05/23/1967 '. ::' : . :: '~. ~'. <~' :';. .:. ~~' ,l,. ';. ~. . "::' \ '...~::: :'. :;.' ~ r..... .: <.: .: :~. _ '.. . I '.~ ; '0 ~: '..' / ~'. ::. ~ . ,':' ... : " /.. '".": '..:'.: ~: :':... ' ,'...:': '.':', .',. ~',,' .: :' ,::: : :' :' ;..... .:. :'::'. ,I'..:' '" '" ,':..oR. : :~: " <,~. ~ : ~:<:. ':,::: ':' :'.' -.:' : ~ :':.: .. :,;'. :':':' :'. I . :,: '. ~. .:.: ..\. ":"~:'.: . < ."', .:.'.. 1'HI: PLANrHHG AND ZOnING BOAJ~D /r Hr. and and r1inutes of thn "1co1::inr., Ttle~dny, MilY 23, 19G7. The meetinc !,olar. cal]cd to order c:tt 3 :00 P. H. by the Ch"irm.:tn, Kruse. Present Here "1cl:1bcrs :'1y landor, Butler, Reade, Gc111o",tl.Y Norris, a nctv appo:i.ntee, r~r. Rettie of the Enpinccring DepaT'tmcnt, Hr. \'Jolle. ............. On behalf of the Board, the Chairman welcomed Mr. Fronk H. Morris, Jr., t-lho was appointed to the BORrel by the Commission on Hay 15 to 'fill the vacancy created by the election of Don Williams to the City Com-, mission. Merr.~)crs Kruse, GnlloHay, and I) ey toJerc reappointed on thn t same. date for' terms of 3 years. The Chai rm.":Jn commented that '.>li.th Mr. Morris 1 professional qualifications he felt he would make a most valuable contribution to the Board. Mr. Morris expressed his pleasure in serving. as a member. For information of the new member, Mr. Kruse cited provisions con- cerning the duties and rC51'on5i1>ili ties of the 'Plannine and Zoning Board as ~pecified in the charter and Rave a short resume in reRard to the completion of the Clearwater Compre.hensive Plan in 1'962 and its antici- pated updating. Mr. Morris was further briefed as to current Board projectsl with emphasis being given to its recent activity with the Merchants Division of the Chamber of Commerce, which resulted in the formation of an action group for the improvcrrent of the downtown arp.a. With the concurrence of the Board, the Chairman appointed' Mr. Morris to the Housing Committee to serve with the present members, Mr. Reade and Mr. Iley. The Committee was directed to choose one of its members to fill the post of Chairman, vacated by Don Williams'. Mr. Kruse then detailed the. composition of the other standing commit- .tees: Zoning, Subdivision, and Public Relations. The minutes of the meeting of Hay 9, 1967, t-lel"e approved as sub- mitted in written summation to each member. ZONING FOR MULTI-FAMILY AREA - LOW DENSITY(continued from 5/9/67) .' (a) Report from Hr. Holle - Pro!)osal~ Apnlication - Copies were distributed of Zoning Ordinance SchcduJe of Lot and Building Rcpulations for referen~e to districts. Mem- bers were also Biven copies of a proposed study schedule, HR-3 (LD) LO'" DENSITY ~ULTI FAtn L Y DIST:U CTr~ <,,~oI?Y of aFenda r~~!) as prepared by the Planner in consultation with Mr. Mylander. Mr. Wolle explained the schedule and 'discussed with the Board its in- .~.I'''' tended application to insure a lenser densi ty th("ln for the ~_ll P&Z Bd. HinutcB 5 / ? 3/ G 'J P il Be IJ ? and to p~ovidc {bctwcnn Bin[~le faMily and duplex djstricts ancl the .