06/06/1967 .~ :-:': ..' t' :.~, I ',~ ;...:',:::.:, ~;': ~".: :,',:',::~..'; ;~'t .:~ I>,' . ,.; .', ~ :, :::' .. ;":. . ',: ~: j... : /:.~. ':.',:' :'~ :>',' J\ ~.. :.... " \ :' , .. ':,'.. :..'~ "''';''''':; ~~>:. :::' ":':'!": :::.~ :: ::':/; ~.I.:) ':~", :'::',,: ~: /. : ,:...~ :'::', : >: '.' ,~' " : :.': ~ ;f,~r/~'''.,: ;:.:":<:,;.~: ',~: ',:;...:. ~~< ~ '~": ::: '. .: J~'::' ,:.:,,; ~ ,:~.:: .t~~:1 ..'~,' 'I. (~ ::... : .::: ....:::' ~ . ~~ , -, THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD- / I Minutes of the Meeting, Tuesday, June 6, 1967. The meeting was called to order at 3:00 P. M. by the Chairman, Mr. Kruse. Present were Members Mylander, Butler, Swan and Morris, Mr. Rettig of the Engineering Department, and Mr~ Wolle. The minut~s of the meeting of May 23, 1967, were approved as sub- .mitted in written summation to each member. ~ ZONING REOUEST - . FROM R-2 TO R-4 - LOTS 1 AND 24,BLOCKH, BOULEVARD HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION - Owner: John and Anna M. Stettner - Applicants' Rept.: Dan R. Iley.- General Location: Southwest corner DeLeon and San Remo - Reason for req.uest as stated in application was to "put the subject property to its highest and best use. Also, the 25 foot set- back from each side of the corner on "R-2" would make building pro- .hibitive. Need to use both lots for any building". The Planner pre- sented the application and explained the land use and zoning of sur- rounding properties as delineated on office maps studied, pointing out that the lots to the north opposite the Stettner property were rezoned -. to R-4 within the past two years. Mr. Butler advised that site in- spection made by Zoning Committee members showed frame and masonry residences of modest value in the immediate area and parking lots to ,\ the north and east to serve business buildings (Ace Hardware and Mr. Doughnut) 'located on the Gulf-to-Bay frontage. Report of Members Swan and Butler of the Zoning Committee, concurred in by Mr. Galloway, was to ~Eprove above request based on the further consideration that R-4 zoning would serve to provide a desirable buffer to residences to the west and the GUlf-to-Bay business strip. The Planner .I'concurred in the report. The Board voted unanimoUSly to accept the Zoning Committee's report and pursuant thereto to recommend aooroval fer change to R-4 for Lots 1 and 24, Block H, Boulevard Heights Subdivision. , , P&Z Bd Minutes 6/6/67 Page 02 CHAIRMAN'S ITEMS: ELECTION OF OFFICERS - The Chairman announced ~ I~ that the next order of business, in accordance with notice sent to mcm- bers. would be the election of a Chairman and a Vice Chairman. He said that decision had been made in past years to have the City Planner for Secretary of the Board. Mr. Kruse explained that the election had not been held earlier this year because of the lateness in the cornple- . ticn of Board appointments. He noted that other than a provision for the election of initial Board officers, the language of the charter was vague as to any requirement for annual Board elections, but that he thought it well to have such customary election and had asked the City Clerk to conduct it. The City Clerk, Mr. Whitehead, took over the chair at this time. Mr. Butler nominated Mr. Arthur Kruse as Chairman. Nomination was seconded by Mr. Mylander. Motion was made by Mr. Morris, seconded by Mr. ~wan, that nominations be closed. Members Mylander, Butler, Swan, and Morris voted "yes". Motion was pass~d. Mr. Mylander nominated Mr. Ralph Reade as Vice Chairman. Upon in- formation given by Mr. Kruse that Mr. Reade had made request to both Mr. Wolle and himself that his name not be placed in nomination due to increased personal responsibilities, Mr. Mylander ~1ithdrew his nomi- nation. Mr. Mylander nominated Mr. Galloway as Vice Chairman. In dis- cussion with Mr. Mylander, the consensus of Board expression was in favor of consideration by Mr. Mylander to be the no~inee for this of- fice, in view of his having more free time and being the logical one for attendance at Commission and other meetings where representation might be required. Mr. Mylander stated that he felt that Mr. Galloway , and Mr. Swan as members with more seniority should have precedence. ,J Mr. Swan responded that speaking for himself (and he thought for Mr. Galloway) the demands of business would prevent their being able to 1 ,.:~'.,,:,;. "'::', :,..r:....: ;.: :::', ~':..