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Minutes of the Meeting, Tuesday, November 1, 1966.
r-... The meetinc \4(\S called to order at 3:00 p~ H. by the Chairman,
Mr. Kruse. Present were Members Mylandcr, Butler, Reade, Williams
and 'Galloway, Mr. Rettie of the Engincerinfl Department, and Mr. Wolle.
The meetinr., had no formal agenda. Chairman Kruse announced that
the reason for calling the rneet:i.nB was for the Ci,ty Planner to define
some needed assistance for the FPZA Conference activities which mem-
bers might be willing to volunteer. The Chairman first clarified that
Board Members would have a full Conference registration at the City's
expense (with the Tarpon Springs Tour ticket, if desired, to be in-
eluded). It was confirmed that the cost of separate tickets for the
tour for wives would be $5.00 and for the banquet for wives of Board
members would also be $5.00 each.
Mr. Wolle gave some additional information in regard to details
of functions planned and sessions scheduled. Concerning the Thursday
tour to Tarpon Springs, it was disclosed that Tarpon SprinRs promo-
tional brochures would be aVdilable for. registrants and that the tour
would be routed via Anderson Park, with time allowed for visiting the
Sponge Docks.
Mr. Wolle then confirmed with members a schedule of hours they
would be able to man the Conference registration cashier desk. The
Chamber of Commerce representative would type .name plates and assist
in handing out material.
Upon suggestion by Mr. Kruse, the Board expressed approval that
contact be made with the Merchants Division of the Clearwater Chamber
of Commerce in an endeavor to arrange for a joint conference of the
Board with that group (perhaps in two weeks) for discussion of the
.Central Business District and mall idea. Reference Has made by the
Chairman to Boare proposals for the suggested develo~)ment of the CBD
as depicted in plate contained in the Comprehensive Plan and to the
advisability of refocusinc on planning for the downtown area 1n the
light of anticipated new developments.
The meetinr, !flaB adjourned at 11:50 P. t1.
~pectfully subnitteds
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