10/17/1967 ."""'-.._.....:o,....~ I...... "". " Tnt PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD \....... ';' ,.-.. . " :1inutes of the Meetinr., Tuesday, Octobel' 17 t 1967. TIle meeting was called to order at 3:00 P. H. by the Vice- Chairman, Mr. Mylander. Chairman Kruse was absent because of illness. Present were Members Butler, Harries, Iley, Morris, Reade and Galloway, Mr. Rettig of the Engineering Department, and Hr. Wolle. Mr. Harries was welcomed back after a summar leave of absence. The minutes of the meeting of October 3, 1967, were approved as submitted in written summation to each member. ~ONING FOR ANNEXATION - KAPOK TREE INN - Discussion of prepared recommendation - confirmation of County zoning and usage permitted - I Mr. Wolle reported that draft of memo of recommendation had been. prepared by him and approved by Mr. Galloway; further that upon in- quiry,by Mr. Galloway as to what action the County officially had taken on Lots 17, 18, 31, and 32 of Del Oro Gardens, he had contacted ~he' County Zoning Department and had been informed that the County Board of Appeals on .Zoning had authorized parking on the north 120 ft. of the parcel composed of these four lots. Mr. Wolle advised that he had discussed this with Mr. Kruse and that he, himself, did not feel that this additional information would change the Board's recommenda- tion, ~s in his opiriion, all the four lots should be used for p~rking. Mr. Wolle recommended that in memo to be forwarded additional sugges- tion could be made for screening of these lots other than on the N. Haines frontage. Motion vIas made by Mr. Butler, se conded by MY'. Galloway.l that the Board's recommendation as approved at the Oct. 3/67 meeting not be changed, but that recommendation be added that screening be pro- yided for all parking lot usage abutting any residential zone and that there be no access except from N. Haines Road to purkin'g area I at the corner of San Bernadino. The Planner at this time read to -../ the Board draft of the memo prepared to be fOT't-larded with comment that he would be able to add recommendation for screeninc of parkinc :;:'. I.;.,;.:. ,: ":., : .:: .,< ,,,:,:,,,,,.;-." 'L: ,I ,'., '",,~ :.':"1",: ....:-.~': ':'.',,1 ':".: ~'r",,',:':' ~ -I. ',.:'" '~::~ :.~:.:'.:.:':;t' :.,'. ,:,.:-~::~'.:.:'.:,~ I:: :.':.','~',",',.J.'I"~'.:-":'.::,l::,.>~,:,.,':;:",~':.: ':~.;'..:',J = .,:..;....::':.,:.::,.'.~.'..~. .~:\: ;1 ~. ,:,: P&Z Bd Minutes 10/17/67 Page #2 /........... . usage if the Doal'u so desir"ld Copies of an annexation study drawing had been distributed to membel~s for' reference. Upon vote taken " !:!!. Butler r s above motion was passed unanimously,. I In seEarate motion, as suggested by the Eneineering representa- tive, the'Board voted unanimous~y to recommend that a requirement o~ annexation be that the owner-applicant dedicate ~dditional right-of- way for No. Haines Road conforming to a total 100 feet of width or 50 ft. half right-of-way where ownership is limi.ted :to one side. The Planner stated that he could include on the annexation drawing a delineation of screening and right-of-wa~ recommendations. " ' ZONING - M. H. SUBDIVISION CLASSIFICATION - Discussion of desirable requirements Area lot - living are~ - setbacks - community ownership The Planner solicited Board decision on tto10 points: (1) Whether or not the Board wanted to set up a classification for Mobile Home Subdivisions, either as a separate district . or in an expansion of the existing' Hobile Home Park district to include mobile home parks or mobile home subdivisions. (2) If the Board wanted such a new classification, areas that the Board would like fo~ ~im to draw up requirements on. such as lot area, size of trailer, setbacks in accordance to lot area, width and depth, and the possibility of