09/13/1966 ..'; :.~ ~. I....: .' :,:.,;, '; "'_::i: f : ..,'.: ;1' :;.... '. .... -: :':": :',~'; :.~., ::.J.> ': '.; :'::~'.\.,.' ::'.\: ,'. :',1,.,'..; t.: II; '..'''.:'..> .....::,.: . ;'4"'. ~~. . '. ' ',..: "'. I.:':: : \".:.' ;..... ,1\:..,.,: .:(1' :.:,: ,', : '.' ',' :'. : ';::: \',' ::. :.:. ~,.;,~ ..: "~',' .!:., ,::..,:. ~, ,':' 'j':: ,', ,J.':.,' :.'" I,:: ~r' ,.......... THE PI~^NNING AND ZONING BOARD Minutes of the Meating. Tuesday, September 13, 1966. Present at 3;30 p~ M. when the meeting was called to order by the Vice-Chairman, Hr. Reade, were Members Swan, Mylander, Butler and Williams, Mr. Rettig of the Engineering Department, and. Mr. Wolle. It was acknowledged that Mrs. Hall, Board Secretary, was on vaca- tion. " REQUEST FOR ZONING CHANGE: Parcel ownerships of E. H. Ashley and W. S. Holley located east of Greenwood Ave. between a point approximately 117.5 feet so. of Jeffords Junction and a point 470 feet so. of said junction. (R_l~ to "B", Business) request 2-11-966, reading the ap- The Vice Chairman presented plication. The Planner explained the land use and zoning in the area citing the zoning history of the shopping center site and relating previous recommendations made by the Board concerning the uses on Greenwood. Mr. Swan and Mr. Butler of the Zoning Committee stated ....... members had visited the area and with some discussion r~commended to the Board denial of the request based on the following: l~ - There was adequate "Bit zoning for use by the shopping cen- ter; that the R-4 zoning permitted parking usage of the property, as it abutted the center. REQUEST FOR ZONING CHANGE: Sunset Lake Estates, Uni t5 1, 2 and 3 '.'.-"" (R-IE to R-1C) The Vice Chairman presented request Z-12-966, reading the applica- tion. The Planner explained the request, described the area, and , !.,' , ~ ;", l;i 'r"'- ,........ , , .~. / '. "_/' ': P6Z.Bd. Minutes 9/13/66 Pap,e "2 pointed out the extent of the representation of owners on the pe- tition. This was shown 'graphically on the plat. There was some dis- cussion bringing out the following points: 1. - In most cases BO% of the ownerships on the streets were represented by petition. 2. - The higher zoning classification requested reflects standards established in deed restrictions and in past building. 3. - The developer-owner of a substantial number of ' vacant lots joined in the request. The Zoning Committee recommended approval. Motion was made~ secondedj and passed un~njmously that the recommendation of.the ~mmittee be acqe~ted and a22roved. TRAVEL TRAILER PARK - STANDARDS AND ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS - STUDY PRoPosAL - The Planner stated that the city had received inquiry regarding the ,establishment of parks for camping trailers and travel trailers. This initiated the collection of material on the design, operation, and control of Travel Traile~ Parks. The County was consulted, hav- ing recently made studies in preparation of a Travel Trailer Section for its zoning ordinance. Mr. Wolle further explained some re- ,suIts of these County studies. He then summarized his views and ap- proach to Travel Park control as follows: 1. - Not establishing a separate zone for this use. 2. - Incorporate Travel Park as a permitted use in the busi- ness zones except SC and PRSu 3. - Incorporate Travel Park as u special exception (B/A/A ap- proval) in the R-M and MH Zones. ~. - Establish criteria and standards for design and development (street-utility-traffic) of facilities of a Travel Park as a separate section in the zoning ordinance. 5. - Refer building, engineering & utility specification re- quirements to codes used by these departments. I " .. :.~ i";' ..; , " !. ,I ,,' '. , . ' ; ;, ~. '~ . '~ T { . <,' '. , ~ . . ' , I ", J " -, P&Z Bd. Minutes Page #3 9/13/66 ~_motion the Planner received agreement to ~rocecd to pre~ar~.~re: li~i~ary ordinance amendments baaed on this approach - copies ,to ~ available for disc~ion ana aC!~9n at the next meeting. Planning literature was aistributed. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 P. M. Respectfully submitted, ',Q#w~ .' ,0 " ' '.. " ,n '/ " ,