10/03/1967 ~~,~,." ,',: 1, .~.;: 1:, ' :'. :. . '. :<:'I:'~ ,;,\ ~ '.:" ,":-;:.;:,:,.:,::<,~'" :.,:) '..'.:: .- ":-":',.';::'~.':".'.,::~::',.::.~;:,", \.'.: ~:,) :',',":.: ~'.:,"."-:'.:,', ..',~,,~':."'u::\::~~: ':1,":'/',:,.:: ':'::':",~.:J. ,":~ ,.:':,~-:".!.: ':.::.' .. ":~:: :':,',':.:' , .>:.:=,:..::, ~\":';~:'::' v/ THl~ Pi/ANNUrG I'.~n) ZONING BOARD ~ . \ l1inutes of the HeatinG, :\1t;!5day, Octobc 1" 3, 19 G., . The meeting was called to order at 4:00 P. Hi by the Chairmans Mr. Kruse. Present were Members Gnlloway, Butler, Mylandcr, Mor~is and Reades Mr. Rettie of the Engineering Departm~nts and Mr. Wolle. , The minutes of the meetings of September 19~ 1967, and Septem- ber '26, 1967, were approved as submitted in written summation to each member. ZONING - Kapok Tree Inn ^nnexation (continued from 9/26/67) - , t-1r. Gallm'lay submi tted the follot.1ing recommenda ti ons of the Zoning Co~mittce for Purcels as described in Petition for Annexation of Kapok Tree Inn, Inc. as filed: :,.~ > ; / "....-... . Parcel 1 - requested zoning R-4 to be zoned R-l, single family Parcel 2 requested . liB" to be zoned "B", Business - zonJ.ne Parcel 3 requested zoning R_II Lots 17, 18, 31 & 32, Del Oro Gardens Subdivision to be zoned R-4 '-!, I. Lot '37, Del Oro Garden~ Sub. - . .to be zoned R-l, single family Lots l14, 45, 46, 51, 52 & 5ll, Del Oro Gardens Subdivision - to be zoned R-l, single family Parcel 4 - requested zoning. UB" - to be zoned Ilgll, Business The Committee further recommended that, in lieu of the requested R-4 zoning for Par~el' 1 and lots in, the residential cul-de-sac area of ,; , Parcel 3, additional fl B" zoning be approved for a 200 ft. (annexation) expansion of frontage alone N. Hain"es Road adj aini.ng Parcc 1 2, such added frontage to extend easterly in depth equivalent to the east-west dimension of Parcel I (333.82 ft.). , ' It, was reported that: , ......'" the above recommendations for IIB" zoning recoGnized the present area of restaurant us~ge, existinn County C-2 Cornnercial >'., , ;' , " '>~'I:~ '.; ,f,', :,.'__.:;,: : I :~':': ,'. ,~:(:,:"":.,,., ~;, :"':~",:," ~'.'~ ~I"',:."~': ,:,,:;',.:.,'.: .:>~':: ',: P&Z Bel t1inutcs 10/3/(3 ./ Page 1/2 z~ning, and the potential for future development of business r, · \ls~ge!.l abutting U. Haines Road. Recommendation fOl~ appl~oval of R_l~ zoninr; rcq uosted for lots at the corner of ,~J. 11a i nes Road and San Bernadino St. recognized the present eligibi,l.i ty of these" lots for parking use afforded by the existing County zonine and the availability" of access from N. Haines Road. ,It was further reported that recownendation for R-l zoning for " I lot~ "requested to be zoned R-4 was baRcd on the followine reasons: Existing County zoning for lots of request was for single family residential. These established single family homes in Del Orc Gardens and arljoining single family subdivisions should be protected from any further encroachment of commercial usage. '---, The planned parking use foT' these lots, if zoned R-4, would be objectionable and would channel heavy business traffic through residential street~ (particularly Madera Ave., San Jose, San Pedro, and Sa~ Bernadino Streets). The Planner pointed out the extent of applicant's ownership on . photomap displayed." :1r. Holle offered comment that the area not in- cluded in the annexation request would havc possibilities for later de~ velopment as a planned unit develo~ment, although, in his opinion, if annexed, AG (Agriculture) would be an appropriate initial zoning classi- " fication unt.il suc,h time as a specific use might be planned. Three letters of objection from area residents (directed to the Planning and Zoning Board) were read to the Board by Mr. Wolle--the first one dated Oct 1/67 signed by Lee DeHuth and Iva D. CraH.1ey, the second dated Sep.t. ,29/67 signed by. Samuel S. and Carol Prentice et a.1 (34 signatories in all), and a third petition siRned as 36 residents .....,) of the City of Clea~water'. 1~ere was some discussion as to the proximi- ty of the addresses, represented to, the property of request. Hr. Holle mentioned that previous letters from Samuel S. Prentice and Mrs. Anna 11 ;-... .,,-/ P& Z B<.1 Hi nutr,m 10/3/67 Pi.1ge 1/3 ,B. Johm;on were rCi.ld at the rnnctinr. of SCiltcmbcl" 19/~''"I_ . Mr. t'1011e discunncd Hi.th the Bonrd r!1 suggestion l11ade to him by " Mr. Galloway which he thought would serve to reduce complaints of . any noise nuisance caused by the loud speaker system used in gardens of the Inn; that is, that instead a lighted board might be used to flash reservation numbers. A~ter some further discussion, ~pon motion by Mr. Reade, seconded by Mr. Norr-is, it was voted