working in a community ownership requirement that would be similar to mobile home park co~munity facilities. Mr. Wolle discussed with the Board possible details to be considered in planning for an acreage of common ol.tmership such as observed at Lake Tarpon Mobile Home Subdivision visited on October 10 in field trlp made .by four Board members. Mr. Reade commented that, Hhile he could not visualize in the near future any demand for an extensive facility such as Lake Tarpon Mobile Home Subdivision within the city limits, nevertheless, he thought there should be some provision in the ordinance ~~ for such a use, though perhaps reeulations adopted should be less reo strictive than for this subdivision at Lake Tarpon. Members Butler and """,>,. ."" "i' '''' '., . ..,..., " "......"",,, .,..l.. .' ,', "'" '.'''.0' ,"'''.. '. "'.",. .'.". "",, .. ,..., ", .... .. '. '. "'" ........ .,,' . '." .. ,.. ....,.1... . ,(C)..' ,.,. ,', k . W'" '.. . P&Z Bd Minutm3 10/17/67 Page 03 Hylander also made comment cOL-:crnine their obscrvatioT1C of the Lake ,~ · Tarpon facili,ty and related some information obtained i'l !"~cal"'d to sale prices of lots, cost of st~uctures, and basis of maintenance fees. ~ 'rhere was some brief discussion of the status of mobile homes in rela- tion to their asseosment as ~eal property. It was reported that infor- \ mational material setting'forth guidelines on this question was obtained ,by,Mr. :Wolle from ,the Pinellas Tax Assessor's office and made availa- t, I b1e to'members. By motion, the Planner received agreement to pro?ose a Mobile Home Subdivision Classification for the Zoning Ordinance. By consensus, pgreement was reached for the Planner to proceed to prepare preliminary ordinance proposals for Board studYl these to include recommendations for requirements as listed in agenda ca~tion. ZONING - Z-25-867 - HEARING OF APPLICATION - BLEAKLEY - - N/W cor. Palm Bluff and Osceola (Don McFarland - Attorney-Representative At 3:45 P. M. Mr. Donald McFarland, representing Mr. Bleakley, appeared before the Board. athis request, and spoke'in behalf of Mr. Bl~akley's application for change of zoning to R-4. Mr. McFarland first stated that what his client ~lants is to zone ~he property with the generally accepted usage in the neighborhood. and that where zon- ing does not conform to reasonable usage of the property. it is un- reasonably restrictive. Principal points broucht out in support of the request were that: (1) There is already a rnixtur~ of multi-family and rental property along both sides of N. Osceola, many nonconforming and established ~rior to existinc zoning. (2) They \'1ant to expand an area character that Has already substantially established. ' " , -../ (3) Land values were too great to sustain single family occupancy and, in his opinion) the~e would be a transition to multi~family.usage. . ' , : '. :.' -! " ' ' :..,,' + ::: ';.. . ::', ;.: :,:. ',:' ;: ,.::.: ,:,.:~:...: .'. ;~': ..' +:",: ':. ,'.: '. ".. ,\:.J ..,....;'... .t,:~ 1":: :. ":' :::' ~~ '-:. ,:'... I',.' :.'" , ~".' :'A ..:',::. '::, I~: .,...::..., ',: :~:::'. :'.~...' ,': ';.: ',: :'f ~ \'::., ":'.~.:.::..,<. ..',' . P&Z Bd MinuteD lO/17/fi7 Paee tll' : ".-... . (I, ) The monetary vnl un of his client' n pn1"'ce 1 Wl"h..ld insure its use for a quality development. It was pointed out to him that the waterfront properticB in the R-2 zone north of Palm Bluff were largely used as single family, aithough ItJ't?