05/10/1966 ,'/ ~' . ' I ,< ; ':, : :, ,\ " ,': ': .\ '. ::: ..:, ~',' ;~,: \:' ~ ,~":; I:; : ~ c" ~" .. ~.: ,j j ~:. , ,": .:..: .': ';'), ~ ' ~: ,i /: l:,:,~ 1: ~,: I :~:. ..... ':' ,}. ,I " ~' .://..\ I :/; . l :: ~ 'I '1:; ,;. '. ~ ~ ;r,'':: ~"". '.,: . '~, ~:-:' .:. ::".' ,; ':: 'J' ,...:.f.: I:': '.:: ~'l:. ::, -: =:', \':.:' ~ :'; . . t.' .':., i .~ ~'::''''',' :.-.~ .' ",., > . : :'," '~;" :. ~~. " r---. THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD // t/ Minutes of the Meeting, Tuesday, May'10, 1966 >~.___............~.______......... o/lI . -----..-.--.------ The meeting was called to order at 3:00 Pu M. by the Chairman, Mr. Kruse. Present to/ere Members t'1ylander, Butler, Iley, Reade Williams and Galloway, Mro Rettig of the Engineering Department, and Mr. Wolle~ The-minutes of the meeting of April 26.,1966, were approved as submitted in written summation to each member. ACREAGE DEVELOPMENT - ANNEXATION REQUEST - PL^N AND ZONING -. - ROTENQtR~ - E~St Stnt B~LcAER RD t~ ACRE MbL) - Some preliminary discussion was held to orient members with above request and site location, described as south of Beve~ly Terrace Sub- division and adjoining on the south the business center (in the County) which extends to the northeast corner of Nursery Road and Belcher Road. Photo map of the area was studied together with a . ~"'.", submitted preliminary plan (in color) of area (10 acre tract) pro- posed to be annexed representative of split PRS and "BII zone (for frontage on Belcher Road to a depth of approximately 350 ft.) and R-I~ zone for proposed apartment development on the rear (easterly 310 ft. portion). Print of above mentioned plan in color is made of record in the Planning Office. Mr. Wolle explained the plan based on his discussion with the Developer, Mr. Charles Rutenberg, and developer' s engineer. -. Some in formation obta ined was that is was planned to have all apartment buildinRs 2-story (2 with 20 units x' and the remainder with 16 units--a total of 142 living units), and that the owners would be limited jn development of the project plan ,~ under a contractural agreement with the Cityo Discussion revealed that members were substantially in agreement that general business zoning should not be established in this particular location. At 3: 30 P ~ M. 11r 0 Chas. Rutenberg of Imper>ia' Homes Corp. and Mro Bill Albrecht of Johnson anG Albrecht, Engineers, met with the Board. ; ,....., -:,; ':'.: '~', :', 'I" :',", :.:' ~. I~.' .: ~\': I ',' . I .,' :. ::' .:,: , ; .::" ; .,' ': .:. ...... '. ':; \~~.', ~', ,':..,.. ~ : ~', \ (' ~, ',': '. "I"~ L., \' I, .' : ,/. .:,:. ,:.. ~ I :. : ':', . :: '; . ,>" ,:::':'. . ~,~~. .\ J . .'-. L~ ,i ;' l,. . '< ~ ~': !. ~" ,', '). ,... ',':;. ~. "', :",~: ':. :;. ,+ . " ?ll ~': .' ~..:: : ,', . " :', . ,~/" / . '.' ",_ :, :..; ,~ P&Z Ed. Minutes 5/10/66 Page 112 Mr. Rutenberg presented his request for annexation zoning of the subject tract and explained the usage intended to be within the zoning requested. Various questions from members were answered concerning matters such as quality of construction and dimensions of buildings planned, basis of apartment occupan6y,parking facilities to be provided, expected tenancy of the PRS and Business build- ings, and availability of city utilities to the tract. In reply io questioning as to whether the project would be economically feasi- ble if he was to limit.his zoning to PRS and R-4, Mr. Rutenberg ~tated that he couldntt answer th~t question; as they have never built an office building before and did not have past experience on ~I ,. , which to forecast a time table for commercial occupancy to be ac- ' " . .?'......" . \.-,,' complished. At 4:15 P. Mg, applicants were thanked. for their attendance , and retired from the meeting. After. further review and discussion, the following, tJlotion was E~ssed unanimously: "That the Board recommend approval for annexation with R-4 and PRS zoning only and no Ousiness zoning. The reason for denial of Business zoning is because there is already a hu~i- ness zone across Belcher to the southwest and also a business .,"w zoned area adjoining this tract to the south, fronting on the east side of Belcher Road. These areas together the Board regards as providing adequate business zoning to serve this localityu Also the granting of this business zoning at this lo6ation ~ould be a precedent for further extension of business '. ~ .' , zoning to the south and establishment of II nil 7.oninp, near other R-l zones in this area. IT :\, . . '. ,'l./ .I '~ '..."..J , ' P&7. Bd. Minutes 5/10/66 P,age H 3 Advertising on Litter Boxe?:..~9Don~ld MRT;u Se~v~s~s~ Inc. .. F W At 4:35 P. M. Mrs. Fae McDonald and her sister, Mrs. Jane ~organ, met with the Board. Chairman Kruse read for the record letter to'the Planning and Zoning Board from McDonald Mgt~ Services, Inc~, signed by Fae Mc- Donald, Vice President, confirming her request made earlier to Mr. Wolle for further discussion concerning a permit to install the "Litter- Castles of America" in various places in. Clearwater. Mrs. McDonald outlined a contemplated program of leasing of boxed enclosures to house waste receptacles, the sides of which would be utilized for .painted panel-type advertising signs. After hearing details of the proposed operation, Mrs. McDonald agreed with request made to deliver for further Board review another more complete design drawing of their . , 30. gal size castle~ She advised that a sample Litter-Caster would soon be availabl~ for inspectionQ She was informed by Chairman Kruse' that the Board's concern with the proposal would involve the use of these castles from a s~gn standpoint and 'that this sign use would have to be analyzed in reference to the City's sign ordinance. At 5:00 P. M. Mrs. McDonald and Mrs. Morgan retired from the meeting. . ,-,Agenda Items 113, Service Station Ordinance-Discussion, and !!!.~ Planned Unit Development - Discussion, ~;e not covered due to a time limitation. The meeting \llas adj ouz"ned at 5: 0 5 P. M. Respectfully submitted, s,w~ I. Wolle, Sec y Planner