future ownership. , (a) (b.> That the numbe~ of structu~s be limited to fifteen. That the number of units pe:r structu~e be limited to six- ~een per structure. (c) ,(d) TIlat the height of all structures be limited to t~o stories. That parcel setbacks shall be in accordance to the plan, that is: 10 fee~ on the south and north and west, and 20 feet on the east. That right-of-\olay be provided ei thet" as a dedication or an . easement of access on the north\t.'est 'permi 1:ting a connec... tion with the right-of-way of Hillcrest Avenue. The above determination has been discussed by ~he City Planner and by the Chairman of the Planning and Zoninr. Board. Under the ~bove conditions of development held by legal instrument, inVOlving usage and development of the parcel as defined, it appears that the R~~ (apartment) usage is appropriate, and that sUbstantially the intent of the Board, and the commitment of the owners ?resent or in the future, may conform to development standards desirable and .' . " compatible to this area. fffwJ (e) :i 10/30/67