("'- existinc R-'. district) a nc~ classification, havinr built-in stan- dards', Hhi ch Hould primCll"i ly i.nclude na T.'den-typc ~1pllrtmcnt us as more compatible to one nnd two-fnmily rcnidcntial zones wh5ch it might .adjoin. It was pointed out that the intent was also to S 01 ve the problem of the 1i] ck of t'e finemcn t in the R-II zone. Mr. Holle pl"ocedcd \o1i th revicvl of e.ntries under Schedule subheads of Pl"incipal Use, 11inimum Lot Area, Minimum Lot \vidth, Minimum Floor Area, Building Setbacks, Maximum Height, and Off-Stroet Parking. He poin.ted out that the question of sinr.1e-family and 'duplex units to be perini tted or not' permi tted Has included a.t ;th'c end of the schedule.as a discussion, item. -. . " ) >4_' '(b) Discussion - Mr. My~ander - Mr. Mylander clarified the difference in application of the existing R-3 (PUD) and the pl"oposed R-3 (LD) ~lassification~ a point Hhich he had at first questioned. He stated that final ; . consideration of criteria for off-street parking (proposed 400 ,sq. ft. per dwellini unit) was deferred for full Board discussion, as \-las the matter of II Space minimums in court aT'T'anp,ements II . ).. Principal discussion centercd around the off-street parking requirement. It to/as final Iv voted that the minimum Darkinp. re- striction be set at 1.5 soaces peT' dwcllinR unit:, a space to be based u~onthe present ordinance reaui~ement of 160 so. ft. ner ~pa~e n1us access and maneUV8r area. It was rccopnized that special regulations would probably ne~rl be included in repard to the proposed use of a dorm! tory. After son~c prelimini'l:ry ey.Chrlngc of comment, it was agreed that the Planner ~nd Mr. Mvland~r would . ... ___r _ . ~,.r preoarc more detailed infor~Dtion concerning uses to be orohibited , l; , ; ::~ '; l , ", I' !:' .'\' , ..:. '.;' '. ::.; , ..,'.' .:. .,' I,: . ", ' .;' :~~ "'.. " . .':.... ~':: " I ,~':, ~,j. '. ", ';,.' .J:'. ~, .' . .:.,'. :: /.'~ ')1 . ':. <.:.':." '.,. ' :~ < . ;' ..', ';.' ,",' ,;': ,~ ' ,'~' . : : '.' .:. \: ;., " ~:', :: ~ :' :... . ':: r ; : '. ': ~ ..... ': I.,: ,: : I " " ': :'.: :',' ,: ,.,,:, " ,'; ',... --:; . I".:: : ' .' '."': ':'~ ...: .'. .' , .' . : ... :'{ . ~ >." '. , ' .<. , ~.' " ; t,,:' " .,.;. . , ' , ',0 , ' {;>, ',' ... . " .~.. ,', 't.',., ,---..\ " , o , ' .,',' " ." 0' , , ;\\';,:., t.\ ' .' ' ~:' , .~. .> " ~ ,.", " . .::' . ~' I. " '\ , / .. .0 , :,;, . .,...~/ .~:. . ',' (,' . " ,. ,.' : I,,' ~ ',: .;:- ~ ' ~ lJ,:' :' pr, Z Bd. l-1inutes 5/23/G7 Pare lJ3 and space mininirnur:1s' in ,9o\JY't .2)"r','lnr.clncnts for pl"cncntati.on to the Board at the next meatirtr) Clt whi eh time HOil:rd study \olould be continued. ELEcrrION OF OFFICERS - Since Boal'd appointments wcr~ now com- pleted, Chairman Kruse 5uer,estcd thClt an election of officers \.,tould be . in order. It was agreed that alone with minutes of the Hay 23 mee1=ing the Planni.ng 'Office would send a notice to members that such election would be held at the next meetinp,. FIEL.D TRI P PROGRAf.f - The Planner indicated that he would present at 'the next meeting a proposal for the initiation of Board' field stu- dies. Agenda Items #3, Report on Hinimum Housing Code proposed - Ed Bla~~~ri, ~nd ~5(b), A6t{vity Reoorts on Planning CBD, Census, Neigh- , ' borhoods, \o!.ere not covered due to a time limitation. Planriirig literaiure was distributed. The' m~etihg was adjourned at 5:05 P. M. ~esp~ctfully submitted) .' ...; CI..c'lc~ Q t(!cl~t.!~~__ J~ k I. WOlle, See y (;I ty Plannel"' " I , I