10/04/1966 TI.m PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD / ...-... Minutes of the Meeting, Tu~sday, October 4, 1966. The meeting was called to order at 3:00 P. M~ by the Chairmant Mr. Krusc~ Present were Members Mylanderj Butler, Iley, Galloway arid Reade, HI' ~ Rettig of the Engineering Department, and Mr'J Wolle .~--'-.. The minutes of the meetings of September 13, 1966, and Septem- ber 20, 1966, were approved as submitted in written summation to each member. REVIEW or 1960 ATTRACTIONS REPORT - Chairman Kruse presented for 111 tJ'" IliA..,..:h. ~ discussion a request that consideration be given to a Board re- study of the Attractions Report previously submitted to the City Commission in 1960 at the Commissionts request~ Such report con- tained the Board's proposals concerning needed attractions and its recommendations in regard to possible sites for major attractions in order of a priority. For the information, in particular., of Mem- bers Iley and Butler, who were not on the Board in 1960, Mr. Wolle gave a brief resume in regard to the preparation of the above Attractions Report and of its content arrangement. The Planner fur- theI' brought the Board up-to-date as to developments that have taken place since preparation of ~his original report that should be reviewed as affecting the prior recommendations submitted. Among reasons given by Hr. Kruse for reconsideration being time- ly at the present wnre the possibility of the City's havin;u ~!1terest in acquisition of a site through participation in the Federal program for Open Space grants and the reported recent emphasis on the part of ,I; , the Attractions Committee of the Chamber of Commerce in securing new attractions for Clearwater. It was learned that this Chamber com- mittee (of which Mr. Kruse and Mr. Wolle are members) had not as yet '-) submitted its report. Mr. Kruse indicated that Board study might fo- cus on the desirability of obtaining the #1 priority site near the 1n- tersection of US 19 and St. Road 60 before increasing land costs P&'Z Bd. Minutes 10 III / 6 6 Pap,e #2 /.........., would make such acquis i tion prohipi ti VEl ~ AfttH' some pre liminal"'Y dis- cussion, the Chairman suggested that Mr. Butler and Mr. Iley take a 1IIIlIIII.""'-_I:i.Il-.- . copy of the 1960 report for review and ~ppoiDted Mr. nutle~~ ~~. Ile~~ ~n~L "Mr. Gallo\.,,~y as a committee to",-1"estudl the ~t~ractions Retlort and make report to the ~oar~ as to how to again~~resent,re~mmendatiQ~~_, to the Commission. ""- Recognition was given to the election of Member Iley to the Presidency of the Clearwater-La~go Board of Realtors and congratu- lations were offered on this honor paid him. PREPARATION FOR PUBLIC HEARING ZONING - Mr. Wolle reminded mem- bers of this. public hearing to be held the following Monday and 'an- nounced the availability of packets of reference material for those who might attend. He advised that he might probably be meeting with the Commissioners on Thursday morning for a discussion of the items. Mr. Wolle further reported on discussions held with him by Commis- sioner Stephens concerning the proposed service station amendment and by Mr~ Hilleboe of,the local mobile home association concerning the proposed Travel Park amendment. FP~A CONFERENCE PROGRESS REPORT - The Planner reported on pro- gress made in arrungements for the conference. It, was ann(l1.:~' :"ed that Mr. ,Kruse was to be in charge of the Officials Luncheon on Thursday, ,November lath, at which former GovQ LeRoy Collins was to be the fea- tured speaker; also that a Ladies Committee was being organizedQ ., , BEAUTIFICATION EXHIBIT - CLEARWATER - The Planner informed the L Board that Don Williams was serving as Exhibits Chairman. Upon sug- gestion made by Mr. Wolle at this time, Mr. Kruse agreed to initiate '-"'II,!}>' arrangements for a Clearwater beauti.fication exhibit with the as- sistance of some members of the Planning Board" ...' ',' ,. ,.,~.f r). ,.,...' ',' .' , ' " , PF.Z Bd. Minutes lO/ll/66 Page #3 KRUSE'S CRUISE - FOCUS ON SPAIN - MI~. Kruse gave a most in- L ~ J teresting and enjoyable showing of slides of his recent tour of England, Holland, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, f~ance and Spain. Especially of scenic beauty'~ere views of gar- dens and fountains of the Villa Borghese near Rome and those show- ing the Moorish type architectural features of buildings in the SpaniSh cities of , Barcelona, Granada. Seville, and Madrido Planning literature was distributedo The meeting was adjourned at 4:55 Po M6 Respectfully submitted, i .,r ; I j 1 " i I I ., , ~ '; f ,~