~ r . duplex zoned, and that the density of the ~~ s~dc of Osceola scuth of Palm Bluff, while p1"'obably greater than single family, was not of multi-family density. It was also pointed out by Mr. Wolle that the R-ll classification permits the zoning to be more speculative than any othe'r type of zoning and that this is speculative zo.ninfl for one in- , 'I dividual to give him a right which is denied to others in the area. Upon inquiry by Mr. McFarland, the Planner explained some of the crite~ia that is given consideration in arriving at Board recommenda- tions' on zoning cases. . In considering this as a separate property, the Vice Chairman in- quired what Mr. McFarland's answer was to such a change'being called spot zoning. ,Mr. McFarland replied that he didn't think it would be spot zoning if you consider the nonconforming multi-family uses along Osceola. He suggested that the Board could expand the area of request to avoid spot zoning. .,",J Inquiry was made of Mr. McFarland as to the possible acc~ptability of R-3 or PUD-R zoning as fitting plans his client might have. Mr. Holle indicated a plan under PUD-R zoning would show an intent to exe- cute it \>1i thin a certain length of time and permi t the Board to recom- mend limitations for the development, perhaps to be compatible with the type of development it was hoped would in time evolve for waterfront properties located to the south of Palm Bluff. However, Mr. McFarland affirmed that he did not have any idea of what Mr. Bleakley had in mind to use his property for. Aftar some fu~ther discussion and cxchanRc of comment, M~. '" r ",.-.. " 1 'I, . ;..... < ~!;, : , , .~. \ f , ~',. ~~. . . , " ~ " A_U,.. P&Z Bd t1inutoo '10/1,7/6,7 P~ce lIS ..' McFarland Sl\e~csted that the Planner migh t: be able .:'1,; ndicatc what . would be'conoidered rcason~ble under a planned unit development and ~ agreed that he would confer with his client again and return in two weeks for further discussi.on with the Board. The Vice Chairman ad- vised tha~ Mr. Bleakleyts .anp1ication would be held in ab~yance until that time. Mr. McFarland was thanked for his attendance and retired ~ . from t?e meet1ng. ZONING MR. READE - Mr. Reade summarized briefly PUBLICATION some informatipn contained in an article from "Nation's Cities" on the'subject of, "Should Your Town Sell Zoning and Rezoning", which " ' Mr. Don Williams had requested that he present to the Board. Mr. " Reade requested that the Planner have Xerox copies made and furnished to 'members and that the article be discussed at a future meeting. Planning literature was distributed. The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 P. M. ,: R spectfully submittedt .' . " . .' : ,"" _iI' ..."" ,~..t" _ .,.: ,.:' V':" 'I ~ , , ,I ,r ......', 'I, < . ~ .-, . $ I ~ . L ., _ ~ ...., . ....."'....'.,." , ...." tII1'O' ,~,. ... ......'....' """"1"" . .~.__...... . I ',t THE, PLANNING AND ZONING DOARD 'j ,,-.., . I , '..,' , , Tuesday, October 10, 1967. Members'Krusc, Mylander, Reade and Butlet' met at the Planning Office at 3:0Q,P. M. and as a group (accompanied by the Planner) made a field t:t:'ip to the 'following mobile home subdivi~dons in the ,\ \ ~ '1 , . ~ . -t,' :':',':. 'I' ", , ',. '; , . " , ., : ~~. l :: : 'I , _ 1<> .,1,. 4j.. ' ,J 'f, Co'un ty : ' " ,l l}ake'Tarpon Mobi,le Home Village in Sec. 30-27-16 tif ,Lake Tarpon (abuts U. S. 19 on cast side) Athens City - west of CR #70 - in Sec. 24-28-15 (approximate line of Belcher) , west side ~. ~ " , .. ',' -, '" '.... . 1'1<" ., ~~" , ' '..'.. " oJ::' .', '\ . , , , " Reproductions, of County plats for -t;liese subdivisions had been dis- ::,:'.::';' " ", L C, ~";', -'tributed to Board members. The tour was completed at 5:00 P. M. ,;' I ,,':!....' ~.: 4. ,', '~~;,,:-:' . :' ?::>>':~ .' ~,' ~,.' , ~.:' ~~ . .... ': . " , . , f~;',',:: " ,,~, 1~ ~~{\\~;" ',' ',' , 'i.~~"~.~:: .:,.., ~':~r~J~ :". ~ '," '- " i,/(~,,\.::- : ~}':~:\ ~ ", ~j:; .C I '. . . .~" , " , : ~ ' , \, . ' , " : ~ . " (.1 l::. .' .:. , " , '.~\' I :M,' ~ ' . , , ::1 ~ I' - ~. '\ ; :'.1 .,i"I; ',: ..; , ... I, ... . :/ ':'.~: " , , , " "I c . :.,' :' ", i:" )" ;"\"- " ;.:/, .' ," ~I . . .. ir~".,: ~ ',' ; (', '" "