~..:<, :',,'.:. ~,,;.,:,: ....<.: :"'l'~:';::.~:' '~:"';" I~',.,\";:,':';', 'l.:,..',I"::':'!'''r'.~..: ',.' .:.~:. :'./;. .::.:.I~.:': :,.':':'~,I""';:':I,':"';"I't"'.~',:h,:~'1 ':I<~t,'...,:,,~, ,:'":;,,.~~,.,~.,~ ,', :'. ':"~;'.'~ ~":'. ;-',':';' ; ::::::"':'<':11';",',,\'.: P&Z Bd. Minutes 6/6/6.7 Page fi3 devote the necessary time to the office. Mr. Swan nominated Mr. ,..-.. Mylandct' as Vice Chairman. His nomina ticn was seconded by Mr. Butler. Motion was made by Mr. Swan, seconded by Mr. Butler, that nominations be closed. Motion was passed unanimously. Mr. Mylander stated that he would be glad to accept the office. The City Clerk announced Mr. Kruse's election as Chairman and Mr. Mylanderrs election as Vice Chair- . man. He.was thanked for his participation and retired from the meeting. 3:15 P. M. Mr. Swan left the meeting.at this time to keep an out-of-town appointment. Mr. Kruse resumed the chai.r and expressed appreciation for the honor paid him in being reelected to the Chairmanship and pleasure at Mr. Mylanderrs acceptance of the .Vice Chairmanship. R-3 (LD) ZONING CLASSIFICATION (continued from 5/23/67)- b~scussion of Permitted, Prohibited, S?ecial Exception Uses Copies were distributed of sheets numbered 1 through 4 of an ex- ~~nded study proposal (copy of agenda record) containing listing of definitions, and listing of Permitted, Prohibited, and Special Excep- tion Uses for the R-3 (LD) Classification. The Board continued its study of items relating to ~t and Building Re~ulations on Schedule re- viewed generally at the previous meeting. After careful consideration and discussion of each item in detail, jt was aQreed to aoprove the following revised rep-ulations: Minimum Lot Area: 15,000. sq. ft. I-story bldg. coverage 45% 2-story bldg. coverage 30% 3-story bldg. coverage 25% 1,BOO sq. ft. per D_ U. Minimum Lot Width: 100 ft. Minimum floor Area: 315 sq. ft. per D. u. .. Building Setbacks: . Hinimum 20 ft. Total front and rear of 50 ft. , ! Minimum 8 ft. Total both sides - 20 ft. ..........' , Maximum Height: Stories- 3 40 ft. Off-Street Parking: 1.5 spaces per dwelling unit ..,:> : \,~'I ;:::,' ;'.':: '.~ .','. ~:.:. ~. '~', :.1,:, :, <.:/ .::. .,~, ",. ~ : :,:. ::,~' ','~ ':,i..),,:::":""':',,',,:..~., I '- ':~',:' :' I, " :"; I,: \">: >! I ;>, ,(~:: : \ l:'~ ',I ;, ','::l' ~., ,~: "':" ""., ,:,:'.~,':,II" ,~: >. : :,..:" :~, < ':.' .:,:~>>':)~:: :-, < ..~":' .. . J' ',:-, ':!. ': ~ .....: ::: ~.~:'.: ;, :, ~ ~: ' ,.' / ~-::. '.: ,:," ,I~ .: "j ,P&Z Bd. Minutes 6/6/67 Page #4 , , ' "~. ~eview of Sheets 1 through 4 W~9 postooned to the next meeting due to a time limitation. The Board was informed that Mr. Mylander had collaborated with the Planner in their preparation. Mr. Reade joined the meeting at 4:10 P. M. during discussion of the above agenda item. AGRICULTURE ZONING CLASSIFICATION - The Planner informed the Board · "\' of a matter brought to his attention by the City Manager concerning the anticipated need of a zoning classification to be available for annex- ation parcels which would not result in an increase of property asses- ments (one that would have the character of a holding zone). He ad- :,CC vised that he was investigating the possible application of a zone similar to the County's "A_l Agricultural" District. Excerpt from the County Zoning'Ordinance outlininR such district was to be maileg ~o members for study Drior to the next meeting. Agenda Items #4(a), Field Trip Program, and #4(c), Activity Re- >: . ports on Planning, were not covered. ',": .c.. Planning literature was distributed~ The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 P. M. Respectfully submitted" ~ ' , . Sec y '. ' I '-'" (:' ~ :1' .' . :,1-.,' ',"