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Minutes of the Meeting, Thursday, July 13, 1967 (postponed from
July 11/67)
The meeting was called to order at 3:00 P. H. by the Chairman,
Mr. Kruse.. 'Present were ~-tembers Mylander, t1orris, Iley and Reade,
Mr. Rettig of the Engineering Department, and Mr. Wolle.
The minutes of the meeting of June 27, 1967, were approved as
submitted in written summation to each member. .
ZONING - Reconsideration of Zoninp, Reouests (automatic refiling)-
\ves t side ot Os ceola - RO 813 (ds, !1CDONALD, MEISSllER-
(resubmittal - WADDELL) -
The Planner informed the Board of memorandum dated June 29/67 re-
ceived from the City Manager on the subject of refiling of zoning
cases, text as follows:
tilt is my understanding that all rezoning items before the
Commission at the last hearing on North Osceola were to be
reheard without prejudice at the next hearing. Please
process them.lI
, '
Mr. Wolle reported that he had confirmed these instructions verbally
and had further informed the City Manager of memo sent to the City
Attorney for clarification as to t~e necessity for refiling.
The Board was again oriented as to the location of these proper-
ties along Osceola, with map-drawing being displayed showine indivi-
dual parcels of ownership by color legend. Mr. Wolle confirmed that
these-applicants were to be considered for, request zoning of R_l~ as
..... , ;"
in original filing and his own understanding that the Board does not
wiSh to accept the responsibility of making a recommendntion on the
~ntire strip. He recommended that R-3 PUD zoning would be best for
the ci ty .
,rhe Chairman appraised the si tUntion as being such that, based
on his understanding of Board opinion, the Board would probably have
'_I to deny the pen~inR applications for the reason that it was advisable
to have greater control 'over develooment of the properties than would
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P&Z Bd. Hinutes
Page #2
be provided under R-II zoning. The Chairmun further advised that it,
I~ was his opinion (and to his knowled~e the opinion of City officials)
that the zoning should be left in the existing classification until
such time as specific plans for development were disclosed. Upon
inquiry made, the Planner reviewed certain Zoning Ordinance provisions
under Sec. 26-118, Planned Uni+ Developments, 'with particular refer-
ence,to Paragraphs (3) detailing scope and application and (S)(a)
through (c) covering Si te Development t1aster Plan content and pro-
cessing. Mr. Wolle agreed with determination made that the R-3 PUD
does not restrict a developer to any set density pattern and that any
limitation on height, size of buildings, etc. could only be imposed
as a consideration of plan approval. Members indicated concern that
under either R-4 or R-3 pun zoning a pattern of low-cost or medium-
cost projects might follow not in'character with the existing land
uses and the best potential of these sites..
Mr. Mylander quoted, as information, excerpt from an article
in Florida Planning and Development, edited and published by Fred Bair,
Jr., a recognized zoning authority. Such article on the subject of
"Spot Zoning-POlicy Report for a PlanninE Commission" concerned guide-
lines for consideration of applications for what appear to be spot
zoning changes.
After further revie~1 of the applications and discussion of all the
facets of Board restudy of the Osceola area, Mr. Ilev ~oved that the
. .....",.",~/
Board recommend denial of request for R_l~ zoninp. bv subiect aODlicants
(Robbins, McDonald, J1eissner-Walker, Bleaklev, and Waddell) ann reco~-
mend that ~roperty of reauest be retRined as R-l and R-2 in the best
interest of the City. Mr. Iley's motion was seconded bv Mr. Rea~~.
P-- ..d.
The Planner inquired of Mr. Tley i.f he was thinking in terms that
the R-3 PUD would be offered to these applicants. Mr. Iley replied,
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Pf.Z Bd t1inutes
Page #3
UNon. Mr. ~\ylandcl" brought up the question of pOlicy to be followed
as to the disclosure of Planning Board recommendations to outsiders
which was previously discussed at the April 18/67 Board meeting. Mr.
Kruse confirmed that he had been given an opinion that the Board's
recommendation was not to be disclosed prior to the public hearing and
was net to go to anyone but the City Commissio~. Upon vote taken~
Mr. Iley's motion was passed unanimously.
- corner Haines Road and Gulf-to-Bav Rlvd. -
Copy of annexation drawing was passed to the Board and photomap
of area displayed. The Planner presented the request for annexation
with information that:
Property of request was a strip approximately 100' ft. in depth
(containing approx. 2 to 3 acres), located to the north of
the Gulf-to-Bay Business frontage.
His field inspection of the 5ite showed one small house
within the annexation area and that the property adjoining
to the north (in County) was vacant.
The Planner recommended acceptance of the .. B" zoning based on the con-
of the surrounding area was reviewed and discussed. The Chairman
brought to the attention of the Boarrl that liB" zoning, if approved,
would adjoin County R-3 Residential zoning in the area to the north.
He indicated that at some time the coordination of City zoning and zon-
ing in unincorporated areas would .be a matter for Board consideration.
Unon vote taken, Mr. Iley's' motio~ was oassed unani~ouslv.
SKY H^RBO~ - Wipfit~an
The Planner presented ;1Y1d rel/ieVled plat for layout of 8 addi tional
! ...-....
PE Z Bd. t1inutes
7/13/67 Pape /Iii
lots in strip 64 ft. in width (previously annexed) as oubmitted with
letter of request from W. S. ~ightman. The layout of the extension
included lots of the same quality as in the original plat for Sky
Harbor Mobilehome Estates. It was voted unnnimousl\/ to recommend
approval of plat for this addition.
vices offered by the Build America Better Committee (BAB) of the
National Association of Real Estate Boards and reported on the status
of the invitation being extended to bring a BAB Committee survey team
~o Clearwater~ Mr. Iley further reported on his observations of the
I progress made by Orlando in implementation of BAB recommendations made
to that city. Mr. Iley also ~ave a resume of'recent activities of
the Clearwater Downtown Association, for which he serves as a,member
of the general committee.
REPORT ON SARASOTA VISIT CaD - Mr. Kruse reported on highlights
of his visit to Sarasota on July 11 as a participant in the Inter-city
, Safari sponsored by the Greater Clearwater Chamber of Commerce. Pur-
pose of the trip was to survey what Sara~ota is accomplishing in its
downtown area and also to visit .the St. Amands Key development.
Mr. Iley retired from the meeting at this time.
I .
Mr. Kruse briefed the Board
on accomplishments and current projects of the Council. Subjects
covered were:
A resolution adooted to reauest the St. Road Board and the Turn-
pike Authority t~ consicer-the improvemp.nt of a spur from 1-75
into the upper par~ of the county.
The'creation of a pinellas Ey.press~ay Authority by action of
the recent State Legislature to plan for such a spur to connect
with a proposed north-south expressway in Pinellas County.
Reports on development plans and studies completed and in
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P & Z Bd. Minutes
7/13/67 Page 1/5
- .--.:..
Zoning study undertaken in the Seminole area and the respon-
sibility,assi~ned to the Council in rep,ard to a zoning study
of all the un~ncorporated areas of the Cou~ty. '
Pending decision as to the new Chairwan and reappointment of
Council members..
.: ,~ ,J '
.. I
Mr. Kruse announced that no Board m~eting would be held the
following Tue~day unless sorre ~~tter requiring i~mediate 'action
~ " . I
, ~ ~ (
~ ,', - came 'up.
FIELD TRIP PROGRAH - The Board concurred with the Planner I s sug-
gestion that recommendations for this program be deferred until after
the summer vacation period.
Planning literature was distributed.
The meeting was adj ourned' at Ii: 45 . P. M.
, I
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