unanimously to annrove the recommendation of the 20nin8 Committee. It Has agreed informally that in memo to be forwarded comment might be made concerning t1r. Galloway's suggestion and othe~ suggestion made for consideration of lower level illumina- tion of parking areas. It was confirmed that the Board's zoning recom- mendation was not contingent upon acceptance of 'such suggestions. It was arranged that the Zoning Committee Chairman would review memo pre- pared by the Planner-before being forwarded. ZONING - Z-26-86l - R-2 to R-~ - Lots 16, 17 & 18, Longview Sub. (Yelvington Ave.) - (continued.from 9/19/67) - - Committee Report Mr. Gallot'lay reviet-led the gene,ral location of property of re- quest. He noted that the existing o~cupancy was a house in the.cen- ter of the three lots and that the reason for request for change in zoning was to permi t an apartment building of 16 to 23 units. t.lr. Wolle advised that the ~aximum density permitted under R-4 zoning would be 23 units; hOHever, that in a preliminary study \-lith Hr. Finnig~n, the applicant, Mr. Finnigan seemed in a~cord that 16 units would be a desirable d~n5ity and provide ample parking area. Mr. Holle confirmed that Nt". Finnigan had indicuted tha't he Has not favor- able to R-3 zoninB, which would limit his number of units to 13, as PF.Z Bd. t1inutc8 10 /3/67 P fl.?..' 1111 ,....-.. . he tel t this linli tation Hould cornpl:i.c.clte Ids finilnC':"':~L ,1rr<.1neeInCnts. . Hr. Galloway rcpot".ted that the Zoninr. Comnd,tt€'::..,c rccOll1lncnded that the zoning of subject lots rcmnin as.R-2, Duplex, based on the fol- lowing c6nside~ations~ .\ . To c"reate an R-4 spot zoni.ng would have an adverse effect upon the substantial single f~mily and duplex residences alone Yel'linBton Ave. and in the immediate area to'the east apd west, which it was felt should remain rcispected and p,rotected. The greater buj.lding height and densi ty permi ttcd in the R-4 and increased eeneration of traffic resulting from apartment use, Hould be objectionable at this tirnEl. After review and discussion, upon motion bv Hr. Reade, seconded by Mr. Morris ,it was voted unanimously to approve the recommendation ,of the Zoninp. Cornmi ttee. CHAIRI1AN'S ITEt1S: - rield Trio Schedule-Mobile Home Subdi vis:i.ons- . ,.-- . \ The Planner requested that the Chairman try to schedule a field trip to the four County mobile home subdivisions, plats of tolhich had been distributed to members in attendance at the Sept 19 Board meet- ing.. Mr. Wolle'explained that he would like to have these sit9S in- spected prior t? offe~ing any zoning proposals to the Board. The Board concurred with the Chairman's recommendation that duplicates of these plats be furnished to all Board members and that decision on the matter of timinR of field trius be deferred. . Mr. Wolle brief- ly discussed some ideas he was considering for possible inclusion in a zoning proposal. Mr. .~dvised that he would also distribute to mem- bers for study copies of the Pinellas County zoninc regulations cover- ing mobile home subdivisions. I !. 1 t. '......'" i I PLANNER'S ITEHS: , " (a) Report - PUD Hospital . Mr. Wolle-reported that at.its Oct. 2 meetine the Ci ty Commissi on htld approved the Clc....:l1~~.,a tel" Community .'. >. .' ',' . .' ..: ":': :'. .' +.' ' !..,':.' : \ ':., ...:.' " ,". .. . " .',:~'..:, ....::.;,.1~...+..' "'. '.<, .:. ~':':" ......' ": :~:'. ~.::\ I: .;.... .:. '. ~ "..:: .',: ': ...:: .\.:...., :~':'" I -:':. ! ',,:,: .':1' ... ,.'... :,' .:.,~.; ,'... ,.~ ,.1," . ,-t" .'. P&Z Rd rlinutC5 , 10 1.3 / 6 7 Pace 115 .-, . , . ttospi tal plan in i\ccordancl, ., i. th the Board I s recommendations anel that the only question brought up was it1 rCfJCl.rd to the fire hydrant recommended. (b)Confirrn aoproval Mo~ninR5ide Estates, Unit 58 and 6A - . , , Mr. Wolle reported that he had approyed p14ts of above units Hhich Here in conformance with the master plan except fol:' a deviation.in lot numbers. (d) HBA visit - :'1r.. ~~o11e reported that Hr. Fr,cd Robinson of Harland Bartholomew and Associates had spent two days in Clearwatep in the process of obtaining some information for the report for which ,his .firm is under contract with the city and that Hr. Robinson is expected to return for another visit. ". '....., ~ .}, . " Agenda Items #4(c), PUD LakevietJ and Hiehland Heiss, .and . .:. ."--'" (d)~ Report - Iley HARB (l1r. Cronin), Here not covered due to a.time limi tation. ,'......... , : ~. . '," Planning literature was diGtributed. The. meeting t~las adj ourned at 5: 15 P. N. Respectfully submitted, ~. ,'. ~. ~; -'J, ad- ~ uJrrfk " ack I. Wolle, Secry i ty... Planner ~.' . ,. ~ :. ."\ -- J . '--" l".. ~' , , . i ,~ , ,